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The 360° prism and its implications

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posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:24 AM
My husband is a general foreman in the field of commercial construction. Yesterday he brought home some interesting tools which needed to be charged up for the next day. These tools include special GPS enabled computer survey equipment and a sophisticated 360° prism, used for laying out building elements with amazing 3D accuracy.

For the purposes of my post, I will be addressing the 360° prism.

Here is what the prism looks like:

One amazing thing about this prism is that it is designed to reflect back to the survey sensor lens (or camera lens, or human eye) the exact location of the center of the prism no matter where the lens is situated in three dimensions, or how far away, assuming clear field of vision and line of sight. This has the effect of reflecting back the lens (or eye), dead center in the prism, from anywhere.

The reason this is important is because of what happens when a human being looks at the prism.

My husband got out the tool to show it to me (it is quite a beautiful and valuable tool) and I was immediately shocked and amazed at what I saw. I tried to take a photograph of the effect but that doesn't work because by design the prism will only reflect back the camera lens from the camera's perspective. Realizing this, I decided to photoshop the image with a picture of my eye so you can see what I saw:

Look familiar?

On the first viewing I immediately saw that this prism created a virtual merkaba, a tetrahedron shape, with a set of interior guide lines. My eye, flipped upside down, appeared dead center on the guide lines.

I was a little freaked out by it, so I put it down and walked away. About twenty feet away I stopped, turned around, and looked again. I could still see my own eye dead center in the prism, reflecting back to me.

I am sure I am not the first person to notice this, and there are many people on ATS who work in construction and are familiar with the use and design of 360° prisms. However, I had to post it here for those who may never have seen one. It is really amazing. I only wish it were physically possible to take an actual photograph of the phenomenon through my eyes.

Could it be possible that the familiar symbolism so popular with Masons, ascribed to the all-seeing eye, the Great Architect, and associated with Egypt because of the pyramid symbolism, might actually be related to (the profession of) masonry? Perhaps a reference to a secret construction technique? What if the builders of the pyramids had a similar prism, and used it in combination with some lost technology to attain the high degree of accuracy employed in building the pyramids? Was it made into a mystic cult by the passage of time and the gradual loss of those technologies? Or was it intentionally made secret by a priestly caste of scientists? In any case, just couldn't help wondering, when I saw my eye in the prism, at the similarities.

I have often wondered if the idea of sacred geometry might actually be the remnants of ancient technology and science. It seems to fit with so many things we are only re-discovering today: The "flower of life" and the "torus" are very similar to, and bear a mathematical relationship to, the mathematical structure of the Lie Group and E8 geometry, which as it turns out may be the fundamental underlying architecture of the entire universe:

Flower of Life:


Lie Group

Garett Lisi and his promising new Theory of Everything

And here is a small image which demonstrates the well-known connection of the Golden Mean to nature, the fractal nature of what is now believed to be a holographic universe, and the newly emerging field of chaos mathematics:

Perhaps the ancients were on to something more than we give them credit for. Perhaps they even understood more about the fundamental reality of the universe than we do today. And perhaps this ancient, but lost understanding is the origin of sacred geometry and much ancient symbolism heretofore attributed to mysticism.

edit on 15-4-2011 by OuttaHere because: typo

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:33 AM
I'm going to guess there is a relationship to things like
Dr Emoto and how intent effects the formation of Ice crystals...
and maybe how crystals effect the formation of intent

Back in the day they didn't have much to work with...
eye balls, dirt, clay, animal gizzards, sticks, bronze, crystals...

yet they seemed to have known what is what..
the secret societies prolly know it

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:38 AM
That is very interesting - thanks for sharing that.

I will be watching this thread to see the responses.

S & F

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:10 AM
Here's the Garrett Lisi video embedded:

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:12 AM
Check out...

A New Kind of Science

This book outlines and pictures various types and classes of cellular automata. (essentially small programs) Many of the images you posted are discussed in the book. Take a look through the online version, I think you will be impressed with the imagery. There are hundreds if not thousands of people working to further The Theory of Everything. It's been around for a long time. (That's a joke. BTW) I'm betting the farm on TofE tech.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:48 AM
Star and Flag for you

This commercial supplier gives a good run down of the device the OP has mentioned in English:

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by Somamech

Originally posted by Somamech
Star and Flag for you

This commercial supplier gives a good run down of the device the OP has mentioned in English:

Thanks for that link!

I have also located a video for anyone interested in details about how the robotic survey equipment works with the prism:

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by OuttaHere

Hey Outtahere!

Thanks for the Vid

I recently went to the King Tut Exhibition that's been travelling around the world and walked away with an overwhelming feeling that the Ancient Egyptians as we have been told did not lay down one even one stone of the Great Pyramid

Like your Hubby I also work with some pretty cool "off the shelf" tech, but not that type

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by OuttaHere

Interesting take. Gives me something to think about and chew on. Thanks for sharing this.

Perhaps the ancients were on to something more than we give them credit for. Perhaps they even understood more about the fundamental reality of the universe than we do today. And perhaps this ancient, but lost understanding is the origin of sacred geometry and much ancient symbolism heretofore attributed to mysticism.

That's what I've been saying for years, but people have looked at me like I'm crazy. Obviously the universe is holographic if you understand the principles and most certainly we have forgotten a lot of this information.

I also love the TED talks. I'll have to check out the video. The thing that makes me laugh though is the "new theory of everything" part. There is absolutely nothing "new" about the idea of a holographic universe, just a new way of presenting it so that the hardcore scientists are able to see the truths that mysticism and sacred geometry have been teaching all along. I won't critique it past that as I haven't watched it yet.

Here is something I worked up a few years ago regarding the holographic nature of things working with the flower of life. I've posted this in a few places with a few other supporting pages, but for now what I thought was interesting was the similarity of the things I chose with the things in your golden mean picture.

It covers astrophysics, form, language, time/space, and even more abstract things like religion

edit on 15-4-2011 by coyotepoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by OuttaHere
Perhaps the ancients were on to something more than we give them credit for. Perhaps they even understood more about the fundamental reality of the universe than we do today. And perhaps this ancient, but lost understanding is the origin of sacred geometry and much ancient symbolism heretofore attributed to mysticism.

Yuppers! Please keep digging along that thread and sharing it with us because I find this connecting the past to the present (well... metaphorically since we're always just "now", haha) utterly fascinating and a blast.

I've got a small email list I keep in touch with and I've been trying to pass along this same awareness that the "primitive" societies seemed to understand the (fundamental) nature of the universe better than we have so far (though I think we're finally breaking through again... finally).

Just gotta keep remembering that you've come to that understanding for a good reason and the reason others may look at you funny is just because they don't understand. Like going into a 3rd grade class and diving straight into Quantum Mechanics and differential equations.

edit on 15-4-2011 by ErgoTheConfusion because: Clarification.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by davidpavid

Originally posted by davidpavid
Check out...

A New Kind of Science

This book outlines and pictures various types and classes of cellular automata. (essentially small programs) Many of the images you posted are discussed in the book. Take a look through the online version, I think you will be impressed with the imagery. There are hundreds if not thousands of people working to further The Theory of Everything. It's been around for a long time. (That's a joke. BTW) I'm betting the farm on TofE tech.

Thanks for the link, it looks like it's exactly my kind of book! I will be reading it online. I'd prefer a hard copy, but $44 is a little steep for me.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 05:57 PM
Best thread ever!

The eye of Horus comparison is too freaky.

Edit to say the realm of sacred geometry is one of the higher dimensions. Like, 7 or something.
edit on 15-4-2011 by heyJude because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 07:18 PM
I don't mean to stop all this enthusiasm, but whenever I read the words "theory of everything" I get a little suspicious; we approach reality building a formal system to describe how things go, and according to Goedel's theorem (just to quote something everybody knows pretty well) this means it can't be complete and coherent at the same time, this in layman's terms means that the we either accept the theory to be incomplete, then not a TOE, or we insist in it being complete, knowing that it's gonna be unreliable and contain a certain amount of not so traceable bull***t. Also the idea of an "underlying architecture" to the universe to be found in Lie groups well... is to the least questionable.

Apart from this, can anyone tell me more about the prism? how is it built? why should a prism be so interesting? It's just a survey tool if I understand it right, ok, you can get some amazing geometric things out of it, and so you can find a lot of interesting number proportions and geometry in a lot of other stuff, which of course you mentioned. But the existance of logarithmic spirals in nature is pretty explainable as it proves to be the most cost efficient solution for many biological problems, and even the shape of galaxies is easily explained with 300 years ago physics....
why should we be amazed by a purposefully shaped piece of glass?

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by crowdtransplanter
Also the idea of an "underlying architecture" to the universe to be found in Lie groups well... is to the least questionable.

The relationship of a Theory of Everything to the Lie group was not my theory, it is a theory by Garrett Lisi and I am sure there are published papers you could read if the video is too much in layman's terms for you. It deals with fundamental particles, their spins and other characteristics, and graphing them in eight dimensional geometry. Garrett Lisi reveals that according to his discovery, there are 20 undiscovered fundamental particles corresponding to certain pre-defined characteristics. It also gives scientists at the LHC and other colliders some ideas of what they should be looking for, and a means to potentially prove or disprove Lisi's theory. Did you watch the video? I thought it looked promising, and so, apparently, does the rest of the science world.

Why should we be amazed by a purposefully shaped piece of glass?

The amazing thing about the piece of glass was that it uncovered a possible meaning to the Egyptian/Masonic symbolism which may actually be related to (actual) masonry/architecture and maybe even related to the construction of the pyramids, to which source the Masons lay claim for their beginnings. My point was that perhaps the ancients used prisms in their survey work, too, and this is the "secret" to the symbolic eye in the pyramid. Maybe it's not a pyramid at all. Maybe it's a prism. It was a purely visual comparison.

Besides, it looked cool.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by OuttaHere

Besides, it looked cool.

Most importantly.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by OuttaHere

AWESOME thread!! S&F!! Man I LOVE it when I learn something new
Probably the one and only thing that I recall taking away from my step-dad back when I was a punkass know it all teenager which was "You should always try and learn something new each and every day. Doesn't matter what it is, just so long as you gain something from it" and today it was a 360 degree prism! Thanks!!

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by heyJude

Speaking of higher dimensions and sacred geometry and the number 7...
you might like this

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by crowdtransplanter
I don't mean to stop all this enthusiasm, but whenever I read the words "theory of everything" I get a little suspicious; we approach reality building a formal system to describe how things go, and according to Goedel's theorem (just to quote something everybody knows pretty well) this means it can't be complete and coherent at the same time, this in layman's terms means that the we either accept the theory to be incomplete, then not a TOE, or we insist in it being complete, knowing that it's gonna be unreliable and contain a certain amount of not so traceable bull***t. Also the idea of an "underlying architecture" to the universe to be found in Lie groups well... is to the least questionable.

Apart from this, can anyone tell me more about the prism? how is it built? why should a prism be so interesting? It's just a survey tool if I understand it right, ok, you can get some amazing geometric things out of it, and so you can find a lot of interesting number proportions and geometry in a lot of other stuff, which of course you mentioned. But the existance of logarithmic spirals in nature is pretty explainable as it proves to be the most cost efficient solution for many biological problems, and even the shape of galaxies is easily explained with 300 years ago physics....
why should we be amazed by a purposefully shaped piece of glass?

I think the main point of the observation is when one looks into the prism they are looking at the same exact picture on an eye inside a triangle as displayed on the USD $1 note. Therefore the OP is theorizing that perhaps the prism has been used for longer than imagined and explains some of the symbolism developed by free masonry. Yes, that makes sense... construction tools are responsible for a lot of their symbols. So this prism would have been used before the design of the $1 bill was made. I imagine indeed that this is exactly the source image for the prism and that the prism has been around for a long time.

I flagged this post because it explains how the "all seeing eye" came into being.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:39 PM
reply to post by civilchallenger

Wouldn't it be more plausible that the all seeing eye came into existence as a representation of the social classes with the all powerful all seeing godhead at its top ? as the masonic pyramid shows the eye at its apex, this shows the eye in the center of the triangle. Yes a lot of techniques and tools have been lost in the dust of time but i dont thing it proves anything, it just offers one possible explanation, but as no such tools are in any diagrams or relics its not going to be easy to support this hypothesis.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by sprocket2cog

Wouldn't it be more plausible that the all seeing eye came into existence as a representation of the social classes with the all powerful all seeing godhead at its top ?

Yes. I believe that is one level of its meaning. The thing with esoteric symbols is that there are many levels of meaning. It is also representative of the awakened pineal gland.

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