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Various Clues That Point to the Real Possibility of Earth's 2012 Ascension into The 5D New Earth

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posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:13 PM
Cute story and a fair attempt at a TOE.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 11:00 PM
This story makes no sense at all. It is a mass of speculation and there are no clues.

This is just the emporer's new clothes story. People are deluding themselves into thinking that clues exist.

The so-called hardcore skeptics are just pointing out well in advanced that this ascension story is just a self delusion.

posted on Jul, 26 2012 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
This story makes no sense at all. It is a mass of speculation and there are no clues.

This is just the emporer's new clothes story. People are deluding themselves into thinking that clues exist.

The so-called hardcore skeptics are just pointing out well in advanced that this ascension story is just a self delusion.

You claim to search for evidence, yet you failed to even question and focus on the method of how people like Dolores Cannon obtain her information, which is through thousands of people during past-life hypnotism. So many of her clients have said the same thing, so it is definitely not a personal opinion that comes from a few people.

OH MY GOD!! You claim to search for evidence yet you failed to do the one most important thing when searching for evidence that is to question the method of information gathering. This just makes your claim of being a searcher of evidence as extremely false and hypocritical, it also makes you look like an unthinking person. This also goes out to the others who perceive this as a story or false opinion. These people even don't have the capacity and know-how to search and question the truth.

So don't pretend to be qualified searchers for truth and evidence. I only get amused by your lousy acting. I can just see through it! I can just see through your lame immaturity and whiny unsubstantiated complains.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 10:00 AM
I've extensively researched theories concerning other levels of existence (the "fifth" dimension) , the spiritual nature of humanity in world religions, esoteric concepts, ET's , and everything under the sun concerning 2012 , end times and prophecy.

Yes, this claim does have some credibility. If you extensively research NDE's you will find a number of correlations suggesting that earth is a "learning school" for experiences. This fits in with the concept of reincarnation and other global spiritual concepts.

Within recent history people have suggested that the "Gods" were actually extraterrestrials. This theory has been highlighted in a number of academic papers.

I'm not so sure about the story that this planet was made to work out alien disharmonies. I've read a number of theories concerning "why we are here" that are different. However it's really difficult, if not impossible to verify these things. I haven't found any correlations in this area. I believe this is due to the fact that perhaps there are vested interests who would like to present "their version" of "whats really going on" in a plan to manipulate humanity, and this is why you have to be careful with these kinds of claims. Also concerning the abductions, I've read that "the greys" are actually controlled by "negative" aliens who just make it seem that they were doing good things with them.

However I have read a number of theories correlating with the beginning of the OP.

Finally concerning end times prophecy and the Mayan calendar end date, there has been a number of end dates from various cultures which are roughly scattered across last century and the beginning of this one (the 2012 end date). It would be nice if dec.21 brought this, but humanity has been disappointed by a number of "end dates".

Regardless there are a number of prophecies and accounts who foresee a greater Golden age in the near future which I really do believe will manifest once we eliminate all negativity (selfishness, corruption, war, etc.). If not dec.21st then soon after. There are a number of hindu prophets which have said that this Golden age will actually arrive around 2020 or slightly past that. However if the correlating prophecies of "the golden age" do come at the end of this year, that would be great.

I believe the consciousness of humanity at some level is slowly waking up and demanding an end to the corruption, selfishness and negativity. We can see this with the LIBOR/banking scandals , the arab spring and other issues in the middle east, political discontent in Russia, the U.S. , Canada , and other social movements.

I'm all with you on the positive aspects of the theory you have presented. I believe this is a year where people will realize the futility of all negativity (all negative behavior is rooted in selfishness) and choose to better themselves, and be a force of good, selflessness, understanding and love. It doesn't even make sense to me why you wouldn't be. Selfishness is counter-productive to any progression within humanity.

Then again I look around at the world, and it's apparent that some people still don't get it? That is starting to not make sense to me , I keep asking myself how can these people not get it. I feel that people are still trapped in the darkness that humanity has been in for so long in it's development that they are stuck in that negative mindset. They are trapped by the illusions of the media, materialism and selfishness. It makes no sense to me.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by timerty

You claim to search for evidence, yet you failed to even question and focus on the method of how people like Dolores Cannon obtain her information, which is through thousands of people during past-life hypnotism. So many of her clients have said the same thing, so it is definitely not a personal opinion that comes from a few people.

OH MY GOD!! You claim to search for evidence yet you failed to do the one most important thing when searching for evidence that is to question the method of information gathering. This just makes your claim of being a searcher of evidence as extremely false and hypocritical, it also makes you look like an unthinking person. This also goes out to the others who perceive this as a story or false opinion. These people even don't have the capacity and know-how to search and question the truth.

So don't pretend to be qualified searchers for truth and evidence. I only get amused by your lousy acting. I can just see through it! I can just see through your lame immaturity and whiny unsubstantiated complains.

Did you have something to say other than to whine?

So where are the clues?

BTW, I do not believe anything from Dolores Cannon.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Utopia2012

Within recent history people have suggested that the "Gods" were actually extraterrestrials. This theory has been highlighted in a number of academic papers.

Can you please name one?

I'm all with you on the positive aspects of the theory you have presented. I believe this is a year where people will realize the futility of all negativity (all negative behavior is rooted in selfishness) and choose to better themselves, and be a force of good, selflessness, understanding and love. It doesn't even make sense to me why you wouldn't be. Selfishness is counter-productive to any progression within humanity.

You better let politicians know that. The negative ads are still in full swing, because they work.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 02:42 PM
I forgot what a whacko Dolores Cannon is:
1. Hollow Earth
2. Pole shift
3. Inundation of the US map

She is a laughable mess.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 02:46 PM
OP At first I was glad to see your post about Earth's potential ascension to 5d.........

BUT then I saw you wrote this....

From the beginning, the Source or Creator imagined in its mind countless mental perspective to become various individual souls. He did this to enable them to experience the simulation of physicality that he also created or imagined in his mind.

Hard for me to read past the he and his....are you kidding me?......looks like your religion is your driving force!

I Doubt Creator only has a penis.....if creator had genitalia it probably has all of the parts...don't ya think?

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 05:12 PM

Within recent history people have suggested that the "Gods" were actually extraterrestrials. This theory has been highlighted in a number of academic papers.

Grünschloß, Andreas (June 2006), ""Ancient Astronaut" Narrations: A Popular Discourse on Our Religious Past" The marburg journal of religion (Philipps University of Marburg, Germany)

Many are aware of the ancient astronaut theory, I'm sure I don't need to explain it to you.

You better let politicians know that. The negative ads are still in full swing, because they work.

Heh, yea I know.

Seriously, I think people are getting sick and tired of those. We have been for awhile. We all know its just noise. It's funny that out of all nations, Mexico decided to ban negative political ads.

1. Hollow Earth

I believe perhaps there are maybe large cavern system where you could essentially build a metropolis. The American government can currently build underground bases beyond the size of the Cheyenne mountain complex. Perhaps not hollow, but with large cavities. I'm almost certain there's caverns of that like in the south American region, but I'd have to look my my geography.

2. Pole shift

There's evidence of a magnetic pole shift towards Russia. There's been some research suggesting this will weaken the magnetic field of the planet , which leads to more speculation of possible effects on the planet. However I'm not inclined to belief that the axis of the planet will shift without a good theory.

3. Inundation of the US map

Oh ya, I've seen those. Besides what Al Gore has mentioned, or the increased melting of the North pole more recently, I had another thought concerning such maps , unrelated to what most people read on the internet.

I believe the biological-environmental nature of the planet relies on (biological) systems theory, where the planet itself is one organism. Now an organism as complex as the planet roughly reflects the complexity of the human organism. I believe just in the same way our body has anti-bodies to destroy viruses, our planet uses natural disasters/extreme weather to deal with "viruses".

Who and what are the viruses? Whatever is causing toxicity to the natural environment through pollution, whatever is creating an imbalance in local ecosystems. These things naturally occur with the depletion of resources.

So I guess you could say that perhaps the flood maps of the US really represent the results of the anti-virus, if you believe in systems theory. Also, America (before it was America) has had various areas underwater including the western united states as has been portrayed on some of these "future" flood maps. This would suggest a cyclical nature to continental movements. We have cyclical nature of the ice ages, extinction periods, it would make sense that there's a cyclical nature to continental movements.

Anyways, these flood maps are supposed to be prophecies of warning so humanity corrects itself. It doesn't have to be. We are in control of what we do on this planet.

he and his

Yea, there's something I missed actually. In my studies of the esoteric/world religion/mysticism etc. the nature of "God" is more androgynous, sexless, infinite, and a number of other things one would imagine "God" to be. God is not anthropomorphic or anything close to what the undeveloped human mind can possibly understand.

All in all you can't blindly follow any new age ideologies or dismiss such serious allegations. I believe a lot of people get swept away with these claims of a Golden Age, which I'm sure will arrive soon with the fairly fascinating prospects of the future. I just think people need to investigate the scientific theoretical links , and religious/esoteric links thoroughly.

posted on Jul, 27 2012 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Utopia2012

Thanks for the article. I'll check it out. It does state early on that:

The Ancient Astronaut narrations knit together our specific late-modern mode of beingin-
the-world with a lay people’s attempt at a new search for the fundamental truth of the myth: The
protagonists still “want to believe”, and they find it plausible that a pre-astronautic “truth is
somewhere out there”: But in the end, the seemingly self-evident technological possibilities of our
age are projected back into a remote past, on the surface of ancient texts and artifacts, – and the
result is nothing but a shining mirror of us, and of our time.

1. Hollow earth

What you discuss has nothing at all to do with the hollow Earth claims.

2. Pole shift

A magnetic shift is not a pole shift. A pole shift was defined by Hancock which is a variation of the ECDs defined by Hapggod. A pole shift is a shifting of the crust. It is not happening and paleomagnetic studies show that none has happened in over 200My.

3. Inundation of the US

The Earth does not behave like a living creature. There simply is not enough water on the planet to inundate the US as seen on the map.

Dolores Cannon is a laughable mess.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 02:30 AM

What you discuss has nothing at all to do with the hollow Earth claims.

The hollow earth theory claims that there are enormous cavern systems below the earth. This is plausible. There are known cavern systems that are so deep and extensive, human beings have not been able to fully explore them.

As for the claims of an inner sun suspended in the middle of a "hollow earth", while the measurement of seismic waves disprove this, I don't consider this method of survey to be a final confirmation. Disproving the hollow earth theory hasn't been something extensively studied by measurement of seismic waves. I believe we need to fully explore the Earths cavern systems before dismissing or confirming the hollow earth theory,

A magnetic shift is not a pole shift

A magnetic pole shift is not a geographic pole shift, no. I think people are confusing these concepts which get thrown into these prophecies/predictions.

The Earth does not behave like a living creature. There simply is not enough water on the planet

That really depends on your definition of a living creature. It's not a living creature in the sense that it has 2 eyes, a physical brain, etc. , it's more of a self-organizing biological system, an organism which has evolved over time to support biological life.

Concerning the flood maps and not enough water, that completely overlooks what I mentioned concerning the western united states and other areas being underwater in previous times. This goes to highlight there's certainly enough water for this to happen.
edit on 28-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 07:55 AM
A great read OP I enjoyed every word...when I could hold back from laughing.

posted on Jul, 29 2012 @ 10:56 PM
How does someone write such a long post about nothing...?
How do people agree with made up fantasies based on nothing...?

We know for a fact that we are ascending into a 5d Earth, but the jury is still out on Hollow Earth Theory? What about the 5d hollow earth? Where will the mormons from the 47th tribe of Israel go? (That's not a real question, but feel free to answer anyway)

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 08:14 AM
reply to post by centrifugal

I'm not agreeing with every single claims made in the new age ideology. Rather I'm looking for correlations based in real science and documented spirituality/religions/esoterics of humanity. I'm only saying there could be something to some of the claims.

As for the whole 5D theory, that's fairly speculative. You could claim that a number of events are related to earth "ascending into 5D" but it's all really speculation. This is based on the fact that we don't know the properties of a theoretical fifth dimension, nor do we have anything to go on within the recorded history of humanity. However I could be wrong on the latter, the Hindu's have a fairly interesting allegations concerning the record of humanity which could imply a "fifth dimension" but of course they wouldn't call it that. The whole notion of the dimensional nature of reality was more recently created. If there is a "fifth dimension" I believe this is something that humanity is going to have to study concurrently with the theoretical ascension.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by Utopia2012

The hollow Earth claim is that the center of the Earth is not solid. The existence of caverns is known and they are small in volume. Consider one of the longer caves int he world: Wind Cave in the US. It has 170 miles of known passage with an estimated 1500 to 1800 miles of potential passage. Regardless of length this represents a minuscule volume underground. The hollow earth claims are a failure due to seismic evidence and also the mass of the Earth. It is not possible to have the mass of the Earth and have it hollow. The seismic evidence is very clear that there is no hollow Earth. Waves pass through the center of the Earth showing that it is liquid and solid, not air or vacuum. Also, people like Cannon claim that there are openings to the surface. Simply not true.

That really depends on your definition of a living creature. It's not a living creature in the sense that it has 2 eyes, a physical brain, etc. , it's more of a self-organizing biological system, an organism which has evolved over time to support biological life.

It's not a living creature in the sense that it has no properties of life. There is no metabolism. There is no ingestion of material. There is no excretion. There is no breathing, or reproduction, or anything living creatures have. It certainly is not self organizing.

Concerning the flood maps and not enough water, that completely overlooks what I mentioned concerning the western united states and other areas being underwater in previous times. This goes to highlight there's certainly enough water for this to happen.

That's not true. Previous inundations were due to changes in the make up of the continents. These low lying areas have been lifted.

Here is what your link states about the US as shown in the first map.

The Rocky Mountains, as they are today, did not exist; instead a giant trough in which marine sediment slowly accumulated occupied this part of the West.

There is not enough water to inundate as shown in the maps.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by stereologist
I forgot what a whacko Dolores Cannon is:
1. Hollow Earth
2. Pole shift
3. Inundation of the US map

She is a laughable mess.

I beg to differ

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 02:40 PM

The existence of caverns is known,The seismic evidence

I emphasize cavern exploration due to the fact that seismic evidence presents several anomalies which can only suggest theory and not facts. Besides the fact that we have no physical proof that the core of the planet is made up of what mainstream geologists claim, let's look at some other facts.

The shadow zone is defined as P waves which strike the Outer Core and scientists believe the refraction caused by this sudden change in density can explain the shadow. P waves behaving as normal right up to 103 degrees. Then suddenly there are very few of them inside the Shadow Zone and then after the Shadow Zone there are greater and greater numbers of P waves eventually converging on the other side of the Earth

It makes more sense that this is caused by the gradual change from "increasing density" to "decreasing density." This causes the waves to "split" - some to go down while others go up. So there has to then be an area on the surface which receives less seismic waves than normal - hence the "Shadow Zone."

Remember that everything you're taught in school about the composition of the earth is theory. You don't know that the outer core is composed of liquid as you have been taught. That's just a theory. It holds no more credibility than other theories concerning a hollow earth model. Seismic wave activity can only reveal so much concerning the properties beneath the earth, not enough to confirm nor deny the solid earth or hollow earth theory.

Moving on, let's look at P-waves which travel through the inner core. We'll be looking at wave PKP and wave PKIKP.

We know that P Waves which pass through the Core actually slow down, where P waves are supposed to speed up when they pass through dense material. The hollow earth model suggests it's more likely that the P-waves in fact traveled through the less dense outer core and around the inner core. This model matches standard models where the seismic P-waves reach the other side, minus the current theory suggesting they travel through the inner core.

Those factors cause the waves to take a longer time to travel to the other side of the Earth, hence, giving the appearance that they slowed down.

moving on , let's take a look at this chart attempting to explain density within the earth

at the 5K Km level, the speed of waves change very sharply either speeding up or slowing down. Scientists look at these sharp changes in speed and then state that this is due to sharp changes in density.

They use this to "prove" that the Mantle is composed of a different type of material to the Outer Core. You have seen the Hollow Planet theory seismic model and how radically the P-wave's path may differ from the solid Earth theory. Supposing the Earth really is hollow, it would then follow that the paths of waves differ in reality from what scientific theory supposes.

Scientists may suppose a certain wave speeds up or slows down when in fact it does nothing of the kind. If they knew the right path, then it might turn out that such rapid speed changes never actually occur.

scientists feel the need to have a model which matches the 6 trillion tons needed (according to current theory explaining the relation of gravity to density of the solid earth theory, which would be drastically altered with the hollow earth theory), they need to find a way of "packing lots of matter into the Earth". So they are looking for evidence of changes in density. When they find they have to account for certain behavior by postulating such instantaneous increases/decreases in speed that it makes them confident they are on the right track. But the opposite may be true. Once again I will remind you and all readers that the solid earth theory is no more provable then hollow earth theory. There is no physical proof of either. No one has been down there.

Furthermore according to scientists, pressure increases with depth. According to their calculations the pressure is so great that between 70-150 Km down, all rock will begin to flow. Below 150 Km there is no known material which will not flow. Therefore, according to scientists, there can be no earthquakes with epicenters deeper than 150 Km. However tens of thousands of earthquakes have epicenters deeper than 150 Km. earthquakes occur right up to a depth of 300 Km down. Strangely, from 300Km earthquakes increase again in number up to a depth of 700 Km where they end. This is consistent with claims the hollow earth theory claiming the Earth's crust is only about 800Km thick. Once again, many theories have been presented attempting to explain this phenomenon, but I will remind all readers that once again,they are just theory which has not been properly verified. They're attempted explanations for unknown phenomenon which look nice, but have no proof
edit on 30-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 02:41 PM
Concerning the above post and this one, Far too often people have too much faith in current scientific theories assuming that humanity understands everything completely. It’s the misunderstanding that scientific law and scientific findings are solid and will never change, when this is far from the truth. Scientific “law” is actually theory prone to change. Scientific findings change all the time. At one point humanity believed they had the scientific findings proving the earth was flat. They thought “It’s this way; we have the scientific laws to prove it” but once they gained physical proof that the earth was not flat, all the supporters of the flat earth theory went silent and looked like a bunch of idiots. I believe we are in the same situation today, compounded by the ego and technological advancement of humanity. Scientists and many uneducated supporters of their theories look around at all the technology humanity has and think to themselves “These guys can’t be wrong, look how smart we are. Look at our technological findings” and they continually forget that scientific theory has always changed in relation to the development of humanity.

I’m not claiming that either the solid earth theory or hollow earth theory are correct. I’m stating that humanity, scientists, and supporters of all theories need to shut up and realize it’s just theory and until you can bring physical proof of that theory, you have no rights dismissing or confirming it. You have no rights arguing “I am 100% right, you are 100% wrong”. I’m never going to claim that I’m right or that you are wrong. Rather what I’m arguing is that all theory is reliant on undeveloped technology and scientific understandings which humanity has come to in this point in time. In a hundred years I’m sure we’re all going to look back at current scientific notions and think scientists of this era were a bunch of morons. Humanity develops, we are not at our peak – stop acting like we are.

This is a huge problem with many skeptics and supporters of current day scientific theories.

There is no metabolism. There is no ingestion of material. There is no excretion. There is no breathing, or reproduction, or anything living creatures have. It certainly is not self organizing

You're assigning too many anthropomorphic characteristics to your concept. Obviously the planet does not "reproduce" in the sense that it creates other planets, but various extensions of the planets biology through ecosystems provide the necessary functions to support life in a complex interconnected biological system. It's only these functions of various ecosystems that mirror some qualities of an organism. For example the planet "ingests" decomposed material to make into soil. Plant life absorbs carbon dioxide (c02) and releases oxygen (02), a reverse function in comparison to mammalian lungs which absorb c02 and release 02 highlighting the biological systems theory to support life on this planet. Plants are the "lungs" breathing, as you would call it. The functions of the various ecosystems mirror most functions of an organism, present a self-organizing biological system as explained above.

changes in the make up of the continents

I know , so changes in the make up of the continent as have been recorded would result in the inundation. So there is enough enough water, there just needs to be a change in the make up of the continent.

There is enough water to inundate as shown in the maps.
edit on 30-7-2012 by Utopia2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 04:12 PM
Evidence. Evidence? Again, evidence? No, as always it's just fiction, conjecture and complete nonsense. Tiring.

posted on Jul, 30 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by DaemonD14

Exactly. Theories are theories, scientific and conspiracy. It's like I said, until you can journey to the center of the earth as portrayed in the many fascinating tales presented to humanity - we cannot confirm nor deny the solid earth or hollow earth theory.

Regardless, I've presented all readers with evidence concerning the inundation of America which has occurred in the past. As for the biological systems theory, the operations of the planetary ecosystems are evidence in itself.

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