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Vaccines and my children.... HELP ME!

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posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
all i can say i that i feel sorry for the kids that do not get vaccines...not everything is a conspirecy. this concept of somehow there is a boogyman behind every action that the government takes, is dangerous.

This kind of BS statement cracks me up. This is not some made up conspiracy there are many doctors researchers and scientist who have studied this and come to the conclusion that vaccine protection is a myth with no science to back it up. No one ever attacks their research they just try to make them out as kooks and attack the messenger and ignore the evidence because they do not dutifully go along with the medical establishment propaganda.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Marid Audran

very bad big pharma video
made for so, so stupid people. spend 7 years of reading and about this topic, instead watching 10min video... U will be very surprised about, TRUTH about vaccines...

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by jimmyx
all i can say i that i feel sorry for the kids that do not get vaccines...not everything is a conspirecy. this concept of somehow there is a boogyman behind every action that the government takes, is dangerous.

Why would you feel sorry for them? There are actually no reports ( that I'm aware of) of kids who died because they weren't vaccinated, while the reports of kids becoming autist because of the vaccines, or getting the disease they were in fact vaccinated against, or weird allergies are abundant.
Those kids are actually healthier than most, no need to be sorry for them.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by ZakOlongapo
you do understand it has been proven that the polio outbreaks of the early 1900 and late 1800 were caused by the removal of tonsils from children right? Oh I guess you were to busy lobbying the vaccine that didn't stop this from happening huh?

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:26 PM
this one is cool and on topic
edit on 25-9-2012 by ZakOlongapo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:27 PM
Many times i have thought about vaccinations too, so last few years there has been outbrakes of old "vanished" diseases like tuberculosis, polio, rubella etc. and they are spreading on schools and daycares just because there are families who do want their kids to be vaccinated. Of course its each ones choice, but even so there are small babies who not had had their vaccination and got sick, and the ones who spreads these are those unvaccinated.
Sad but true.

I have a son who has autoimmune diseases like diabetes type 1 ( hubbys aunt has the same ) celiac disease ( 6 months after kids celiac diagnose hubby was diagnosed too ) asthma ( my father has asthma ). So what he has basicly runs in the family and vaccinations are no cause just to make myself clear, these autoimmune diseases are in our genes.

Polio is one of the worst diseases kids can have, i always remember my great aunt who had had a polio as a kid how poorly she was shaped, she was a humpback, so weak and partly paralized.. this is what polio does.

I make sure my kid has every year his fluvaccine. Last two years my kid was only kid in their class who was not sick when flu season was on ( he has never had flu in fact ), he had his vaccine program when he was a baby here in Finland we have different vaccine program than you do.. how many vaccines your babies have before they are 2 years old? We have here 3-4 vaccines and these are so called combovaccines against many diseases.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by inverslyproportional

polio? do U live in prehistory
where is polio today????? show me, please!

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by ZakOlongapo
reply to post by inverslyproportional

polio? do U live in prehistory
where is polio today????? show me, please!

Oh right, it doesn't exist because people were subjected to evil evil vaccines.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by 11azerus11

In California, vaccines are optional... I know, I stopped giving them and haven't had much of an issue. Sure they want to make it seem mandatory, but it's not. You have the right to refuse based upon personal beliefs. Check your state laws.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:44 PM
Polio, in 2010 there were 15 outbreaks of polio in Russia. Last year there were few patients of polio in Finland too.
3rd counties have had even more outbreaks

Its no prehistorical disease.. What has happened since 1970? People travel and they travel a lot, if you think you will be safe in absolut safe where ever you are from diseases .. you are wrong

Just a peek on flightradar

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Marid Audran

U made no sense at all... sorry pal

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by dollukka

look how many die for seasonal flue this year or last around the world... U will get a point. if there is disease in the air... places with vaccinations heal the same speed like are those with no vaccine at all, plus those under vaccine control are creating some more problems we never have to fight with ...
study, but not propaganda. i know U are here guys, i can smell it...
edit on 25-9-2012 by ZakOlongapo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by dollukka

I have a son who has autoimmune diseases like diabetes type 1 ( hubbys aunt has the same ) celiac disease ( 6 months after kids celiac diagnose hubby was diagnosed too ) asthma ( my father has asthma ). So what he has basicly runs in the family and vaccinations are no cause just to make myself clear, these autoimmune diseases are in our genes.

Wow, I'm really sorry to hear about your son, it must be very difficult.
While I believe you have the right to chose if your kid gets vaccine or not, allow me to correct you about autoimmune disease, they are not in our genes.
My older son had asthma too and severe ADHD as a child ; I cured him after I learned the causes of it. I was lucky to find this doctor who opened my eyes, and gave me a solution to our problems, because I refused to put him on Ritalin and inhalers for the rest of his life. I kid you not, today is 19 y/o, and no sign of asthma or other allergies at all. Healthy like a rock. And I can swear by it, asthma is curable. Ever since then I tried to spread the word about this doctor, because it saved us so much suffering and money.

What I think is you should read this material too, there's a lot of it, but it will open your eyes about many things, including vaccines and autoimmune diseases. If you don't find useful just discard it. But, if there is even a small chance to help you with something, it's worth wasting some time on it.


All the best to you and your son.

edit on 25-9-2012 by WhiteHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Marid Audran

i will never give polio vaccine to my son! there is no polio around him at all... why to destroy his natural immune system with something for something what is not around... to make him weak? no way

edit on 25-9-2012 by ZakOlongapo because: wrong grammar, sorry for that

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by ZakOlongapo

Because they stopped removing the tonsils of every kid to enter the doctors office. Back in the time of the polio eppidemics, it was common practice to remove the tonsils of children over nothing at all, a very large proportion of people that got polio were the same ones that had their tonsils removed.

You ovver a 600% better chance of carrying polio with no side effects, then you do without them-fact
A very large percentage of those that suffered from polio related sideeffects had tonsils remove prior to polio infection- fact

Go ahead prove me wrong, google " polio tonsils" and find one single source that doesn't agree with me. You won't find any, that are in any way credible, as it is a fact known to science for years now.

The polio vaccine didn't stop polio, letting kids keep their tonsils did.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 04:00 PM
Bear in mind that your state may no longer allow religious exemptions for vaccination if you plan on going through the public school system. My city makes it very clear that if your child shows up for the first day of school without proof of current vaccinations, the child will be sent home until said vaccinations are up to date.

It doesn't matter to me what your decision is, but I certainly do believe that eventually we will see a resurgence of various diseases and sicknesses that could have been avoided if too many people decide to stop vaccinating their children.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 04:02 PM
I know vaccines can be a scary thing, but some are just beneficial.

If you aren't aware, check out this form you can have the doctor fill out. It should stop that "yes, yes" nod attitude.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye

Originally posted by jimmyx
all i can say i that i feel sorry for the kids that do not get vaccines...not everything is a conspirecy. this concept of somehow there is a boogyman behind every action that the government takes, is dangerous.

This kind of BS statement cracks me up. This is not some made up conspiracy there are many doctors researchers and scientist who have studied this and come to the conclusion that vaccine protection is a myth with no science to back it up. No one ever attacks their research they just try to make them out as kooks and attack the messenger and ignore the evidence because they do not dutifully go along with the medical establishment propaganda.

so, what you're saying is that the doctors and researchers in the medical establishment are all wrong, and the others are right. gee , why even fund the CDC since it's a government entity? what next? the polio vaccine is a communist plot?.... these "others" that you are SO SURE of...where do they get their funding? and what group(s) are they affiliated with?

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by ZakOlongapo

Not sure what you mean with smell and people...

Truth is those who dies to flu are old people, those who has underlying condition like diabetes, asthma, heart issues, HIV etc.
Flu vaccine is mandatory like all vaccines in here, so im not pointing that everyone should take flu vaccine but those who has underlying condition like my son should.
What comes to other vaccines like polio etc imo you should. People have this weird way of thinking that " im not going to give my kid vaccinations cos every one else in his/her class had those and she will never get those diseases.. ( thanks to everyone else) " soon we are living in the point that just a few have and others haven´t, old diseases are allready coming back and sooner or later there will be pandemias.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by pajoly
Don't fall for the fear-mongering. The risks are low and much better than exposing your child to the sorts of illnesses that caused many children to die decades ago. In great seriousness, please accept the counsel of people of BELIEVE in science and reason, and not those prone to magical thinking, conspiracies and science denial.

There is a reason we no longer have polio epidemics, mass measles outbreaks, rubella pandemics, etc. Science won.

Afterwards, feed your child healthful food and make sure they play a lot outside too. I'd guess the same people that deny vaccines out of conspiracy fears are in large part the same people pumping their kids with Happy Meals and Lunchables and letting them play video games all day.

P.S. ...I have four kids under 12 (see my avatar photo). All very healthy, very active, very happy and doing well in school. None have cell phones, none play video games (we have a Wee my sister gave us, but they'd rather use their imaginations and invent games, chase minnows in nearby ponds, etc.) but all have bikes and skates.
edit on 25-9-2012 by pajoly because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2012 by pajoly because: (no reason given)

I wish my parents would have fallen for the "fear mongering", but I guess in 1974 that didn't exist. I ended up with epilepsy within a couple of months of getting my MMR when I was 14. I was perfectly healthy up 'till then. I had a reaction at the time of the shot (dizzy and a loud noise in my ears like ball bearings being dropped on a tin building with me inside). A couple of months later, the seizures started.

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