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A female Navy Seal? not yet.

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posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:06 PM
id like to see midget navy seals.... you could even dress em up as seals haha
the terrorists wouldnt know what to do if seals started shooting

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:11 PM
My 14 year old daughter can knock out 75 push ups in less than two minutes. Her sports' nickname is "Nails" because of her ability to endure pain. I guarantee she can kick the living **** out of all her male classmates. She is also incredibly focused and driven and smart as heck. If anyone is female Seal material, she is. She is far superior to most males in all aspects. That said, I wouldn't want her joining the Seals. She would just be too much of a distraction to the team. Men just react differently to females - you can't change men's brains. Better to keep the Seals in the team format that we know works - all male - they are too important to our nation's security.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Seektruthalways1
If women were built to be in combat, they would be able to not be distracted by any cute, fuzzy, sweet thing that passes in front of them. They would be born with a desire all the time, like men have, to be tough, gross, and able to withstand certain pains easier. And women are too emotional when it comes to anything with high stress. Women cant cope with the stress of physical pain on top of making a hard decision between life and death.

Frankly, women shouldnt be in the army, they cause distractions.
Women shouldnt be bodybuilders, cause its just ugly and stupid.
Women aren't tough leaders when compared to a real manly leader.
And women werent made to be tough, they were made to be mothers, nurturers and comforters. They already have a set of pillows.........

I challenge any woman in the planet to get your best 'toughest' woman around, against the toughest man on the planet, and we will see who wins the battle. Fair fight, Best Man vs Best woman, hands down the woman wont stand a chance.

Maybe women should just stay out of the roles which are designed for men? And stick to the ones designed for women. Its not sexist, its just fact!

Oh really? So shall we all just sit around at home popping out babies all the time according to you? Because that is all we are good for right? If you really want to get down to female leaders being as tough as male leaders, Hilary Clinton, Queen Rania, and Queen Elizabeth would like to have a word with you.

As for female body builders, who are you to call something ugly or beautiful? You might not like it but frankly I think male body builders are gross. Your point with that statement? You are in fact sexist. Sorry to break it to you, but that my dear is also a fact.

Now onto the whole debate about women not being in the SF. If a woman can pass the physical requirements without having the standard lowered, what's the problem? The only thing I see you people fall back on is menstrual cycles and emotions.

Did you know that with the correct birth control menstrual cycles could happen only four times a year? For some women, not at all. Gee, looks like I just blew a hole through that little problem didn't I?

Emotions. Women are indeed more emotional. We are also more ruthless, vindictive and manipulating. Very good qualities for SF I would say. If it's my life or theirs, guess who is going to go down? Yeah, you really don't give women enough credit, at all.

Physical pain. Oh really? Women can't handle high stress situations with a lot of physical pain? Childbirth would also like to have a word with you. That's a pretty high stress situation with immense physical pain.

So before you ( and I do mean you by the person I quoted) even suggest something like go back to the kitchen ( because that is exactly what you were insinuating) maybe you should give credit where credit is due.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by NoClue206
reply to post by Redwookieaz

It's not just about physical strength. I don't know to many woman that can handle the things actual combat MOS's do. If you were taking fire from a house and you knew there were children in there could you shoot back or destroy that building? After that is done you have to go verify who you killed and probably help remove any bodies. Now do that every other day for a year. Can you stab, jab, cut and kill a pig just for practice for when you have to kill a man? This list of bad things goes on, but I'm sure you get the picture.

From what I have seen most woman can't take the stress, hell some of guys can't either. Just think about what you would have to do before you jump the gun and call us all sexists.

I'm female and I'll shoot a child, I have no problem. I hate kids. I've had relatives that used to work in morgues, I used to help carry the bodies kids and all! I'll shoot you dead and keep moving! Women aren't strong enough emotionally! Ha!

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:25 PM
I work in NSW . I pt with SEALS Everyday but Thursday. There are also women that work within our command and they pt right along side the men.
For starters, the vast majority of the team guys are insane shape. Areobic,anerobic, climbing,swimming,lifting weights etc. They excel in everything they do. That goes for the older guys as well.

We have an obstacle course and a confidence course that we run once a week. It's pretty rough and I'm usually aching after we are done. On the obstacle course we gotta pick up your teammate and run to the next station,do the obstacle and your teammate picks you up,so on and so forth. Doing this five roundsis excruciatingly painful and tiring.
The confidence course is a little different. Go your own pace and just finish. 20 foot rope climbs,then 20 foot rope climbs grab a metal ring and swing to another rope. Over unders on a jungle gym contraption, which quite possibly is the devil. Logs,rope slides..etc..

That's just one morning in our week.

I say if a woman can or would want to be a SEAL, then I think she should be given a chance to at least try.

But, she had better be the most badass human on this planet. Not just to withstand the physical and mental abuse in training. But, to withstand some of the old guards bull#, and I would be willing to bet that would take it's toll more than anything. You don't know ego until you get in a room full of team guys. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame them. Just the way it is.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Heartisblack

I'm female and I'll shoot a child, I have no problem. I hate kids. I've had relatives that used to work in morgues, I used to help carry the bodies kids and all! I'll shoot you dead and keep moving! Women aren't strong enough emotionally! Ha!

This is funny to you?

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by LadySkadi

Originally posted by Heartisblack

I'm female and I'll shoot a child, I have no problem. I hate kids. I've had relatives that used to work in morgues, I used to help carry the bodies kids and all! I'll shoot you dead and keep moving! Women aren't strong enough emotionally! Ha!

This is funny to you?

Women aren't strong enough emotionally though. I've seen some sh!+ in my 14 years that has aged me beyond my time. Psychopathic tendencies don't help me. Would I join the army/Navy ? Hell no, I might kill my teammates without a second thought. That 's the only reason why I wouldn't join.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Heartisblack

I wasn't saying any of that as a joke. People us children in messed up ways and war happens to be one of them. I'm asking because it happens more then you think. It's not something to laugh about, but over there you have to be prepared to do it.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:40 PM
Also one thing I forgot to say, have you heard the saying "a pig can find an occassional truffle". There is occasions when a woman can do better than a man. But on the whole scale of things, when you average all the women out compared to the men, they are just not into combat, SEAL, military type training and work.

Just because a handfull of women over a hundred years have passed the tests, courses and training, doesnt mean that all can do it. Same goes for the men, many men dont pass either. If you want to compare them statistically, compare apples with apples, and dont compensate the tests because they are a woman. Make it the same, and if some pass, good for them. But it does happen, the more times the women get into training, the more will pass, making it seem like women are capable as much as men.

I just dont understand why women dont want to be 'women' and work with children, cook, clean, design furniture, run bake sales, sell cookware and clothing. Arent the malls filled with more womens shopping stores than mens? And the most business in the market is geared towards womans apparel and appearance?

What do little girls do when they are small? They play with dolls, stuffed animals, dress-up, tea parties, and like to serve. And if you ask a little girl what she wants to do when she grows up, its either a teacher, nurse, cook, florist, costume designer, veternarian etc.....

What do little boys do when they are small? They build forts, smash things, act like warrior and play with action figures, and fight aliens and zombies or whatever. If you ask a little boy what he wants to do when he grows up, its either a lawyer, truck driver, 'be like my dad', be in the army, be the president, etc etc.....

So why when these grow up, the women decide now, 'I want to fight like the man' and do mans things?
And how come men don't say "Oh I want to be a florist or work in a day care"?

Because its not hardwired into our brains. Girls like these sorts of things, boys like these sorts of things.
Why change it? Its worked for a very long time.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Seektruthalways1
Also one thing I forgot to say, have you heard the saying "a pig can find an occassional truffle". There is occasions when a woman can do better than a man. But on the whole scale of things, when you average all the women out compared to the men, they are just not into combat, SEAL, military type training and work.

Just because a handfull of women over a hundred years have passed the tests, courses and training, doesnt mean that all can do it. Same goes for the men, many men dont pass either. If you want to compare them statistically, compare apples with apples, and dont compensate the tests because they are a woman. Make it the same, and if some pass, good for them. But it does happen, the more times the women get into training, the more will pass, making it seem like women are capable as much as men.

I just dont understand why women dont want to be 'women' and work with children, cook, clean, design furniture, run bake sales, sell cookware and clothing. Arent the malls filled with more womens shopping stores than mens? And the most business in the market is geared towards womans apparel and appearance?

What do little girls do when they are small? They play with dolls, stuffed animals, dress-up, tea parties, and like to serve. And if you ask a little girl what she wants to do when she grows up, its either a teacher, nurse, cook, florist, costume designer, veternarian etc.....

What do little boys do when they are small? They build forts, smash things, act like warrior and play with action figures, and fight aliens and zombies or whatever. If you ask a little boy what he wants to do when he grows up, its either a lawyer, truck driver, 'be like my dad', be in the army, be the president, etc etc.....

So why when these grow up, the women decide now, 'I want to fight like the man' and do mans things?
And how come men don't say "Oh I want to be a florist or work in a day care"?

Because its not hardwired into our brains. Girls like these sorts of things, boys like these sorts of things.
Why change it? Its worked for a very long time.

Are you on drugs ? I played with the boys, rolled around in mud and smashed things. Don't think I didn't take my doll with me though

I'm going to be a writer or a psychologist take your pick. What is wrong with you ? Everybody doesn't conform to society as you want them too. Either learn that or get the f out.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Lovebringer
Did you know that with the correct birth control menstrual cycles could happen only four times a year? For some women, not at all. Gee, looks like I just blew a hole through that little problem didn't I?

This would not matter to tracking animals. Don't assume the only 'scent' they track is that of blood. There is no known way of hiding the pheremonal changes that take place. There is also no known way to stop minute amounts of discharge (small enough that a human eye would never see it) that would be shining beacons to a well trained tracking animal.

You have to remember, to a tracking animal, we are not one scent, we are a medley of scents that they can (and will) distinguish between quite easily. The only way to confuse them is to make your scent pallete similar enough to the locale pallete that they do not take direct notice. If they get your specific scent pallete (or even one specific scent from your pallet), you are hooped unless you can out distance them

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

I'm of the opinion that if you can pass the test you should be allowed in.

However I'm also of the opinion that you should get no special treatment.
You train, live, eat, sleep, shower and even use the bathroom as a unit.
Your gender should be irrelevant.

Everyone gets the same treatment. No exceptions. If a woman can handle that she should be in.

And as some other people have stated. Women do have other skill sets apart from men that could make them valuable assets in the field. I don't think we should pass those up.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by Becoming
A woman Navy Seal will never happen. Women are simply not strong enough physically and to a lesser extent emotionally to be able to complet BUDS training.

It would be a waste of money to even entertain the notion of letting women participate in the training. Besides that, it would take up a slot that a male with a better chance of making it passing could have had.

The military should not be made to lower their standards anymore then they already done in order to accomodate the weak. That is exactly what will happen if women are accepted in BUDS training.

I agree but look at cops, the affirmative action.. I don't doubt it could happen. Most males cannot pass buds or sere. I think this is a case of hollywood getting someones hopes up. (gi jane). BUT, if you can pass the same tests a seal has too, with no handicaps, sure.. But I do not see that happening. That is just the nature of reality.
Reminds me of that police video of the female cop who was shot, she did not return fire, she starting screaming and ran away.

edit on 2-6-2011 by Deebo because: add

edit on 2-6-2011 by Deebo because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-6-2011 by Deebo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:18 PM
It's not just about passing the training.

It is also about being able to accomplish the mission.

Like it or not, most of the enemy is comprised of men. To blend into the background long enough to accomplish the mission will require men. It has nothing to do with a woman being capable or not, it has everything to do with the situation(s) they will be going into.

Should we have sent female SF into Iraq prior to the war? Nobody would have suspected that female operative trying to hide out as a local sheppard?

SF is not only about being the best, it is also about being able to dissapear into the background of the operation locale. Until we start fighting countries with similar value standards as our own, women will find it very hard to blend into those backgrounds.

Too much hollywood, not enough reality. SF is 95% waiting and hiding, 5% action. Women can handle the 5% action. Can they survive the 95% hiding and waiting inside a world that is very much anti-women? Are you willing to bank an entire SF unit on it?

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:36 PM
Just to reiterate there IS different PT tests for men and women. IF the tests are made the same ie:brought up to male standards, then yes any women who passes should have a chance at being accepted, sadly this is not the case as with firefighters, cops, and other physically demanding jobs. So I would have to say no, not until these delusional ideas of making it fair instead of the SAME end.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Lovebringer

Maybe you should do some research and find out these 'stereotypical' answers that women have higher pain threshold doesnt fly, with no factual evidence. Women feel more pain then men and tend to focus on the feelings they get from the pain, men focus on the pain itself the sensory aspect. And woman are supposed to have the children, why do them have a womb for a baby? Women respond to pain different then men, read this article, and maybe understand the difference.

Our research has shown that whilst the sensory-focused strategies used by men helped increase their pain threshold and tolerance of pain, it was unlikely to have any benefit for women,” said Dr Keogh.

Working with the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Bath, researchers from the Pain Management Unit carried out assessments on 98 patients in chronic pain as they went through a pain management programme involving physiotherapy, psychological treatments and occupational therapy.

Whilst both men and women exhibited a significant reduction in pain intensity both during and immediately after the programme, three months later women reported the same levels of pain as pre-treatment, whereas men’s remained the same as immediately post-treatment. Interestingly, there were improvements in disability, in both sexes, which were maintained at follow-up. This suggested that there may also be important differences in pain experiences and improvements in disability.

Also, just because women can withstand childbearing does not mean they have a higher pain threshold. Women tend to focus on the feeling of the pain, men do not. Women are endurance pain takers, they are designed to take pain over a period of time like have a 20 hour labor for example. But women do not take a bullet to the leg very well initially, or a punch to the chops, and a knife to the back.

Men can take impact pain better than women, and women can take long drawn out pain better than men. And quit trying to play the 'women have labour so they withstand pain better' card . Someone has to be the backup in the group, you cant have all warriors, whos gonna be the medic, or the cook, or the dispatch, whos watching the children? Roles designed for the class ie sex, stick to them.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:47 PM
Eh .. I really don't see why women can't be in special forces. Go for it I say.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Seektruthalways1
reply to post by Lovebringer

Maybe you should do some research and find out these 'stereotypical' answers that women have higher pain threshold doesnt fly, with no factual evidence. Women feel more pain then men and tend to focus on the feelings they get from the pain, men focus on the pain itself the sensory aspect. And woman are supposed to have the children, why do them have a womb for a baby? Women respond to pain different then men, read this article, and maybe understand the difference.

Our research has shown that whilst the sensory-focused strategies used by men helped increase their pain threshold and tolerance of pain, it was unlikely to have any benefit for women,” said Dr Keogh.

Working with the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases in Bath, researchers from the Pain Management Unit carried out assessments on 98 patients in chronic pain as they went through a pain management programme involving physiotherapy, psychological treatments and occupational therapy.

Whilst both men and women exhibited a significant reduction in pain intensity both during and immediately after the programme, three months later women reported the same levels of pain as pre-treatment, whereas men’s remained the same as immediately post-treatment. Interestingly, there were improvements in disability, in both sexes, which were maintained at follow-up. This suggested that there may also be important differences in pain experiences and improvements in disability.

Also, just because women can withstand childbearing does not mean they have a higher pain threshold. Women tend to focus on the feeling of the pain, men do not. Women are endurance pain takers, they are designed to take pain over a period of time like have a 20 hour labor for example. But women do not take a bullet to the leg very well initially, or a punch to the chops, and a knife to the back.

Men can take impact pain better than women, and women can take long drawn out pain better than men. And quit trying to play the 'women have labour so they withstand pain better' card . Someone has to be the backup in the group, you cant have all warriors, whos gonna be the medic, or the cook, or the dispatch, whos watching the children? Roles designed for the class ie sex, stick to them.

Sweetie, take this from a girl who cuts everyday. I don't feel it anymore, never have. Pain is pleasure for me. I've made it up in my mind. Besides every woman doesn't have kids. There will be no children for me. I used to help take care of my 300 pound grandmother, who was disabled. Thais is coming from a 14 year old who has more get-up--and-went then you. Gender isn't always the best. My father is the cook of the house, my mother will burn down the house before she can cook a decent meal. Gender roles can make a mess.
edit on 2-6-2011 by Heartisblack because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Vanishr
one thing, if you are captured abroad, whos more likely to get horrifically raped, you or a male ?

Seems obvious to me ?

Not so fast. Males are just as likely to be assualted with objects, as in sodomized as a form of torture. If specops are captured - male of female they are in a world of hurt period.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by dbates

Originally posted by nixie_nox
I don't understand why this door is still closed. If a woman can pass the test. She should be allowed in. Period.

There are no women in the NFL for the same reason. They can't take the physical aspect of the training. The BUDS (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEALs) fitness test requires a minimum of 42 push-ups in 2 minutes but anything under 100 is a joke. Don't forget that these push-ups are done after swimming 500 yards.

Most women can't do a single military push-up correctly.I'm not saying that there are no women that can complete the training but very very few.

Man would I like to kick your butt! I did 55 male style pushups when I served in the US Navy. Thats right, the guys who did their max stood around and counted mine and I RAN OUT OF TIME. So watch yourself with this kind of nonesense. I also knew female Navy divers and their PT is pretty rigourous too. I mean really, I am steamed up about the comment you posted that most women can't do a single military push up correctly - OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT WOMEN IN TODAYS MILITARY! We don't do girl push ups anymore. Please!

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