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12 Things You Should Know About Paul Ryan

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posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by CookieMonster09

Actual a large number of all middle class people do use things like pell grants, unemployment insurance, and social security.

Even if people think the government shouldn't fund these programs, it will just shift the cost of these programs. For example, if your kid no longer gets a $1000 pell grant and your tax goes down by 100.00, under this guys plan you will be 900 poorer.

CookieMonster - I remember you from all the banking threads. If I remember correctly, don't your work for a bank and are pretty wealthy? I admit, I like Obama's plan because as a lower income person it will help me. '

Perhaps, the fact you're rich maybe effects how you view this plan?

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 12:04 PM
Dear Cookiemonster,
Thanks for the information about federal grants. I just applied for one. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your care and concern for your fellow citizen

Your Friend,


posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 12:18 PM

Actual a large number of all middle class people do use things like pell grants, unemployment insurance, and social security.

Uh, yeah, that's exactly the problem. We have too many Americans that want hand-outs and goodies from the nanny state.

Let's take these one by one.

1.) Pell Grants - The reason why college costs are astronomical is because student loans are plentiful. Colleges and universities jack up the rates as a result. If everyone had to actually pay out-of-pocket, college costs would plummet.

Most colleges and universities have a heavy leftist ideological bent. Most students would be better off going to vocational school and learning a trade. Taxpayers shouldn't be funding political ideologies rammed down the throats of young minds.

As a result of the aggressive marketing of student loan programs by the government, you know have millions of students with astronomical student debt loads and no real job prospects.

2.) Unemployment Insurance - This should be designed as a temporary stop-gap measure. Instead, we now have millions of unemployed people that have been receiving Unemployment benefits well beyond the maturity date. Some people won't take jobs that are "beneath them", as a result.

It would make more sense to let people keep more of their hard-earned money in their wallet, instead of giving it over to the government.

Better yet, require a mandatory savings account that cannot be touched - similar to a 401(k) plan - where people are required to put, say 5% of their income into an Unemployment Savings Account. Money goes in tax-free, and then if you get laid off, you are entitled to draw from the account. At 65, any funds remaining are yours to keep.

Instead, right now, we have a government-run Unemployment Insurance program that takes from the employed, and gives to the unemployed. This is true redistribution of wealth. If it were truly insurance, you could buy Unemployment Insurance on the open market among any number of insurance carriers.

3.) Social Security? Bankrupt. Most people my age will never see a dime of the tens of thousands of dollars that were stolen from them in the form of Social Security deductions from their paychecks. It's yet another example of a failed government program.

SS benefits should be privatized like a 401(k) plan, and run by the private sector and not some government bureaucrat.

Even if people think the government shouldn't fund these programs, it will just shift the cost of these programs. For example, if your kid no longer gets a $1000 pell grant and your tax goes down by 100.00, under this guys plan you will be 900 poorer.

No, it just means that your kid won't get indoctrinated by a left-leaning professor who will indoctrinate your child into socialist ideology. And, the taxpayer saves money to boot. It's a win-win.

Instead, your child will go to vocational or technical school, learn a valuable trade, or take up an apprenticeship, and become a productive member of society. In his or her spare time, they can take classes in "liberalism" at their own expense.

For all of the kids we send to college nowadays, we sure don't have an educated populace as a result. Colleges and universities are notorious breeding grounds for drugs, alcohol, premarital sex, parties, and the like. It's basically Animal House with a few classes thrown in for kicks.

Perhaps, the fact you're rich maybe effects how you view this plan?

No, my personal financial situation has no relevance to this thread. Whether I was rich or poor would not matter. The bottom line is that our country has become a nanny state, and it needs to stop before we head towards bankruptcy. The endless spending has to stop.

Dear Cookiemonster, Thanks for the information about federal grants. I just applied for one. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your care and concern for your fellow citizen Your Friend, Speckle

Care and concern? Sounds like Communism and Socialism. No thanks.

I much prefer the rugged individualism philosophy of our Founding Fathers. As you continue to dip into the pig trough, I am sure you feel no guilt or shame whatsoever. That's the issue.
edit on 12-8-2012 by CookieMonster09 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Speckle
Dear Cookiemonster,
Thanks for the information about federal grants. I just applied for one. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your care and concern for your fellow citizen.....

Oh great another 99%er in training....

Do us a favor...actually get a degree in something that will get you a job. We have too many people in college that should not be there already. They barely apply themselves and get some easy bullcrap degree that gives them only an advantage slightly ahead to the pimple face high school grad working at BK.

THEN they scream that they have big school bills and can't get a job that pays more than 10 buck an hour...well no#.... Then they end up not bathing for weeks in some city park demonstrating....don't be that guy please...

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Kaploink

3. Ryan wants to end Medicare, replace it with a voucher system

4. Ryan thinks Social Security is a “ponzi scheme.”

These two things are the most damaging. While a lot of younger voters may cheer for those programs to end or be cut, older voters in their late 40s and 50s may not be so excited about it. The important thing to note is that the older group is much more likely to vote than those younger voters who don't want to pay into the system.

Sure he will only be a VP, but he will be in a position to influence the president.

Only in the US would it be seen as a good thing for healthcare and financial support to be stripped from the poor. That is what separates you from the civilised world.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by binkman

Only in the US would it be seen as a good thing for healthcare and financial support to be stripped from the poor. That is what separates you from the civilised world.

Only in a Socialist country would the government want to put everyone in the same bucket...

I don't think ANYONE is trying to take away from the poor......

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by ThinkingCap

That's funny, because I think the older Americans are the brainwashed ones. The younger Americans are the ones supporting Ron Paul and moving against the two party system. It is the older conservative/fox news crowd (though admittedly a lot of my idiotic peers are still party proud dems - they are dwindling though) that are set in their ways. Young people are the ones spreading info over the net and getting multiple views and really educating themselves.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

I doubt a single person here agrees with the spin. It is more like OMG!!!!

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by CookieMonster09

1) False. The reason college is so expensive is because it has become a private business, just like anything else. It is a bubble, and it will pop. It has NOTHING to do with grants.

2)I dont disagree.

3)False. SS is bankrupt for one reason and one reason alone: because it is the single largest holder of US debt. If the politicians (especially the GOP) quit using it as a piggy bank, it wont be bankrupt.

4)Again, your issue is with the college industry, which has nothing to do with 'liberals' as you'd like to claim.

5)This is a lie. If you were someone who NEEDED these programs, you certainly would have a different view.

6)Taking care of your fellow man is not socialism or communism.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by Xtrozero

Originally posted by binkman

Only in the US would it be seen as a good thing for healthcare and financial support to be stripped from the poor. That is what separates you from the civilised world.

Only in a Socialist country would the government want to put everyone in the same bucket...

I don't think ANYONE is trying to take away from the poor......

So let me ask you this: do you consider the conservative view, that healthcare should be a business for profit, to be the american way?

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by paxnatus

"Here is what he has also done. Educate yourselves and listen to what he says. He knows what he is talking about and he step by step breaks down Obamacare. Main theme to Obama: "Hiding an expense does NOT eliminate it" "

How about we stop listening to what anybody says and instead look at their record. Talk is cheap. Actions speak the truth about a person.

I hate it when Obama talks one thing and does another, e.g. rail against the banksters but in reality not even charge any (well, just two low level people) from the largest looting of the people's money in human history. The S&L scandal saw thousands indicted and was a MUCH smaller deal. I hate it when the Right does it too, e.g. wax all poetic and emotional about civil liberties, but the then bring us the Patriot Act, the TSA, etc.

I don't give a rat's butt about what a politician says and any who does is an idiot. The ONLY thing worth checking about them is what they have DONE. The rest is just BS meant to suck up and manipulate the masses. In most cases it apparently works, certainly some here are easily fooled since he urges to you listen to what is said, never mind the 14 of voting history Ryan has, CLEARLY demonstrating he is a HUGE government fan.
edit on 12-8-2012 by pajoly because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 07:32 PM
If he gives government subsidies to big oil, he does not really embrace the philosophy of ayn rand. It's like calling him a libertarian yet he was picked by Romney's big establishment insiders.

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 07:50 PM

False. The reason college is so expensive is because it has become a private business, just like anything else. It is a bubble, and it will pop. It has NOTHING to do with grants.

Loans, not grants. Most college students don't get grants -- They take student loans out to pay for college tuition.

College costs are a bubble as a direct result of the student loan business. If people had to pay cash and could not obtain student loan financing, colleges would go bankrupt overnight and college costs would plummet.

The only reason why colleges charge so much is because of the student loan industry that has inflated the true market value cost of these colleges. It's become a big business --- all funded by the American taxpayer on the backs of students.

The government should not be using tax dollars to fund these colleges and universities that indoctrinate our students into socialist thinking.

SS is bankrupt for one reason and one reason alone: because it is the single largest holder of US debt.

No, you're missing the point. The Baby Boomers are retiring. They make up the bulk of our population in terms of demographics. As a result, Generation X and those that follow will be left holding the bag. It's simple demographics -- More people on Social Security and fewer people paying into the system.

Again, your issue is with the college industry, which has nothing to do with 'liberals' as you'd like to claim.

Nonsense. Most professors are liberals. Very, very few are political conservatives. Colleges and universities are notorious breeding grounds for indoctrinating young minds into liberal and socialist philosophies. This was even true 20 years ago, as it is true today.

Worse yet, as I stated earlier, colleges and universities are notorious breeding grounds for drug use, alcohol abuse, premarital sex, and the like. This is why so many ultra-conservative religious folks refuse to send their kids to secular colleges.

If you were someone who NEEDED these programs, you certainly would have a different view.

When I graduated from school, I didn't have 2 nickels to my name. I feel the same way about the nanny state as I do now -- namely, that it it's ridiculous to expect the American Taxpayer to pay for the pig's trough of entitlement programs. Our Founding Fathers believed in rugged individualism, not socialism.

Feel free to move to any Communist or Socialist country of your choosing. I am sure North Korea would welcome you with open arms.

Taking care of your fellow man is not socialism or communism.

Taking care of your fellow man is a private sector function, not a public sector function. Soup kitchens are run by churches and private citizens. Government intervention in social programs is not needed, nor necessary.

We now have record numbers of people filing bogus disability claims, even illegal aliens filing for illegal and bogus tax refunds. The entitlement system and welfare state is rife with abuse and outright fraud. Just look at Medicare fraud as an example -- You don't have to look too far to see how many of these government socialist programs are rife with abuse.

In the end, it is the American taxpayer that gets stuck with the bill. This is why I am voting for Romney/Ryan -- Because as fiscal conservatives, they at least appear to have an understanding that the egregious spending for all of these bogus entitlement programs needs to end. By November, the pig's trough will hopefully run dry.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

So let me ask you this: do you consider the conservative view, that healthcare should be a business for profit, to be the american way?

And it is not under Obamacare? When you say profit what do you mean? Doctors wages? Hospital profits? Medicine profits?

Profit is ok when you have competition, then price is based on what people are willing to pay. If you have 1000 heart surgeons and they had to compete like plastic surgeons do then the price comes down or the surgeon is out of business.

Someone makes profit somewhere no matter what, but I would rather not pay 20 bucks for an aspirin or have my taxes pay 20 bucks for an aspirin. Look around the world...why do people go to Mexico for surgeries? They do it because it is so much cheaper and so they can pay out of pocket for it. It is cheaper because there is not an insurance umbrella dictating the cost, and competition dictates the cost.

It is not that people need health insurance it is that health care is artificially inflated to the point no one can pay out of pocket and so they need insurance. Would it not be a great place if normal healthcare is out of pocket affordable and all we needed was catastrophic health insurance? I go to the doctors and my health insurance pays 600 dollars, I go to a clinic outside of the insurance umbrella and I pay 20 bucks.

SO should we just go the status quo and run insurance at 600 dollar of my taxes for a doctor visit, or should we give vouchers and let people choose where to go and pay 20 bucks?

Obamacare just makes it all worst AND provides worst healthcare.... Wow...such a great program...

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by CookieMonster09

Taking care of your fellow man is a private sector function, not a public sector function. Soup kitchens are run by churches and private citizens. Government intervention in social programs is not needed, nor necessary.

Another thing to remember is Government is not efficient. There is a lot of waste because there is no need to meet a balance budget or make a profit. They just tax more and so the monster grows....when you have private orgs running charity and other programs they NEED to be efficient or they go away. Also most of this should be done at the private/state level, not the Federal level. Why do 1/3 of Americans have some kind of Government subsidy? It's crazy to say the least...

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by antar
This thread needs to be stared and flagged.

Why because someone made unsubstantiated claims? Here is one for you, Paul Ryan wants to eliminate our debt. Can I get stars and flags now and we can call him the Mahdi.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by ThisToiletEarth
Make it 13 things: He proposed to his wife whilst fly fishing.

No, # 13 is Paul Ryans mother wears combat boots!

BTW, the moderators list for the debates came out.





Thank God! No NBC !

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by sensfan

A couple more items on Paul Ryan...

The 2012 Ryan budget was criticized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as taking away benefits from the poor contrary to church teachings

On Tuesday, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops sent a series of stern letters to Republican committee chairman in the House. The subject was proposed cuts to programs like food stamps and housing assistance, consistent with the overall spending blueprint that House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan has put forward. The message: Don’t slash the safety net, particularly if you’re doing so to finance tax cuts for the wealthy.

And the US Nuns..

Catholic sisters rally against Ryan budget..

A group of Catholic sisters broke bread Tuesday with the poor and homeless at Milwaukee's St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church, part of a nine-state bus tour drawing attention to proposed Republican budget cuts and the Catholic charities they say would be harmed by them.

"The current House budget is going to devastate people at the margins," said Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of Washington-based Network, the Catholic social justice lobby singled out in a recent Vatican rebuke of U.S. Catholic sisters.

"We believe we need reasonable revenues for responsible programs," she said.

The sisters are joining scores of faith leaders, includ ing the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, in criticizing the budget drafted by U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Janesville) that would remake Medicare and Medicaid and slash domestic spending on programs that benefit the poor.

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by sensfan

1. Ryan embraces the extreme philosophy of Ayn Rand

This one always makes me chuckle. It's a bone he throws to the Tea Party...

Speaking to a group of Rand acolytes in 2005, Ryan said, “The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand. And the fight we are in here, make no mistake about it, is a fight of individualism versus collectivism.”

Ayn Rand was his inspriation for entering politics? Name me one hero in an Ayn Rand novel who is a politician?

Politics was anti-thetical to Ayn Rands philosophy.

Ayn Rand spoke to the "virtue" of self-interest and was a devout Athiest.

From the "self-interest" perspective I can see Ayn Rand being his philosophical matriarch.
edit on 13-8-2012 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2012 @ 10:13 AM
Thanks for the post. I'm liking this Paul Ryan guy more already!

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