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Vaccines and my children.... HELP ME!

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posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:27 PM
I am making this post because I have felt very helpless when my children go to the doctor and get their vaccines... they tell me it's all fine and they need it.... well i have spent many nights reading on affects and pros and cons.... there are vaccines that i understand to be benificial but the money motivated decisions to dictate these vaccines has really put me on the side of against vaccinations... for example the chicken pox vaccine... WHYYYYYYYY? it is a natural part of growing up and now my kids are pumped full of these vaccines that aren't neccessary... I came to the US when i was 6 and yes i had some vaccines put in my rear end... but the amount of vaccines my children are recieving is rediculus.... when i have questions all the doctor says is yes yes yes it's very safe and a nod and a scratch on the clip board and boom out the door...

So bottom line... .I do not want to continue vaccinating my children... i am not here to argue with anybody these are my children and i believe that i am making the right decision... a business man in a suit should not be deciding what is being put into my children... please what now? what can i do? one of my children starts school next year and the other will be right behind her.... I all ready have a huge list of shots that they "need" for them to get into the school but i'm not having it... what are my options? i really appreciate all help thanks in advance

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by 11azerus11

I know how you feel...I was sick to my stomach with myself after getting my daughter her vaccines...I lied to myself and said it would save her from horrible diseases, and I say I lied to myself because deep down I know better.

The fact we made it (as a species) without vaccines and modern medicine implies we would always make it without them (as a species). Nature keeps a balance (even if the balance requires and ebb and flow) of disease to bring homeostasis to our own species and the planet and the "chain of life".

Its no coincidence that modern medical interventions and modern genetic interventions are creating "super" versions of what existed previously...antibiotics creating super bugs/viruses GMO crops creating super-worms, bugs etc.

Nature thinks things are out of balance and readjusts by recreating the NECESSARY elements of the cycle of life...but since we have created ways to destroy those NECESSARY elements with drastic proportions...NATURE and evolution answer back with better versions immune or resistant to our initial methods of "eradication"...obviously this will continue until the human race is DIRECTLY dependent on modern medicine for its survival from even the most mundane bacteria/virus/disease....we are no longer evolving naturally we are evolving synthetically and that is a very dependent type of evolution...dependent on modern medicine and vaccines and dependent on everything that allows those to be possible in the first place...

Scary times...

edit on 25-9-2012 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:46 PM
That's very brave of you, taking this unpopular stand to keep your children healthy. I personally believe there are some beneficial vaccines, however, there are so many more required these days than one or two decades ago. And, they've combined several vaccines into a single shot from what I've heard/read/seen (MMR, for instance). That doctor who was ostracized by the medical community because he came forth and told the truth said that that MMR (measels, mumps, rhubella (sp?)) delivered in a single shot (or something to that effect) could cause inflammation in children, and that internal inflammation could develop into several complications and conditions.

Thanks for starting this thread, and hopefully there are some people out there who can help. If you google "vaccine rights" or "vaccination legal rights" or some similar combo, you'll find some helpful info. From what I've seen, it's also state-particular, so include the name of your state in your search. I've found forms, listings of regulations, etc. In some states, you can claim exemption based on religion (body being your (or your kids') temple and the right not to poison it kind of thing). There might be online support groups, too.

A couple of years ago, I already felt this way about vaccines, after learning that big pharma corporations lobbied for legislation requiring "MANDATORY" vaccinations so that those corps could make **billions.** Remember H1N1 and the swine flu scare that created billions? Remember that "epidemic?" A big lie to make millions/billions for big pharma.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by 11azerus11

Most states allow you to sign a "religious exemption" from vaccinating. We did it with our daycare because our kids would have been excluded from care had we not followed the State sanctioned vaccine schedule. My kids get vaccinated but they aren't getting all vaccines and not on the recommended schedule.

It is absolutely ridiculous. Don't feel bad for your decision. Continue to gather information from all sources and all sides and make as informed a decision as is possible for you.

Best of luck!

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by UdonNiedtuno
reply to post by 11azerus11

Most states allow you to sign a "religious exemption" from vaccinating. We did it with our daycare because our kids would have been excluded from care had we not followed the State sanctioned vaccine schedule. My kids get vaccinated but they aren't getting all vaccines and not on the recommended schedule.

It is absolutely ridiculous. Don't feel bad for your decision. Continue to gather information from all sources and all sides and make as informed a decision as is possible for you.

Best of luck!

--Udon, what did you have to do to get the exemption? Could you download a form from a state website, print it, fill it out and turn it in directly to the daycare, or did you have to go to an office and have an "official" form stamped? How easy/difficult was the process, and what steps did you have to take?

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:53 PM
I have a 2 year old, he's not had a single one and its going to stay that way.

YOU have a choice, you have to make the best choice based on the information you have.

The only suggestion I can make (and bear in mind, its already been a while), is if you are going to vaccinate be sure to give high doses of vitamins especially C to counteract the toxic chems.

But again, what is done is already done.

I'd like to share with you a "circular logic" issue I found, as I was reading a bulletin on the wall of a doctor's office. One side of the paper, it said "Vaccines are safe". On the other it said, "If a vaccine is later determined to be unsafe, it is removed from circulation."...

Oh gee, good to know the CDC and FDA have my best interests at heart.

Our boy is by far the most healthy of our family. He gets sick, but bounces back up faster than we can even schedule an appt. to get him checked out. Every single time we visit, doctor says, "well, he probably was sick but right now everything is clearing up well. Here's some antibiotics blah blah." In fact he just got sick over the weekend, and took us down with him. But he's already 75% back up and running, meanwhile my wife and I are like 50%. Little sucker recovers faster than we can. I put part of that on his unmolested immune system.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:53 PM
Don't fall for the fear-mongering. The risks are low and much better than exposing your child to the sorts of illnesses that caused many children to die decades ago. In great seriousness, please accept the counsel of people of BELIEVE in science and reason, and not those prone to magical thinking, conspiracies and science denial.

There is a reason we no longer have polio epidemics, mass measles outbreaks, rubella pandemics, etc. Science won.

Afterwards, feed your child healthful food and make sure they play a lot outside too. I'd guess the same people that deny vaccines out of conspiracy fears are in large part the same people pumping their kids with Happy Meals and Lunchables and letting them play video games all day.

P.S. ...I have four kids under 12 (see my avatar photo). All very healthy, very active, very happy and doing well in school. None have cell phones, none play video games (we have a Wee my sister gave us, but they'd rather use their imaginations and invent games, chase minnows in nearby ponds, etc.) but all have bikes and skates.
edit on 25-9-2012 by pajoly because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2012 by pajoly because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:54 PM
i thing i understand what are You going through. me my self i have son, he will be 3 years old this winter. after years of reading about possible harm by vaccines i decide no needle for my kid from born. some may say i am very irresponsible parent. i don care what others think! i have to say we never need doctor over his life time.
only problem we got was not high fever one day for 1 and 1/2 hour when his tooth start grow, 3 days together of vomiting in those few years and some time for very short time diarrhoea ... all totally normal for kids in that period of life. when i get cold and he get it from me, he is ok in 2 days i have problem with my nose all week.
plus we dont live those years in 100% sterile environment. we live in asia over one year, back in europe only few months. he was always in touch with a lot of kids and different kind of animals almost every day... so, i think that his immune system is strong, stronger then my, even with no one single vaccine... but U are the parent, so U have to decide Your self what is good or bad for Your kid.
good luck and take care

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:55 PM
on the subject of forms, keep in mind they could later on be used as criminal evidence, because of the way they are worded.

Try that one. It reverses the danger wording and puts the pressure back on the doc, and on the vaccines, and says that by NOT giving them you are serving your child's best interests.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by pajoly
Don't fall for the fear-mongering. The risks are low and much better than exposing your child to the sorts of illnesses that caused many children to die decades ago. In great seriousness, please accept the counsel of people of BELIEVE in science and reason, and not those prone to magical thinking, conspiracies and science denial.

There is a reason we no longer have polio epidemics, mass measles outbreaks, rubella pandemics, etc. Science won.

Afterwards, feed your child healthful food and make sure they play a lot outside too. I'd guess the same people that deny vaccines out of conspiracy fears are in large part the same people pumping their kids with Happy Meals and Lunchables and letting them play video games all day.

LOL So is this where I get to school you on Polio?

Oh, please say this is the point where I get to school you on Polio.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:57 PM
Tell them you want a religious exemption if they ask what religion tell them none of their business. Also if they try and insist ask them if they will sign an affidavit that if you vaccinate the children no harm will come to them. They won't. There is always an exemption they just will not tell you about it. You have to get a copy of thier policy and any applicable laws. Ask them for a copy of their policy, do a google search for your state laws regarding vaccines.

There is absolutely no benefits from vaccines and no evidence they work at all thier own data proves it. it is poison do not put another vaccine in your kids!

Here is some more information on exempting your children:
edit on 25-9-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 02:57 PM
Last year my youngest son (14 y/o) had a round of new vaccines at school. Is a long time since I don't allow my kids to be vaccinated anymore, fortunately they don't make a big fuss about that over here, they just send me an exemption form to sign and that's it. This time they invited me to school to "talk" with me. As I didn't want to get into a debate with people who should know better than me about the risk of vaccines , I just told them I have religious reason why I can't allow vaccinations, signed the form and it was over.

Try it, it may work; after all people are refusing blood transfusion based on religious reasons.
Just to mention, my kids are healthy and very well, no allergies, no overweight, almost never flu, we see the family doctor maybe once a year, even less. Last time when we went to him he asked us if we just moved in town, because he never remembered us as patients.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by pajoly
Don't fall for the fear-mongering. The risks are low and much better than exposing your child to the sorts of illnesses that caused many children to die decades ago. In great seriousness, please accept the counsel of people of BELIEVE in science and reason, and not those prone to magical thinking, conspiracies and science denial.

There is a reason we no longer have polio epidemics, mass measles outbreaks, rubella pandemics, etc. Science won.

Afterwards, feed your child healthful food and make sure they play a lot outside too. I'd guess the same people that deny vaccines out of conspiracy fears are in large part the same people pumping their kids with Happy Meals and Lunchables and letting them play video games all day.

The primary fear-mongering is coming from the side that states that children need all of these new vaccines or else they will wither away in disease, sickness and then die. The fear mongering is from the people creating events such as the swine flu "epidemic" that scared innocent and trusting folks to stand in line for hours so that a big pharma corporation could make billions. When they run out of disease drug ideas, they simply create a new "market" (of people) by generating a new scare that people "need" a vaccine for. That "epidemic" had very few (if any) confirmed cases, 500 or less from what I read. The "real" flu kills 30,000 +/- per year. Yet, they had hundreds of millions of Americans believing they were in mortal danger. Fear mongering.

Here is a link for medical exemptions to get anyone started. This is for Florida, but it gives a clear idea of how one family approached the med exemption.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:03 PM
Watch this video on how herd immunity works. It is probably the most important 10 minutes you will spend on educating yourself for the safety of your child and their peers.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by GhostLancer

We don't do flu shots though. My kids are healthy and have strong immune systems because they eat well. I am convinced most children illnesses these days are due to the junk parents feed their kids. Mostly processed crap. Garbage in, garbage out.
edit on 25-9-2012 by pajoly because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:07 PM
Here is a post I made on one of the dozens of other threads on this subject:

There is no evidence vaccines work and ample evidence they cause harm and even kill people. Some cases of measles show up and the leap is made that it must be due to refusal to poison/vaccinate your children.. Sigh! And of course 154 cases wow what an epidemic. So tell us were these cases vaccinated before the contracted measles? Because I would bet dollars to doughnuts most were.

Vaccines are the pop culture of the medical establishment most believe they are great saviours of man kind but there is no evidence to support it. It speaks to the power of media and propaganda. And to those who say people who don't vaccinate are endangering others I say BS!!! If you have so much faith in vaccination why are you worried about those who don't since you are supposedly immune?

Vaccines are claimed to have eradicated things like polio and small pox etc. The interesting thing is during that period those diseases were declining before the advent of vaccines and declined in non vaccinated countries at the same or greater rates then vaccinated countries. Data going back to the beginning of vaccination indicates there is no evidence that vaccines work period but in fact vaccines were often the cause of the disease they claimed to protect against.

As I said vaccines are the pop culture of modern medicine they have been accepted as valid with no scientific evidence to back them up.

A few links to consider.

We vaccinated our children when we didn’t know any better but I would never recommend vaccines to anyone and in fact I would try to talk them out of it,. It is poison and the drug companies make billions peddling it with the vaccine protection myth and politicians have been threatening to make vaccines mandatory as the evidence becomes more available that they are not only worthless but dangerous. That’s what politicians do they ensure markets for the politically connected for otherwise worthless and dangerous products that few would buy without being forced or deceived into believing they were good for them or thier children.

edit on 25-9-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:10 PM
Good for you. Stick to your convictions and instinct as a loving Mother. keep private about your wishes because unless you are ready to do battle with almost everyone you know and meet, it is after all a private decision, you will feel more relaxed about the whole issue.

Not sure what state you are in but this may help sooth some of your worries.

Vaccination Liberation - Information

You can find your state on the link and it will guide you through some basic do's and don'ts. This was helpful to me as I discovered for one thing not to be a conspiracy buff in my state, to avoid using words like Tainted vaccines, vaccine complications, and for my state I did not have to even disclose what religion I am.

The Health dept. in mo has stopped giving out the exemption cards, even took them away so no mistakes could be made, so I was really nervous about getting a negative answer from the DR. But yesterday went like a cool summer breeze and we walked out with exemption in hand.

It is going to be alright sweetheart, really it is going to be OK.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:13 PM
all i can say i that i feel sorry for the kids that do not get vaccines...not everything is a conspirecy. this concept of somehow there is a boogyman behind every action that the government takes, is dangerous.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by fourthmeal

LOL So is this where I get to school you on Polio? Oh, please say this is the point where I get to school you on Polio.

What, do you need my permission? Okay then, convince me, you have my permission. I'll read it with an open mind.

posted on Sep, 25 2012 @ 03:16 PM
delete...not sure why this double posted....
edit on 25-9-2012 by pajoly because: (no reason given)

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