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Ron Paul will destroy us all!

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posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Dasher


I absolutely despise people who claim they support socialistic policies based on a desire to "do good". THEY don't do the good.. they expect the Govenrment.. some entity that they view as something along the lines of a parent. They want that entity to care for everyone..

But they don't want to pay for it. They want someone else to pay.. or those that say that they have no problem paying most often have so much money a few extra percentage points means nothing. OR they know they won't have to pay, so say they would pay, even though they never will.

Socialism is a do-gooders way out of doing good but retaining the morally superior belief that because they support a governments social policies that this makes them good people.

What if you were injured? Would you be able to pay large sums of money to an out-of-control "medical industrial complex" in order to become well again? The delay between the time of the reign of the "Industrial Complexes" and the return of individual liberty/responsibility is a great danger to us who do not have great authority in the world. Our systems of food production will be weakened, general trade will become imbalanced, even the concept of "value" will lose it's meaning until we re-learn so many different aspects of civilized conduct.

Health insurance is scam. The Federal Governments job is not to provide health care for us, but to protect us from unethical business practices that hurt consumers on a large scale. Thus, it is the Federal Governments duty to ban many forms of insurance. This would bring the cost of healthcare crashing down.

But then again that's our largest growing sector of the economy.. can't crash the bubble till it pops.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by Dasher


I absolutely despise people who claim they support socialistic policies based on a desire to "do good". THEY don't do the good.. they expect the Govenrment.. some entity that they view as something along the lines of a parent. They want that entity to care for everyone..

But they don't want to pay for it. They want someone else to pay.. or those that say that they have no problem paying most often have so much money a few extra percentage points means nothing. OR they know they won't have to pay, so say they would pay, even though they never will.

Socialism is a do-gooders way out of doing good but retaining the morally superior belief that because they support a governments social policies that this makes them good people.

What if you were injured? Would you be able to pay large sums of money to an out-of-control "medical industrial complex" in order to become well again? The delay between the time of the reign of the "Industrial Complexes" and the return of individual liberty/responsibility is a great danger to us who do not have great authority in the world. Our systems of food production will be weakened, general trade will become imbalanced, even the concept of "value" will lose it's meaning until we re-learn so many different aspects of civilized conduct.

Health insurance is scam. The Federal Governments job is not to provide health care for us, but to protect us from unethical business practices that hurt consumers on a large scale. Thus, it is the Federal Governments duty to ban many forms of insurance. This would bring the cost of healthcare crashing down.

But then again that's our largest growing sector of the economy.. can't crash the bubble till it pops.

So you dispise me.

I pity people that do not understand socialism.

I pity people that cant see that the worker is the person that is "paying for it" not the ones exploiting the worker.

I pity people that think they are some 'rich capitalist' and fear the socialist taking away their pot of gold.
If you are not a Banker or a Corporatist then you are a worker.

And what does Ron Paul have to do with socialism anyway???

Why does every thread have some scared McCarthyist in it insulting Socialists?

Socialism will protect you from unethical business practices.
edit on 28-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:34 AM
Ron Paul doesn't have the power to 'destroy us all'.

At this point, he's just a talking head.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by BellaSabre

nah, he is playing it safe. I still think he has done allot of good by inspiring people to try and change things. That complete feeling of helplessness has left us forever. If not "now" then "later" but not "never".

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by TheNamesZeppelin

The only way this country could change it's filth to worship of the True and Living God, Yeshuah Hamashiach.
But in my opinion, Amerika is New Babylon anyways....
Peace and Love from the Most High...

The New Babylon is the same as the Old Babylon. Nowadays they operate out of London, Rome, and Washington DC, but their tentacles reach everywhere. They are the Power Elite headed by the Rothschild clan of pedophile mass-murdering warmongering Egotists.

If you do a little more research (okay, maybe a LOT more), you'll find that the OT Biblegod (whom they invented) is none other than Satan himself (their Egos). The Zionists (Sionists) ruling the planet already worship this dude, justifying their genocide and land-stealing from the REAL Semites by the Khazarian Satanists, and its the reason for the predicament we're in.

By the way, if Ron Paul is really making a comeback here, it can only mean that the Dark Cabal really is on their last legs.
edit on 28-4-2012 by SimontheMagus because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2012 by SimontheMagus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:05 AM
Jack Abramoff said Ron Paul was the only congressman who couldn't be bought
all the people who mistake crooked fascism with socialism are hilarious.

that will get us all killed

well ignorance will get us all killed too ( other peoples' ignorance at that)
and there is plenty of that without bringing RP into it.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by SimontheMagus

"Nail gets slammed on head"

I love ATS. Thank you sir. You make us all feel better just knowing you are out there.


edit on 28-4-2012 by BIHOTZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by Eavel

the demoRats and Libtards have bought the popularity vote.

Why do some of you persist in using these silly, immature terms? Can't you just post your comment without mucking it up with nonsense like this? Contrary to popular belief, it lends nothing to your credibility.....and we've heard every alternate version of "Republican" and "Democrat" known to man.

Please stop.

edit on 28-4-2012 by NightGypsy because: (no reason given)

contraty to peoples beliefs here, nobody has real credibility. for God sakes, we are on a conspiracy theory website!


posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:32 AM
I am perfectly willing to live without help from the government. I love liberty and freedom. If not, I would not have volunteered 10 years of my life to defend those freedoms. Furthermore, I want to be able to raise my children with the values, honor, respect, responsibility and integrity that will make them good people. I do not need the government. They need me. I can survive and provide for my family. Obviously, the change in lifestyle would take time to adjust to. However, I am willing to do that in order to provide a better future for my children and grand children. Just my take on it though. God Bless!

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
So you dispise me.

I pity people that do not understand socialism.

I pity people that cant see that the worker is the person that is "paying for it" not the ones exploiting the worker.

I pity people that think they are some 'rich capitalist' and fear the socialist taking away their pot of gold.
If you are not a Banker or a Corporatist then you are a worker.

Socialism has never worked....ever! If you believe so much in Socialism, then I want something that I do not need and I want you to send me a $50 check every month so that I can have it. Do this and I will believe what you are saying. Otherwise, stop your communist / entitled / lazy attitude and propaganda! People need to earn the things they get or they will not respect it. If they do not respect it, then they will not take care of it. Don't believe me? Watch what a child or teen does with nice things that are given to them versus them earning it. Good grief sir.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by SimontheMagus
By the way, if Ron Paul is really making a comeback here, it can only mean that the Dark Cabal really is on their last legs.......

Do you realize that Ron Paul is a follower of Jesus Christ and God?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by NoSoup4U

Originally posted by Germanicus
So you dispise me.

I pity people that do not understand socialism.

I pity people that cant see that the worker is the person that is "paying for it" not the ones exploiting the worker.

I pity people that think they are some 'rich capitalist' and fear the socialist taking away their pot of gold.
If you are not a Banker or a Corporatist then you are a worker.

Socialism has never worked....ever! If you believe so much in Socialism, then I want something that I do not need and I want you to send me a $50 check every month so that I can have it. Do this and I will believe what you are saying. Otherwise, stop your communist / entitled / lazy attitude and propaganda! People need to earn the things they get or they will not respect it. If they do not respect it, then they will not take care of it. Don't believe me? Watch what a child or teen does with nice things that are given to them versus them earning it. Good grief sir.

Goog grief indeed.

That is the most simplistic/flawed/wrong definition of socialism I have ever heard.
Where did you learn of socialism? The pages of ATS?
Do some reading. What have you read? Have you read the Communist Manifesto? Because you seem closer to ripping on Communism. Have you read any Chomsky? What do you know?

Or do you just listen to alarmist McCarthyism and repeat it?

Ron Paul is not a socialist on topic.

Edit- You also seem to confuse socialism with hippies and limp wristed liberals. Socialist work. They are workers.

Again,what do you read? How have you formed these flawed opinions?

Are you going to say "What about Russia"? No,thats communism.

I am for National Socialism. Do you know about that? I guess no.
edit on 28-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

Edit-And I dont need google. I know my stuff.
edit on 28-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

Edit- Ron Paul's 'isolationist foriegn policy' is what appeals to me. He is not a socialist but his idea's are the closest thing going in the Imperial Election to Autarky. As a National Socialist I am for Autarky. Ron Paul will work towards that and that will be a great thing.
edit on 28-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:40 AM

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
Goog grief indeed.

That is the most simplistic/flawed/wrong definition of socialism I have ever heard.......

Look, I am not going to get into an argument with you about this. However, I will say that it is MY decision to give the money I worked for to any cause that I choose. I refuse to help anyone that will not help themselves. It really is that simple. Work for what you need/want and let everyone else alone.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Germanicus
Ron Paul's 'isolationist foriegn policy' is what appeals to me. ....

The following are not my own particular thoughts, but it is written better than I could do right now. So....

"Isolationism is the doctrine of completely isolating our country from the affairs of other nations, and focusing exclusively on the growth of our own country. Non-interventionism on the hand promotes trading with other nations, as a means to build good diplomatic relations, and for the betterment of all parties involved. Furthermore, it doesn’t rule out using military force as an option, but proponents feel that it should only be used as a last option, to come to the defense of an ally under attack, or more importantly, to defend our own country if under attack, or directly threatened by attack. Lastly, taking such military action as a last resort should only be done with the advice and support of the Congress. This policy is in sharp contrast to interventionism propagated by neoconservatives, which promotes upholding UN resolutions, overthrowing governments and replacing them ones of our own choosing, and other actions not related to our own direct security. In short, it promotes our country “policing the word”, which puts a hardship on the American people with the draining of resources and more importantly the loss of life, not to mention goes directly against the ideas of freedom of liberty. It’s hypocritical."

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by NoSoup4U

There will be no charity under socialism.

You can keep your pot of gold all to yourself. Socialism is not charity.

And socialism will ensure that the Capitalist Oligarchy does not steal crazy amounts of money from you.

Ron Paul Autarky is the best available step toward that. He is against the IMF amongst other things. There are many good reasons to elect Ron Paul.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by NoSoup4U

Originally posted by Germanicus
Ron Paul's 'isolationist foriegn policy' is what appeals to me. ....

The following are not my own particular thoughts, but it is written better than I could do right now. So....

"Isolationism is the doctrine of completely isolating our country from the affairs of other nations, and focusing exclusively on the growth of our own country. Non-interventionism on the hand promotes trading with other nations, as a means to build good diplomatic relations, and for the betterment of all parties involved. Furthermore, it doesn’t rule out using military force as an option, but proponents feel that it should only be used as a last option, to come to the defense of an ally under attack, or more importantly, to defend our own country if under attack, or directly threatened by attack. Lastly, taking such military action as a last resort should only be done with the advice and support of the Congress. This policy is in sharp contrast to interventionism propagated by neoconservatives, which promotes upholding UN resolutions, overthrowing governments and replacing them ones of our own choosing, and other actions not related to our own direct security. In short, it promotes our country “policing the word”, which puts a hardship on the American people with the draining of resources and more importantly the loss of life, not to mention goes directly against the ideas of freedom of liberty. It’s hypocritical."

There is no need for America to spread its Imperialism. It helps nobody but the Banker and the Corporatist. It hurts the American people and it hurts the people of the world. That is what Im trying to tell you. Ron Paul explains it very clearly.

The real purpose of the IMF is to channel tax dollars to politically-connected companies. The huge multinational banks and corporations in particular love the IMF, as both used IMF funds – taxpayer funds – to bail themselves out from billions in losses after the Asian financial crisis. Big corporations obtain lucrative contracts for a wide variety of construction projects funded with IMF loans. It's a familiar game in Washington, where corporate welfare is disguised as compassion for the poor.

Ron Paul Autarky will save us all.
edit on 28-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-4-2012 by Germanicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Eavel

I have been ready so long now, that I anticipate the fall, If it happened right now, I would be fine, would you?

I don't know you at all, but this is the view of those who basically have nothing to lose and they want some kind of game reset, so I'll call it the Xbox generation. Some young guy looks around and says hey those people have a nice life, good job, their retirement is set etc....this is unfair I got little....or an older person says I got screwed in life and I'm not going anywhere fast, so let's reset it all. The young guy is like "cool, I hated being lvl 1 in WoW and now let's make EVERYONE lvl 1 in real life WEEeee".

I'm neither

So which one is you?

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by NoSoup4U

Originally posted by SimontheMagus
By the way, if Ron Paul is really making a comeback here, it can only mean that the Dark Cabal really is on their last legs.......

Do you realize that Ron Paul is a follower of Jesus Christ and God?

I couldn't begin to claim that I know for sure what Ron Paul is all about at his inner core, especially since I know that it is nearly impossible, in today's system, for anyone who is not "connected" to rise to the position where they can actually challenge for the Presidency of the United States. However it is not unprecedented for a Christian to become President and oppose the agenda of the Black "Nobility" (they are anything but noble).

Two names come to mind: Lincoln and Kennedy.

There are many layers to the heirarchy and they are not all on the same page. Just like George Soros and the CFR-trained and controlled puppet Barack Obama are a vast improvement over the Satanic pedophile and child-sacrificing Bush-Nazi Crime Syndicate, Ron Paul would be a vast improvement over the present regime.

Change has to come in increments. You cannot undo thousands of years of domination by pure evil overnight. The world isn't quite ready for it. But if indeed mass arrests of the global banking cabal are in the near future, Ron Paul would be the perfect guy to lead the transition to a New World Order that's actually run by the people and for the people.

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by AntiStupidPeople
Ron Paul is so far from any sort of relevance outside of being a punchline in the mainstream that it just cracks me up that fringe people on sites like this devote so much time and energy to him. snip Ron Paul, he'll never be anywhere near any sort of real power in this country.
edit on 27/4/2012 by Sauron because: removed proanity

He already IS a real power.

Just because you say something, doesn't make it true. Sorry.

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