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My most EPIC thread, ignore at your own peril!!

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posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:00 PM
Okay so basically I'm going to hopefully spur some excitement for the not too distant future! I'm going to do it with some poop and some cells... Fuel cells that is... I really need to stress how cool this is going to be, now hold on tight and please follow the links to see why we can all relax on the energy front...

Some of these may or may not have been posted in the past but I really think it needs to be brought together in one awesome thread of methane rich droppings...

Soon, cars to run on human waste?

WELLINGTON: Cars that run on a by-product of human sewage could replace petrol vehicles within a span of three years, according to a report. A car manufacturer in Japan is backing a consortium which is investigating a process that turns sewage sludge into hydrogen for use in fuel-cell vehicles.

Microbial Fuel Cell Latrine Promises Sanitation, Power

Microbial fuel cells are a variant of hydrogen fuel cells. These energy systems use bacteria to consume organic waste and produce methane or hydrogen gas. The gases produced by the bacteria are then used in the fuel cell to generate electricity. Microbial fuel cells are often hailed for their ability to address two issues at once — energy and waste — and do so efficiently. There may be a way to make the energy systems even more efficient than they currently are, however, which may also make them more attractive for commercial use.

Microsoft is Full of "It" -- Feces-Derived Biogas That Is

Smelling a sweet idea, Microsoft plans to do exactly that with its 300 kW cell. The installation, which also serves as a test of Microsoft's latest modular data centers, will consume 200 kW, feeding the remaining third of the generating capacity to power and heat the wastewater plant.

The sweet smell of clean energy: New toilet turns your waste into 'odourless' gas for cooking

It may not be an appetising thought when you're putting the dinner on - but a new loo turns human waste into fuel. The 'No Mix Vacuum Toilet' is an aeroplane-style vacuum toilet which splits waste into solids and liquids. Liquid waste is processed for chemicals such as phosophorous for fertilisers. Solid waste is processed in a bioreactor to create 'biogas' - a methane-rich gas which is, the scientists promise, odourless and safe for cooking.

Waste water harnessed to make electricity and plastics

TREATING waste water is energy intensive. In the US, it sucks up the equivalent output of four of the country's biggest power plants every year. But it needn't be such a drain on resources - soon it might be able to earn its keep. A team led by Hong Liu from Oregon State University in Corvallis has plans for microbial fuel cells that will reclaim energy from waste water and produce around 2.87 watts per litre of waste water. That is almost double the amount of electrical power usual for such a cell.

Now these are amazing if you ask me! This is such a step in the right direction! Actually working WITH nature for a change!
Now I am not a global warming believer at all, but this could save us lots of money in the long run and could even be a step towards independence when you look at the next items of interest...

Launch of New 'Ene-Farm' Home Fuel Cell Product More Affordable and Easier to Install

The price of the new product will be 1,995,000 yen (with the standard backup heat source; including tax; excluding installation fee). This is about 760,000 yen less than the recommended retail price of the "Ene-Farm" model currently on the market, made possible by a reduction in the number of components. The new product also achieved an overall efficiency of 95.0% (LHV)*3 - the world's highest*4. It is the first time that the recommended retail price of an "Ene-Farm" product in Japan has been less than 2 million yen.

Japan aims its home fuel cells at Europe

This is from 2010! Did you know?

With over 5,000 fuel cells providing heat and energy for conventional homes up and down Japan, the BBC has learnt that companies such as electronics giant Panasonic are in talks with EU governments about the possibility of bringing these proven energy and carbon-saving devices to market in Europe and elsewhere.

That figure for japan is 22,000 now I believe! Seems they are catching on! But can you imagine this hooked up to your own methane source?

There is also this that I just found...

This Fuel Cell Keeps Running Even When It’s Out Of Fuel

Science This Fuel Cell Keeps Running Even When It’s Out Of Fuel Jamie Condliffe 4 July, 2012 2:00 AM Share Discuss Bookmark Fuel cells are amazing things, but just like any portable energy source, they occasionally need topping up with juice. This one, however, can keep on going even when it runs out of fuel. What kind of sorcery is this? In fact, this is a new solid-oxide fuel cell (SOFC) developed at Harvard that converts hydrogen into electricity. But along the way, it also creates energy which it can store away, a little like a battery.

Very interesting! The end of batteries?

And there is this to show the scalability...

Fuel Cell USB Charger Resurrects Your Dead Phone Up To 14 Times

We’ve been promised an exciting future with gadgets perpetually powered by magical fuel cells, and a company called Lilliputian Systems is taking the first steps towards tomorrow with its fuel cell-based USB charger that will soon be available from Brookstone.

I see people all the time complaining about fuel costs etc, well here is how we can overcome it... I mean, really we are already, even if we are doing it rather quietly for some reason.... There is much much more too but now I have run out of room and I think that is quite enough reading for one night...

Oh and here is something to watch...

The future is bright... Brown... Good night...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:24 PM
Just when you thought this was a stupid invention

Long road trips can be a pain, literally, since bathrooms are usually very hard to find in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately (or unfortunately), a Chinese company has developed a car seat that comes with a built-in toilet / urinal. However, we're not quite sure where the waste gets stored since there appears to be some kind of filtration system in place as well. Continue reading for more pictures.


edit on 19-1-2013 by Mamatus because: gwammer and speeeeling

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by Mamatus

LOL I don't believe you will actually be pooping into your car!
More using the hydrogen from the poop and filling your car with that... But that is a funny pic so thanks for sharing...

Am I to believe that you are not confident in the potential of poop? Even with the mountain of excreme.. I mean evidence I've provided? Would you like to see more?

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:33 PM
Thanks for all the topics there and the links.

I haven't look at them all, but the one I did look at.. The Ene Farm, for about 2 million yen.

2000000 Japanese Yen equals
$22212.40 US Dollars at the moment.

The unit is currently rated at 200 watts to 750 watts.
Seems a bit small....

Though 750 watts x 24 hours is 18 KW hours a day.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by DaRAGE

That particular one is small but these systems are completely scalable, here check out a 1MW setup...

That enough for you? You can get 30 kw ones 50, 4 all sorts... The one I picked was an example but 750watts is still very usable and you are completely ignore the hot water and the heating...

You are complaining about 22,000 dollars?

This TV is 38,000! Samsung's 85-inch 4K TV gets predictably eye-watering price tag

You will make that money back and remember the price is always dropping! Early adopters always pay more... It is the way...

Oh and also remember that these can be hooked up to battery banks! Power problem solved!

Edit: Here this one is 5kw, not sure on the price but I guess it is more than the ene, that is why I put that one because there is a price and it is very reasonable.

ClearEdge 5 - Home Fuel Cell
edit on 19-1-2013 by mee30 because: (no reason given)

Edit: One more thing, there are also feed in tariffs that you can take advantage of, probably tax breaks too.
edit on 19-1-2013 by mee30 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by mee30
reply to post by Mamatus

LOL I don't believe you will actually be pooping into your car!
More using the hydrogen from the poop and filling your car with that... But that is a funny pic so thanks for sharing...

Am I to believe that you are not confident in the potential of poop? Even with the mountain of excreme.. I mean evidence I've provided? Would you like to see more?

Poop is one thing I am very confident in! I gave you a SnF for the post. It is technology that will become available eventually. But just like anything else, it won't be "viable" until the people that control the oil also control the poop...........

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:47 PM
Very exciting advances, thanks for bringing this to my attention all in one easy to read post.

Now I just have to wait for the free-market to catch on here in the states. If it doesn't make a large profit it won't replace current technology it seems.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:53 PM
We will soon be able to buy a rechargeable water powered battery. Alternative energy is there, but there are still good odds that big companies can afford to keep these things down....we'll see

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Mamatus

Poop is one thing I am very confident in! I gave you a SnF for the post. It is technology that will become available eventually. But just like anything else, it won't be "viable" until the people that control the oil also control the poop...........

Cheers dude... It honestly baffles my brain how people are not clambering to get hold of these! But they will buy an expensive car! Or go on expensive holidays etc...

The thing is it is pretty easy to collect methane... Look at this guys setup...

Pretty sweet, and there are loads of different setups, even put it underground... Also these fuel cells like the ene can run on multiple fuels including biogas so there is not much the energy companies can do about it... The tech is there, just up to us to use it.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Nerosellis

Very exciting advances, thanks for bringing this to my attention all in one easy to read post. Now I just have to wait for the free-market to catch on here in the states. If it doesn't make a large profit it won't replace current technology it seems.

Not a problem dude, glad we have finally got some excitement going, my job here is done...

Well you can buy these in the states today dude... Don't be down about it, you could have this tomorrow if you have the funds... But I would say in 5 years these things are going to be about as cheap as a conventional boiler so we will all have them eventually.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Mamatus
Just when you thought this was a stupid invention

What the hell is it with Japanese and poop?

If you can't turn it into a tasty hamburger, why not run your car off it?

That is when we're not peeing on poor octopi or getting our live crab from a vending machine in the subway.

It truly is a land where godzilla could come from...

Also I don't know about anyone else, but I can't just sit down any old where and have a read of the news paper. I've got a position. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Can't read the paper on the drivers seat.

Talk about a dip stick...

edit on 19-1-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by PutAQuarterIn

We will soon be able to buy a rechargeable water powered battery. Alternative energy is there, but there are still good odds that big companies can afford to keep these things down....we'll see

Nah it is too widespread now mate, there are quite a few companies selling these things already, how can they stop it? Google, fedex, at&t to name but a few already use these systems to varying degrees... And thanks for the link, I'll go check that out now...

Edit, sweet battery mate, shame you can only refill 5 times but I'm sure that will improve with time, pretty amazing anyway, an electric generator that small and only using water... Awesome...
edit on 19-1-2013 by mee30 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:16 PM

Originally posted by Mamatus
Just when you thought this was a stupid invention

Long road trips can be a pain, literally, since bathrooms are usually very hard to find in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately (or unfortunately), a Chinese company has developed a car seat that comes with a built-in toilet / urinal. However, we're not quite sure where the waste gets stored since there appears to be some kind of filtration system in place as well. Continue reading for more pictures.


edit on 19-1-2013 by Mamatus because: gwammer and speeeeling

Hmm dunno about this one, how would one lower the ye old undies with a set up like that? Would have to get out the car and expose yourself before getting back in to poop/pee. Wiping might also be a bit awkward and car crashes ..............yuk, I hate to think!

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by winofiend

Some how, I just can't imagine taking speed bumps and hearing the slosh slosh from the under carriage tanks of my Porta - Potty on wheels.

What if there was an accident? Galoosh! The whole interior of the car (and the occupants) could be splattered with sweet smelling effervescence.

Maybe I don't get it. Who spends that much time in their car anyway?

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:42 PM
And if you're not starting your car with it, why not give some to your wife!

Poop Transplant!

I sh!t you not

After 52 years of marriage Pat Shoop, 75, received the ultimate gift from her husband Bob: a dose of his fecal matter, a transplant that cured her of a horrible illness.

lmao. oh god...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by mee30

Also the battery is 500ma, which is not very strong. It wont be taking photos or much, at most probably a remote control battery or wall clock.

They won't be limited by the nasty powers that be, they limit themselves in the technology itself.

edit on 19-1-2013 by winofiend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by winofiend

Yes but it is a start and I'm sure they can improve on it in time... Besides with the fuel cell tech and the methane we could just charge more conventional batteries for next to nothing... Here I just watched the construction of a 500kw biomass plant... The thing with biomass is it lasts for like 5 years! Then you have some ace fertilizer too... Look at the footprint as well, I think it is pretty good and I'm sure they could do even better by going underground some... Cool video anyway...

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:09 AM
Introducing the brand new CRAPMOBILE!

17 MPC city / 23 MPC highway

$18,694 USD Retail

Comes equipped with:

"Bucket" seats
Waterproof floor mats
Hand Sanitizer Dispenser
Roof Exhaust Fan
3 year warranty on parts labor and septic

^toilet paper not included*

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by mee30
You are complaining about 22,000 dollars?

This TV is 38,000! Samsung's 85-inch 4K TV gets predictably eye-watering price tag

Ok I may have missed some things... But yes I am complaining about $22,000 dollars. I could get something like a 20k watt solar setup for $22,000.

So excuse me if i'm not wowed by a $22,000 750 watt unit.

It sounds good. But price means everything. How long would it take me to run out of $22,000 for paying electricity?

And honestly. Who would pay that much for a TV? Not me? I'm not filthy Rich. As MOST people aren't.

I actually did some calculation the other day. Worked out that one of those new 5 inch 1920 * 1080 screens for a Smart phone cost about $50. You put 100 screens together and you have yourself a 50 inch screen 19200 * 10800 resolution TV screen for $5000. Add in some plastic and computer chips to run it, you know, the normal stuff in todays TV's. And you have maybe another MAX $2000. So a $7000 50 inch TV screen at 19200 x 10800 resolution. Blows a stupid 4k telly out of the water. Want the TV bigger... The higher the resolution will be and of course the cost. But should be able to play anything at any resolution for the next 10 years.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by mee30

reminds me of mad max beyond thunder dome.

Aunty Entity: We call it Underworld. That's where Bartertown gets its energy.
Max: What, oil? Natural gas?
Aunty Entity: Pigs.
Max: You mean pigs like those?
Aunty Entity: That's right.
Max: Bull#!
Aunty Entity: No. Pig #.
Max: What?
The Collector: Pig #. The lights, the motors, the vehicles, all run by a high-powered gas called methane. And methane cometh from pig #.

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