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Big Brother and Smart Meters

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posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 12:41 PM
I'm a legal active hunter, My husband and I lease 300 acres out here in Texas, which is no longer available because it was bought up to be dug up for the massive amount of natural gas we have out here in the millions of acres.
This man we leased the land from is a retired police officer out of Dallas. Until today I had no idea he is actually a conspiracy theorist also. He goes so far as he has no money in the bank, he pays strictly through cash or money orders, he avoids the supermarket if all possible, buys from local ranchers and farmers, farmers markets. He lives to not leave a trace of his where abouts. It goes deeper with his distrust to Big Brother/Gov but he is not the point of this Thread. He sends my husband e-mails ranging from silly jokes to local information. Today I discovered he is aware of the governments misdeeds, evil doings.
We bought our home here in Texas in June of 09, my husband had the electric turned on, not informing me of the offer they gave him he gave permission for this smart meter to be installed into our lives, ( know I have a cause, my cause is to get that thing off my house and out of my life )

Here is a YouTube video explaining these lovely things
after watching this video I went outside and yes it is what the gentleman in this video said it is and looks exactly like what he showed in the video. This smart meter is the same as wire tapping. If they come to your home and try to convince you to put it in, say NO, you have the legal right know to accept it. As for myself this will be a battle to get rid of it, but its on starting first thing tomorrow morning.
( my husband said he gets alot of the conspiracy e-mails from the retired police officer I asked him to forward them to me, I cant wait to see what he has )
Lasson the retired officer is know in his late 60`s early 70`s...Thought that is kinda important to know
edit on 28-8-2011 by lbndhr because: spell check

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by lbndhr

Smart meters are bad news. They allow the government to control you. Period.

Good luck getting rid of the blasted thing.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:37 PM
what is a smart meter???
why would anyone let big g0vt do anything in their homes?

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by dantanna
what is a smart meter???
why would anyone let big g0vt do anything in their homes?

When I asked my husband how did we end up having a smart meter he explained to me like this, when we bought the home and he called the electric company they told him if we switch to the smart meter we save $10,00 a month because then they do not have to send anyone out to read it once a month, they get there readings via internet/satellite. As I am watching the differnet videos im seeing using the smart meter picks up other homes electricity. This all makes sens to me as we haev the most outrageous electric bill every month. Itis myself adn my husband in this home, we set the ac to 80, no lights during the day, in the evening we use the lights in the room we are in, I believe we are as thrifty as we can get with electricity, we dont even turn outside lights on at night, we installed solar lighting outside. They know when your at home, know when your gone, know if your using the television or the microwave, that is called invasion of my privacy. Know I haveit in my mind there is some hidden camera in the electric box or up above on the top of the pole, it has me freaked out worse then anything. Im calling electric company tomorrow if they are unwilling to change it I will smash it out, when they come to see hwatshappenign I will tell them, no smart meter....ANdif that fails, as god is my witness I will sell this house, find a home without that smart meter big brother spying on me crap. This is wrong on so many levels.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:02 PM
im afraid its worse than that.

these things transmit on 2.4ghz microwaves creating an RF grid throughout your city.

a small DHS plane flys over, and uses something called CELLDAR which is like radar except it turns the various forms of interference (you, your house, anything in your house) into 3D imaging.

they can moniter an entire neighborhood live. they can see you sitting in your chair watching television. they can see you in the shower. they know when you leave and can even watch where you go, all from the comfort of a desk at some fusion center probably in another state.

how do you know if this is going on in your area? just watch for the planes. they have no destination they just fly in low patterns over the city all day. they are small single engine cessna type.

ive witnessed it in both california and oklahoma. on a daily basis. in neighborhoods that have deployed smart meters. ive interviewed the locals and confirmed the unusual air traffic didnt begin until after the smart meter deployment.

been documenting the program for over a year.

an ats search for celldar or smart meters will find several threads explaining it further and even ways to circumvent the technology.

note to agency: ill continue to run my mouth about this until there are no more planes over my house.

ive had long talks with the supposed "manager of deployment" for smart meters in my area. the guy was a moron who knew nothing about the devices. and the power company wont let us opt out.

you can bet dollars to donuts its intercepting your wifi transmissions too.

its easy to identify a DHS plane vs a civilian plane. specially if you have a radio and a compass...
edit on 28-8-2011 by RelentlessLurker because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by RelentlessLurker
im afraid its worse than that.

these things transmit on 2.4ghz microwaves creating an RF grid throughout your city.

a small DHS plane flys over, and uses something called CELLDAR which is like radar except it turns the various forms of interference (you, your house, anything in your house) into 3D imaging.

they can moniter an entire neighborhood live. they can see you sitting in your chair watching television. they can see you in the shower. they know when you leave and can even watch where you go, all from the comfort of a desk at some fusion center probably in another state.

how do you know if this is going on in your area? just watch for the planes. they have no destination they just fly in low patterns over the city all day. they are small single engine cessna type.

ive witnessed it in both california and oklahoma. on a daily basis. in neighborhoods that have deployed smart meters. ive interviewed the locals and confirmed the unusual air traffic didnt begin until after the smart meter deployment.

been documenting the program for over a year.

an ats search for celldar or smart meters will find several threads explaining it further and even ways to circumvent the technology.

note to agency: ill continue to run my mouth about this until there are no more planes over my house.

ive had long talks with the supposed "manager of deployment" for smart meters in my area. the guy was a moron who knew nothing about the devices. and the power company wont let us opt out.

you can bet dollars to donuts its intercepting your wifi transmissions too.

its easy to identify a DHS plane vs a civilian plane. specially if you have a radio and a compass...
edit on 28-8-2011 by RelentlessLurker because: (no reason given)

These planes you speak of, are they small twin engine white or light in color, the fly so close to the house you can almost see the pilot? where I live we have AFB they fly real high, then we have the border planes, they are obvious, white and green, but then there is that little plane I see many times a say and yes never I'm a specific pattern. So your saying I can't get this invasive meter taken out? Well I also have a mouth that will speak out.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:50 PM
Main problem I see with smart meters is when the elitest and world think America needs to pay for its fat living conditions for the last 80 years and limits your energy.

Reminder: Gore states yourracist (how is this even possible) if you dont believe in global warming (let me add through manmade gas release)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 09:32 PM
Here in Victoria (Australia) smart meters have been made mandatory. My girlfriend and I were students when our rented apartment was fitted with a smart meter. Our Power bill went from an average of $60-70, up to $90-$120 without any significant increase in our usage.

Smart meters are a bad idea IMO, they don't appear to have any real benefit outside of energy company's who are making massive profits from them, with bills expected to rise even further both this, and next year. People in this country are outraged by the damn things, which give the power company's the power to remotely cut off your power.

There is also talk of making it possible for power companies to switch off certain appliances. For example, the power grid understandably struggles during the 40 C plus days with people running fans and air con, so if the grid were to be put under enormous pressure they could simply shut off peoples cooling equipment without their consent. No doubt high income areas would not be affected.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 10:06 PM
The reason your bill may go up is because the meter you had before the new meter was likely old. Electric meters that were mechanical were infamous for slowing as they aged. There is a very complex system of gears and a disk that is driven by emf. Everything that is mechanical slows with age.

The new electronic meters have no moving parts and are much more accurate and hold that accuracy for a longer time.

edit on 28-8-2011 by isitjustme because: (no reason given)

This is what they can do...
edit on 28-8-2011 by isitjustme because: add link

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by RelentlessLurker

they can monitor an entire neighborhood live. they can see you sitting in your chair watching television. they can see you in the shower. they know when you leave and can even watch where you go, all from the comfort of a desk at some fusion center probably in another state.

Actually the fusion centers have likely been outsourced to India.

Hard wire your network or internet connection and research ways to defeat the technology. Before I smashed one or raised a fuss about it I would attempt to quietly circumvent it. Just a suggestion, but "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" or in cases like this in lieu of grease the squeaky wheel gets put on the FEMA camp priority list.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by lbndhr

I can tell you one thing that will happen with these Smart Meters... they will be used by witty criminals to monitor your electrical activities, much like Santa Claus spying on children and watching you while you sleep.

They will know when your not at home and.....

edit on 28-8-2011 by imitator because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by lbndhr

bingo. those are the ones.

i got fed up and started taking pictures and logging flight headings/altitudes/directions/time of day.

its almost become a hobby. ill wake up early and sit out there with my scanner and binoculers and camera.

they backoff a bit when you start doing all that. they will only make those low passes when your in the house but i have vent-stacks that allow me to hear them before they are near so i often run out at the last second, thats when i glance up and sure enough you can almost see the guy in the cockpit.

put it this way if it were 4th of july hed be in range of the fireworks.

since there was almost no air traffic hear before they showed up its easy to tell when they are around using a scanner radio. between TRACON, FAA, and the local tower they cant really sneak up on me anymore. if they do they have to do it without a radio. and if you catch them doing that youve got a legitimate reason to call the FAA and demand information (thats where my pictures and logs come in)

planes have to identify themselves, and where they are headed (amongst other things).

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by KaiserSoze

if you have planes flying a few hundread feet over your house every single day for over a year and follow you any and everywhere you go....chances are your(im) already on the list.

but since the program "doesnt exist" and im just a crazy conspiracy theorist rambling on a conspiracy website, i see no benefit to quietly doing anything.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by RelentlessLurker

I will do what you are doing, pics, times, directions. I'm also going to contact the prior owner to re verify what they use to pay. Larger family then mine, we are 2 they were 4. I think she had told me there bill at highest was &100.00, my lowest bill is $275.00, highest was $600.00. We are sparring on our elec, set ac at 80-82. Ya I have some work to get this public. And I am not afraid to protest I have orchestrated 2 peaceful protest. It was educational reasons the turnouts were great, more people then I imagined media. It felt good to stick it to the man.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by lbndhr

our bill before the meter was 90. the bill after installation was 300.

the previous was 211 (weve only had 2 since i moved here). our daily use and/or routine hasnt changed at all.

the next step in my crusade was to contact tribal government since the power company wont give us an opt out (i live within indian nation).

the crusades work. they worked in california. the state mandated that they give californians an opt out option (even though they charge you a 150 dollar fee to remove it and put the old one back in)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by lbndhr

How to defeat the Smart Meter's RF Signal...

Wrap the meter in as heavy gauge alluminum foil as you can buy and run a ground wire to your grounding rod. You can use bungi straps to secure the foil to the elecrical box which the meter is mounted on or you can use duct tape. Every house is supposed to have a grounding rod. Go to the hardware store and get enough single strand wire, (10 ga. will be thick enough), to reach from the box to the grounding rod. You might even use the wire to hold the foil on the box. Make sure you remove the insulation so you get good contact between the wire and the foil. There! You just created a grounded Faraday Cage which will force the meter readers to come out, and if they don't like messing with the foil, they can bloody well change the meter....

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Yochuna
reply to post by lbndhr

How to defeat the Smart Meter's RF Signal...

Wrap the meter in as heavy gauge alluminum foil as you can buy and run a ground wire to your grounding rod. You can use bungi straps to secure the foil to the elecrical box which the meter is mounted on or you can use duct tape. Every house is supposed to have a grounding rod. Go to the hardware store and get enough single strand wire, (10 ga. will be thick enough), to reach from the box to the grounding rod. You might even use the wire to hold the foil on the box. Make sure you remove the insulation so you get good contact between the wire and the foil. There! You just created a grounded Faraday Cage which will force the meter readers to come out, and if they don't like messing with the foil, they can bloody well change the meter....

I appreciate this information, I will definately do this, but I may go a step further and take it out every month so they can read it, you know the day before the reading take it off, replace it the next day...mess with em...lolol

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:56 AM

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by lbndhr

Originally posted by Yochuna
reply to post by lbndhr

How to defeat the Smart Meter's RF Signal...

Wrap the meter in as heavy gauge alluminum foil as you can buy and run a ground wire to your grounding rod. You can use bungi straps to secure the foil to the elecrical box which the meter is mounted on or you can use duct tape. Every house is supposed to have a grounding rod. Go to the hardware store and get enough single strand wire, (10 ga. will be thick enough), to reach from the box to the grounding rod. You might even use the wire to hold the foil on the box. Make sure you remove the insulation so you get good contact between the wire and the foil. There! You just created a grounded Faraday Cage which will force the meter readers to come out, and if they don't like messing with the foil, they can bloody well change the meter....

I appreciate this information, I will definately do this, but I may go a step further and take it out every month so they can read it, you know the day before the reading take it off, replace it the next day...mess with em...lolol

You are a nice person. I'm sure the meter reader will appreciate it. I did some research on the Smart Meters for a friend in Jamestown, California. Her power company wants to charge her $50 to install the meter, and she asked me if it was a good idea to go through with it. I am a full time researcher and scientist with an academic science degree in electronics so everyone I know expects me to fix their toasters and televisions, (not exactly my field).

When I was in college, we studied the effects of RF frequencies and had to learn the dangers of them so we wouldn't harm ourselves or our classmates. Harmonic resonance, (Specific Frequencies of Sound and/or EMF ), and EMF, (Radio Waves or electromagnetic fields), can be harmful at certain levels. I am truly amazed at many of the things which are allowed to be sold to the general public.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by isitjustme

The problem with this is that the rates for electricity are regulated. They can be only a certian % over costs. While these smart meters say you are using more electricty, the truth is that the electric company still has the same costs as before they put smart meters in. As a result, households with smart meters should start paying a lower rate per KW hour. I am going to start a big stink about it in my state, after I sell the power company stock when they announce record earnings.

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