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Flight on 9/11 anniversary ends in handcuffs for housewife

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posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Signals

It's a slippery slope as I allude to in my earlier posts. Especially considering I don't believe we were attacked by muslim extremists. I think this was an inside job. alCIAda has always been an asset of our intelligence agencies, even if it was them in the planes. The ones pulling the strings were not Muslims.

The other recent "terrorist" was put on the plane (without a passport if I remember right) by intelligence agencies even after his father called in and said don't put him on the plane... These are staged events.

The real war is not with Muslims.

As this thread has already repeatedly shown.. they are now spinning terrorists to mean average americans, like I told everyone for years they would do...
edit on 14-9-2011 by pianopraze because: spelling and grammar

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by Dr Expired
reply to post by pianopraze

No one condones discrimination, but the fact is US, British, Australian, canadian troops are being killed by Islamists the world over.

maybe if our troops were at home where they should be,
helping to make the place we live better for everyone,
instead of running off and stomping the heads of people who live differently
they wouldn't be able to be killed the world over.

this is revolting
why are we allowing ourselves to be divided like this?

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by Revealation

The hilarious thing about that is that all I see is this:

Some woman is in a hurry to get to a meeting.
Some cab driver is making sure his stuff is secure while he goes on a lunch break.

I could see maybe thinking the cab driver is suspicious, but the woman? She was in hurry and looking around a lot. By that standard, every person with ADHD in the country would be flagged as a terrorist every time they step outside their door.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 04:44 AM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

How exactly is that? I have ADD and don't see how that would exactly make me "terrorist" material.

reply to post by pianopraze

In the context of kids using them for intention of violence is what makes me sad. Then when they grow up they become desensitized because they've been "shooting" their friends all the time and the Marines sounds "awesome" when often they have no idea what they are getting into. I've experienced this sort of "being a soldier is awesome" moniker among some of the younger kids at my school and it definitely depresses me.
edit on 14-9-2011 by Se7enex because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-9-2011 by Se7enex because: spelling

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 04:49 AM
since it seams that they are trying to implement a dress code more or less on what to wear during flight , wouldent it just be easier if every one wore a yellow jump suit and that's it ,

, heck it cant be that much to ask

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:00 AM
I keep saying: don't worry, we already know that the terrorists hate us for our freedoms. By that logic, the government is really helping us. Because by removing those freedoms which the terrorists hate us for, we remove the reason for them to attack us.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 08:49 AM
i wonder how much the entire operation cost in the end?

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 09:08 AM
Damn, I knew I should of called in to tell homeland security that I saw something suspicious on Obama and Bush during the 911 ceremony.

But seriously America went down the toilet long ago,,,,,,I can see the news report now; "her crime, she sat next to an indian who went to the toilet, just what was she thinking, and why did the indian think he could use the toilet"........suprised she didnt get life in prison in the land of the free.

edit on 14-9-2011 by Haxsaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Haxsaw

Remember, if you see something, say something. The DHS is looking out for you! The TSA too, unfortunately the TSA spends much less time protecting us as it does protecting drug dealers. I can't wait for mandatory colonoscopies to get on a plane. It'll be after the failed terrorism attempt by the b#tth#le bomber. Colonoscopies for everyone!

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Signals

Profiling at airports is about 85% acurate; it's not so acurate when profiling Caucasian terrorists except at Ben Gurion Airport.....they know whose Jewish and who's not so profiling there is pretty straight forward.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

nevermind, she was talking about recent events.
edit on 9/14/2011 by WarminIndy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by darrman
reply to post by pianopraze

loads of Middle easterners in the Detroit area..

the Chaldean's wont go for this.. (the're the christian, Arabs)

Chaldean Americans are descendants of people from the northern Tigris-Euphrates Valley, presently located in the Middle Eastern nation of Iraq. The majority of Chaldean Americans live in Detroit, Michigan, although there are also Chaldean Americans in Chicago, Illinois; El Cajon, San Jose, and Turlock, California; and Oaxaca, Mexico. It is difficult to determine the exact number of Chaldeans in the United States because they are not represented as such in the U.S. Census. According to statistical projections from previous data on the Chaldean American community, however, it is estimated that Chaldeans in the Detroit metropolitan area may number as many as 70,000 to 80,000

Chaldean Americans are a highly religious people proud of their Christian heritage. According to legend, they were converted to Christianity by the Apostle Thomas on one of his missionary journeys to the East. Read more: Chaldean Americans - History, Migration to the united states, Acculturation and Assimilation, Language
edit on 9/13/11 by darrman because: add a thingy

The Chaldean Arabs would have us believe there are no Christians there. Funny.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 02:19 PM
In uni today we were told about a trip to America at the end of the year, the first thing I thought was do I want to take the chance going past TSA. It would be my first trip abroad and I’m 20 but I really don’t like the idea of some stranger choosing me for a strip search as I’m sure I would fit into their criteria of potential terrorist.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Dr Expired
reply to post by pianopraze

Just because a member diagrees with your blatant anti -anti terrorism thread, doesn't mean they need to be subject to one line smart alec retorts, that contain base emotion not logic

There were good reasons why the Governemnet was worried on the anniversary of s11.

In Australia ...muslims were caught on camera celebrating (cheering and laughing as footage of the Towers being levelled was broadcast, you may think most Islamists love the west ...but many believe they do not.

No one condones discrimination, but the fact is US, British, Australian, canadian troops are being killed by Islamists the world over.

Read your history of NOI , their founding principles....the same NOI that has educated millions of Africans to their hateful anti western, anti whiteman viewpoint.

This woman may not be a terrorist but , neither may have the S11 hijackers, but turns out they were.

If you are American start supporting your troops...your nation, lest ye be a traitor.

Are you kidding me ? Your own troops don't support your war !!! You are fighting a ghost, and killing innocent civilians in the process. How many times have Civilian casualties suffered because a suspected terrorist lived next door, or he walked past on the street when an american has opened fire. This is okay to you ? Blow up a house full of civilians to kill 1 suspected terrorist ? Attacking civilians carrying a gun, because they have a gun on them or near them ? Do you own a gun ? Would you be okay with someone killing you because you had it in your car, or on your person ? Just because you have a weapon doesn't mean you're dangerous.

and more

and even more

The internet is full of them! It get's broadcasted on news all over the world. If it isn't on your local news network what does that tell you ? You're the only one that doesn't see it, or if you do why don't you care ? What if China, or Russia overwhelmed your country, don't laugh because I really don't think you're as safe from that as you think. Maybe not russia as much these days, but how would it be any different than what you're country is doing? Invade Iraq because of weapons that don't exist, attack Afghanistan because a man who is related to a group who supposedly helped some people get into your country and blow up the World trade centers. The people who did it are already dead. The man you chased in the wrong country didn't actually do it, he just claimed that the people who did were part of his little party. It'd be the same as any of the countries you've bullied over the years coming on down to your country, killing your civilians, then years later launch a special forces group to kill him in his home. Then once he was dead, stay to change everything you've ever known, place a leader in charge you most likely won't like, and occupy your country until they are satisfied.

Here's a bunch of stories about your troops commiting suicide so they don't have to fight a war they don't believe in. Listen to your troops. Bring them home you ignorant F*CK !!

Still proud to be american ? Still think you should Push your troops into doing something they don't want to ? You say you're supporting your troops ??? If you were supporting them do you think more of them would die by there own hands then the " Enemy? " Are you #ing retarded ? You seriously must be, how does any of this translate into you or your country doing the " Right thing." You are a disgusting human being. You make me beyond sick. I can't believe someone can be this ignorant!!! I don't even know what to say.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Are you kidding me ? Your own troops don't support your war !!!

I can name 12 soldiers I know personally right now who are fighting in this war. I know a girl whose father was killed in Iraq in 2004. Everyone of those soldiers, which include my 5 brothers who were in the military and have been in Afghanistan and Iraq, two cousins now in Iraq and Kuwait, support the war. There are many who are indeed tired, but they are more sad over the fact that people like you don't want to support them because the old Vietnam mentality is pushed. When you toss statements like you did, consider that some of us also have loved ones over there and were over there.

By the way, my friend's father who died there, she was only 12 and the last time she ever saw her father was when he was going out the door on his way to Iraq. Tell her that her dad died in vain, people like you have made her cry because she loves her father and is very proud of him.
edit on 9/14/2011 by WarminIndy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

You're just as #ing stupid. I support the troops, not the war. You're equally as sad, I know just as many people involved in the war as you. It doesn't make it right. Nice try there but, trying to call me out as not supporting the troops is ridiculous. I have not one stated I don't support the troops, but I'm not so ignorant as to ignore the fact they aren't fighting a war. They invaded a free nation that did nothing to any American. No Iraqi or Afgan civilian or militant has taken the life of any American civilian. You're lovely, Bad guy Osama, is from neither of these countries. Why are you at war with them ?

As well what part of what I said is me not supporting the troops ?

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by WarminIndy

Are you kidding me ? Your own troops don't support your war !!!

I can name 12 soldiers I know personally right now who are fighting in this war. I know a girl whose father was killed in Iraq in 2004. Everyone of those soldiers, which include my 5 brothers who were in the military and have been in Afghanistan and Iraq, two cousins now in Iraq and Kuwait, support the war. There are many who are indeed tired, but they are more sad over the fact that people like you don't want to support them because the old Vietnam mentality is pushed. When you toss statements like you did, consider that some of us also have loved ones over there and were over there.

By the way, my friend's father who died there, she was only 12 and the last time she ever saw her father was when he was going out the door on his way to Iraq. Tell her that her dad died in vain, people like you have made her cry because she loves her father and is very proud of him.
edit on 9/14/2011 by WarminIndy because: (no reason given)

I want you personally to go to that child, and give her the name of every civilian who died in their homes wanting no part of the war The US brought to them. The men, women and children who died some asleep in their beds, some eating dinner. Others trying to hide from the shells her father likely rained down on them. You're #ing sick. Iraq, and Afghanistan are not responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Even if the terrorists were from their country which they are not, why did those children have to die ? Why do mothers, fathers, and children have to bury their innocent loved ones who died at the hands of soldiers like that little girls father. You're just as ignorant as anyone else. I hope you burn eternally in the fires of hell.

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by WarminIndy

Calling someone names doesn't help you win them over to see your logical points. People don't always see things the same way as you. Nor may everyone be as good at getting everything that they want to say in a post.

You have very good points but instead of playing the ball, you are fouling the player. That diminishes the truths that you state. So much that I didn't even bother clicking on your links. Sad because they may have contained great info to help your position.

OP - Thanks for the thread.

IMHO - this and the other things that happened recently, help the government to keep the fear level high. I don't think that they should have bothered her. People should be able to have their own beliefs.


posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:45 PM
There is one place where I don't mind really tight policing and even racial profiling and that is airports. It is a controversial thing but when was the last time a white middle-class male or female blew up a plane?

I don't know about you guys but if I'm on a plane I want to know I'm safe. When I'm flying in a tin can powered by jets I want to know that the thing isn't going to get blown up or hijacked lol.
Honestly though I don't see why people mind getting stopped in airports. Obviously its an inconvinience but I wouldnt mind being stopped and checked... atleast that way you know you are safe.
The last place I want to die is in a plane or airport...

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by TruePatriot1685

they don't hate us because of our freedom , they hate us because we invaded their country and we are killing them .

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