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Mark Kelly Warns: Don't filibuster gun control

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posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by eXia7

Yeah, it would be nice if all of these politicians had to submit a mental health evaluation quarterly, I wouldn't oppose this kind of measure. Mental health is a huge issue here, and like you said, doctors just push drugs for big pharma.

Beside mental heath checks, our politicians (all the way to the White House) and judiciary should be drug/alcohol-checked monthly.

That alone would make 50% ineligible to be in office.

One thing to note: We should be very careful about the left-right paradigm. Rand Paul stood up to be counted for Monsanto. Can there be a more important issue than corporations being allowed to quite literally poison our food supply?

edit on 2-4-2013 by EricR because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 08:07 AM
Mark Kelly - Just another 2-faced shill.

I nop longer believe anything that comes out of his mouth

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by seeker1963

You couldn't be more right... right after Sandy Hook I posted a thread titled "What's the difference between a kindergartner and an aborted baby?.... 6 years" with the intent of pointing out the very hypocrisy that you mention. Needless to say that the thread disapeared right after I posted it... I guess it would have hurt people's feelings, and we can't have that now can we.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Tw0Sides

Originally posted by neo96

Really someone explain it to me?
I'll try, but not sure if you will Grasp the Concept.

There are a Lot of Americans walking around who are a Few Nuggets short of a Six-pack.
Background checks will help stop some of these folks from attaining Firearms.
Is it Foolproof , of course not, But it will some some of them.
Of course we could go the other Route, and Ban all Firearm Sales.
Would that suit you better.
Heroin is totally banned.
How's that working???

Duh, we'll just pass another law, that will fix everything!

Please tell me, do you think that a lot of drug dealers make their customers go through a Federal background check?

Do the drug dealers check ID's for a minimum age on their customers?

Do they ask their customers if they have all their marbles?
Guess what, it is already illegal for felons to possess firearms. Does that stop them? Of course not! Why doesn't it? Because people break laws..... in order to make money. It is called a black market.

The CRIMINALS in the halls of Congress should have gotten a plan together a long time ago to fix our economy. It's too late now. They figure they better take our guns so we can't use them on the real 'bad guys'... the politicians that put us where we are today.
edit on 2-4-2013 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:29 AM
Mark Kelly can go to hell.... Prancing his sick wife around for gun control, showing her off
as a show piece!!!

I had respect for this man but NO MORE...

Anyone willing to do this is probably paid off for TPTB, it makes Jarred Laughner look like
MKultra all over again..

Mark Kelly needs to shut his big mouth, nothing he is promoting would of stopped
what happened to his wife... Seeking justice on the law abiding American citizen is just senseless.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Tw0Sides

Well with all the nut jobs running around am I suppose to rely on the Police to come help 45 minutes later after my wife and kids are murdered?

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
Dont filibuster or?

Kelley will straw purchase a few more AR's and sick his dog on another baby seal?

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

Ah darn it. You beat me to it - you took the words out of my mouth. Great minds think alike.

& this Mark Kelly weasel was able to work for NASA? Reminds me of the diaper wearing, all night driving, caught in a love triangle & wanted to murder astronaut. What was her name? NASA is hiring a few beauts lately.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:30 AM
That a boy Kelly, use your wife as a springboard to a run for some political office.

Just another progressive shill using the dead and injurd to achieve an agenda.

Carry on Captain, your country is proud of you. No doubt you are one of the military types that has indicated that you will kill your own people when asked.

Who would of thought that such a man of your past record and stature would become an Obama lacky...............well done.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by buster2010

Originally posted by neo96
It needs to be filbusted why does a person need to ask permission to own a firearm?

Really someone explain it to me?

Background check did not stop the Newton shooter, Didn't stop the Columbine shooters.

So again why?

So you think that it would be ok for someone to walk out of prison and be able to buy a gun?

They already do and have done so since gun control laws were written.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 07:36 PM
The real issue is the enhanced background checks. What will they be looking for? If you went to a counselor once will you be considered mentally ill. Will people considered anti government not allowed to buy weapons. Who decides what prevents you from buying a firearms. These guys barking for enhanced background checks are looking for an in, an in to taking away your rights. I have never owned a gun in my life, but now I am thinking about learning to shot. I love the line in Men in Black. "You can have my gun when you pry it from my dead hand." "Terms accepted!"

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by seeker1963

You mean SOME on the progressive left.

ATS is quickly devolving into nothing but a site full of gun enthusiasts repeating Foxaganda ad nauseum, fouling up the purpose of this place, which is to deny ignorance.

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by eXia7

OHHH I so agree with you on that point. I think we may get an approval rating of 10% or less if they were tested in that manner. Great point!

posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 10:20 PM
So the background check/universal background check explained for those who still don't get it.

In this country a person is presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law, in front of a judge, and jury well not so fast.

Gun owners your are universally guilty and have to prove your innocence each and every time you buy a gun.

Of course that is the court of public opinion,

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
reply to post by seeker1963

You mean SOME on the progressive left.

ATS is quickly devolving into nothing but a site full of gun enthusiasts repeating Foxaganda ad nauseum, fouling up the purpose of this place, which is to deny ignorance.

So pick up your toys and go home.

At least thats what they told me when I mentioned that ATS was turning into an atheist circle jerk.

As far as ignorance goes, I think denying law abiding citizens the right to buy and own/carry firearms, without having to jump through hoops, is pretty ignorant to me. Why should the majority be punished for the irresponsible actions of a vast minority.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 12:51 AM
i hang out in other online communities. mostly game communities with younger users (12-20)
they discuss real world issues every now and then in the forums.

i am getting very tired of seeing the opinions that background checking people to stop the mentally ill will stop killings.
in most cases, a person isnt diagnosed with a mental problem UNTIL they are arrested for the crime they already committed.
but msm is selling everyone on the idea that crazies are all just registered and in the open, and they are so easy to cut out of the background check process.

all the government needs to do is add legislation that says something vague like "anyone who has ever taken mind altering drugs" are to dangerous to own guns.
and bam. there goes 80% of american's gun rights. even when you had your adhd problem back in elementary school, or some simple bi polar disorder.

people shouldnt let the government have the power to define what crazy is... because there will never be a line.
edit on 3-4-2013 by Bisman because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2013 by Bisman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by Nicks87

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
reply to post by seeker1963

You mean SOME on the progressive left.

ATS is quickly devolving into nothing but a site full of gun enthusiasts repeating Foxaganda ad nauseum, fouling up the purpose of this place, which is to deny ignorance.

So pick up your toys and go home.

At least thats what they told me when I mentioned that ATS was turning into an atheist circle jerk.

As far as ignorance goes, I think denying law abiding citizens the right to buy and own/carry firearms, without having to jump through hoops, is pretty ignorant to me. Why should the majority be punished for the irresponsible actions of a vast minority.

So why didn't you pick up your toys and went home?

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by Bisman

I sure hope there aren't any guns in the home of mark and gabby - she's brain-damaged! No telling what she's capable of doing with a loaded gun.

What kind of psych meds is she on now? I think the public has a right to know.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 03:35 AM
Didn't his dog just attack a Federally protected sealion?

Seems the family dog has committed more crimes than most guns.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Nicks87

I refuse to sit here and watch ATS become the propaganda wing of the NRA.

That's not what it was EVER about.

I will keep my toys where they are until people like you find another venue to spout your pro-gun nonsense.

I mean, what happened to this place? Even Fragile Earth isn't immune from the AGW denier bull#.

posted on Apr, 3 2013 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by VaterOrlaag
reply to post by Nicks87

I refuse to sit here and watch ATS become the propaganda wing of the NRA.

That's not what it was EVER about.

I will keep my toys where they are until people like you find another venue to spout your pro-gun nonsense.

I mean, what happened to this place? Even Fragile Earth isn't immune from the AGW denier bull#.

This is an open forum, used for all types of discussion. It just so happens that ATS has a lot of pro gun supporters, and we use this board for open discussion. ATS is forum based on user generated content, so it's up to users to discuss the topics they feel should be addressed, if you don't like gun threads, then by all means open up alternative topics for discussion, if it's interesting enough I may chime in..

Get used to it, Americans like to debate the constitution, and guns happen to be part of it.

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