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Guddafi agrees to end conflict

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posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 06:05 AM
I think that even if Cadafi agrees to go away or sth, they will still disregard this and continue the war. They need that war because they need to keep creating chaos in this region.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR
Because when you have essentially *snip* on you're own people for so long (42yrs) its hard not to take one last dump on there heads especially when you think you can get away with it for another ex amount of years by just killing anyone who may oppose you like rats

If it wasn't for the Coalition forces he may never had believed the game was finally up, in fact it would have been over and no doubt genocide in Bengazi would have taken place

I highly doubt the Rebels will settle for anything other than him & his family "gone completely" and it is highly likely the Coalition forces will support them in what ever decision they may make,

I hope the Rebels & Coalition forces don't stop till Gaddafi is taken out of his home and put in the dock for crimes against humanity and his billions can then be payed in compensation to all the family members of the innocent protesters who was shot dead at the order of this evil madman, and also to thos rebels who lost their lifes fighting for the freedom

After that i would very much look forward to outting the "ITS ALL ABOUT OIL MOB" with a MASSIVE "I TOLD YOU SO"

i'm sorry but i think your whole post is complete rubbish....and show's you to be totally ignorant to facts...clearly you not read the thread past the first page,or you would of been more informed about a few truths that you clearly have no understanding of....

i'm sorry to be so blunt with you sir...but it's people like you who have no idea what's really going on,and get your information from sky news or the bbc...

and the people who have stared your post,are no better...

and when your children and friends and family are dying in world war can say..yeah i supported this.

i would say you deserve the rothschild and soros of this world,but you been mis-inform by the media you watch,who by the way are owned by those i've mention.

i would explain it to you,but i feel its better if you took the time to understand the bigger picture yourself.

MSG for the mods:I apologize if this seems harsh,but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by TheMaverick
i'm sorry but i think your whole post is complete rubbish....and show's you to be totally ignorant to facts...clearly you not read the thread past the first page,or you would of been more informed about a few truths that you clearly have no understanding of....

i'm sorry to be so blunt with you sir...but it's people like you who have no idea what's really going on,and get your information from sky news or the bbc...

and the people who have stared your post,are no better...

and when your children and friends and family are dying in world war can say..yeah i supported this.

i would say you deserve the rothschild and soros of this world,but you been mis-inform by the media you watch,who by the way are owned by those i've mention.

i would explain it to you,but i feel its better if you took the time to understand the bigger picture yourself.

MSG for the mods:I apologize if this seems harsh,but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.

If I may present my reply towards your post .TheMaverick, using exactly your words, this is what I will say to your without fear or favour:-


i'm sorry but i think your whole post is complete rubbish....and show's you to be totally ignorant to facts...clearly you not read the news from different sources from the 1st day of the Libyan mass genocide,or you would of been more informed about a few truths that you clearly have no understanding of....

i'm sorry to be so blunt with you sir...but it's people like you who have no idea what's really going on,and get your information from Gaddafi or his propaganda machines...

"and the people who have stared your post,are no better", I would not follow you to say that. It is their freedom of expression and should be respected....

and when your children and friends and family are dying in world war can say..yeah you support the beasts and sons.

i would say you deserve dictatorships and tyrannies of this world,but you been mis-inform by the propaganda you salivate all over ,who by the way are owned by those i've mention.

i would explain it to you,but i feel its better if you took the time to understand the bigger picture yourself.

MSG for the mods:I apologize if this seems harsh,but sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.


The reason why I am replying to you in this manner is so that you may look deeper into the mirror. Afterall, most of the words came from you, except for some alterations.

The beasts and sons along with their minions will have to face trial for their mass murders, as well as Koussa for his part in the lockerbie massacre, instead of letting him trapsizing around the world freely. Their victims SCREAMS for justice daily!!!.

edit on 12-4-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 12:02 PM
let me make this clear,i don't support any war....i don't support gaddafi or obama or cameron or sarkozy,or there religious ideology's.

i support a truely free world,without the constant pressure of debt upon all of our shoulders,were the wealthy get wealthier and the poorer get poorer,we call this democracy which history will say was the most corrupt political system invented by mankind..

most of us are working endless hours to just make ends meet,so our puppet governments can drop 100's of million dollar cruise missiles on anyone who dont fall inline,with the private bankers who own them.

you go on about those poor people in libya..they need us to save them...goddamm it..most of them have a better standard of living then we do in the west FFS..

and i still hold my same opinion that you are ignorant of the facts....and i don't mean the facts you get from you main stream news sources.

do some independent research and come to your own conclusion...not what someone else has done,and twisted to suit a agenda set by the elite who own most of the worlds news source's,and you sing it out like it's gospel.

this is not about oil or liberation or humanitarian reasons,its about the elite private bankers IE: the rothchilds of this world,holding on to there debt enslavement of the planet under there total rule,and gaddafi like saddam threaten to put a spanner in the works.infact gaddafi and his sons were actively on a mission to drop the dollar,and he was starting to get massive support to drop the the private bankers had to get rid of all costs...

if the world stopped trading oil for would take control from these secret private bankers...because they don't have the backing on there worthless paper...that they brainwashed you all into thinking this is freedom..

EDIT: you may well have all your little stars all agreeing with you..but one day it will dawn on you all whats really going on.

your sheeple living in a illusion.

i still hold my stance and opinion.

edit on 12-4-2011 by TheMaverick because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 01:05 PM
The rothchilds had done many political nazi zionist political manovering in the backgrounds of political power for sure, and undeniable fact if one digs for evidences.

However do remember, dictators and tyrannies have all the CHOICE to follow suit or not to. And WORSE is the utterly SENSELESS genocide of our fellow brothers and sisters in other lands, by their free will and choice.

Regardless if the wars, or ANY uprisings, as long as brutuality is FREELY provided by those in charge of nations, along with their henchmen, it is a crime to humanity and the pepertrators will be brought to justice!!!!

IF we turn the blind eye to our fellow humans today, tomorrow, they too will turn a blind eye to us when we are dominated and enslaved.

Despite our differences, WE humans DO have common aspirations in life that can be achieved WITHOUT the need of murdering or torturing others. All it needs is all parties to sit down, discuss, debate and negotiate on GOOD FAITH, honestly and sincerly, and bloodshed can be avoided on ALL sides.

But for those who makes open and honest discussion by the majority impossible, they only make violence inevitable! Pitting brother against brothers and we will all ultimately LOSE!

In Libya's case, it is already too late, for TOO MANY innocents had died, and the mass murderers - Gaddafi, sons and henchmen, as well as their supporters, MUST face JUSTICE, just as every son of of bitch 2 bit dictator around the world. Their time will come, more sooner than later!

edit on 12-4-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 01:57 PM
I knew Gadafi would puss out, hahahaha... those guys only stick around until enough people step up, then they turn and run like cowards. If only more people in this country would do the same thing maybe things would get done. We need more rebel heros up in this place!

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 02:32 PM
Gadaffi is a hero and a true son of Africa. The only leader on the oldest and richest continent to deliver his people from the the clutches of pharoh (bloodsucking Imperialists).

The Great Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya International has delivered for its people and countless millions across the world, developed world standard of living , access to health and education, equitable wealth distribution, full employment, high life expectancy, full social intergration of women and minority groups....and much much more.

Everything was achieved by the Libyan people alone, no IMF/World Scam Bank, no pontificating and condescending NGOs whose only interest in Africa is a fat pay check and a free safari., no western foreign capital or their predatory scammers/investors.

Gadaffi has kept the flame of panafricanism burning, during times when the former slaveholders and colonialists have been sowing discord and strife amongst brothers.

What the salivating dogs of war, France, Britain, US and the rest don`t understand is, that you can kill a man, but you can`t kill an idea............Africa will be free!

posted on Apr, 12 2011 @ 04:27 PM
Words of wisdom....from a great man killed by the powers that be.

just seem's very fitting for the time were living in.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by Saracen1

Currently, the African Union is attempting to lead the peace process in Libya.

The AU is a product and mouthpiece of the beast gaddafi, created by the largessee from our libyan brothers and sisters as well as resources from Libya. It is made up majority of dictators just like the beast and those funds had only been used to line the wallets of those fiends whom had left little for meaningful social expenditure for their our african brothers and sisters in one of our greatest resource rich continent on Earth.

They only remained in power because of their brutal abilities to dominate, tyrannise and kept their masses stupid. Those whom grow too tall or dissent are cut down.

The AU have no legitimacy on world's humanity stage and should have been booted out, disregarded and ignored based upon their own brutality to their own people.

I remember once dining in a fancy restaurant, bill foot by my rich and pampered clients when those dictators came in, with their families and hangers on, with no state dept exec in sight. They ordered the most expensive dishes but would only haughtily pick bit sizes of those excellent food with disdain on their faces.

It was a highly Michelin starred restaurant, serving well known excellent dishes.

I had to excuse myself from my table, went to a backlane behind the restaurant, vomitted and literally weep over what I had just witnessed. It brings to mind of the photograph of a starving and dying african child on a field, with a vulture standing nearby to feed on him. The photographer eventually committed suicide over this very same picture, as he was only a human can could not deal with such insanity in a rich resourced continent....

It was this image that made me weep over what those inhuman dictators had done to their own people, living off the fat of the land and humanity, while doing nothing for the masses.

The same night, I had thought to chill out, destress myself with wine and music at a top club, but the same dictators, now togged out in simplier clothings of caps, shirts and jeans to be incognito, were there throwing wads of cash on liqour and babes like there was no tomorrow, thousands of dollars that were NOT theirs to spend frivolously in the face of hardships of their people.

I could only nurse my drink and weep silently as I watched them. consoling myselt that that their time too will come.

I wish I could do more than what I had already done for my fellow human african brothers and sisters, but I am only an insignificant nobody, with no powers of any kind....

edit on 13-4-2011 by SeekerofTruth101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Hey dude, not every black guy you see with a fat wallet is an "African dictator"
If you really care about Africans, which I doubt you do, join the march against the western aggression on Libya.

Some how i doubt I`ll see you there.

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Saracen1

When people post absolutely unrelated images and music to make a political point, it tells you something about them. It tells you they are not using reason to come to their conclusions. At all. They are using emotion. Most people do use emotion to make decisions, or form belief. Its why the news which in my youth used to be a presentation of facts, has become a whirlwind of flashing lights, flags, big words on the screen, slogan chanting, dramatic music, and yelling angry people.

Fact dont matter to the vast majority of humans. They are "unsane" and the people who do marketing and media know it. And they target that vulnerability. I highly recommend you read the whole article.

Once you start to form your opinion, you look for additional pieces of information proving that you are making the right decision, despite the fact that many aspects of your decision are not based on fact. You may even find the nearest expert (or non-expert) and accept his or her opinion. That way you don’t have to bother with too many facts. In the advertising business, that’s called “word of mouth.” So how did the ‘expert’ you went to get his or her opinion? The same ‘unsane’ way you did!

A good marketing or advertising strategy makes use of this psychological process. A good strategy must be simple, fitting easily into the mind of the prospect. It must be memorable. It must provide just enough facts to be believable. And it must strike an emotional chord to satisfy “unsane” people.

So how does this actually work in the real world?

Strategies and brand positioning are used to appeal to the emotional part of our decision-making process. Very rarely, if ever, are these designed to appeal to logic.

Media is consolidated into a few hands, money buys time on TV, and the people who drive advertising and marketing are some of the most shrewd and devious people on the planet. Now that politics is conducted almost entirely on television, ideology is sold to the masses via the same devious and highly effective means that cars are.

This war in Libya has always been light on facts. Totally manufactured "attacks on civilians" with some of the most awful propaganda videos ever made. No planes. No strikes. No sirens, Nothing. A bunch of guys standing around firing at planes the cameras apparently could not capture on film. But those are factual details that the masses cannot see. They hear gun fire, see smoke in the background, they HEAR the dubbed over roar of a plane, and once the breathless reporting hooks them emotionally, its all over.

It doesnt matter that the UN human development report shows that Libyans are some of the best treated people in the entire region, including our friends down there. Irrelevant.

It doesnt matter that they cannot even pay enough people to make a satisfactory crowd of protesters against Gaddafi.

It doesnt matter that every time they show Gaddafi he is surrounded by a SEA of supporters. Thousands upon thousands of them cheering him.

It doesnt matter.

Because they never used facts to come to their conclusion in the first place. Their blind patriotism combined with shrewd propaganda, (no matter how factually bereft or ill acted) is all it takes. Hook. Line. Sinker. And there is no outlet to allow their emotions to turn the other way. Its forbidden to show the bodies of the people WE kill on TV. Hell even ATS forbids it. You really have no chance to build the kind of campaign that would cause their emotion to sway them to the scenario that fits the facts.

Its not an accident that that is the case. Its hearts, and minds. And in that order, because most people only use their minds to rationalize their beliefs. Not to form them. And once they have supported atrocity, there is additional emotional and psychic resistance to admitting that. Its very painful to have to look at yourself and realize that you were duped, and that you cheered and foamed at the mouth for the deaths of innocents and the destruction of their nation.

Just look at Iraq. Its not even in dispute any more that we attacked that country for no good reason. And the people who cheered for it on the basis of 9-11, instead of being infuriated at those who LIED to them, and manipulated them, simply found some other vague reason to hate Saddam enough to slaughter Iraqis by the thousands to "save" them from him.
edit on 15-4-2011 by Illusionsaregrander because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 04:26 PM
When I see some blind people supporting this war i just want to
Its so fricken obvious that even a blind person can see, that the western countries are full of #. Rebels were using completely new guns from USA/NATO, before NATO even started fighting... were did they get them?

Funny thing is that the first thing rebels do is establish a Central Bank... its as if they dont even care if people see the scheme of the Elite(Rothschilds).


edit on 15-4-2011 by exponencial because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by exponencial

The thing to try to remember, (and its not easy when faced with people cheering for atrocity) is that the vast majority of the people cheering for atrocity are not evil. They are emotional, not rational, and they have been manipulated skillfully.

And because they are at heart NOT evil, it is incredibly painful for them to acknowledge that they contributed to atrocity and horror. And so they dont. They will attack anyone who tries to show them they were wrong, to defend themselves from facing the pain of their own bad judgment.

If they had leaders who were good, and not insane megalomaniacal greed mongers, these same peoples emotional nature could be used to support good in the world, rather than evil. Thats what you have to remember.

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

You unfortunately have a flaw in your logic and very presumptous to ASS U ME everyone else other than you is an emotional fool, implied by your post.

Insult me by all means, but PLEASE spare others.

TRUTH is more than emotions. TRUTH is something you can see with your own limited 5 senses to form your own conclusions, even if you choosed to close eyes to it. NO ONE can hide from the atrocities done to our fellow human brothers and sisters around the world, beside Libya that is happening NOW.

You bunch of beast lovers can lick his boots all you want and come up with a thousand and one excuses, to lay blame upon everyone else except for the MASS MURDERING BEAST GADDAFFi and sons, but at the end of the day, when you set your eyes upon thousands of INNOCENT deads, you know full well what is the truth.

Fortunately, people like you, as well as me, don't matter. What matters are our Rebellion Libyan brothers and sisters, as well as our Alliance folks, doing all they can to stop furthering slaughtering of the masses.

If you have an sense of decency and humanity left in you, please look for the facts AND realities of what is happening to the common masses in Libya, and as well as in the despotic tyrannical states of Africa before you mouth another opinion.


posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by exponencial
Rebels were using completely new guns from USA/NATO, before NATO even started fighting... were did they get them?


Source? Photo? Video?

posted on Apr, 17 2011 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
, but at the end of the day, when you set your eyes upon thousands of INNOCENT deads, you know full well what is the truth.

Oh? And what will that truth be? That much like in Iraq the US and "Allies" went in and killed a bunch of people for economic reasons?

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