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I am a devote catholic. Where are the consecrated hosts on Sunday?

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posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Lazarus Short
I sympathise with your position. Some things in your church confound and confuse you. The only solution is to read God's Word and pray to Him. I subscribe to the priesthood of all believers, so I can't quite come to grips with your deilemma. I hope for the best for you, however. Remember that there are still many good Catholic saints (I use the word a bit differently...).

I believe the best way to handle any confusion you have about anything pertaining to your Catholic faith should be discussed with a priest or a deacon. Why not talk to someone who knows the subject? Getting religious advice from ATS is like asking a 3 year old to change the oil in your car.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by binkbonk

Who knows, I might just meet you there.
Kind regards.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Gliese581
Did you notice how bowls with hosts mysteriously come out of the tabernacle on Sunday masses when the multitudes of faithful take Holy Communion, many more than on a weekday? When did the priests consecrate them, present ON the Altar during Holy Mass, and during PUBLIC mass, not a secret one? Please do not tell me they are excess hosts from previous masses. When did you see the filled cups with hosts on the Altar - Saturday evening, Friday, another day? We have every reason to doubt that in a number of churches the people are given non-consecrated hosts on Sundays and feasts. Only few accept the real Body of Christ, mostly on weekday masses. Many millions of faithful are practically denied the real Holy Communion especially in the churches that do not distribute the wine-blood, that is the predominant practice everywhere around the word except for the USA.
edit on 4-3-2012 by Gliese581 because: (no reason given)

Sounds like you need to stop drinking the kool-aid. They could be dedicating that stuff to Satan behind locked doors for all you know.

Communion is just a ritual to be done in rememberance of Christ, you're not going to hell if you do not get your weekly Jesus cookie and drinking his blood (drinking blood is forbidden to christians anyways).

Join the protestant church and tell Darth Sidious to take a stroll in his throne walker. You don;t need some funky old man that smells like old spice and whiskey to forgive your sins when you can go straight to Jesus, the Melchizidek.

posted on Mar, 4 2012 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by binkbonk

Originally posted by sad_eyed_lady
For all you getting your jollies putting down the Catholic Church, your boss is very pleased and wants you to keep up the "good"? work.

Here's a kiss from him for you:
Oooh, is the devil my boss? Catholicism, if you buy into any of that religious hocus pocus, is the little horn of Daniel. Catholicism is the whore of babylon. The Pope is the antichrist. At the very least they practice idol worship... So, who's your boss again?

Bink, i'm gonna have to agree with you on this. Pope has all the titles of Caesar which make him King, and he's a priest, which makes him Melchizidek and that is blasphemy against Jesus because he is the Melchizidek. There's only one Priest-King and it's not some dusty old bag that can barely walk who farts dust.
edit on 4-3-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 04:49 AM
The Pope is known by the Catholic church as "the Vicor of Christ". ??? What! You can't do that. Talk about blasphemy.

I just can't see how anyone that calls themselves a Christian could subscribe to Catholicism. It's almost the worst religion out there.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 06:05 AM

I am a devote catholic. Where are the consecrated hosts on Sunday

I tend to doubt you are a devout Catholic or you would know the answer to this and you wouldn't be asking the question in a conspiracy forum that is trolled by Jack Chick brainwashed anti-Catholic wingnuts. As was stated .. go ask the priest and do some reading. The Catechism would be a good place to start.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 06:39 AM
The Vicar of Christ? The REPLACEMENT of Christ? The Pope is the ANTI-CHRIST. Brainwashed, look in the mirror.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by binkbonk

The Vicar of Christ?

Vicarius Filii Dei (Representative of the Son of God))
"Catholic apologists answer the Protestant claims by noting that "Vicarius Filii Dei" is not an official Papal title."

Though apparently it was used that way for hundreds of years. The theory being that it was used to "prove" Rome's superiority over Byzantium.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by sad_eyed_lady

Originally posted by Lazarus Short
I sympathise with your position. Some things in your church confound and confuse you. The only solution is to read God's Word and pray to Him. I subscribe to the priesthood of all believers, so I can't quite come to grips with your deilemma. I hope for the best for you, however. Remember that there are still many good Catholic saints (I use the word a bit differently...).

I believe the best way to handle any confusion you have about anything pertaining to your Catholic faith should be discussed with a priest or a deacon. Why not talk to someone who knows the subject? Getting religious advice from ATS is like asking a 3 year old to change the oil in your car.

Thank you for the kind words, but I'm not Catholic, as my "I subscribe to the priesthood of all believers..." hints at.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
reply to post by binkbonk

The Vicar of Christ?

Vicarius Filii Dei (Representative of the Son of God))
"Catholic apologists answer the Protestant claims by noting that "Vicarius Filii Dei" is not an official Papal title."

Though apparently it was used that way for hundreds of years. The theory being that it was used to "prove" Rome's superiority over Byzantium.

V = 5
I = 1
C = 100
A = ...
R = ...
I = 1
V = 5
S = ...

F = ...
I = 1
L = 50
I = 1
I = 1

D = 500
E = ...
I = 1
+ = 666

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:08 AM
I am God. I have donated the christ to Santa Teresita church in charity to VATICANUS DOMINUS HOMINUS. it may be replicated. it is to be eaten. it is to be sold. seek the flesh. I offer the son, but you must pay, for it is the money that makes it exist. Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. you say you are devout. its the little curch on the corner. dont cry for bread. repent for the flesh. it takes away all the pain. buy it. consume it. you say you are devout. seek the flesh. I will have given it freely. the duplicater is all that stands between man and the son of god, Yeshua. I work with time. only I am the father. Mr. Belovski is the principal of Murchison street school when I opened the gate in 1989. t+e band Laibach knows I am hostage. LAIBACH NATO. I am king of earth 22 years. I was eight years old. the joy is in the eyes of the priests of a kingdom come.
edit on 5-3-2012 by KennyDurazo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by WeRpeons

Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive , In short I don't believe you.

OP when they draw the excess hosts during mass to give to the parishioners the Priests must believe they Are consecrated at the same it ether prey over the small batch at the alter.

What gets me is they put the excess hosts back in the tabernacle only to repeat the process during the week , so it is safe to say the hosts Re blessed many times before use since the numbers attending mass are way down.

I was catholic for 48years before I decided to read the bible , I realized the church had me sinning and committing idolatry so I left them and study on my own with Shepherds Chapel . Pastor Murry teaches the bible chapter by chapter and verse by verse correcting and translating to the original languages. This guy knows the bible from memory.

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by binkbonk

Originally posted by sad_eyed_lady
For all you getting your jollies putting down the Catholic Church, your boss is very pleased and wants you to keep up the "good"? work.

Here's a kiss from him for you:
Oooh, is the devil my boss? Catholicism, if you buy into any of that religious hocus pocus, is the little horn of Daniel. Catholicism is the whore of babylon. The Pope is the antichrist. At the very least they practice idol worship... So, who's your boss again?

Bink, i'm gonna have to agree with you on this. Pope has all the titles of Caesar which make him King, and he's a priest, which makes him Melchizidek and that is blasphemy against Jesus because he is the Melchizidek. There's only one Priest-King and it's not some dusty old bag that can barely walk who farts dust.
edit on 4-3-2012 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

This does not make him the anti Christ , it just makes him a blasphemous person . If you read your bible the Antichrist throne is in Pergamos which is modern day Turkey. The Antichrist and his army will come from their as the reformed caliphate , this will unite Islam and there is your 200 million man army . This theory also goes with the vision of Daniel the et and Johns vision on revelations . The beast that received the deadly wound in its head was the dismantling of the caliphate in early 1900's . It will rise again healing the deadly wound .

posted on Mar, 5 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Azadok

You're entitled to your opinion. All I can tell you is it's the truth. I have no reason to lie about what I witnessed being an alter boy for all those years. All I know is the catholic religion is full of hypocrisy, like so many other religions. They preach love for one another and tolerance, but they're the first ones to judge people.

I'm a strict pacifist yet I see on a daily basis people who follow "the word of God" according to their particular religion who will support wars, and ridicule the poor. If you believe God gave you free will, he gave you the free will to question your religious beliefs. God, according to the bible also said "beware of false prophets." His 1st commandment stated "I am the Lord they God, thou shall not have other God's before me." Yet Catholics will pray to saints and the Virgin Mary. Hmmmm.

People who question their religions doesn't make them out to be satanists.
Again, people of faith will always condemn you to hell if you don't believe in religion. It's like they're the only one privy to the secrets of GOD. They preach as if they know who will be condemned to hell and who will ascend into heaven. Did they die and experience it for themselves? So the natives in Africa will all be going to hell.

I have known numerous people that attend church on a daily basis, and some of them are the most critical and downright evil people you would ever want to meet. So as long as they attend church and follow their beliefs, the path to heaven is a paved highway for them?

I've known women who have gotten divorced because their husbands were beating them. Yet they were not allowed to accept holy communion. The Catholic church has to accept and nullify their marriage.

They don't believe in contraception and want married couples to produce as many children as God wants them to have! At the same time putting them in the poor house and having them go on the welfare rolls.

If you're Catholic, you know darn well the majority of married couples do use contraception.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
reply to post by binkbonk

The Vicar of Christ?

Vicarius Filii Dei (Representative of the Son of God))
"Catholic apologists answer the Protestant claims by noting that "Vicarius Filii Dei" is not an official Papal title."

Though apparently it was used that way for hundreds of years. The theory being that it was used to "prove" Rome's superiority over Byzantium.

These arguments are so tedious. For the sake of argument, let's say the title was used. What's the problem?

From Miriam-Webster: 1
: one serving as a substitute or agent; specifically : an administrative deputy

An administrative deputy. Not very nefarious.


posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
Communion is just a ritual to be done in rememberance of Christ, you're not going to hell if you do not get your weekly Jesus cookie and drinking his blood (drinking blood is forbidden to christians anyways).

Yeah, Jesus may disagree with you there.

'In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.'


posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by Lazarus Short

V = 5
I = 1
C = 100
A = ...
R = ...
I = 1
V = 5
S = ...

F = ...
I = 1
L = 50
I = 1
I = 1

D = 500
E = ...
I = 1
+ = 666

If you look at Jim Dewey's post above yours and check out the wiki link, you'll see that the total is actually 664. But lets pretend it's not. The title that you are using for the Pope is actually from a forgery and is not a title that the Church uses for the Pope. But lets pretend it is. You can use the same methodology (as demonstrated in that same link) to prove that Barney the purple dinosaur and Ellen Gold White are also the anti-Christ.


posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by Gliese581

I have to echo others here.

It seems that the simplest way to get an authoritative answer would be to simply ask the Priest of a Deacon. It's pretty easy to do. Look through your missal and get the number for the rectory. Tell the person answering that you have a question for a Priest. They should be able to help you out quickly and effortlessly.


posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by EricD

You can use the same methodology (as demonstrated in that same link) to prove that Barney the purple dinosaur and Ellen Gold White are also the anti-Christ.
I have fairly recently shifted my interpretive view of Revelation to having it describing current events, which would make Nero the likely candidate for 666, and it signifies fallen man creating a worldly empire that is doomed to failure because it does not meet a high enough standard of how our fellow man is treated and perpetuates an us against them mentality.
edit on 7-3-2012 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by EricD

OK, I looked at the W-pedia article, and I gather that the total may be 664. I'll stick to my guns.

E.G. White, eh? She might just be. I'm ex-SDA, and still on the fence about her being a prophetess or not.

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