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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by coolottie
reply to post by JimOberg

Here are Dr. Hynek's UFO classifications

Here is a video by Ann Eller, she was Dr. Hynek's secretary when I meet him in AZ. April 2, 2011
this is a very informative video and about contactees and her work with Dr. Hynek. She also talks about the Japan earthquake.

The classifications appear to have nothing to do in support of your claim about what he allegedly believes about wormholes -- why don't you just admit you got overexcited and made a claim a little beyond your evidence, and we can move on?

As for the 108 minute video, no, I'm not going to watch the whole thing hoping to stumble across a quote backing up your claim -- you tell us where in the program the quote is, and we can run it forward to that segment. If the quote is even there, and then it's still only decades-old hearsay, isn't it, at best?

You don't really have any backing for your claim, do you? And you're just making a diversionary blizzard of distractions to disguise that embarrassment, right?

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
I can't believe I have to do this lol...

JimOberg made a thread today relating to this upcoming event...

This pretty well sums up this discussion. Since the topic has now shifted to discussion of items outside the original post and the OP admits it was a rocket I think we can safely close this discussion and call it done.

Thread Closed.

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