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“National Def. Preparedness” Exec. Order OKs Conscripts, Nationalization of Private Industry

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posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by jdub297

Consider the alternatives. Like quarantining individuals (and leaving them to die).

2005: Bush Signs Quarantine Orders for Bird Flu

2005: CDC's Proposed Quarantine Rules

I like this option better, not because I'm a Communist, which I'm not, but because I'm a humanist.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 09:37 PM
wow, that's pretty bad.
I'm an optimist though, I assume he's doing this because of all the disasters just around the corner.
In which case, god's wrath will begin. And the evil ones will be removed and only the good will live on.

Or they're about to attack Iran, and WW3 with China and Russia is about to begin. and then they'll institute their NWO.

or both?

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by lonegurkha
reply to post by jdub297

He also said,"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."

How about this one,"An elective despotism was not the government we fought for."

Sadly that already happen because the people just sad idly taking the handouts while those on the top reap the profits.

Corporate America and greed rules this nation,

This executive order have nothing to do with government, this executive order will have all the corporate dictatorship behind the Federal government going like carpet baggers after land and resources in case of a major disaster to make sure they get the best of what is available, I can already see the greedy bastards with their personal mercenary army for hire using this executive order in behave of the Federal government.

I say the hell with them anybody that in case of a major disaster is told that their land is not longer theirs and to hadle over, if the ones knocking the doors are no government the hell with them, arm yourselves people because is going to turn ugly.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by jdub297

to the naysayers:
just because previous POSUS's signed similar EO's in the past doesn't mean they were able to implement it.

as has been pointed out there are other bits of legislation that work together with this
NDAA has been mentioned
here's another

HR 347: One more step towards Neo-Feudalism

In feudal times, you could be put to death if you didn't kneel when the carriages of the nobility passed by. This is a step in that direction (although very few people care).
This new bill, about to be signed by the President, is called the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 . It is not as innocent as its name.

Essentially, it makes it a federal offense to be anywhere near, from being in the area or in the same building, somebody protected by the secret service. That's from the President to candidates for political office (Romney or Santorum) to senior government officials to foreign dignitaries (G20). In other words, lots and lots of people.

While being sold as a way to close a loophole in the current law regarding White House security, it is actually much more than that. It changed one word that made a world of difference. What's the difference?

To be arrested and imprisoned, all you need to do is be the same building or area around a person that has secret service protection. You don't even need to know you are breaking the law to be arrested and imprisoned. If you are merely walking in an area "secured" for a person being protected, you can be legally jailed for up to one year. If you are carrying something that can be seen as a weapon (legally or not), that imprisonment can be extended to ten years.

In short, if you are within the same building or neighborhood being secured to protect a political or foreign personage without their expressed permission, you can be imprisoned.

but some will continue to bleet "aw give it a rest with the conspiracy/paranoid stuff"
as they meekly allow themselves to be led to the slaughter house.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by jdub297

sorry dbl post

oh and F&S
edit on 17-3-2012 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 10:08 PM
3 21 2012. Mark it. Maybe thats the day of days.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Garfee
Look - if the government send representitives to take your crops just shoot them. You have nothing to lose by that point anyway.

Who tends to crops if the people dont anyway?

It's so simple, there are more of us than there are of them but still we cower in fear like little scared bitches?

What the hell is wrong with us?

Absolutelty -

In an emergency (or in this case even a non-emergency) I do not want/expect any help from the US Government, State of Missouri, the County, or nor any of their contracted representatives or organizations. Likewise, I want no help or assistance from any United Nations force, or any foreign governments or their contracted representatives.

I own a lot of land and have crops as well as dairy. I will stay with my farm, my animals and home to take care of the problem best I can with my neighbors as we have already arranged. I’ll take care of my family and likely a good many more around me by using a barter system and fair trade. I don’t expect an evacuation or rescue and I won’t comply should one be ordered.

I want nothing from them - they are entitled to nothing from me.

However, I do have a genuine fear of the government taking what I have stockpiled and ruining my plans for survival in one fell swoop by taking my 3 years of food and goods for the “good of the people”.

Great plan by the way to take my 3 years of supplies and goods so that the idiots in the city can all live for another 3 days… Then we can all suffer and starve equally – it is the American way now right?

No winners, no losers, no valedictorians, no failures, just all getting along equally sharing the wealth... I say BS to that philosophy survival is a contest like anything in life, there are winners and losers.

I have worked my butt off for the last several (20+) years; planning, saving, spending frugally, so that me and my family will be taken care of in an emergency SHTF scenario. I own my land in title and deed and owe no one anything.

I have farm land and dairy animals like I said. 140 acres - I certainly can’t eat it all nor can I do all the work should I lose electricity. However, that doesn’t make it any less mine. I would sell my milk and sell my beans in trade for help with the work or even items I needed. I would likely give a good deal away rather than waste it too… However, I'm not giving it to the government for them to waste.

No one will be confiscating anything; be it foodstuffs or livestock.

I chose to live this lifestyle for a reason - my own guarantee of survival, not so the dip#s in government can take it so all the mindless masses of consumers who live in the city (who BTW who did nothing to help prepare for themselves for an emergency) can live another few days.

All I have to say is read the grasshopper and the ant.

The only tragedy is that the government with a decree or even a majority vote locally can come in and because they feel sorry for the grasshoppers who if left to their own devices would starve force the ants to also starve equally.. This is a great way to solve a problem I guess for government dweebs.

I’m sure I am on numerous lists anyway so here it is in black and white - all I have to say is if they show up to steal (which is exactly what confiscate means for those who don’t understand) my stuff they had better bring a lot of body bags for themselves.

First word about confiscate and order or decree and I will shoot the first one to touch a cow or fire up a combine then I don't think they'll have too many more volunteers for a few minutes at least.

Then while they get their crap together - I'll burn the fields myself and start killing the cattle. I'd rather that than they use it for thier purposes.

I may in the end die or go to jail but no way am I going to be a bystander to theft to a lifetime of saving and of 3 years worth of my food and supplies so that we can string along the masses in the city for a few more day at best.

Screw that nonsense - If one doesn't have a plan; one dies!

Pretty simple also is that - if your "plan" is to rely on the government at any level you are going to die because they will do everything to save themselves first. You will get the leftovers if that and there will be some huge strings attached.

They will scrape a huge chunk of everything off the top like they do now with taxes to ensure the “continuity of government” which means of course feeding and supplying themselves.

I am prepared, I have no pity for those who are not.

I hope I don’t have to engage our law enforcement (decent guys for the most part) or soldiers – but rest assured I will and after 24 years of training and about 10 years of combat experience I am pretty good at it.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

The sad thing is that this executives orders and power grab laws only have as much power as the people allowed them to have.

Because we do not vote for any of them do not make them necessarily legal.

Just the body we elect give them the power, the same way that we the people give the power to the greedy and crappy government we have so we the people are the only ones to take that power back.

But as usual many Americas never read the constitution and only believe whatever comes out of the mouth of those that we have lend the power temporarily.

Only we the people can take back that power, the elite knows it and that is why they keep making more laws on top of laws to keep believing that they are in charge, keeping the people confuse and ignorant.

So far is works well for them.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

Please don't confuse people with truth. I wish I wish I wish that there had to be some kind of test before people could vote. Not anything really hard, well, maybe as hard as say a citizenship test. How's that? You have to be at least as intelligent as an impoverished uneducated 80yr old lady from some third world country concerning the matter of your own country's history and how your government works. She and thousands and thousands like her will pass those tests every year. I am thinking most Americans....not so much.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp
reply to post by jdub297

Why in the world are you putting this in such a pretty package? "Nationalizing industry?" Let's call a spade a spade shall we? This is SLAVERY!

Ironic that it was signed by a black man. Can the brainwashed Left, the cult of Barry Obama see it yet? You've been LIED TOO.

He's not leaving us much choice is he?

edit on 3/17/2012 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/17/2012 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)'s worse than slavery. It means WAR.

Contrary to myth, the U.S. has a LONG history of nationalizing private industry. Look up Bernard (Bernie) Baruch sometime. All of the Detroit automakers refused to build tanks for WWI at first. Baruch Nationalized everything that had any wartime value at all...and off we marched.

It's the American Way.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by sting130u
3 21 2012. Mark it. Maybe thats the day of days.

Since you said it might be It wont now. If it was that would contradict God. Anyway what happens happens.There is no changing it. Its such a shame I was looking foward to retirement too. Oh well. I guess it had to end someday. So who else thinks the government is going to make a play for king of the world? I bet Iran is first on the chopping block.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by marg6043

while i'm not a randhead
old Ayn sure turned out to be a prophetess

it's like something out of atlas shrugged

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by yuppa

No, it has to end march 21 2012. I'm not paying my water bill

Well, I don't think anything will happen. But from everything I've looked into, all the things pointing towards that date, and breaking up the date which equals 11 (3 2 1 2 0 1 2).... but I have been wrong before.

Bankers resigning, planets aligning, bunkers, this national def preparedness exec, the deaths of celebrities and breitbart, the crazy election, the thread where someone got a call warning of march 13-25 something earth shattering will happen....

I don't believe it, but I gotta enjoy every day. Everyone should. And I just started my business so fingers crossed the world keeps spinning...

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 11:47 PM
This just seems to be reminding us that the government can do anything if it's deemed for the good of the people. It was time to remind people that it is allowable to destroy a thousand peoples lives if it saves 500,000 peoples way of life. I know that it most times causes the conservative rationally thinking individual to lose everything because of those who took stupid risks and thoughtless actions but that's the way it is. Seems that that's been that way for a hundred years here in the USA

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 11:57 PM

Originally posted by rebellender
kinda like a cop can commandeer your vehicle.

Another one of those happens in Hollywood and not in real life moments.

Originally posted by rebellender
looks like a bunch of us knee jerking about something but hey, its very nice to stay informed

I completely agree... Nothing wrong at all with paying attention to laws / EO / legislation intiatives... Just because something is updated doesn't mean trhe updates arent going to be problematic.

I do find it weird that an EO was issued when the act the EO references is already 1950. Why not just have Congress make the needed changes.

I do find the timing interesting, with things heating up with Iran.
edit on 18-3-2012 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by jdub297

In other words USA might be preparing for a massive war. WW3? Perhaps we might invade Iran after all.

edit on 18-3-2012 by atomicn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:36 AM
While this may be similar to other EO's (except for the peace-time clause?)
This administration has already shown that it likes to push the envelope.
War Powers Act
Killing of American citizens and it's justification
Deficit ceiling raises, trillions in debt

With this authority, Obama could rule by decree. Our do-nothing Congress would make tiny yapping noises, butthat'd be the only thing between us and a dictator.

Discussion worthy.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
While this may be similar to other EO's (except for the peace-time clause?)
This administration has already shown that it likes to push the envelope.
War Powers Act
Killing of American citizens and it's justification
Deficit ceiling raises, trillions in debt

With this authority, Obama could rule by decree. Our do-nothing Congress would make tiny yapping noises, butthat'd be the only thing between us and a dictator.

Discussion worthy.

Deficit ceiling raises, trillions in debt (This has always happened; why is it out the ordinary now?) Don't be fooled Obama is not dictator; the ones who pass the laws; and come up with all these crazy things like allowing the murder of American Citizens without trial are the ones you should fear. Obama is just a puppet for the show.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by atomicn

Why this defense for Obama?

In presidents past, it has always been their fault. Their responsibility. Their actions.

Yet, when Obama became president, he is a puppet. So he is blameless.


Not buying it. He wanted the big chair, he wanted the title. He gets everything that goes with it.

posted on Mar, 18 2012 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
but some will continue to bleet "aw give it a rest with the conspiracy/paranoid stuff"
as they meekly allow themselves to be led to the slaughter house.

This statement made me think of this:

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