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What is and where does the Imagination come from?

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posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

Good question I can not imagine .......................... Where it comes from

posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by tkwasny
Let me compare a fact from electronics physics. When you have a non-linear device such, as a diode, and you feed 2 frequencies through it, the out is 4 primary frequencies. The 2 originals, their sum, and their subtraction result. This is how radio frequency discrimination and mixers work in radio receivers and transmitters.

In the non-linear neurons of the brain, as two, or more currents flow through them, the original frequency currents pass through, but also their sums and their differences comes out. Newness of thought signals that never existed before. Things now exist in your mind that no one has ever witnessed, including yourself.

It's not a distortion, but a means of expansion into newness. Evermore Newness is one of the founding principles for the Universe to exist at all.

Could not have said this better myself...

The function of thought, in the human brain, which is driven by consciousness (which is not a physical entity) operates in the structure of the brain using the circuitry and chemicals to generate new pathways which are 'created' by the juxtoposition of never before navigated pathways (pathways which, in the thier present form never existed - structurally). Imagination is the journey down these consciously travelled, ever emerging pathways, used by the consciousness to express itself in the the only way it can. Wonder, through imagination, comes about through the exhilaration of going somewhere new...structurally and consciousness-wise.

Imagination comes from the conscious decision to effect the creation of these new pathways...that said, it is known that chemicals coursing through the brain can do the same, using another process, but eliciting the same result.


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