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UFO on Mars NASA Rover By John Gorman - Confirmed Hoax

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posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

How ridiculous...I am so sick of hoaxers..what do they really have to gain? A moment in the spotlight, these people should know better, anything posted on this site is severely scrutinized. I am starting to think that every picture or video we have ever seen of UFO'S are all hoaxes, and we are alone

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by Enlightenme1111
Thank you Mr. overlord for your research.

Actually, the research wasn't that hard.

Once you realize the image used in the video has a limited depth of field, it must have been originally taken with the microscopic imager. So all I did was go to the Nasa site, and start looking from the very first set of images taken with that camera -- and it was the first damn image!

edit on 20-8-2011 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:39 PM
So the picture is from the rover? People said it wasn't..that they saw lots of the images and that its not from there.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Good job Sir, good job. I noticed that he has began to remove posts on You tube calling him out on the hoax and how it was done. Sad really. The process of getting to the truth about real unidentified objects is difficult enough without people like this scrambling for some minuscule amount of attention, by making false statements.

In the future everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes - Andy Warhol. This smacks of someone trying to get their 15 minutes.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:03 PM
Good job overlord, I wasn't too far off.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 08:03 AM
I have checked his Youtube post again and he has posted response to the fact he has been caught out buy trying to justify his video. Looks like his followers are trying to block out any comments there that call him out.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:29 AM

Great find...

As a "believer" I find it comforting to know that there are some people on here that don't instantly jump on the bandwagon whenever some guy in a dark room with a muffled voice posts something he "found" on youtube.

Gorman - you're a crock.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 01:06 PM
In Gorman's latest update, he provided another YouTube video in an attempt to explain his "findings." He finally provided the source image, SOL 666 from the Opportunity Microscopic imager, found here on the NASA site.

Here's the (scaled) image:

Which certain looks to be the microscopic imager, oriented upside-down in relation to the Mars landscape, capturing a portion of its assembly.

We can confirm that by revisiting the SOL 002 image from the same camera:

And comparing that with an identical crop of the SOL 666 image:

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 02:26 PM

UFO's are as real as bloody screws.

Settle down,i believe in UFO's and E.T.'s too,but ive yet to see one.

All i said was that im going to stay away from hoax's like this one.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 11:26 PM
Perhaps you guys need to learn the meaning of Hoax, there is no Hoax here, John Gorman does not Hoax

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 11:31 PM
Hi there friends / and perhaps some enemies
The previous footage listed about the UFO MARS was released in all honesty.
Can you not see the NASA are playing around. I saw that picture late last night. I appreciate that several people had seen it prior to me.
you must remember several thousand people were searching the NASA site after I release my video but at that time did not releas the number sol 666 for my picture. yet no one managed to find my picture but they found the one in question instead; isn't it rather obvious what is going on here. But you must draw your own conclusions if you wish to make videos saying I am faking its up to you.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 11:37 PM

NOTE: Please accompany some commentary when posting links to videos.
edit on 23-8-2011 by SkepticOverlord because: Corrected video embed, and added comment.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by gumanthon1
The previous footage listed about the UFO MARS was released in all honesty.

Perhaps, but with no research or earnestness.

The first dead giveaway was the obvious limited depth of field of the image. Also, you knew -- before you made the original image -- that it came from the microscopic imager, which is never used for landscape shots, because it's incapable of landscape shots. This is what NASA gets when they try.

Can you not see the NASA are playing around. I saw that picture late last night. I appreciate that several people had seen it prior to me.

NASA has played around in the past, but this certainly isn't an example of them playing now.

Within hours of the rivet/pin/screw being discovered here, you kept deleting the YouTube comments of people trying to point out the error of your conclusions. The result was the appearance of trying to keep a hoax alive, which then resulted in more and more nasty comments on your video. Regrettable. Inappropriate. But not unpredictable.

And now that the SOL 666 image has been revealed by you as your original source, it's difficult to believe anyone would think it's an image of any Mars landscape, given the clearly-defined hard-edge to the left of the screw/pin/rivet head, which is part of the mechanism.

you must remember several thousand people were searching the NASA site after I release my video

I found it within minutes once I realized which camera was used. All I did was start at the very first series of images (Opportunity SOL 002), and there it was. If you had released more information sooner, the assumption of "hoax" may not have happened.

but at that time did not releas the number sol 666 for my picture.


And were are the "many more" images of that "UFO" you referenced in your original video?

isn't it rather obvious what is going on here.


On the surface, the events come across as you releasing a poorly researched "UFO finding," with no back-up, provenience, or supporting material. Then you trying to hype it, resisting evidence that shows it's not a UFO, positioning those who are trying to get you to understand what you saw as trolls/haters, and riling your followers on your YouTube channel against debunkers/haters/trolls just trying to show the conclusions to be full of errors. And ultimately being considered just another hoax, adding another nail of stupidity in the coffin of UFOlogy.

When you combine the above with the clear hard-edge in the image (SOL 666) you used as your source; from our point of view, how could we have come to any other conclusion than that of an attempt to create and spread a UFO hoax?

I appreciate you stopping by to tell your side of the story. However, you must realize how things appeared from "this side" of the situation.

edit on 23-8-2011 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-8-2011 by SkepticOverlord because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 12:38 PM
Hi friends and perhaps some enemies
I will attempt to break down some of the points you make.The reason I did not release the number of the raw data (Sol 666).
For an example, I was the 1st to discover the Swiss Fr.10 note,
and release the video regarding this matter, within 36 hours there was at least 10 more videos claiming they discovered this fact.
I had more research to do and discovered several more points regarding the note but by which time there were so many videos on you Tube about the Swiss note I decided not to release any more further videos on this matter. And this is happened so many times.
It would seem you Tube are blocking my site and removing my videos from the search engine, makes it extremely hard for my channel to grow, obviously the information I give out or discover is not about just numbers, but like anyone if they take the time to do anything it is nice to see it being appreciated.
In other words revealing my source when I plan to make a further video surely would be fool Hardy, in my video I state that is a later date I will go into the numbers in more detail, I released the 2nd video showing what appeared to be same object in the distance, in light of the 2 separate images anyone would draw the same conclusion and most people did (prior to the new evidence).
Sol 666 this page initially at 12 images, with no hard edge on the left side as you speak about, the same page then went to one image and then changed again to 2 images (these facts I can prove) regarding the other 80 images they were listed under a different number 2 batches of approximately 40 images they had been removed. And the image you found was not on the NASA site initially, so not lack of research on my part although I do have to make a living and my research is a hobby. Yes very hard to believe, when NASA mess around with little old me, well maybe not, but the events I stated are correct.

Regarding removing statements on my video, I very rarely remove messages on my videos unless they are hateful or rude, one or 2 people were persistently making allegations and listing these points on even unrelated videos. There was even a link left which did not work, so with the lack of evidence and most unbenign constructive criticism (blatantly rude) yes of course I remove their remarks but as soon as I had the time to look into the unusually high number of claims stating hoax. I found the picture on ATS and release the video regarding the new information.

The reason I am answering you is because ATS is certainly a good forum for debate one I didn't want to be called a hoax on. Oh well if this statement is believed or not is obviously up to the individual,
regards John

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:20 PM

The previous footage listed about the UFO MARS was released in all honesty.

Your initial intention of releasing this photo may have been honest but, due to you not carrying out even the smallest amount of research, your implication that this was "for sure, a UFO" was naive, which has lead to you being outed as a hoaxer.

Can you not see the NASA are playing around. I saw that picture late last night. I appreciate that several people had seen it prior to me.
If you mean that NASA are possibly playing with gullible people who do not carry out sufficient research before publishing a totally false statement, then I agree. On no level was your accusation that it was "for sure a UFO" accurate.

isn't it rather obvious what is going on here.
Once again I agree that it is obvious what has occurred here. You have been lazy and taken a photo at face value, without any research into the relevance to your subject, and then released a sensational video in an attempt to get hits on your Youtube channel. I noticed that you deleted people who were pointing out your mistake in a concerted effort to keep the façade up and increase your Youtube numbers. The vilification of people trying to point out your incorrect data is shocking.

But you must draw your own conclusions if you wish to make videos saying I am faking its up to you.
I had a look at your Youtube channel and you make a lot of accusations in the disclosure field. The problem you now have is that your credibility has taken a hit. Any future publication you make will now be minutely scrutinised and you will be called out on false and misleading statements.

Mr Gorman you have to learn from this whole experience. Stop blindly trying to put the blame, for your lack of research, on others (NASA, enemies??) and accept that you made made a mistake, then move forward.
edit on 23-8-2011 by Kreeger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by gumanthon1
I will attempt to break down some of the points you make.The reason I did not release the number of the raw data (Sol 666).

I'm sorry, but you didn't explain anything.

All you've done is continue to come across as a hoaxer who has been caught, and is now diligently trying to backpedal his way into some kind of explanation... that explains nothing.

We here at ATS have some rather excellent and deep experience with a wide range of UFO hoaxers and con men. I'm sorry to say that your actions have placed you into that category -- either by accident or design.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Hi again friends and maybe some enemies
I just would like to congratulate you on your intelligence and powers of deduction finding a clip on the NASA site in three minutes which thousands of other people could not locate in 4 days including myself (perhaps it was not there initially) I am beginning to wonder who the HOAXER is or who puts the nails in the coffin of UFOlogy.
I would have thought far more highly of you if you had just said maybe I will give you the benefit of the doubt in the light of the evidence. Oh well there are all types of people. which will be my last words on this matter John.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 02:06 PM
What is it with the enemies again, all I can only assume is that you have a high opinion of yourself and expect that, if someone doesn't agree with your view of the world then, they must be "enemies".

Basically you put out the video, on your channel, as a "UFO for sure" after you reacted like the medical test where "striking the patellar tendon with a tendon hammer just below the patella stretches the sensory nerve fiber of the femoral nerve which synapses (without interneurons) at the level of L4 in the spinal cord, completely independent of higher centres. From there, an alpha-motor neuron conducts an efferent impulse back to the quadriceps femoris muscle, triggering contraction."

In other words you had a knee jerk reaction. You saw the photo, published a claim that it was a UFO without spending any time looking at the back catalogue of the photos to see if there was anything similar.

Next video you put out I know "for sure" that you will carry out the utmost research before you make wild claims. Suck it up Mr Gorman and learn from this whole encounter.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by gumanthon1

I gave you the benefit of the doubt mate, given I first viewed it on my iPhone and therefore couldn't really make a conclusion on it....

...but then S.O. stepped in and conclusively proved you wrong.

Keep digging that hole though mate, it's rather amusing to watch you backpedal!

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