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Oceans in distress foreshadow mass extinction

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:11 AM

Oceans in distress foreshadow mass extinction

Pollution and global warming are pushing the world's oceans to the brink of a mass extinction of marine life unseen for tens of millions of years, a consortium of scientists warned.

Dying coral reefs, biodiversity ravaged by invasive species, expanding open-water "dead zones," toxic algae blooms, the massive depletion of big fish stocks -- all are accelerating, they said in a report compiled during an April meeting in Oxford of 27 of the world's top ocean experts.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:11 AM
TO be honest i can believe the oceans are headed in a bad way, but i dont believe so called 'global warming' has anything to do with it. Yes dumping in the oceans definately has a massive effect over time.

So anyway these top scientists are saying we are heading for a mass extinction in the oceans (and in my opinion a global mass extinction would follow if the oceans fell) which is a pretty scary piece of news to see first thing in a morning.

Fearmongering at its best or are we actually being prepared for something that is inevitably going to happen?

Here are a few pictures to illistrate the point.






(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by moosevernel

Oceans in distress foreshadow mass extinction
Pollution and global warming are pushing the world's oceans to the brink of a mass extinction of marine life unseen for tens of millions of years, a consortium of scientists warned.

A wise man once said, Things have to get worst before they get better.

Think about this for a moment and then look back a decade and see how peoples opinions have changed on the subject of energy and environmental issues. It is clear that perceptions of how we all view our planet are changing.

Global warming created solely by man is something I cannot and will not accept. However, there is much we can still do and I for one cannot believe that we have run out of time to do it. These articles that appear in the media are scare mongering tactics to bully people in to fearing for their life and many many people on this site (including me previously) fall for it.

Life is extremely precious and our lifetimes whizz by in a blink of an eye, we simply must learn to value ourselves and realize that we are more important than those who steer this rock want us to believe. Once we realize this everything else will fall in to place.

edit on 21-6-2011 by franspeakfree because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by franspeakfree

i couldnt agree more.

They did put this at the end of the article

"And we are also probably the last generation that has enough time to deal with the problems," he told AFP by phone.

Which was almost a nonchalant comment after a very fearmongering article in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:37 AM
IMO we've gone past the point of no return, regardless of climate changes made by man and/ or nature, the Earth is dying and we can't avoid it... We can only try to delay it. But I guess things like this have happened before and will happen again...

I guess we'll just have to enjoy our existence while we can, too bad some crappy people out there let events happen just like in the above images.. That and all the fresh Nuclear waste that has just been so "kindly" deposited into the Pacific Ocean.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by WishForWings

If we are past the point of no return i will agree we have had a helping hand and maybe sped up the process but to say it was all caused by man is a tad egotistical in my opinion.
The process is global and has already begun and there is no stopping it so we just have to ride the lightning =)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by moosevernel

Only when the last tree has died

and the last river been poisoned

and the last fish been caught

will we realise we cannot eat money!

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:07 AM
looks like a very sad story and everyone knows the oceans are in serious trouble.

I just seen a news report on this story with the reporter in shock and horror at the news. This story is being pushed out there now ,not to fix the oceans, its being used to beat the drum of climate change again. They just want to back up the reasons for implementing more 'green taxes' on people.Simple as.

Seen a recent interview where a 'global warming/climate change ' spokesperson was been questioned about the news that the sun was posibly entering a dormant period and it might be cool enough here for a while longer. She responded by saying, well thats true but maybe at the end of this century when the sun becomes more active and we haven't made necessay changes we will have serious weather issues.

So the global warming campaign is floundering and it takes them less than a fortnight to launch a new panic.
The OCEANS are DYING because of climate change which we are causing.

The oceans are dying because we are filling them full of sh1t. Instead of stopping all those companies that are dumping in the ocean, we just keep fining them. Its a nice steay stream of revenue. Then we can blame climate change for the oceans dying and tax ordinary people with another 'green' of 'ocean' tax. We just feed them a line of crap about how we can fix the oceans as long as everyone just pays a green tax. Like who wants to see the oceans die.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by moosevernel


I posted this story yesterday under a different title and boy oh boy does it get some dis-believers out !! Maybe my 'Copy Writing' headline upset a few .....

Like you I am at a loss when you look at the images and look at the mounting evidence that show Humans are a blight on this planet.........!!

My suggestion of population reduction was not endorsed by all but i was really suggesting that any population reduction will be caused by Mother Nature in my opinion...



posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:14 AM
The end of the world being in a state of harmonious balance is already a done deal. It is absolutely nuts for anyone to say "oh well" just ride it out and make the best of it.

That is a joke -- not a very funny one tho.

The only appropriate response to this destruction is anger and disgust. We don't know if it is too late to do anything, but try we must -- we must try our damned best and never take a moments rest. That sort of all out effort is the only sane response to an insanely bad situation.

The prospect for a good life in the midst of an environmental collapse is nil. Not only will ocean foodstocks be shrinking; so will their quality. Will what survives even be edible? Fungus and rot will prevail globally. It won't be a fun place to be. That is for sure.

If we don't do everything we can to clean up the pollution that is already there, prevent any additional (eg. oil spills, nuclear meltdowns; etc. etc.) messes, eliminate dependence on artificial everything, and restore balance in the natural environment, we don't deserve to survive as a species.

Anyone trying to minimize this situation needs their head examined.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by PurpleDog UK

we are a blight..!! I agree with you completely.

Its just that we are a blight in different ways than we are told.

The Earth can and will take care of itself though.

In the Immortal words of Pearl Jam


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:28 AM
Global warming isnt caused by Carbon. It is caused by radiation. They just want us to think its Carbon. Also because no-one has tested the upper atmosphere for radiation.

Carbon is a pollutant, no doubt, but not the cause of Global Warming.

p.s It makes me sick to think I am a part of this problem. Something will change very soon, Mother Nature or The Elite are doing something.
edit on 21-6-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by wayno

You tell me then what exactly are we supposed to do.

Tell me how your average Joe like myself can solve all these problems or even make one iota of difference.

Sure i can pick litter up and recycle and use less energy (which i do) but in the end is that going to stop greedy companies etc dumping in our oceans, or idiot politicians in other countries dumping waste in the sea, or prevent nuclear disasters in nuclear power plants that have been built in stupid places or without adequate safety standards.

No it isnt.

the most we can do is protest and to be honest ive seen lots of protests western countries that dont seem to make a difference at all as we are just ignored.

SO tell me what else am i supposed to do except make do the best i can in any situation that presents itself to me because at the end of the day the people with the power to make these changes dont really give a crap as long as they are making money.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:39 AM
After reading this article, I tend to find at disgusting as a species that we pollute our planet in ways that are sickening. We have the cabability to at least reduce the amount of pollution that is released both in the ocean and air, yet we still do it. The way this is heading for the human species is quite sad really. We should at least have the dignify to respect this planet instead of killing it. I guess we will never learn. Disgusting

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:43 AM
What do we do about the 100's of natural active volcanoes under the sea, do we plug them with cork.?

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by dilapidated
reply to post by moosevernel

Only when the last tree has died

and the last river been poisoned

and the last fish been caught

will we realise we cannot eat money!

Luv it lil Johnny.

- sad article and thanks to the poster who posted pics. that rubbish pile is huge, we are such litterers

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by moosevernel

SO tell me what else am i supposed to do except make do the best i can in any situation that presents itself to me because at the end of the day the people with the power to make these changes dont really give a crap as long as they are making money.

For one, you could stop being so complacent. Stop being negative. Stop being so accepting of the "powers" of the wealthy and start assuming some for yourself. There will be no success without the will, both to succeed and to feel some pain in the process of opposing the forces that are creating the mess.

You have to keep speaking out and protesting even when your friends or family think you are crazy. The fact is more people are waking up and the number opposed to the status quo is growing. You can't wait until the majority are on side because then it will surely be too late.

Keep fighting in every way you can think of. It will make a difference.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 08:20 AM
We are so far beyond the point of no return that it doesn't make any difference at this point. Protests do nothing. Only if everyone in the world immediately stopped supplying all the MONEY to TPTB by refusing to drive cars, use banks, buy their toxic food. No one is going to do that.

I live right next to the second biggest coral reef in the world. It is dying. In seven years I have seen it go WAY downhill. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. The Grand Banks are FISHED OUT. Coral is dying everywhere. The Pacific garbage patch is bigger than Texas. And yet it continues.

CO2 has nothing to do with it. We are POISONING the oceans at a huge rate. You will know it's true when it's too late.

Starvation is a brutal way to die. Get ready for it.

Although, for those of you who believe your nonsense "word of god" books, when it gets to this point, your devil "god" will eradicate most of the people on the planet. He doesn't even have to, we are doing it to ourselves. But if you want to believe that, well, on Sept 27 there will be a blowtorch applied to the Earth. Anyone who lives past that will starve...


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by CaptChaos

No, Sept 27 will be chaos created by the Elenin Earth Sun alignment...Its in mid to late Oct that the tail will cause this to happen, but Yes, things are set in motion now for the end times, happening this year.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 02:41 AM
Just read the same article on NewScientist and was going to start a thread, but ya beat me to the it.

Here's a link to the article, that's a bit shorter than yahoo's

And here's one to more information at with information about case studies that were referenced in this mass extinction model.

For the science minded, here's the original PDF file on the study.

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