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My one and only boring experience, any thoughts?

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posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:41 PM
Was just starting to take a shower, turned towards my shower curtain and saw a softball sized shadow floating behind the curtain at about my chin level(5 1/2 ft).

I looked at it for about 1 second. Had no feeings good or bad, just out of reaction my left arm swung up and grabbed the shower curtain bar tearing it down and pushing it forwards through the spot the shadow was while sweeping my right hand in on the curtain to contain whatever was there and yelling a ARRGGHHHHHH for shock and awe I guess lol.

So 3 seconds after seeing this shadow I am standing in front of my sink naked and wet looking at a shower rod and curtain on the ground.

I kicked my jeans to my right back and under the bathroom door so nothing could leave except through the fart fan.

I definatly got scared at about that time, 5 second into it I start processing what I saw.

I tore that bathroom apart, nothing. No moths, no spider webs hanging or having fell, nothing in any way ever was in my bathroom to cause a shadow like that.

I did not get back into the shower that night.

The lighting is not direct so if something was by the light it would show on the wall 5 feet away form the curtain but not directly on it. The only way I could make a shadow like it was holding my hand in front of the curtain 4 or 5 inches away and even then you could see my arm connected to my hand.

It was 2:30 am, my son was sleeping in his room. My wife was in bed. The bathroom door was locked and the window was closed locked and blocked by a 7ft tall towel cabinet.

I am a night owl always have been.

I have never had any thing like this happen before, have never had any visual or aural hallucinations. I am 100% mentaly sound, aware and have never shown any sign of mental ilness. Have no family history of mental illness.

I have been trying to be a better person and been doing alot of self work in terms of loving everyone and accpeting them. I have been looking into buddhism, the law of one, tao, the new age ascension, and any info based on love and higher dimensions.

I have been mediating with no real sucess, my brain will not shut up. I started mediating about a month before this happend.

So nothing physical I can find to cause this. and spirtualy I am not at all trying to delve into negative things to cause a "baddie" to show up.

I do feel like the more I try to be a nice good person, the more I feel this strong feeling of just hate, anger, and wrath. Maybe the more I work on me the more I relise the bad and will be able to work on it. Or maybe there are somethings I do not know opposing me.

Any ways there it is my one and only experiance after 31 yrs of this life. Any thoughts or ideas will be appreciated.

If you think I am nuts, I will understand. I do not think I am in any way. It happend to me and I cannot explain what fully or prove it. I do not go through life looking for stuff. I do not watch ghost hunter shows, I do not sit out side hoping to see a ufo, I do not go hunting for bigfoot when I go camping, I just live a normal nerf herder life.

I looked for any other experiances on line like this but not to deep, I got scared of knowing what it might be for some reason and been thinking about where post this now for over a month.

I still take 2 and 3 am showers and have had nothing have since then but I do keep my eyes open and on the curtain now lol.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:52 PM
Anyone who claims to be 100% mentally sound is surely not.

You lost me at "fart fan"

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by 12voltz
Anyone who claims to be 100% mentally sound is surely not.

You lost me at "fart fan"

K I will give ya the first thing, but fart fan? It is a pretty typicall referance to the fan in your bathroom to ventalate, and if you have done any maint jobs it is the common term.

So If I lost you by calling the bathroom ventaltion fan a fart fan then I do not know what to tell ya. It is a pretty simple and discriptive name.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by GisfridMaillor
Was just starting to take a shower, turned towards my shower curtain and saw a softball sized shadow floating behind the curtain at about my chin level(5 1/2 ft).

I looked at it for about 1 second. Had no feeings good or bad, just out of reaction my left arm swung up and grabbed the shower curtain bar tearing it down and pushing it forwards through the spot the shadow was while sweeping my right hand in on the curtain to contain whatever was there and yelling a ARRGGHHHHHH for shock and awe I guess lol.

So 3 seconds after seeing this shadow I am standing in front of my sink naked and wet looking at a shower rod and curtain on the ground.

I kicked my jeans to my right back and under the bathroom door so nothing could leave except through the fart fan.

I definatly got scared at about that time, 5 second into it I start processing what I saw.

I tore that bathroom apart, nothing. No moths, no spider webs hanging or having fell, nothing in any way ever was in my bathroom to cause a shadow like that.

I did not get back into the shower that night.

The lighting is not direct so if something was by the light it would show on the wall 5 feet away form the curtain but not directly on it. The only way I could make a shadow like it was holding my hand in front of the curtain 4 or 5 inches away and even then you could see my arm connected to my hand.

It was 2:30 am, my son was sleeping in his room. My wife was in bed. The bathroom door was locked and the window was closed locked and blocked by a 7ft tall towel cabinet.

I am a night owl always have been.

I have never had any thing like this happen before, have never had any visual or aural hallucinations. I am 100% mentaly sound, aware and have never shown any sign of mental ilness. Have no family history of mental illness.

I have been trying to be a better person and been doing alot of self work in terms of loving everyone and accpeting them. I have been looking into buddhism, the law of one, tao, the new age ascension, and any info based on love and higher dimensions.

I have been mediating with no real sucess, my brain will not shut up. I started mediating about a month before this happend.

So nothing physical I can find to cause this. and spirtualy I am not at all trying to delve into negative things to cause a "baddie" to show up.

I do feel like the more I try to be a nice good person, the more I feel this strong feeling of just hate, anger, and wrath. Maybe the more I work on me the more I relise the bad and will be able to work on it. Or maybe there are somethings I do not know opposing me.

Any ways there it is my one and only experiance after 31 yrs of this life. Any thoughts or ideas will be appreciated.

If you think I am nuts, I will understand. I do not think I am in any way. It happend to me and I cannot explain what fully or prove it. I do not go through life looking for stuff. I do not watch ghost hunter shows, I do not sit out side hoping to see a ufo, I do not go hunting for bigfoot when I go camping, I just live a normal nerf herder life.

I looked for any other experiances on line like this but not to deep, I got scared of knowing what it might be for some reason and been thinking about where post this now for over a month.

I still take 2 and 3 am showers and have had nothing have since then but I do keep my eyes open and on the curtain now lol.

I have never, ever yelled or heard anyone yell AARRGGHHH!

In ATS style, that obviously discredits your entire post. Goodbye

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by GisfridMaillor

Ok Now i know ,its just that we have an outdoor dunny with a redback under the seat.Different worlds i guess.Your story reminds me of the shower scene in" Psycho".

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:01 PM
I 100 percent believe you my friend. I have had many experiences. Please read this thread here for some of my experiences.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by Stovokor

Ok so this post has been a complete waste of time. I am obviously lying because I said fart fan instead of bathroom ventallation fan and beacuse I yelled while defending myself which almost everyone does in that kind of self defense situation.

I was really expecting someone to say dirt in my eye lack of sleep or something actaully plausable but no a fart fan and my yelling are the lies you have so expertly siffted here.

Ehh ohwell I was totaly expecting and wanting to have a reason to dicount what I saw. But know I know, a fart fan is a ventalation fan and people do not yell in these kind of situations.

Glad to know, I wil not yell ever again and will call it a bathroom ventalation fan.

Thank you so much you two for pointing out how those things caused this shadow in my bathroom. So you guys going back to explain how cancer is caused by calling the toliet a loo or how when you laugh at a joke you get hiv?
edit on 3-7-2011 by GisfridMaillor because: Not being mean just crap taling with a smile. Do not want you to think im offened or mad.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by GisfridMaillor

I don't know. I'd like to believe you. The only issue is your behavior. It's 2:30 am, your wife and kid are asleep and you see something floating about 5 1/2 feet outside the shower curtain (which is only the size of a softball), and your first reaction is to destroy your bathroom by ripping down the shower curtain and the shower rod in order to catch whatever it was? Meanwhile you yell "ARRGGHHHHHHH?" Why was catching it your first reaction? Seems to me that the normal first reaction would be to see what it was. This thing could have been a multitude of things at the time, and your first reaction is I need to catch it. That is odd to me. Further, the fact that you are trying to be a better person and cannot because it makes you angry sounds like you have some underlying disorder. I'd really like to believe you, but, I am sorry, I cannot. Not at this point at least.

edit on 3-7-2011 by Ryanp5555 because: Grammar

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by GisfridMaillor

I'm not sure how serious the previous posters where when they called BS but whatever...

I will certainly not say I don't beleive you for the reasons they gave, I do have one question though;

You mention not feeling anything initially and not feeling scared or w/e until after you beat up your shower curtain yet you mention a self defence situation? Did you at any point feel this thing was going to harm you?

Just throwing in food for thought, unfortunely I have no idea what you saw/experienced.

Good luck finding out though pal

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by GisfridMaillor

I had a flying brown hazy ball fly around my house. Other people saw it. I gave away some books on meditation and mystics and never saw it again. I think I brought it home when I picked up a used book at a sale. I talked to an army doctor and he said it happens to people rather frequently when they buy things in the middle east and bring them home. Believe what you saw and ignore the idiots.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by GisfridMaillor
reply to post by Stovokor

Ok so this post has been a complete waste of time. I am obviously lying because I said fart fan instead of bathroom ventallation fan and beacuse I yelled while defending myself which almost everyone does in that kind of self defense situation.

I was really expecting someone to say dirt in my eye lack of sleep or something actaully plausable but no a fart fan and my yelling are the lies you have so expertly siffted here.

Ehh ohwell I was totaly expecting and wanting to have a reason to dicount what I saw. But know I know, a fart fan is a ventalation fan and people do not yell in these kind of situations.

Glad to know, I wil not yell ever again and will call it a bathroom ventalation fan.

Thank you so much you two for pointing out how those things caused this shadow in my bathroom. So you guys going back to explain how cancer is caused by calling the toliet a loo or how when you laugh at a joke you get hiv?
edit on 3-7-2011 by GisfridMaillor because: Not being mean just crap taling with a smile. Do not want you to think im offened or mad.

Either your sarcasm detector is broken or was never installed...

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
reply to post by GisfridMaillor

I don't know. I'd like to believe you. The only issue is your behavior. It's 2:30 am, your wife and kid are asleep and you see something floating about 5 1/2 feet outside the shower curtain (which is only the size of a softball), and your first reaction is to destroy your bathroom by ripping down the shower curtain and the shower rod in order to catch whatever it was? Meanwhile you yell "ARRGGHHHHHHH?" Why was catching it your first reaction? Seems to me that the normal first reaction would be to see what it was. This thing could have been a multitude of things at the time, and your first reaction is I need to catch it. That is odd to me. Further, the fact that you are trying to be a better person and cannot because it makes you angry sounds like you have some underlying disorder. I'd really like to believe you, but, I am sorry, I cannot. Not at this point at least.

edit on 3-7-2011 by Ryanp5555 because: Grammar

Honestly you take a shower in the middle of the night and know everyone is in bed the door is locked and you are naked alone and a shadow apears on the other side of your shower curtain(light green with frogs along the bottom, not see through). You would calmly stand there pull the curtain aside and look.

I did not neccesarly want to catch anything, the door and my sink are to the right so when I brought my right hand out towrads the left it was more to block whatever and get out towards the door but it also served to catch whatever if anything was there.When at the door there was nothing there and nothing under the curtain.

I do not go through life jumping and yelling at stuff it was a very primal reaction and well I cannot convince you to belive what I saw and cannot prove. I appreciate your reading it and giving your opinion.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Stovokor

yeah I thought it would be taken that way so I aded in the edit I was crap talking while smiling the same as you meant I bet.

I got it and was just giving it back my friend, to much time on construction sites for me.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by GisfridMaillor

You should be arrested for having frogs on your shower curtain.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by GisfridMaillor

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
reply to post by GisfridMaillor

I don't know. I'd like to believe you. The only issue is your behavior. It's 2:30 am, your wife and kid are asleep and you see something floating about 5 1/2 feet outside the shower curtain (which is only the size of a softball), and your first reaction is to destroy your bathroom by ripping down the shower curtain and the shower rod in order to catch whatever it was? Meanwhile you yell "ARRGGHHHHHHH?" Why was catching it your first reaction? Seems to me that the normal first reaction would be to see what it was. This thing could have been a multitude of things at the time, and your first reaction is I need to catch it. That is odd to me. Further, the fact that you are trying to be a better person and cannot because it makes you angry sounds like you have some underlying disorder. I'd really like to believe you, but, I am sorry, I cannot. Not at this point at least.

edit on 3-7-2011 by Ryanp5555 because: Grammar

Honestly you take a shower in the middle of the night and know everyone is in bed the door is locked and you are naked alone and a shadow apears on the other side of your shower curtain(light green with frogs along the bottom, not see through). You would calmly stand there pull the curtain aside and look.

I did not neccesarly want to catch anything, the door and my sink are to the right so when I brought my right hand out towrads the left it was more to block whatever and get out towards the door but it also served to catch whatever if anything was there.When at the door there was nothing there and nothing under the curtain.

I do not go through life jumping and yelling at stuff it was a very primal reaction and well I cannot convince you to belive what I saw and cannot prove. I appreciate your reading it and giving your opinion.

Yeah, I would look. You said it was only the size of a softball. If it had been the size of small person I may have reacted that way. But this could have been a big spider or a squirrel, or a rat, or a bird. Do you have any animals in your house? If so, why wouldn't you have thought of that. You said you only saw it for 1 second before you reacted by destroying your bathroom. You didn't even consider that it could have been you seeing something. Heck, what's to say it wasn't a drop of water hanging on an eyelash!

If you really saw it, you really saw it. If it was real, it was real. I believe in ghosts. I believe in demons. Your actions are just highly suspect to me. Not to mention, as I stated before, you struggle to be good to the point that it makes you angry. That, to me, suggests there might be something else going on. Again, I'm sorry if I am offending you, it's just the way I see it.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Tachalka

No I did not feel anything good or bad, just accptance there is something there, it does not fit in anyway with what I know, and in a instant my left arm came down on the shower rod my right hand moved the curtain to the left and my legs launched me out to the right while my mouth just yelled. Then standing there seeing nothing there at all where I knew I saw something caused me fear.

I did not destroy my bathroom as others might have misunderstood, I was able to fix the rod the curtain was fine and by tearing apart the bathroom I meant that I looked at everything and everywhere for anything.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by NotThat

I hope you are joshing me really.

I have a thing for paperback and some hardback scifi books, I also like old odd books with outdated info that shows how we have grown, anyways I get all of these from used book stores. And have gotten some from estates after a death.

I have always since I was a little kid colleted books that intrest me, not anything other people would care about.

I have not gotten any new books in the last year and a half, shops all closed.

So I have tons of books from questionable places I guess but nothing new that I could say this is the book.

I have one book, I will not get rid of. It is the basics of mechanics, my grandfather got it while in the army. It has been to more asian countrie's then american states. It was givin to me after his death along with a uniform and medal he recieved. He was a Major-General at his retirement. I would hate to get rid of this book but it is the only one I know has had alot of tragedy around it.

Good opinions thank you, I would like to hear more if you do not mind sharing.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by Ryanp5555

You have not offended me in any way at all. I really do appreicate you taking your time to read and effort to respond. Thank you for your thoughts, I am taking all opinions into consideration as I have not come to any conclusions to what actaully happened.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 06:02 PM

But this could have been a big spider or a squirrel, or a rat, or a bird.

I was hoping it was that was why I looked everywhere, but found nothing.

Do you have any animals in your house? If so, why wouldn't you have thought of that.

Two dogs, medium sized sleeping on the other side of the house. A couple cats that prefer going outside for the night. The door was locked and the gap under the door is at the most 1 and a half inches. So no, it could not have been one of my pets.

You said you only saw it for 1 second before you reacted by destroying your bathroom. You didn't even consider that it could have been you seeing something. Heck, what's to say it wasn't a drop of water hanging on an eyelash!

I could have seen something thats why I looked for something but found nothing, so it is in my head or it was there I can accept both.

I had just started showering, had not put my face or head under the stream of water yet, my head is shaved so it couldn't have been hair in my eyes either. At no time did I have to rub my eyes either to get anything out of them.

Thank you for your thoughts I look forward to more.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:26 PM
I need to preface this by saying I am not trying to say this isn't what you believed, or that you are lying, I'm just asking questions.

Originally posted by GisfridMaillor

But this could have been a big spider or a squirrel, or a rat, or a bird.

I was hoping it was that was why I looked everywhere, but found nothing.

If you were hoping it was something else, like a spider, squirrel, rat, or bird, why immediately tear down the shower curtain and scream as you were going to catch what is ultimately a harmless animal. Why not check it out if that is what you were hoping it was going to be? Instead you claim you just reacted to it. But you were hoping it was something else? You claim you didn't have time to process what was going on. Yet you at least had considered that it was something logical, like a bird, and still decided to take charge like you were defending your life?

Do you have any animals in your house? If so, why wouldn't you have thought of that.

Two dogs, medium sized sleeping on the other side of the house. A couple cats that prefer going outside for the night. The door was locked and the gap under the door is at the most 1 and a half inches. So no, it could not have been one of my pets.

See, here is where I would have differed from you. If I saw it, and I had a cat, I'd immediately assume I was just careless with the door and one of them came in.

You said you only saw it for 1 second before you reacted by destroying your bathroom. You didn't even consider that it could have been you seeing something. Heck, what's to say it wasn't a drop of water hanging on an eyelash!

I could have seen something thats why I looked for something but found nothing, so it is in my head or it was there I can accept both.

I had just started showering, had not put my face or head under the stream of water yet, my head is shaved so it couldn't have been hair in my eyes either. At no time did I have to rub my eyes either to get anything out of them.

Thank you for your thoughts I look forward to more.

So you thought it was something else, immediately reacted as if your life was threatened by ripping down your shower rod and curtain before even checking it out? I'm not saying you have to accept that your crazy, I would have no basis to even say that. So, I don't think you should have to accept that. What I am saying is that I believe either (1) you're intentionally lying (2) you have some sort of disorder that makes you think this happened or (3) maybe it did happen. But, I'm leaning towards the first two.

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