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Various Clues That Point to the Real Possibility of Earth's 2012 Ascension into The 5D New Earth

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posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 01:11 PM
This is taken from my Facebook group
Know Thyself and Return to Soul: Way of True Ascension & Enlightenment 2012

There are many people who do not believe in the planet's 2012 ascension into the 5D New Earth because they simply cannot realize the big picture that can sufficiently and thoroughly explain the big reason for something this wide-scale to happen to the planet and its people. Therefore, many non-believers have claimed such an idea to be crazy. I don't blame them because I used to lack the perspective to thoroughly believe in such a possibility.

I have spent about a week to think through the relevant information and clues from various sources that greatly hints of the planet's 2012 ascension and I have managed to put all the little bits of information together. If the notion that the planet would ascend to the 5th dimension did not seem possible or necessary enough, this following explanation would make such a necessity seem very crucial and real/relevant to the humans on the planet.

From the beginning, the Source or Creator imagined in its mind countless mental perspective to become various individual souls. He did this to enable them to experience the simulation of physicality that he also created or imagined in his mind. These various souls then took on the physical bodies and inhabited the countless planets in the Universe.

Because in the beginning of the Universe's creation, the energies found in various planets were still in their fundamental crude forms and therefore very disorganized with one another. This made the sensation of living in a physical body to be dense and uncomfortable. Such a discomfort in the spacial energies led to the manifestation of disorganization and disharmony in the various species in the Universe. Many early alien races were therefore easily agitated and prone to using crude methods to resolve the conflicts that they encountered with one another.

Because souls inhabited the physical bodies with the basic purpose to experience physicality, most of them had the natural instinct to gain more physical materials for the chance to experience more physicality. They had the desire to colonize and mine the resources from various planets in the Universe. However, this struggle to possess and colonize entire planets and solar systems between the various species led to much conflicts of possession. Many alien species therefore turned to large-scale space wars to settle their disputes of who is more worthy to possess what is desired. However, many of their destructive weapons led to much tears and anomalies in the space-time fabric of the physical Universe. The destruction not only affected the region of space where it was used, it also affected regions of space in other areas of the Universe.

The council of beings residing in a higher dimension that oversee the souls' habitation of the physical Universe became very concerned with the space wars that were damaging the fabric of the physical simulation. They used their superior manipulation of physical matter and intervened with the space conflicts and stopped the various alien wars. This intervention shortly led to the formation of the intergalactic federation that unifies the interests of many alien races in the Universe.

The purpose of the formation of the galactic federation was to ensure stability in the physical Universe. However, the early alien species in the Universe lacked the sufficient knowledge to live in harmony together. A group of beings in the federation proposed an idea that could generate such a knowledge that would benefit many of the aliens species and uplift the harmony/positivity in the Universe. They proposed a physical simulated experiment where the DNA of various alien species in the Universe would be genetically combined into a single race on a new planet. The disorganization of the energy structures found in the various alien species' DNA would then have the chance to be brought out and quickly manifest into various disharmonious behaviour.

The planet of Earth was known as a school because souls who inhabit the earthly physical bodies would be able to experience the various forms of disharmonious behaviour exhibited by many people's DNA. The humans on the school was purposely kept in the dark of Earth as a school so that the disorganized energies could be brought out thoroughly without interference. Therefore, the aliens could not interfere with how the humans choose to lead out their physical lives.

The purpose of the Earth school was that the humans on the planet would witness the disharmonious energies brought out from alien DNA, which is why many people would experience disharmony in their lives. The idea of the experiment was that the humans would learn sufficiently about the various disharmonious behaviour and actions. Those who then wish to seek for harmony would then know exactly how not to behave and what not to do. By avoiding behaviour and actions that would create disharmony, and by focusing on behaviour and actions that would increase harmony, they would saturate/purify themselves with harmonious energy forms that would in turn affect the evolution of their own DNA structures to be more harmonious. Therefore, the Earth school experiment was to evolve DNA from various species to be more harmonious. The harmonious energy structures in the evolved DNA could then later affect and evolve the DNA of the various alien species in the Universe.

The purpose of the volunteers souls on Earth was mentioned to be 2-fold by Dolores Cannon. One is to ensure that the energies they emanate will prevent Earth from being destroyed, the other is to help people get to the New Earth. It seems like the volunteer souls are just helping in the Grand Experiment.

The overseers of the Earth experiment are able to perceive beyond the limits of linear time. They could foresee that at a certain period in time in the future, the energy of the planet would be affected by the harmonious energies of the evolved human DNA and would itself expand and create a higher 5th dimensional space.

The aliens that inhabited early human civilizations of the planet to provide the necessary knowledge for the humans to live were mistaken as Gods. Some of them were described to be blond in appearance and they gave the people such as the Mayans the knowledge that the experiment would end on December 21st 2012, which translates to the end of the amount of time that humans would get on the planet. The end of 2012 is the time when the humans with the evolved DNA would be energized by the aliens on a planetary scale during 3 days of unconscious state(darkness) where they will be moved into the 5th dimension.

(End of Part 1)

edit on 17-6-2012 by timerty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 01:13 PM
(Part 2)

The Bible was an example of how alien knowledge was mistaken as coming from a God of higher power. The Bible has information that came from the aliens. It contains warnings of the end of the experiment that translates to the end times such as the 3 days of darkness, the creation of a new heaven and a new earth, and the 'harvest' of desirable humans. The Bible contains knowledge that tells people how to be harmonious by telling people to be child-like, which is similar to cooperate the masculine and feminine energy. It also used the behaviour of Jesus as an example for people to live harmoniously. The alien's message that eventually formed the Bible was meant to be one of the many catalysts for the experiment. However, much of its knowledge was distorted by people who wish to control others by restricting certain human behaviour. They altered the Bible by adding their own laws and restrictions.

The Christian and Roman Catholic followers of the Bible are therefore the 'followers' of the information provided by the alien overseers, which was then altered by man. The Christians and Catholics are therefore similar to the Mayans and Aztecs who mistook the source of a higher knowledge to come from a God. Not forgetting the other religions in the world such as Judaism and Islam that could also have knowledge that originates from the aliens of the experiment.

The various religions was inspired by the alien's teaching to live in harmony. However, many believers of such religions clearly do not live harmoniously. They are as lost as lost sheep in the way of seeking true spiritual understanding and harmony. Most of them will clearly not end up as the desired product of the Grand Experiment and will not make the shift to the 5D New Earth.

With the end of the experiment, the humans with disharmonious DNA who are left behind would not be allowed to carry on living on the planet because they and their violence and destructive behaviour could create nuclear wars and explosions that would create more tears in the space-time fabric. However, with the evolution of the soul's consciousness of the nature of reality, every soul would eventually get the chance to perceive from a harmonious physical form that gets to live in great harmony with the Universe.

With only 6 months left to the end of the experiment to generate harmonious energy from humans, the humans that will get to shift to the 5D New Earth should already be living in their advanced state of harmony. Most people on the planet are still unaware of what is going on, and what is going to happen.

The alien's Grand Experiment on Earth was meant to generate DNA of beings that could live in harmony, the harmonious effect would then spread to other alien species in the Universe. There are various clues that point to the real existence of the Grand Experiment. Besides Dolores Cannon's Source who said that the Grand Experiment was to create humans with masculine and feminine energies balanced in DNA that will create a Christ-like being that is diseased-free and would be living in harmony, the late Dr Hwee Yong Jang said that the purpose of humans being on Earth is to be part of the alien's creation of an ascension vaccine that will uplift the energies of the Universe. Princess Nakamaru said that the aliens orbiting the planet would only beam up humans that have harmonious auras above their heads. During a news broadcast in 1977 Britain, a being named Vrillion hijacked the broadcast and said in its message that humanity must learn to live in peace for the short time that they have before the coming Age of Aquarius. The most observable clue is that many UFOs have recently been disabling nuclear silos and missiles. Many people in the millions have now claimed to be abducted by aliens on board their craft to be physically examined, just like they are part of an experiment.

Various sources have pointed to the need for humanity to live in harmony, which adds to the possibility that the Grand Experiment to create harmonious DNA energy really exists for Earth.

If people still cannot believe in the 2012 ascension to the 5D New Earth after being faced with all these clues coming since historic times that points to the existence of the alien's Grand Experiment, then no other information on Earth could convince them. The clues and information that I have put together has convinced me that Earth's 2012 ascension into the 5D New Earth is very real now.

I will talk about the true nature of being harmonious in my next group update.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 01:13 PM

edit on 17-6-2012 by timerty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 01:19 PM
You posted Part 2 twice.

Also, could you provide evidence for your views? Evidence for a 5 Dimension (where did the 4th go?), existence of aliens, the creation of humans by aliens, where the Mayans talked about aliens and the 5th dimension, etc.

Last I checked, humans are far from anything remotely similar to harmonious.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 01:39 PM
i cant wait till the 1st of january 2013
but not for the same reason as you
but i suppose there will always be new dates after this one passes
so this crap will probably never end

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by timerty

What you propose violates the Law of free will, there will be no "Mass ascendancy", Ascendancy occurs for those who want and have earned it.
We as a Race of people, will never experience such a thing, Everyone of us as an individual will at some point experience such a thing.
There has to be choice.
It s a very beautiful notion, and, god knows we need it, but the reason why we need it, and the reason why it hasn't happened yet, is, not enough people have qualified for release.

Earth is a prison, a spiritual prison, you have no release date, other than the one you "Make" for yourself.
Allowing a whole planet to enter ascendency at the same time, wehter or not they have earned or want it, violates one of the main reasons you were placed here in the first place, that is, you cannot be trusted with your freedom.
When you show you can, you will be released from earth and will enter life out in the universe where you actually belong, and, no one here gets out alive.
Earth was created as a Prison, we are the product of spiritual abandonement.

posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 02:34 PM
Is this a fictional story? It sounds more like a new star wars type story than anything else.

Where are the clues and not unsubstantiated ideas about aliens and whatever?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 06:19 AM
posted on 17-6-2012 @ 11:11 AM

Yeah, because I'm sure that's just totally a coincidence, isn't it OP?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan
posted on 17-6-2012 @ 11:11 AM

Yeah, because I'm sure that's just totally a coincidence, isn't it OP?

What? The Op is at 01:11 PM ......not 11:11 AM ?

posted on Jun, 18 2012 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

Nevermind. I forgot about time zones lol.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by timerty

Cool story man. I never dismiss anything so who knows? I don't mess with facebook though so if you could post your next update on here that would be great.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan
posted on 17-6-2012 @ 11:11 AM

Yeah, because I'm sure that's just totally a coincidence, isn't it OP?

Haha freckin spicoli. Chill bro! It says 1:11 on mine. I get what you're saying though.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:13 AM
Hey Timerty,

I find everything you've written really quite interesting. I was wondering if you'd be able to provide a few links which provide more information about what you've actually said.

Also you may be interested in a story I wrote here. It is purely a work of fiction but I'm definitely interested in learning a little more about the subject.

Cheers - 1littlewolf

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by timerty

timerty, enjoyed the read and appreciate your time taken to put this together.
So it seems the deeds from many will cause them to either ascend into 5th dimension= HIGHER FREQUENCY VIBRATING BEINGS and to ascend into the 4th dimension =LOWER FREQUENCY VIBRATING BEINGS. timerty, I dont know how close you are to the subjective truth of whats going on but from various reads this seems to be the direction many are going. NOW WHERE IS THAT CATALYST DEVICE
to get it all started 1 wonders


posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by 1littlewolf
Hey Timerty,

I find everything you've written really quite interesting. I was wondering if you'd be able to provide a few links which provide more information about what you've actually said.

Also you may be interested in a story I wrote here. It is purely a work of fiction but I'm definitely interested in learning a little more about the subject.

Cheers - 1littlewolf

Here is a 40 page book preview of a book by the late Dr Hwee Yong Jang.
The Gaia Project 2012: The Earth's Coming Great Changes(I have read the whole book in 2008, before I heard of Dolores Cannon)

Convoluted Universe Book 2 by Dolores Cannon swjMc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Ag0PUKS3M8TtrQfxwoF4&ved=0CF0Q6AEwBw#v=onepage&q&f=false

Convoluted Universe Book 3 by Dolores Cannon kAYmqrAeC8oGIBg&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAQ

You can also find many radio interviews of Dolores Cannon on youtube.

Vrillon's Message from November 1977 with Subtitles

Here is a site that archives Dolores' own radio show, The Metaphysical Hour

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by timerty

I hope you come back to this thread after 2012. Nothing is
going to happen. Its a danger that so many people think that
something great is goibg to happen on this date. There are
going to be alot of depressed people in 2013

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 04:57 PM
Still nothing substantial here. Just a plain scifi story borrowed from bad TV shows.

There are no clues. There is no evidence. There is no possibility as claimed.,

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:32 PM
One of the best thread in a very long time
nice job Op getting the word out
it has been the story of my life to open people up

but it is hard .. so many are hardcore skeptic that think when you die .. its over

or dont want to expend their thoughs to positivity with an open mind

I have came to the same conclusions
if you listen to the signs and clues you will see this positive harmonic path
if you dont pay attention to those clues and signs you might miss the train
the Creator didnt abandon anyone but gave each soul an egual chance to choose
a great great plan at the end (21 december) end of the illusion .. end ot times
end of the test or experiment or the test
we have freewill to do everything we want .. even if there is a matrix (2 actualy)
it doesnt mean you can do everything with no limits ..
you also need to care for each moment in life ... respect it like the creation of God himself
and try to think if there is an after life .. better be proud then ashame for eternity
those ufos are there to see if humanity will be able to ascend
and how many will pass the test when this 26000 yrs cycle reach 0
all the others will stay on the 3D earth with their own negative karma

people need to put aside for the moment all negative thoughs and the 7 sins

No more LUST
No more GREED
No more SLOTH
No more WRATH
No more ENVY
No more PRIDE

= Enlightment
edit on 7/24/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
One of the best thread in a very long time
nice job Op getting the word out
it has been the story of my life to open people up

but it is hard .. so many are hardcore skeptic that think when you die .. its over

or dont want to expend their thoughs to positivity with an open mind

I have came to the same conclusions
if you listen to the signs and clues you will see this positive harmonic path
if you dont pay attention to those clues and signs you might miss the train
the Creator didnt abandon anyone but gave each soul an egual chance to choose
a great great plan at the end (21 december) end of the illusion .. end ot times
end of the test or experiment or the test
we have freewill to do everything we want .. even if there is a matrix (2 actualy)
it doesnt mean you can do everything with no limits ..
you also need to care for each moment in life ... respect it like the creation of God himself
and try to think if there is an after life .. better be proud then ashame for eternity
those ufos are there to see if humanity will be able to ascend
and how many will pass the test when this 26000 yrs cycle reach 0
all the others will stay on the 3D earth with their own negative karma

people need to put aside for the moment all negative thoughs and the 7 sins

No more LUST
No more GREED
No more SLOTH
No more WRATH
No more ENVY
No more PRIDE

= Enlightment
edit on 7/24/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

You forgot...
oh wait...

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by swoopaloop

Maybe you have missed my point .. im not more valuable then you
and you are not more valuable then me

to be balanced is the key in life .. good to be a Libra

dont waste your energy to fill up your ego .. because that is an illusion ..
each moment in life need to be cherish and loved and cared
and if you see a soul in difficulty and confuse ..
the right thing to do is to give him some positive energy

i cant force you to believe me .. i have been trusting my guts all my life
compare to some that only trust the others guts and cant create their own thoughs

"Wake up" couldnt be more clear
if you think im enlighten because i warn other to be goods make me a fool
then so be it but that will remain your opinion not mine

the op is very close to the truth .. we all make our own karma remember that
edit on 7/24/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

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