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My one and only boring experience, any thoughts?

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posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:56 PM
Man OP, you have more patience than I. I would have ignored a few of these posts. I never was a fan of rudeness so I admire your tact. first off, I have no idea what you saw but I do believe you. I did want to comment on one thing you mentioned in your background description. you had said you've been working on being a better person, etc. and you feel as if negativity and bad things are rearing their heads more than normal. with that I agree. I think sometimes whatever these negative forces are in this world, I think they are aware when someone is trying to better themselves. I almost think our brains or souls light up like a beacon when we are in the good or positive mode. and evil or whatever it is hates that positive energy and does anything & everything to disrupt it or negate it. personally I think the more we try to open our minds and explore we have to remember that with the good comes the bad. as someone once said, there can not be light without darkness. I sometimes think the bad side of things has an incredibly strong desire to drive us off the path of goodness. I hope this made / makes sense. I just wanted to say much of what you wrote about resonated with some of my own recent thoughts and experiences.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 10:12 PM
That is understandable.

I do have better things to do than make up things online, and I think l would make a lie a whole lot better than a shadow behind a curtain.

If it was a cat squirrel or any animal, what animal hovers in the air not moving and not suported by anything visable. A 5 ft cat? It was a softball sized shadow hovering at 5 1/2 feet. My bathroom is not huge and I am the type to lock the bathroom door even if taking a 20sec whizz. I love my animals, take great care of them and know where they are most of the time. They are not allowed and do not go into my bedroom or bathroom, they have no reason I do not want to pick hair off my bed or off my feet from the shower mat. My bathroom door opens to a hallway that has four doors. It is not an open hall way, so there were 2 doors and half the house seperating me from my sleeping pets. As for other animals I do not live in a barn lol. Never had a mouse, bird, squirrel, rat or possum ever inside.

As for mental disorder, I have never had any sign of any thing wrong mentaly in 31 yrs. No family history and no Drug abuse/brain injury/alchol intake or anything that would be realted to a brain malfunction.

In my opinion I am healthy, honest and saw something on the other side of my curtain in a secure room only I occupied. And I non emotionally totaly detached went ARRGHHH as I tore down the rod and jumped out towards the door.

Kinda like when someone says think fast then throws a ball at your face, sometimes you reach right up and snatch it outta the air with no thought fear or emotion then BAM a second later your head goes back your eyes close and you yell an explative but you caught it already a second ago.

I reacted to seeing it by jumping out of the shower in a defensive way, not in an attack in any way. I might have over reacted a bit yeah but I do not think I could controll that. It was just a non emotional move now impulse I guess it is hard to explain. All I was doing was geting out of the shower and to the door as fast as possible, I was naked, and sitting by the sink when I started having rational thought and felt some fear because what happened made no sense. I was only hoping it was something after the fact of reacting and jumping outta the shower, before that it did not matter what it was because there was no way anythign should be there at that place and time.

So basicly I do not know at all. There was nothing more to it nothing special just saw this round floating shadow, jumped out, got scared and then could not find any explanation in any way for what happened.

I hope I am not showing signs of mental instability, I will mention it on my next doc visit.

I appreciate you thinking bout this and giving your thoughts and opinions.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by LooksLikeWeMadeIt
Man OP, you have more patience than I. I would have ignored a few of these posts. I never was a fan of rudeness so I admire your tact. first off, I have no idea what you saw but I do believe you. I did want to comment on one thing you mentioned in your background description. you had said you've been working on being a better person, etc. and you feel as if negativity and bad things are rearing their heads more than normal. with that I agree. I think sometimes whatever these negative forces are in this world, I think they are aware when someone is trying to better themselves. I almost think our brains or souls light up like a beacon when we are in the good or positive mode. and evil or whatever it is hates that positive energy and does anything & everything to disrupt it or negate it. personally I think the more we try to open our minds and explore we have to remember that with the good comes the bad. as someone once said, there can not be light without darkness. I sometimes think the bad side of things has an incredibly strong desire to drive us off the path of goodness. I hope this made / makes sense. I just wanted to say much of what you wrote about resonated with some of my own recent thoughts and experiences.

Thank you for your kind words. I did debate this post for a month. But I see others sharing with no fear of judgement, so I felt I had to also. This happened I belive and this is the only thing to ever happened in my life I cannot explain.

I respect those that posted even if they say I am lying, I welcome all opinions and am just seeking the truth.

What you said about lighting a beacon and with good comes the bad makes alot of sense. Thank you I will look more into this.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by GisfridMaillor

LOL I wouldn't mention it on your next doctor's visit. The more you and I have communicated the less I think you made this up, or imagined it. The only odd thing that is a driving force behind my opinions is the statement that you get mad trying to be a good person, or however you said it. That's the only thing I'd watch out for. But to me, you no longer seem to be making this up, or one of those ATSer's whose clearly got a lost screw.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by Ryanp5555

Well thank you I appreciate your honesty.

A little more on the trying to be good thing and anger- It is more along the line of I am alot more aware of what I am thinking and my actions and maybe I am just being a little to critical on myself. I am becoming a better person so maybe I am just noticing the bad parts of me better. Or maybe just maybe there is something tossing anger my way to play a joke lol. I do not know.

A lady at the mcdonalds drivethrough the other day commented about how I am always smiling and happy when I come there, and how other people are mostly grumpy. This shocked me, I never thought of myself as a happy smiling person. But after deciding to be a better person I am happier and others notice it so far.

Sorry to ramble, thank you for your time and comments. I look forward to any other thought or ideas you might have.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 09:48 AM
really not sure if you need help or u actually bein serious which one is it...

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by truther2011
really not sure if you need help or u actually bein serious which one is it...

Just looking for anyone with similar experiances or anyone with any info about anything of this sort.

Only help I want is info, I am as serious as I get.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Stovokor
Either your sarcasm detector is broken or was never installed...
Their sarcasm detector is working just fine. No one would waste their own or others' time posting a sarcastic remark for no reason, therefore it could not have been sarcasm.

Note: This is not a sarcastic post.

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