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Anonymous tracked down the jailbait-loving perv who destroyed Amanda Todd's life

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posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by CALGARIAN

We are ALL part of it. Also, it's not Anon who does that... It's straight up bad, weak, people who do. Don't make me laugh.

I have the right to laugh at a comment saying don't post naked pics of girls on the web, unless you want anon after you, when it was somebody who is a part of anon, that has done the same to me, as well as seriously threaten me with other things.

Sorry , but there are straight bad, weak people that are a part of I have every right to say what I said.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

If somebody turns up at one of your front doors swinging a baseball bat and screaming "consequences will never be the same" I'd say you probably have every bit it coming.

I hope you can still say that if it happens to one of your children, or even you..

There are people who have been threatened with baseball bats and worse because they were willing to expose very dark and dirty secrets of serious criminal activity.

That statement is about the dumbest thing I have read all day.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by fluff007

Yes some Anons are bad, some are good.. But this is not about the peoples behind Anon. This is about getting justice for one of the many victims of different types of bullying..

Yes, actually it is about the peoples behind anon...because many(I didn't say all) hypocritically seek justice for crimes that they themselves are far more guilty of.

What don't you get about that?

They are a bunch of cyber bullies, thinking that they can hide behind their masks and do whatever they want... and many have done far far worse than the bully of Amanda.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by olliemc84

So cops told her the photo was circulating but didn't do anything about it? Hmmmm...sounds fishy.

Out everything you posted as a reply to me, this is the only part I agree with. I am a little confused as to where some of your facts are coming from in regards to her moving her family around, but you are entitled to any opinion you choose to form and I want to carry on from here in a civilized manner.

So, about the quoted portion, I do agree that this sounds suspicious. It also seems like negligence on the behalf of the Vancouver RCMP and it wouldn't surprise me if this is EXACTLY what it turns out to be.

Reply to ErgoTheConfusion:

You are right about 15 year old's and older man not being pedophilia. But him openly having, posting, images of the breasts of a 12 year old girl does make this man guilty of child pornography. Canada does take the child pornography issue very seriously. It was early in the morning when I posted that... didn't really click with me until I read your reply that I should have said Child Pornography,

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by TheSparrowSings


"I then got really sick and got anxiety, major depression and panic disorders," she wrote. "I then movedand got into drugs and alcohol."

A year after moving, Todd said things were going better until the man on Facebook came back and used the photo of her chest as his profile picture. Todd said she "cried every night, lost all my friends and respect people had for me again."

"I can never get that photo back," she wrote. "It's out there forever."

Almost every news source I have read about this story explains how her family moved and she changed schools. In fact I think she has it written on one of her flash cards in her original video. She moved schools several times.


edit on 16-10-2012 by olliemc84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by olliemc84

In the story herself, Amanda states, that she moved. She did not state that her family and her moved due to the bullying. (and/or naked photos) Then she changes schools, yes that much we can agree upon, which is not moving but trying to move on.

After her big mistake of becoming involved with a guy who had a girlfriend, she was beaten up, she then states that her DAD found her in the ditch. Afterwards she moves across the country to her MOM.

So it doesn't sound to me like she kept burdening her family and forcing everyone to move. (Her story, of course, not the reported msm versions)

This is why I don't agree with what you are saying, I guess I see it in a different way, not a selfish girl uprooting her family over and over again. But a sad/confused girl just trying to run away from it all.
edit on 16/10/2012 by TheSparrowSings because: (no reason given)

edit on 16/10/2012 by TheSparrowSings because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 06:32 PM
Some more info here..

Hacker group Anonymous may have tracked down the sex-obsessed cyberbully who drove a 15-year-old girl to kill herself last week. Today Anonymous posted a video on YouTube naming a 30-year-old man from British Columbia, as the person responsible for the October 10th suicide of 15-year-old Amanda Todd. Anonymous has started #OpRIP to hunt down those who bullied Todd. -

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Its unfortunate that the RCMP will still have to go through the process. Do computer forensics on her laptop... and this man that Anonymous identified will remain free in society and blameless until proven otherwise. I don't really like Anon but if they nailed this guy then they have done something useful and their evidence may be ignored by professionals (aka police) because Anon isn't a blameless entity... The RCMP may not fully trust or listen to what they have to say.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:40 PM
Minors are the sole responsibility of there parents until they reach the legal age of 18 - that she committed suicide is a tragedy of neglected parenting more than a cautionary tale of bullying.

I'm tired of parents aren't to blame for anything mentality - they chose to bring a child into this world and they are up until a point responsible for its health and well being.

This is the kind of thing that teachers tell kids to remember - "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" -

edit on 16-10-2012 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by WhisperingWinds
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

If somebody turns up at one of your front doors swinging a baseball bat and screaming "consequences will never be the same" I'd say you probably have every bit it coming.

I hope you can still say that if it happens to one of your children, or even you..

There are people who have been threatened with baseball bats and worse because they were willing to expose very dark and dirty secrets of serious criminal activity.

That statement is about the dumbest thing I have read all day.

I never engage in unfounded character assassination accusing others of things I have no direct knowledge of , I treat others with the same respect and dignity I expect in return and I make it a rule to resolve confrontational issues face to face rather than hiding behind telephones and the Internet.

Regarding your misguided wish, I have opened the door to 3 blowhards with a baseball bat looking for my stepson over some nonsense with a video game system.

In my incident, I took the bat from the one, sat all three of them down on the step and called the police. I ask that charges not be filed in lieu of the cop explaining to the kid with the bat how dangerously close he came to being a home defence firearm statistic.

Again, I am well over 6' and 200lbs and have passed tougher bowel movements than the kid but if it makes you feel better, your wish has already been granted sometime in the past.

If I read your opinion correctly, your statement seemingly condoning the as of now unfounded public accusation by anonymous naming the identity of a specific individual based on nothing more than the hearsay, rumour and innuendo of a youtube video isn't quite the dumbest thing I've read all day, but it is the most naive.

In closing...

The hacking group, voted one of Time Magazine's most influential people in 2012, back their claims by leaking personal information including his date of birth and address in a file.

Despite this, there is still no concrete evidence against the alleged offender and police have not commented on the case.

The man told CTV News he was friends with Amanda Todd, but that the accusations against him were incorrect.

He claims it was a case of mistaken identity and he had simply passed on information to police to help identify a New York man who had been harassing the deceased teen

Hacker group Anonymous outs Internet bully they claim drove Amanda Todd to suicide

This just in....

The RCMP said Tuesday information released by an international hacktivist group identifying a Vancouver area man as Amanda Todd’s tormentor is “unfounded,” and they warned against the spread of false information through social media.

“The outpouring of support, emotion and information is literally overwhelming,” Sgt Peter Thiessen, Lower Mainland District RCMP said in a release. “The Internet and social media were central to Amanda’s story and they are central to our investigation as well.

“One of our big challenges right now, is false information that is being spread by people who appear to be trying to use Amanda’s story to do harm or make a profit.”

A man whose name was released by an international hacktivist group, which claimed they had tracked down Amanda Todd’s online harasser says he met the teen online but he was not one of her tormentors.

The RCMP said in their release: ”One unfounded allegation involved the release of information that spread quickly online identifying a man as Amanda’s tormentor.”...

Police also debunked Internet photos purporting to show autopsy photos of the dead teen and said they are causing stress for Amanda’s family and distracting investigators who are working on the case.

The RCMP also noted a number of fake web sites and accounts purporting to be fundraising in Amanda Todd’s memory. The family has said they didn’t authorize any of those sites or fundraising efforts.

RCMP say hacktivist group allegations about Amanda Todd “unfounded”

With that last revelation, I have changed my mind....what were you saying about the dumbest comment of the day?

Hopefully you'll chalk this up as a good lifelong lesson. Never, ever rush to judgement in matters like these

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by TheSparrowSings

I'm pretty sure I posted the same exact news source. The same source that I got my information in the first place. But instead of reading said news source I will itemize it for you.


Todd moved to another school in another city, but said the torture followed her through Facebook. Students posted photos of ditches and suggested she try another bleach.

Even after moving towns and schools multiple times, the man continued to follow her online and use her photo, she said.

I'm just having trouble with the fact that the cops couldn't find this guy. Or that she didn't know who he was.
This all seems very personal to me and not random. I have a hard time believing any of this story at this point. Yes, she indeed killed herself, but I don't think all the information is released.

And I'm sorry but if I found my child beat up outside of school there would be hell to pay. There would be a MASSIVE lawsuit against the school and I would want those kids strung up by their feet. It doesn't seem like this girls father was really trying to protect her at all.

edit on 16-10-2012 by olliemc84 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-10-2012 by olliemc84 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 08:49 PM

edit on 16-10-2012 by olliemc84 because: sorry double post

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:09 PM
While the claim of their being "one" harasser is not correct. The girl had a little fan club going and no she did not flash "once". She gained a reputation for doing online shows. I would link to where this has been discussed but it is against the T&Cs.
The whole "blackmail" thing also makes very little sense. According to her the photos were out and people "bullied" her over them but at the same time there was some guy that was blackmailing her with them? How does that make sense? I mean are you going to write Jay Leno and threaten to out him as a TV host if he does meet your demand?

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by olliemc84

I'm just having trouble with the fact that the cops couldn't find this guy. Or that she didn't know who he was. This all seems very personal to me and not random. I have a hard time believing any of this story at this point. Yes, she indeed killed herself, but I don't think all the information is released. And I'm sorry but if I found my child beat up outside of school there would be hell to pay. There would be a MASSIVE lawsuit against the school and I would want those kids strung up by their feet. It doesn't seem like this girls father was really trying to protect her at all.

The only point I contended was the fact that you has made it sound like she was some little twerp who caused nothing but grief for her family for no apparent reason. Now after reading this post, and I am glad we are discussing this, I see more validity in the statements said above. There does appear to be parental negligence as well as police negligence.

The biggest question in my mind, which I really hope will be answered in the light of more investigation, is indeed why nothing was done about the pervert in the beginning. But, like I said before, it wouldn't surprise me if it was lack of action on the police side rather than fabricated facts.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by purplemer

All I know is a young woman is dead - Amanda Todd could have risen above her problems but for some reason she felt she was alone - quite possibly she was all alone. No surprise she sought social connection through the freely available world wide web sadly the attention she got was not healthy.

She moved and the same unhealthy attention was all that was available. Falling into the arms of a young man with a girlfriend - what was he thinking and doing????? I will not stand for all the blame being placed on Amanda Todd - that is ignorant and insensitive - there are always two sides to every story.

Psychology has taught us that we, as humans are social creatures and we seek out company - it's natural. What is not natural is to drive a young girl to suicide - and - post photographs of her naked body post death. That is not natural - it is not respectful and it should be criminal.

Anonymous - go get them. If the Police are not acting and all the citizens who are aware of this story via the web cannot get some justice for Amanda Todd - then who will??? When the Police fail to protect Children - and they do - that is injustice. When the parents fail to protect their Children that is sad. When an entire global community can't protect a Child - that is tragic.

Amanda Todd was barely a young adult and needed a lifeline. She did not get the help she needed in life and was still disrespected in death. If Anonymous can do what the Police have yet to do - all I can say is more power to them. I want some sense of justice for Amanda Todd - regardless of the whys and why nots - she is dead - she committed suicide - her post death photographs and distasteful comments on the internet - all prove one thing.

We have failed to engender respect in our global community. I would like the Police to investigate and prefer charges to anyone complicit with regard to psychological abuse - leading to manslaughter. I would also like to see each and every person who posted slanderous comments - charged with abusive language. I definitely want to see the person charged - for posting photographs of Amanda Todd naked and deceased - the charges interfering with a corpse on a psychological level.

Amanda Todd - may Anonymous seek out some form of justice for your death. Many people commit suicide everyday - everyone a tragic reflection of our human community - may you represent the growing number of psychologically induced suicides. Be at peace and know that Anonymous - perhaps the Police and many many humans with a conscience want some justice for you and those like you.

Much Peace...

NB If by chance this is just a publicity stunt - as some posters have inferred - then at least I have not failed the test of conscience - I still care whether the story is true or false - I care - in spite of all the repugnant hatred and gross insensitivity in this world - I still care!

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by TheSparrowSings

There does appear to be parental negligence as well as police negligence.

I think the police are investigating what actually happened to sort out what was true and what was not. from what I could tell the parents seemed very supportive of her. They let her switch schools and what not and sent her to therapy along with all the other parental stuff. I just don't think the things she said in the video happened, now THAT makes a lot more sense. How often do you hear of the cops showing up at 4:00 am to let you know your pic just went viral and don't you think the cops would have dealt with the whole child pornography thing back then if this was true?

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:35 PM
Getting "bullied"?


posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

Regarding your misguided wish, I have opened the door to 3 blowhards with a baseball bat looking for my stepson over some nonsense with a video game system.

The comment I made was in regard to the statement you made below..

If somebody turns up at one of your front doors swinging a baseball bat and screaming "consequences will never be the same" I'd say you probably have every bit it coming.

The above statement you made implied that if someone showed up at someones door with a baseball bat that they had every bit of it coming..which is why I made the reference to how you may feel if someone showed up on your doorstep with a baseball bat.

It wasn't a wish that it would happen to you, and you proved the point I was trying to make by telling us of the silly situation where someone did.

Do you have trouble comprehending the point I was making?..and how you proved me right ?

If I read your opinion correctly, your statement seemingly condoning the as of now unfounded public accusation by anonymous naming the identity of a specific individual based on nothing more than the hearsay, rumour and innuendo of a youtube video isn't quite the dumbest thing I've read all day, but it is the most naive.

You are NOT reading my opinion correctly...I do NOT condone the accusations of anonymous, or their vigilantly justice, especially when some are far guiltier of the same crimes that they accuse others of, whether they be based on fact or fiction.

I really think you need to go back and read my posts, and see what I am clearly trying to say, and why I even picked out that statement of yours to post about.

Again I will say it was not a wish for you to be attacked by a baseball bat, but a refuting of the statement that I quoted above..and will quote again..just so you can see clearly why I answered to it the way I did.

Quote by you:

If somebody turns up at one of your front doors swinging a baseball bat and screaming "consequences will never be the same" I'd say you probably have every bit it coming. you get the point I was trying to make... ? Obviously it seemed to go right over your head, considering you backed up my statement in response to it with how you responded.

edit on 16-10-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Amanda5

Amanda Todd - may Anonymous seek out some form of justice for your death. Many people commit suicide everyday - everyone a tragic reflection of our human community - may you represent the growing number of psychologically induced suicides. Be at peace and know that Anonymous - perhaps the Police and many many humans with a conscience want some justice for you and those like you. Much Peace...

Would you say the same for those who may have or will commit suicide because of the actions of members of anonymous ?

You really have no clue how cruel, and underhanded some can be, and what destruction some have caused.

How about I give out the personal information of the anon member who put me through hell, and still very underhanded ways.

If I give out his name and address...will the other anon members go after him ?

Just asking, not that I would do it, but he has bragged about how he could make my life a living hell so many times, maybe it's time the tables are turned.

The guy is total scum, and if many anons and others who affiliate with him only knew the truth.....ugh..

edit on 16-10-2012 by WhisperingWinds because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Superhans

How often do you hear of the cops showing up at 4:00 am to let you know your pic just went viral and don't you think the cops would have dealt with the whole child pornography thing back then if this was true?

I can agree with the 4 am thing. But why would the parents allow this, if it was all a lie, be spread like it is complete truth? So they must believe whole story as to how she explained it in the video. It still seems then I would have to question why they would allow this stuff to happen and not take action. Not very good parenting...

And no, I don't think the police would go straight into it and investigate after the first "exposure" was mailed to everyone. I think this because I have seen it happen. They are more concerned with getting the BIG busts and unless someone files a legal complaint they will not do anything about it.

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