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Here is what I have to say about my experience

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posted on May, 22 2013 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by dplum517

• Firefighting
• Oil Spill Containment
• Weather Modification
• Biochemical Decontamination

All's capable of these things.
But so far, it's only been used for firefighting.
...they have ONE supertanker.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by OutonaLimb
Chemtrails In 1949. You've gotta see this!.

this is what they don't want you concerning your pretty little head about!

Um, so why is it on the internet for a few billion people to see

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by D3AD537
reply to post by InhaleExhale

The reason I mentioned the Hutchison effect is because that deals with a great amount with frequencies, vibrations, and tones. there are people doing this stuff at home...but you don't believe tptb do not know how to do this either. What most people don't realize is thats what HAARP is...a machin that emits frequencies, vibrations, and tones. If you research on that...Ancients knew this as well. Look it up yourself. Where do you think monks had the story of meditating and chanting and sometimes the would levitate and fly. Study ancient cultures and add up everything. Is that what itll take is me doing this for arent able to do it yourself??


The hutchison effect uses high voltage creating magnetic fields as I understand it.

Please then explain to us if you are so read up on "frequencies" and "Vibrations" what they are?

How the ancients are connected to Harrp? What ties everything together as you propose?

I have done what you propose, however I wanted to understand what I was researching and after I have come to an understanding I look at what you post and scratch my head because you are mixing and matching various conspiracy theories to get a factual view of reality when in fact none of these theories are proven to be real and have extremely too much speculation and delusional surrounding them now to ever get a definitive answer from whats available online. However you seem to be convinced, good for you, we are convinced at one time or another.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by dplum517

It's like flies on sh*%.

And there you are buzzing with the rest of us

You debunkers need a new life/job.

Oh that's not nice about the life bit, don't project your own unfortunate life on others it will only hurt you more and create more misfortune.

I thought their/our job was to debunk and we are getting paid by choose your alphabet agency

edit on 22-5-2013 by InhaleExhale because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by D3AD537

Since you see them all the time, could you please take a post a video?

So we can all see what you are seeing?


posted on May, 22 2013 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by TheMagus

In case you didn't know this is what those tanks are in...

and these are the nozzles that go with those tanks...

Now one question for you... Do those nozzles look like their making anything close to what a chemtrail is supposed to look like?

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by dplum517

You jump on the picture of tanks inside the plane with the patent number and say it's for firefighting!

That is what they are for..

Here enjoy the article and pictures....

It says "materials." Not water or fire retardant but Materials. Geee, that must mean it can have several uses especially when a "service" provided by the Supertanker is that of Weather Modification, as show on Evergreen's own site.

Why did you not mention this part...

Evergreen is studying other applications for the Supertanker. Oil spill containment, chemical decontamination and weather modification are all potential markets for this aircraft.

Potential markets....Keyword Potential..

You know what weather modification is, correct?

Interesting there is a company that performs weather modifications...

Weather Modification has been happening for over 50 yrs, so that isn't something the secret worldwide chemtrail cartel can deny.

And we all know chemtrails haven't been around that long...

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by waynos

I understand where you're coming from. I really do. I didnt stumble upon this from some internet site, let alone the internet. I looked up and saw..researched contrails because thats what i first thought they were. then i found something that contradicted it being contrails. So i started thinking. well if its not happening..why are they teaching kids nowadays its normal where as before when it started happening they didnt really know what to say to the public about it and they werent teaching kids back then that it was normal until just recently. Now government science is being contradicted by the publics science and vise-versa. Im not saying i know what im talking about. im saying what i see is different from what tptb are telling me.

For example
the government says "there are no alien space crafts thats impossible or aliens dont exist for that matter" but everyone is seeing something different from what tptb try and tell us. If aliens don't exist to them or the space craft some ask "okay if that isnt true..are you running some kind of new craft we dont know about?" how do tptb respond..."No not at all". Then people wonder "okaay if its not aliens or a new government craft...what is it then??"

The same goes with issue...I see planes dump this stuff on us and then artificial clouds form and then the weather comes from those clouds like rain all the way up to snow and thunderstorms. I've researched both sides and they both contradict each other. So what makes your "40 years of research and study" ( no offense) any different then what everybody else has been saying on both sides. Im very neutral on the matter at hand. I dont believe that it is "chemtrails" or believe they are "contrails" but i believe in what i see. And what i see is artificial clouds being made and artificial weather being produced from these clouds.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by TheMagus

If you post something, expect the posting to be correctly labeled. Posting a smoke screen was a disingenuous act, indicative of grasping at straws.

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by D3AD537

They have drunk the C.D. flavoured koolaid and now require the men in suits and lab coats to do their thinking and observing for them, empirically derived evidence and/or knowledge is "bunkum" without an official stamp of approval

Originally posted by totallackey
reply to post by TheMagus

If you post something, expect the posting to be correctly labeled. Posting a smoke screen was a disingenuous act, indicative of grasping at straws.

when you post a reply, make sure to carefully read what you're replying to.

i have posted nothing regarding you and your cohorts specialty.

but thanks for the bump, I'm sure OP appreciates it

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by D3AD537

The same goes with issue...I see planes dump this stuff on us and then artificial clouds form and then the weather comes from those clouds like rain all the way up to snow and thunderstorms. I've researched both sides and they both contradict each other. So what makes your "40 years of research and study" ( no offense) any different then what everybody else has been saying on both sides. Im very neutral on the matter at hand. I dont believe that it is "chemtrails" or believe they are "contrails" but i believe in what i see. And what i see is artificial clouds being made and artificial weather being produced from them

What your description resembles, to me, is a perfectly normal result of an approaching weather front, bringing with it highter humidity levels. When this occurs firstly the contrails become persistent and spread, resulting in reports of increased aircraft numbers and spraying, then clouds and storms can follow, but it is the approaching weather front that caused trails to become highly visible, not the other way round.

This is my observation, and I did not see what you saw, but I have verified my observation by following the weather reports and noting the regular scheduled flights were the same at all times, whether they were daily, weekly or whatever frequency, they were there when there were no persistent trails and I tracked those same flights on those same schedules when they drew grids that spread across the sky. These persisting spreading grids coincided with approaching weather fronts and sometimes it rained afterwards and sometimes it did not. Normal weather, over which the planes had no measurable impact. People did say to me there were 'more planes in the sky than usual' though, on these days, which is exactly what we see people claim on here, when I already knew there weren't. My contrail observation thread gives a taster of a small part of this if you would care to read it.

I am not trying to convince you or tell you to abandon what you believe to be true. I dont just anyones word at face value and wouldnt expect you to take mine. But i do like a reasoned discussion that can include all viewpoints without becoming nasty and personal. I am simply telling you what I saw. If you wish to conduct a similar study for yourself in your own part of the world that would be great, unless you already did it? Is there a chance that what you observed was the same as I just described, or did you already determine somehow that it wasn't?

If we only agree to disagree I still think a thread where both views are posted in a calm and civil manner is worth it.

edit on 22-5-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2013 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by D3AD537
reply to post by waynos

For example
the government says "there are no alien space crafts thats impossible or aliens dont exist for that matter" but everyone is seeing something different from what tptb try and tell us. If aliens don't exist to them or the space craft some ask "okay if that isnt true..are you running some kind of new craft we dont know about?" how do tptb respond..."No not at all". Then people wonder "okaay if its not aliens or a new government craft...what is it then??"

I've always thought that "I/We don't know" is a perfectly reasonable response where it is true.

There is no need to make up explanations when you don't know something,

The same goes with issue...I see planes dump this stuff on us and then artificial clouds form and then the weather comes from those clouds like rain all the way up to snow and thunderstorms. I've researched both sides and they both contradict each other. So what makes your "40 years of research and study" ( no offense) any different then what everybody else has been saying on both sides. Im very neutral on the matter at hand. I dont believe that it is "chemtrails" or believe they are "contrails" but i believe in what i see. And what i see is artificial clouds being made and artificial weather being produced from these clouds.

How do you define "artificial", and how do you know it applies to these clouds and weather?

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by waynos

Definitely. Maybe the better question would be, "What tests did you run so I can do the same here?" Everything on either side contradicts one another every time. I understand and know you're not trying to get me to see it your way or vise - versa. Just do thorough research. But, at the same time, I don't necessarily believe government scientists every time they say anything to be true. I'm not about to agree to disagree because that'll get us no where, though sometimes outside of this issue, it may be necessary. I want to get to the bottom of this and i have time. it would be better for us to gather up everything we can find about this and put it all together.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 12:08 AM

Made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, typically as a copy of something natural: "artificial light".
Not existing naturally; contrived or false: "the artificial division of people into age groups".

factitious - false - unnatural - affected - man-made

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by D3AD537

What was it you found that convinced you they weren't contrails?

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by D3AD537

In my case I decided it wasn't realistic to try and spot every single plane every day and so I picked a consistent and convenient 2 hour spell. This would give me a wide overview of traffic and weather conditions that I could observe on a daily basis for as long as I needed to covering all possible conditions and variations. In this case it was 9-11am before work.

Each day I would check the weather forecast (also for several days ahead to monitor any changes there) and also, importantly, the actual readings for the day in question. I could get the actual atmospheric readings for Nottingham, a 30 minute drive from me, which isn't ideal, but was close enough for a comparison over time.

For aircraft I used the FR24 iPad app, which is more detailed than the phone version, and my camera, a canon EOS 60D which was fitted with a 300mm lens. This allowed me to not only photograph the results of the trails, but also zoom-crop into the actual aircraft for visual confirmation of what the app was telling me. For future reference and cross checking I copied the flight data from the app into the photos exif data.

Obviously on completely overcast days there was no opportunity to use the camera, but FR24 still showed the flights on the same routes above the clouds. Another result of my observations was confirmation that when planes left no trails at all, they were always much lower than the ones that do. This is covered in a later post in my thread and is apposite to claims that chemtrails are low level and also, seperately,that people know when traffic has increased because they can see every plane that flies over them. When I have tried to point out to some people how hard it is to actually spot a plane in the sky, even with an app telling me exactly where it is, without there being a contrail pointing to it, I was summarily dismissed

You may be able to replicate or adapt this method yourself, or evn come up with something better.

Believe me if I had spotted something that didn't add up I would have been all over it on here because I went to a lot of trouble.

Edit to add, this is the thread, but it only contains a small part of what was observed because there are over 1000 images of 20mb size, I posted only the ones relevant to the point I was making at 20% of their actual size, . I intend to add to it with future observations if I think they are worthwhile or can offer a potential explanation to someone's questions (see for example the 'negative contrail' question in there.
edit on 23-5-2013 by waynos because: Add link

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by D3AD537

Made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, typically as a copy of something natural: "artificial light".
Not existing naturally; contrived or false: "the artificial division of people into age groups".

factitious - false - unnatural - affected - man-made

OK - so contrails are definitely artificial clouds - no argument there. But the spreading of them is a completely natural phenomena, and the clouds that form from contrails do not make rain - they are at high altitude, and are cirrus - any precipitation from them sublimates or evaporates long before it comes to eth ground. Rain comes from lower levels in the atmosphere.

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Rain comes from lower levels in the atmosphere.

Your right, but when you add HAARP to the mix lookout apocalypse weather on the way...

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

You're correct, But in my case in New Mexico, I and many others have witnessed the trails produce rain,snow and thunder/lighting storms. That's where I'm stuck at. When we witnessed this, I did not have a camera or video recorder at the time, now I do and I'm getting everything I need together to capture this and more. Even still to this day we can look up,see them being made, and produce what I've been talking about.

I know as of now it may seem "fishy" to few because I don't have a pic or vid yet, you must give me some time to get things going. Im not some politician or government scientist who has everything they need to determine whether or not this is actually happening. Patience is the key. I'm just as anxious as anyone to get to the bottom of this. We must work together

posted on May, 23 2013 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by D3AD537

Contrails don't produce weather, weather produces contrails. Contrails tend to form and persist when weather conditions are right, usually ahead of a front that has the potential to produce a storm.

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