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Manager of FPSRussia found murdered

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posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by UnmitigatedDisaster


Thankyou for posting some no-nonsense factual information about firearms, permits, types and associated licenses.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:08 AM

Interesting video posted by them a while back.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:17 AM
This. Is. Insane. I predicted it.

Look, I don't know how many people will believe me, but I was about to write a letter to him (Obviously not expecting for him to read it) and ask him if anyone in the last 3 months that was new to him as a friend tried to work with him or get in his videos or help him out at all. I actually put it in writing and said they may target someone around him or even his-self. I didn't want to sound paranoid and crazy, so I didn't send it. This is really weird.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by Vandettas
This. Is. Insane. I predicted it.

Look, I don't know how many people will believe me, but I was about to write a letter to him (Obviously not expecting for him to read it) and ask him if anyone in the last 3 months that was new to him as a friend tried to work with him or get in his videos or help him out at all. I actually put it in writing and said they may target someone around him or even his-self. I didn't want to sound paranoid and crazy, so I didn't send it. This is really weird.

I agree, this is very weird. He almost died in that one video.... He was like 1 foot from death. And now Keith dies?
edit on 9-1-2013 by PieceOfThePuzzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Ryanssuperman

That was just a trailer/information video to raise funds for a free-to-play game he is currently making.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by Vandettas
reply to post by Ryanssuperman

That was just a trailer/information video to raise funds for a free-to-play game he is currently making.

Still, it is very strange for them to release the video and Keith dying in the same way(supposedly).

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by PieceOfThePuzzle

Whoever killed him watches FPSRussia's videos.

In my opinion, he was tied up because he either was questioned before they killed him, or they were looking for something. It has to be more than one person. I doubt one guy would take on someone who is proficient in firearms.

On infowars it says it was not a robbery, but I think thats a lie. I usually agree with infowars, but their coming from the wrong angle. They actually try to "down" the channel, saying it attracts young people to violence...Yet no evidence suggests anything like that. Sounds like their on the side of anti-gun laws, which is what every mass shooting in the last 3 years has been about.

Why would they not just shoot him before tying him up? He was shot in the head, AFTER being tied up, so they obviously were looking for something. It didn't have to be physical. I watch FPSRussia's channel all the time. He gets enough money through YouTube, Twitter, and his merchandise, he doesn't need to get into it with "tha mobb". I seriously doubt thats what the situation was. Again, infowars say he was killed mob style? So anyone shot in the and tied up equals mob style? I don't think so.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:40 AM

I also watch the channel quite a bit. My favorite by far was the dragon breath shells that he was firing, but thats off topic. The channel has about half a billion views from what I hear, so they definitely wouldn't need money. Perhaps it was some sort of gang that ambushed him to attempt to get weapons, but since there where no reported weapons missing that doesn't make much sense. Nonetheless, the killing is chilling.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by PieceOfThePuzzle

Once they release more details (which I doubt, and if they do they are probably going to be false) I can come to a more concrete conclusion. Some conspiracy starts at the thought of the video he uploaded a month ago tied to a chair and how his manager supposedly died the same way. (Some websites and sources say he wasn't tied up) Others say it's about anti-gun laws, which is what I'm leaning towards.

But yes, the killing is strange.
edit on 9-1-2013 by Vandettas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Vandettas
reply to post by PieceOfThePuzzle

Once they release more details (which I doubt, and if they do they are probably going to be false) I can come to a more concrete conclusion. Some conspiracy starts at the thought of the video he uploaded a month ago tied to a chair and how his manager supposedly died the same way. (Some websites and sources say he wasn't tied up) Others say it's about anti-gun laws, which is what I'm leaning towards.

But yes, the killing is strange.
edit on 9-1-2013 by Vandettas because: (no reason given)

If the person(s) watch his channel, they probably got the idea to tie him up from the video that he posted to advertise the game.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by coldkidc

His the person who reported all of the factual inaccuracies

Like the thing you claim is true

Interestingly enough, one of FPSRussia’s recent videos featured him tied to a chair, held hostage and about to be shot.

It's not the manager tied to the chair so how can that be true?
edit on 9-1-2013 by aivlas because: (no reason given)


was discovered on a rural road in Carnesville, Georgia.

edit on 9-1-2013 by aivlas because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-1-2013 by aivlas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by TrueBrit

The "source articles" you refer to are not credible. They are including rumors posted on forums, twitter, etc.

The best news source on this is one or both of the articles in the local newspaper and TV news website from the area where the incident occurred. Neither of them mention any of these other aspects such as:

1. he was tied to a chair (almost surely not true given they said they could not determine if it was a homicide)
2. he was shot in the back of the head (also probably not true for same reason)

Screaming at people because they do not accept "facts" included by an article on Infowars is ridiculous. Infowars does not have reporters in the area, they did not speak to the police and as I said, they are including rumors from internet forums and twitter posted by random, unknown persons (some of whom claim to be family / friends close to the case but this is unproven).

Do you understand the difference between unfounded information based on hearsay and primary source reported facts? Please stop "yelling" at people for refusing to accept these rumors as fact and insisting on being intelligent enough to do their own research. I'd recommend you check primary sources for any article posted on Infowars, you'll be much better informed and not subject to all the crap "reporting" they do.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 10:03 AM
I did a google search to find info on the investigation.

All that seems to come up are hits for blogs.

I woke up in the middle of the night (last night) and heard what I thought was a news report on the radio about the investigation. The law enforcement spokesperson stated that the information that the deceased had his hands tied was false.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 10:08 AM

FPS Russia is from an older version of the Russian border patrol
FPS Russia, the Federal Border Service (Russian: Федеральная пограничная служба, Federal'naya Pogranichnaya Sluzhba), active from 30 December 1994 to 30 June 2003, was headed by a single centralized system, which included:
border control;
foreign intelligence corps;
operational entities engaged in intelligence, counter, operational investigative activities, to ensure its own security system;
border guards and other organs of the Border Service, provided by federal law;
FPS Russia border troops;
military educational institutions, vocational education,
enterprises, institutions and organizations in Russia under the FPS (hereinafter referred to authorities and troops as FPS Russia), according to federal law

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Flyingclaydisk
Are we so bold as to fight without principle or honor...or truth? Just because? Uninformed...and so we go?

Is that what ATS is? This is certainly not why I came here. I came here to find the truth, crazy as it may be.

Perhaps some of this "conspiracy" might lead to something, but the notion of "deny ignorance" seems lost some times. It does.

Are we informed, or not so much...some times???

edit on 1/8/2013 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/8/2013 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/8/2013 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

We're attempting to discover facts which is hard with the journalism and media, if you have better info please present it instead of flaming.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:21 PM

The man's death is being investigated as a homicide, Mike Ayers of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation confirmed to
"He [Ratliff] did sustain a gunshot wound that was not self-inflicted," Ayers said, adding that "robbery does not appear to be the motive."
Ayers said authorities have identified the caliber of the weapon used in the killing, but declined to elaborate further. He said Ratliff's office, which is attached to his home, was used to operate the YouTube channel as well as manufacture suppressors, noise-reduction devices for guns that are commonly referred to as "silencers."

IMPORTANT: Using Content From Other Websites on ATS
MOD NOTE: Posting work written by others
edit on Wed Jan 9 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: tags and --Off Topic, One Liners and General Back Scratching Posts--

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by DangerMcBacon


FPS Russia is not the one who got killed... His manager was....

I don't know who looks more ridiculous, you for posting this, or the 3 people that starred your comment!

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 04:20 PM
READ. there is NO MENTION of him being tied to a chair....... he was found shot in the back of the head...... and it's NOT the guy in the videos. people jump to conclusions so fast.

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Flyingclaydisk
reply to post by UnmitigatedDisaster


Thankyou for posting some no-nonsense factual information about firearms, permits, types and associated licenses.

Happy to help

Also - is anyone else worried more by the fact that people on a site that is supposed to deny ignorance are rushing to make conclusions without even reading the full article, or the other conflicting articles abound?

It might seem callous, but the only thing that makes his death suspicious is just his connection to FPS Russia. If it were any non-known person, it be "no big deal", though any murder is a big deal don't get me wrong.

Could it have been someone targeting him? Sure. But that could be said about a large number of homicides.

Could it be because of his connection to FPS Russia? Sure, but there's no evidence yet of that, and you'd think if someone had a motive about it, they'd leave something to show for it.

Could it be "real" Russians being upset by his pretending to be one? Sure, but being in Alaska I'm friends with quite a few Russian's and their families/friends/groups and all of them think he is a riot, and love that he elevates the view of the "Russian badass." Of course, that's just my sampling, which certainly doesn't account for all or even most of them.

Could it also have just been a random murder? Sure. And, as overly worried everyone is about guns right now, on both sides of the argument, it's hard to accept that this may have just been a "regular" homicide instead of some masterplan homicide.

And yet, on the other hand........

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 01:09 PM
Does this mean FPS russia won't produce anymore videos? Was there a large amount of cash flow and weapons distribution? This is simply crazy! I've always wondered if FPS russia was into some sort of weapons business because of his impressive arsenal but this makes me lean towards yes.

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