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HC's Ancient Aliens last episode "The Mystery of Puma Punku" DEVASTATED the show haters.

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posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by WingedBull

Originally posted by Blue Shift
Yet in all the world, nobody's found a single left behind alien milk carton in an old alien garbage dump.

Oh, like aliens wouldn't produce plastic... or garbage. Please.

Yet, what we find around these sites is human-made debris. Which, of course, the ancient alien proponents ignore...

Ya cause humans arnt going to live ontop of the spot that 'gods' came down. I mean, thats just foolish thinking isn't it ?

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by Xtrozero

well, we have ooparts, alien implants, a real gray alien skull and strange materials from crash sites. I think you're ignoring a lot. They come right out and say people from another planet are responsible. The debunkers say "don't underestimate ancient man's determination and ingenuity in building these things, but don't believe them when they say they didn't do the work." . Why wouldn't they take credit for the work even just to scare their enemies? cultures tend to boast about their accomplishments and use them to their advantage, it doesn't make sense.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by bastardo
reply to post by eriktheawful

Seriously. Why would advanced aliens use rock? What would they need such large stone structures for? On a whim for humans?

I don´t quite get the logic here. Humans or aliens, why wouldn´t they use rocks? They were widely available, are strong and last throughout the ages.

Wether its human or aliens, we don´t know why they would need those, and these questions of yours prove or disprove nothing.

Mistake on your part: was not trying to prove or disprove anything. Only asking a question:


posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:51 AM
Ancient Alien theory has always fascinated me but the show has become redundant and I really didn't find out anything new during this latest episode. I for one believe beyond a doubt that "aliens" "astronauts" "advanced humans" whatever you want to call them had a presence on this planet not too long ago. I'm fascinated with how they made these megalithic structures but I'm even more fascinated with why? I would much rather find out the purpose to all of these ancient sites around the world than knowing how they made them. In all honesty thou I don't think we ever will IMHO. Not trying to sound pessimistic but I really don't think we'll ever truly know, I really do wish one day we could find out what the definitive objective was behind every site.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:59 AM
i've been watching the series - and it's great to hear them blast the status quo.
there is simply no other explanation.
wtg and kudos HC folks and OP!

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by eriktheawful
Only asking a question: Why?

I don't think we should try to understand why they did what they did because it would be like expecting your dog to understand why you sit in front of that light screen tapping on keys. Stones just make the most sense, i mean why should they go through all this elaborate engineering when they can use local materials and be part of the environment. Maybe they're not as disrespectful to the planet as we are.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Intelligence101
I'm fascinated with how they made these megalithic structures but I'm even more fascinated with why? I would much rather find out the purpose to all of these ancient sites around the world than knowing how they made them. In all honesty thou I don't think we ever will IMHO. Not trying to sound pessimistic but I really don't think we'll ever truly know, I really do wish one day we could find out what the definitive objective was behind every site.

Some were probably stargates, some landing pads/palaces some were gathering places etc. they gave us culture and civilization in the Garden of Eden what a better place to park a ufo than a ziggurat?

I think it's pretty simple that these dudes were into luxury but they did it in a way that wasn't toxic to the environment. maybe it's because they learned their lessons back home with their own environment and that's why they needed the gold for their atmosphere. It really isn't crazy, it actually makes more logical sense than cave people wakig up one day and deciding to construct some of the most elaborate and sophisticated structures in history and then just up and forget how they did it. the tool mark evidence is so strong in and of itself, believe me if there were tool marks that indicated copper chisels and bronze saws with tea leaves the debunkers would be all over THAT forensic evidence.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 08:44 AM

Originally posted by WingedBull

Originally posted by Blurps
Quipu is not a writing system, its a counting system.

You are right; the Tiwanaku had no system of writing. It wasn't a counting system, per se, but more of a record-keeping system. Either way, point being, they were not a primitive society.

and notice how these cultures start on a high note and then wind up in some type of decline. it's a time-wave pattern and I'm hoping Enki or his son Nergal or some other representative from his family is coming this December to give us some new technology and along with that teach us how to live without rulers.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by bottleslingguy
Why wouldn't they take credit for the work even just to scare their enemies? cultures tend to boast about their accomplishments and use them to their advantage, it doesn't make sense.
Only if they are dishonest.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP

Originally posted by bottleslingguy
Why wouldn't they take credit for the work even just to scare their enemies? cultures tend to boast about their accomplishments and use them to their advantage, it doesn't make sense.
Only if they are dishonest.

sorry I didn't get the point.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 09:09 AM
Biggest problem with this show is that they completely ignore the scientific method.

They start by automatically assuming that everything they investigate has something to do with Aliens, then try and demonstrate a theory to match the conclusion.

This is the exact opposite of accepted scientific principles, and is a rubbish proof method.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Cataclysm
Let's have some of our "mainstream archaeology" apologists explain the "Fuente Magna Bowl'. What is the connection between Sumeria and Bolivia?

Given that nobody can say who found the bowl, or even when or where, there's nothing there to explain.

BTW, Clyde Winters claims it is "Proto Sumerian" writing on it. There's no such thing as "Proto-Sumerian" writing. "Sumerian" is a language, not a writing system.

If Winters had any knowledge about ancient scripts at all, he would have said "Proto-Cuneiform," which is the name of the written language of early Sumer.

As I said, the Fuente Magna bowl can't be placed in any archaeological context and could as easily have been manufactured in the 20th century AD as the 4th Millenium BC. The Potokia Monolith, however, which is also thrown in to this conversation since Winters made the same claim about "writings" on it, can easily be placed in an archaeological context. It is clearly in the style of the Tiwanaku culture and sits in that archeological context as well. This dates the monolith to around 1000 AD, long after the use of cuneiform had ended, and certainly long after people used proto-cuneiform. When I say long, I mean 4,000 years after proto-cuneiform stopped being used.

I realize this is not gonna be good enough for you and your ilk, but you asked for an explanation, now you have one.


posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 09:19 AM
I really enjoyed this episode. In fact, this and last week's NASA episode were some of the best I've seen.

I just gotta laugh however at how some people can chastise and outright ridicule those who think there IS some credence to the AA theories.

What sounds crazier? Advance beings from space landed on this planet years ago and built/oversaw huge structures being built


A mystical man is born, can turn water into wine, dies and become a zombie days later before vanishing in a flash of light

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by The Shrike

Because of ATS policy about expressing one's true feelings I have to hold back but I can at least say that this reply is about as dumb as it gets.

OOoooooh some real conviction. So people covered up Gobekli Tepe because ? And the destruction we see at
Puma Punku happened ? If your going to say my interpretation that fits what the Bible says is dumb ? I suggest to you, that I can say it, just as easily as I wrote it. At least offer something better or show me how it doesn't fit ? Or your retort is simply biased and ignorant.
edit on 19-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

Are you saying that they buried it to keep it dry?

Perhaps you're unaware that archaeologists can distinguish between silt and the loose, relic-filled earth that people covered Gobekli Tepe with.

In fact, I bet even you could distinguish between the two.


posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:16 AM
It's sad, cause while I don't necessarily buy into the Ancient Astronaut theory, I think there's a lot of merit to the fact that we've had previous contact before. Makes you wonder what we did to lose such contact.

In any case, it's just too bad that there's not more evidence or stories around. The last few eps of Ancient Aliens has been like watching Season 3, only with elongated subject matter on points they only briefly touched upon in season's prior.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by Harte

Your right and with out ever hearing of any determinations actually being offered and from what I've seen it looks like silt. I know I could be wrong but give me some proof that I am Harte ? Cause on this forum it's hard to take peoples word for anything. Proof, I never mind admiting that I'm wrong. I'm no pro at anything involved on ATS and have gotten quite used to having my ass handed to me. If I were a pro or claimed to be it might bother me. But I can look at not being one as an advantage. I'm not even an academic Harte.

Thus I often appear wishy washy to myself.

edit on 20-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Bullypulpit
As you can tell from the replies,the naysayers,haters and trolls will never be impressed

Why do you need to use words like "naysayers,haters and trolls"?

This is just a debate and it sounds like you have an attitude that only you are right and everyone that doesn't agree with you is wrong or "naysayers, haters and trolls"

One side says aliens or lost ancient advance tech was the only way they could do all that even though we also have other amazing stone work around the world.

The "naysayers, haters and trolls" say that they need some kind of proof and the end result (i.e. finished stonework) is not proof. They need proof that aliens are even real much less helped build these sites, proof that there really was ancient advance tech, Proof like actually finding some kind of ancient advance tech.

Since there is no proof that aliens are real or that we seem to not have a single piece of ancient advance tech, the believers such as yourself fall back to name calling...might as use the word sheeple too...since that seems to be a common fall back word here on ATS when someone runs out of argument.

I even posted a link to a video were ONE guy moved, lifted and stood upright a 20,000 lbs monolith with nothing but raw wood stones and rope. There are quarry sites all over the world with unfinished cut stones, The one below weights like 2000 tons and if it didn't crack in the middle during the cutting it would be standing up somewhere for I doubt they would have cut it without the know how to move and upright it too.

If ancients could cut, move and upright that monster (remember they didn't finish it because it cracked) then the debate is over...end of story...

edit on 20-3-2012 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by eriktheawful

Ok, you wrote a sarcastic dialogue between an alien commander and an alien sub commander and then you asked those questions. Were they not asked to prove a point?

I answered to both of your questions.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by Harte

Your right and with out ever hearing of any determinations actually being offered and from what I've seen it looks like silt. I know I could be wrong but give me some proof that I am Harte ? Cause on this forum it's hard to take peoples word for anything.


Well, I certainly can't blame you for that!

How about what Klaus Schmidt says? He's the archaeologist doing the dig there (or was, anyway - things may have changed.)

The way Schmidt sees it, Gobekli Tepe's sloping, rocky ground is a stonecutter's dream. Even without metal chisels or hammers, prehistoric masons wielding flint tools could have chipped away at softer limestone outcrops, shaping them into pillars on the spot before carrying them a few hundred yards to the summit and lifting them upright. Then, Schmidt says, once the stone rings were finished, the ancient builders covered them over with dirt. Eventually, they placed another ring nearby or on top of the old one. Over centuries, these layers created the hilltop.

Source:Smithsonian Magazine, November 2008

Originally posted by randyvs
Proof, I never mind admiting that I'm wrong. I'm no pro at anything involved on ATS and have gotten quite used to having my ass handed to me. If I were a pro or claimed to be it might bother me. But I can look at not being one as an advantage. I'm not even an academic Harte.

Thus I often appear wishy washy to myself.

Randy, I'm not one to impugn someone's faith and if the Biblical flood is part of your faith, then more power to ya.

I will, however, say that it is unbecoming of the faithful to attempt to link miraculous events to evidence we have today. See, it seems to me that such an attempt sort of negates the gift of free will as it's defined in religion in that, if such evidence for the existence of God were to actually be found, then who would come to Him by their own personal choice? To me, it seems that in such a case, people would be compelled to belief, and wouldn't actually be choosing to believe.

This might seem to be a pretty fine line, but faith is always based on a person's choice to believe. that's what makes faith special.

This is also why I don't argue against faith. The phrase "I don't argue" seems out of place in one of my posts here, I'll admit, given the rep I've developed around here. But I think if you read my post history, you'll find that this is the case.


posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Harte

I will, however, say that it is unbecoming of the faithful to attempt to link miraculous events to evidence we have today. See, it seems to me that such an attempt sort of negates the gift of free will as it's defined in religion in that, if such evidence for the existence of God were to actually be found, then who would come to Him by their own personal choice? To me, it seems that in such a case, people would be compelled to belief, and wouldn't actually be choosing to believe.

Well that is a point I've often used myself but I hqave to say it's almost embarassing to have it thrown back at me like this. Call it a mistake on my part do to the fact that so many contantly vie for this kind of confirmation.

Chalk one up for Harte.

Pretty sure Schmidt is still there. although I doubt he's there constantly . Seems hard to imagine the builders going to such great lenths only to bury them for some whatever reason but I'll accept your provision. Fair enough for me.

edit on 20-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-3-2012 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

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