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Why Iranian people continue Down with the US ?

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posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
The way the OP starts the whole thread would be a good example, in my opinion, for why so many dislike folks in the Mid-East. This hostility is all we see in many cases.

Personally, I only hate people who hate me first, with a precious few exceptions.

That's why I am forced to say it's some sort of secretly agreed upon stratagem.

Get all of the cannon fodder riled up over complete fantasy, justify the commission of illegal and heinous acts, and allow the population to demand that commission and to undertake it themselves.

If I went to any nation on Earth right now, and walked down the street of any city, among the populace, I would meet interesting and friendly peoples whom I could interact positively with. I have never been to a place where I wasn't treated with great hospitality, even in the USA or Mexico, places where people claim things are pretty bad.

So why would I want to hate those people because of what some elite douche said to provoke us into death and destruction? No way, I think about it for a minute and decide 100% against all of this nonsense.

Heck, I can't think of any political leaders that don't saber rattle. How else could they get into office as all of the propaganda requires them to "keep up the veneer of hostility and machismo".

A strong or exaggerated sense of masculinity stressing attributes such as physical courage, virility, domination of women, and aggressiveness.

There isn't enough war to justify all of this global military build-up. This arms race, so to speak.
They are plotting something very negative for mankind....obviously.
What else are they gonna do with all these weapons?

That's right. Let us kill each other for nothing...while they hide in the bunker safe from the chaos.
Or on their moon base, or whatever the hell you want to believe. Doesn't matter. We're pretty screwed if we don't get our heads out of the sand and take control of our society and put an end to this tyranny and madness.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by mideast

Stop with these hateful threads. You are not doing any good on these forums. I'm surprised you're still here.
edit on 21-7-2012 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

That is reasoning and if you can not see it like you are delusional and don't believe in Satan , then I think you shouldn't be involved in this.

Because it involves something you don't believe in.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

That's right. Let us kill each other for nothing...while they hide in the bunker safe from the chaos.
Or on their moon base, or whatever the hell you want to believe. Doesn't matter. We're pretty screwed if we don't get our heads out of the sand and take control of our society and put an end to this tyranny and madness.

Is that so ?

I agree with it. And I propose you stop your country from invading mideast.

And if you can not , then don't defend the invasions at least.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

The way the OP starts the whole thread would be a good example, in my opinion, for why so many dislike folks in the Mid-East.

You make no allowance for culture and upbringing then? Everyone has to behave exactly like you? Go tell that to the Catholics in Northern Ireland then. Everyone's view is tainted by their environment but you should rise above that and read what is being said and not what you like to think is being said.

Do you in all seriousness think that someone brought up in the middle east would speak kindly of Western aggression. Do you seriously expect someone from that background to look favourably upon your world?

The reason that 'so many dislike folks in the Mid-East' as you put it is not perhaps so many as you might perceive, being brought up in America in a culture full of hate for all things Middle Eastern. You might also perhaps be offended to learn that so many folk dislike America for exactly the same reason and their aggressive and opinionated takeover of the world.

You need to step outside of your environment and try to take a more balanced view of the world.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by mideast

US is not alone in this , but the main leader is US.

The people who 'rule the US' are technically and provably ancestors of the nobility classes, and actually related to most of the people who 'rule most of the other nations'.

This is true in even some of the most obscure nations around the world today, to some extent or another.
Their are claims to authority through prestige and their illustrious bloodlines.

The main leader does not exist. There is no leader. You are already leading yourself where ever it is you are going, even if you don't know you are being fooled off a cliff, you are walking right into it still on your own volition.

Nations are fabrications of necessity as a result of our territorial nature, and refined through propaganda.
The reality is that we are all human beings living on Earth and that we are essentially creating near psychopathic fantasies in order to justify utterly horrific barbarism against each other.

They got us brainwashed with fictional concepts, we divide and label everyone arbitrarily. We justify various actions against one group, while act completely differently towards another group for whatever mental justification is necessary to accept something that probably isn't acceptable without those justifications.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Nations are fabrications of necessity as a result of our territorial nature, and refined through propaganda.
The reality is that we are all human beings living on Earth and that we are essentially creating near psychopathic fantasies in order to justify utterly horrific barbarism against each other.

What can I say!!

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by mideast
reply to post by muzzleflash

That's right. Let us kill each other for nothing...while they hide in the bunker safe from the chaos.
Or on their moon base, or whatever the hell you want to believe. Doesn't matter. We're pretty screwed if we don't get our heads out of the sand and take control of our society and put an end to this tyranny and madness.

Is that so ?

I agree with it. And I propose you stop your country from invading mideast.

And if you can not , then don't defend the invasions at least.

I have not and will not defend any invasion, or even arbitrary political or economic interventions against the will of any peoples.

From any sides of any situation.

I believe in a world of civilized human beings who can treat each other with respect and dignity and work out mutually beneficial accords through diplomacy.

All of these wars happen because people are unwilling to compromise for a mutually beneficial outcome. So in the end, it is a mutually destructive outcome for all parties.

The people of the Earth need harmony, not discord.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

They got us brainwashed with fictional concepts, we divide and label everyone arbitrarily. We justify various actions against one group, while act completely differently towards another group for whatever mental justification is necessary to accept something that probably isn't acceptable without those justifications.

That is just the definition of bigotry and I hate it.

The truth is out there and is not exactly what I am talking about. I am talking about the projection of truth in my mind. And I am not deluded. Because bullets and explosives will make you stay conscious forever.

US is here in mideast , it is making false flags , taking out the resources , destroying infra structures of the countries , supporting divide and conquer.

That is the truth about US govt. IS it not ?

Or you should show me that Iran's govt is doing the same things and that Iran is a colonialist country which is saving it's oil and is invading other countries. ?
edit on 21-7-2012 by mideast because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by mideast

Your people attacked us. Maybe if you didn't want us over there, you could have shot Bin Laden yourself.

If it was Russia or Japan, we're the first people you would have come to for help. As long as you don't need us for something, you don't like us. Is that fair?

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

Originally posted by superman2012

Originally posted by TsukiLunar
A country ruled by religion that says they are the best really has no right to say anything about another countries arrogance.

Are we talking about Israel or Iran here?

Would it shock you to find out it applies to both?

Not one bit. Would it shock you to find out that Utah is a theocracy?

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by superman2012


posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by mideast

Your people attacked us. Maybe if you didn't want us over there, you could have shot Bin Laden yourself.

If it was Russia or Japan, we're the first people you would have come to for help. As long as you don't need us for something, you don't like us. Is that fair?

That again , level of wisdom.

Even don't know the difference between Iran and Afghanistan.

And the ignorance about the wealth and support of Saudi Arabia behind OBL.

And forgetting which country helped the Taliban rise and stand against soviet union.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
The way the OP starts the whole thread would be a good example, in my opinion, for why so many dislike folks in the Mid-East. This hostility is all we see in many cases.

Personally, I only hate people who hate me first, with a precious few exceptions.

That's why I am forced to say it's some sort of secretly agreed upon stratagem.

Get all of the cannon fodder riled up over complete fantasy, justify the commission of illegal and heinous acts, and allow the population to demand that commission and to undertake it themselves.

If I went to any nation on Earth right now, and walked down the street of any city, among the populace, I would meet interesting and friendly peoples whom I could interact positively with. I have never been to a place where I wasn't treated with great hospitality, even in the USA or Mexico, places where people claim things are pretty bad.

So why would I want to hate those people because of what some elite douche said to provoke us into death and destruction? No way, I think about it for a minute and decide 100% against all of this nonsense.

Heck, I can't think of any political leaders that don't saber rattle. How else could they get into office as all of the propaganda requires them to "keep up the veneer of hostility and machismo".

A strong or exaggerated sense of masculinity stressing attributes such as physical courage, virility, domination of women, and aggressiveness.

There isn't enough war to justify all of this global military build-up. This arms race, so to speak.
They are plotting something very negative for mankind....obviously.
What else are they gonna do with all these weapons?

That's right. Let us kill each other for nothing...while they hide in the bunker safe from the chaos.
Or on their moon base, or whatever the hell you want to believe. Doesn't matter. We're pretty screwed if we don't get our heads out of the sand and take control of our society and put an end to this tyranny and madness.

Yes, I agree with you 100%. The "elite" have honed their use of divide and conquer tactics over time, and they have become exceedingly good at what they do. Social differences, national boundaries, political parties, the color of your skin or the religious view you hold, they use all of that against us. Let us kill eachother off, all the while confused as to who the real enemies are.

Whether they nuke our world to hide away in a bunker or moonbase/spaceship to colonize other worlds(if its possible, only They would know), either way they wouldn't initiate a global catastrophe unless they had ways to protect themselves from it. Which is very scary, with so many weapons of mass destruction, if the elite feel that their existence is threatened, or their control over the world is slipping, who's to say they wouldn't blow us all to kingdom come? If they can't have the world, which they feel is rightly theirs, then nobody can.

Eventually, as I see it, there are really two main possibilities for the future of humanity:
We either descend into a global government with the tyrant rulers forever in control of our fate and every aspect of our lives(seems only a few steps away from that)
We somehow miraculously awake from our stupor and overthrow the current cabal and secret societies that rule us, and promote freedom to every single human on Earth, where we use alternative energy instead of gas/oil, and nuclear power, where our food and water and the air we breathe are not intentionally poisoned and contaminated with various chemicals, where our governments actually care for the populations, and where war is obsolete, where we can finally advance our society to eventually inhabit other planets. Because lets face it, even if it were possible to undo all the damage we humans have caused this world, in time it will cease to be. I know nothing lasts forever, but it's hard to think that we as a species can become extinct at any time, if 100 years from now all that remains of our society is what we leave behind, crumbling buildings, radioactive ruins, whatever. I would hate to see humanity die out prematurely.

But that's opening another can of worms by itself. Technology does need some amount of restraint. With genetically modifying or mechanically augmenting a persons body, or uploading a mind into to a computer, or having millions of nano-machines running through your veins, so many different possibilities can happen and it could spiral out of control. I do not know what the future holds for us, but I hope we can atleast last long enough to experience true peace and freedom on earth. We are only here for a short short time, why waste it by being filled with hate?

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by mideast

And the ignorance about the wealth and support of Saudi Arabia behind OBL.

Seems to me OBl got "support" from a myriad of places like Iran, and Pakistan

And forgetting which country helped the Taliban rise and stand against soviet union.

Nope people have not forgotten Iran, and Pakistan Vevak,and ISi who helped the "taliban".

Haven't seen any wisdom in the thread so far except some people playing the victim card in the ME which has been no different than any other day for the last 2000 years.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

f it was Russia or Japan, we're the first people you would have come to for help. As long as you don't need us for something, you don't like us. Is that fair?

I would say that was fair since Gulf war 1 and Bosnia and Kosovo who came running to the US to "help" them out, and all we got for it is:

The US is "satan", and bunch of other BS.
edit on 21-7-2012 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by mideast

And the ignorance about the wealth and support of Saudi Arabia behind OBL.

Seems to me OBl got "support" from a myriad of places like Iran, and Pakistan

And forgetting which country helped the Taliban rise and stand against soviet union.

Nope people have not forgotten Iran, and Pakistan Vevak,and ISi who helped the "taliban".

Haven't seen any wisdom in the thread so far except some people playing the victim card in the ME which has been no different than any other day for the last 2000 years.

Nayif complained that over the past two years Iran has hosted Saudis (all Sunnis) -- including Osama bin Laden's son Ibrahim -- who had contacts with terrorists and worked against the Kingdom. SAG considered this aggressive action a breach of the 2001 security agreement between the two nations. The SAG has informed Iran through its ambassador and the MFA, asking the GOI to hand over these Saudis. Nayif recalled that after the operations in Khobar in 1996, the SAG tried to open channels with Iran and tried to improve relations during Khatami's presidency. He himself had met personally with Iranian National Security Secretary General Dr. Hassan Rohani (Iran's Supreme Council on National Security) and had signed a security agreement in which Iran promised to show respect and not take any actions inside or outside Iran against the Kingdom.

WikiLeaks: The Iran-Al Qaeda Connection

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Isn't the US helping, or pledging to help, the Syrian rebels? Isn't Al-Queda joining the ranks of the Syrian rebels? So they are the enemy in one country while friends in the other as long as it suits them? If I had a family member that died as a result of OBL, I would be furious with my government.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by superman2012

All I gave was the link to the article. Governments are heavily involved in destabilizing each others Governments . It stands to reason, an eye for an eye, will leave you blind eventually.

I have stated many times, The People of Iran, and the people of America are vastly similar. Instead of rhetoric, we should try and find a common bond. Here's a great video of Iran, that i believe many on ATS, would enjoy.

Have at it Superman, and tell me what you think.

Similar in SO many ways......More ways then the average person out there, can admit.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Probably true. Take for example Saudi Arabia. The US is being condemned in public opinion because we do business with them while they support the Rebels. Meanwhile, China is actually doing more business now with the Saudis and they are supposedly opposed to any country supporting the rebels.



posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I know. That's what drives me insane most days on here. One day someone is the enemy, the next day they are the friend and vice versa.

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