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So What about the Rights of the POLICE!?!?!?

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posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

They have their Police Unions so I would'nt be too concerned for them

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
ATS has a plethora of videos showing alleged police brutality and threads about the creation of a police state with sweeping generalisations that market the police as the henchmen of the evil government. In doing this however I think, we are ignoring the rights of the brave enforcers of the law as this thread will illustrate. This however is not a defence of the police, without doubt it has its bad apples just like any organisation but on the whole I think the way we talk about police officers on ATS is downright disrespectful to those who rottenly put themselves in harm’s way to protect us. We don’t tread our armed forces like this so why do we treat the police with such contempt.

My goodness. There's so much wrong in the OP. Let's start with this. Yes there are rotten apples. How often do you see the 'good cops' busting them though? That's where the problem comes from. They either prefer to remain silent or just get in on the action. Whatever disrespect or contempt follows is entirely of their own doing.

I guess this hate must stem from a complete hatred of all authority, people are envious of the power a police officer has over them. The ability to punish you if you break the law, they can assault you if it is justifiable in a court of law, and do just about anything to prevent you from committing a crime or putting yourself and others in danger. When you think about it at first glance it appears to be allot of power for one group to have over everyone else in society. But it’s not, it’s not the police that have this power, it’s the law, its society itself that needs laws for without law there would be anarchy and we need people to enforce these laws, the police. That does not mean they are above the law only that they enforce it, if they break it they will be punished just like the rest of us.

Police has never the right to punish anyone. Police excist for the one and only purpose of catching those who brake the laws. Courts hand out the punishments. They are not allowed to use any force other than the required amount for subduing suspects who won't co-operate. Even if police hands you a speeding ticket he is not handing out a punishment. You have timeframe to challenge it in court and the court makes the final judgement.
Not to mention that the statement of police being equal in the eyes of the law is complete and utter crap. We have seen it time and time again that the police get away with a slap on the wrist at worst when they brake the law. It is so bad these days that sometimes even if they're offduty and commit a crime that would send ordinary citizen to 10 years in jail they get away scot free.

Considering that they must follow the same laws as us you would think they would have the same basic human rights but it seems they do not. A riot is a perfect example, up to 100,000 angry protesters some of whom want to break the laws that govern society and perhaps only a few thousand police officers. Once the law breaking starts they have an obligation that has been bestowed upon them by societies need for law and order to intervene, often by putting themselves at risk. In the UK a popular method used by the police when there is a risk of this happening is “kettleing” surrounding a group of protesters by a ring of police to prevent them moving. This was done recently in the riots in London after the anarchists left the city looking like post-apocalyptic disaster and they were criticised for it. What was the alternative, just leave them to get on with their reign of terror of the country’s capital.

Alternative would be to do what a police's job is in the first place. It's not their job to show up in stormtrooper outfits numbering thousands even if there is a prospect of crime happening. It is their job to be on the ready. They dont have to stomp the streets and engage the protesters. They can just sit back eating donuts untill there is a crime happening. Then they need to go out and with minimum force remove only those who are participating. They never have the right to 'kettle' entire groups of people including women, children and bypassers who never took part in illegal activity. Frankly I'm shocked that they haven't been stopped from doing this already. It's pure facism.

Then there is my favourite one, the videos of the police punching a law breaker in the face that get leaked onto YouTube and we all go on about what a disgrace it is. I can think of one example of this that really sticks out for me, about 8 or 10 police officers were surrounded in London by about a hundred “protesters” who were shouting various obscenities at them and throwing projectiles. During this incident a police women tried to grab a police officer, first time she was warned to back off, second time she got smashed hard in the face by a male police officers fist, breaking her nose. At the time this was like treated like a national embarrassment, the police were slaughtered for it in the press (and on ATS if I remember rightly). If that women had grabbed onto the police officer into that crowed he would have received a savage beating, so when does his right to self defence become obsolete to that woman’s right to “protest”, when in fact she and others were really just breaking the law. Yet we expect the police to forfeit their right to self defence so that others have the right to “protest” even when that “protest” has really became a “riot”.

"Law braker"? Are you the court of law then? I doubt that and neither is the police. If a police officer gets crapped they have the right to remove that and at the most detain the person with minimum force. They never have the right to throw punches just cause they know they can get away with it. Besides who are you to decide wheter or not they had the right to protest?

I find it ironic when Americans start moaning about how awful this is that the police are defending themselves like this. I mean the second amendment allows you the right to self defence by owning a gun, yet you all get upset when you see a police officer defend himself with a weapon or otherwise.

We get upset because they commit crimes and get away with it. The system protects it's own. Courts won't give out just punishments. Departments don't investigate. Fellow cops won't "rat" on them.

Last time I was on a protest was a years ago, during the protest (and it was a peaceful protest not a anarchist riot) I asked a police officer if he agreed with the way the local council was cutting back on money for public services, his response was that during a protest he has to remain impartial and cannot publicly declare his stance on the contested issue to a protester. In other words during the protest he had to sacrifice his freedom of speech. Last time I saw a demonstration between the EDL (English defence league, essentially the racist scum of the earth) and the UAF (Unite Against fascism, a bunch of lazy pseudo –intellectual’s who hate the EDL), the UAF started to call the police Nazi’s because they were preventing the UAF mixing with the EDL. They called the police scum for not agreeing with them, implying that the police agreed with the scum of the EDL and they couldn’t say anything to convince them otherwise other than to day “they also have a right to protest”.

Are you claiming that the police were somehow in the wrong in letting someone you disagree with idiologically to protest? Just because you have a problem with what they stand for does not make you any different than them. They have the same rights to protest and voice their opinion no matter how wrong you might see it.

I could go on all day about this, here is another one. During the last protests in London the law breakers covered their faces in black balaclavas, one of them offered my younger brother a hammer and a mask so he could “protest”. My brother also saw these guys throwing fireworks with bags of coins at police and blocking the exhaust pipes of their cars. Now because they have their faces covered it is very hard for the police to identify who the law breakers are and as we know the law has to be enforced, its not safe to have men running around the capital with a hammer destroying anything they don’t like. With this in mind the home office is introducing measures to allow the police to remove anyone covering up their face and now we have cries of “police state”. I bet these people are the same people who advocated the banning of the Burqa, but they don’t advocate the banning of other garments that cover their face when out law breaking. The police need to see who is violently attacking them to protect themselves not because the government is creating a police state.

Police has never had difficulty in apprehending those who assault them or commit crimes. Besides the way they are targeting protesters anyone with a half a brain wouldn't wan't their faces shown. If you label anyone who want's to remain unidentified as a criminal in a protest then you could haul the entire growd into jail.

I would hate to be a police officer in this country, everyone just piss’s all over their rights believing that they are somehow a bunch of evil doers. When the opposite is true, this is brave men and women who are only doing a job, a job to protect the public and up hold law and order. They are still human and entailed to the same natural rights at the rest of us, bestowed upon us by our very humanity (even though I don’t really like human rights)

It's not a matter of believe. It's a matter of fact. We have tons and tons of evidence of these "heroes" being evil doers. If it's their job to uphold law then how is it that they brake it so often?
Either this is just a really bad troll that I fell for or OP is wrong in pretty much everything

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

You are very articulate about the "Rights Of Police" and this is not the first time you have conveyed your alignments but I will tell you that our so called "Law Enforcement" rarely save or protect anyone; that a person is more likely to be abused, robbed and murdered today in this country by "Law Enforcement" than by some desperate criminal; that by being accessories to the many lies, cheats, thefts, abuses and murders, anyone who works in any capacity for the so called Judicial System, from the courts and judges, to the prison guards, to the traffic cop out issuing tickets to raise money from fines..they are all guilty and long since out of control, to say nothing of long since forgetting who they are supposedly Serving and Protecting. I don't care about the exceptions you can throw up; the good people amongst them should go find honorable jobs elsewhere because they too are guilty with the rest by their standing with them and being amongst the Minions who serve those who have turned our country into a police state. I would throw in a few vulgar expression of what you can do with your defense of the police but I think you know where I am coming from. You can go stand with the Cops that were at Waco as there is where you appear to want to stand. I will add, my driving is not a "Privilege", it is my "Right" above and beyond these bastards who have assume the right to dictate and that is just the beginning of what people like me are fed up with. And not all of us who are fed up with the Police State are feeble minded, uneducated, untrained sheep..many of us fought in real wars with enemies that shot back.

edit on 3-4-2011 by MajorKarma because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
I would hate to be a police officer in this country, everyone just piss’s all over their rights believing that they are somehow a bunch of evil doers.

lol. now, that's a funny one. seriously. are you trying to sound pathetic or? cops are probably the
most dumbest, vile and brutal bunch of people out there. and they know it. and they tolerate it.
a few good exceptions, sure. but to feel sorry for a cop (and his rights) while he's beating some
13yr old kid for "disturbing the peace" with his plank-on-wheels... are you friggin' kiddin' me?

edit on 3-4-2011 by psyop911 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-4-2011 by psyop911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 05:34 AM
Sorry to say it buddy, but who actually gives a flying bleep about the rights of the police, they abuse it daily on a level that is disgusting, if you've ever been beaten by the police then you'd understand, i see a lot of your posts on here and generally run with you, but BLEEP the police, they're either kids who got picked on in high school or the ones who did the picking on, Go figure mate.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Tnewguy

I am thankful to those of law enforcement that do a great job getting the real bad guys! But Just like the politicians they need to have a house cleaning too or how ever you want to put it.

I lost respect a few couple years back when my B/F and his sister were violently yelling at each other and she called the cops while i was trying to pack up my children to leave the residence. I didn't even know they where called until they pulled in behind me as i was trying to back out of my driveway! They Would NOT let me leave!!! When it was all said and done the following week CPS come knocking on our door, then they kept telling me...the next time leave the residence....ahhh, DUH....I fricken tried to and the cops wouldn't let me!!!! So now i have an "Indicated" on my record for something that i shouldn't! The worker said she wasn't gonna put it as that for me, but HER supervisor told her too!

Also i feel harassed by them too! They will follow you around just looking for a darn reason to pull you over, i think they get mad when you don't do anything they can get you I am A great Citizen and a wonderful mom!

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 06:47 AM
What ever happened to ....


This is just another play on words to make the slaves feel as if they actually have a right or choice in life. 99% of the times police are never held accountable for their crimes. The very crimes they (personally took upon themselves) to protect everyone from.

When a person who is trained in and sworn to uphold the law violates it, their penalties should be even harsher to the point of death because they took what they knew and used it to manipulate and deceive the people they SWORE to protect and this thread is asking for sympathy.

I never asked or will never ask for ANYONE to help or protect me. I was endowed with that task from birth and by nature and in my quest to do so I violate no laws and will do whatever it takes to protect my family especially against corrupt onesided laws and the people who implemented them.

After all the laws that are being upheld are nothing more than fabricated, manmade laws that are put in place to suit the needs of those who applied them. To control, oppress,create revenue,dehuminize,and rape society and when the law doesn't fit they create a new one.

No man should be given power or dominion over another mans life regardless of the situation, because when men are given power they abuse it and it's a fact. look at history.NO man can control the hunger or quench their thirst once they taste the power.

Again, they knew exactly what the job entailed and what they where getting into when they applied and it wasn't for justice because that's just a fabrication they tell tyou to feel better about themselves and justify their actions.
edit on 3/4/2011 by Revealation because: I can... Isn't freedom beautiful???

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 07:22 AM
The problem is not the police nor the people. It is simply the unjust laws that needs reforming. Some laws today alienate people from the police officers. Many agree that the laws should be changed to a point where people and police are can actually co exist in harmony.

My apologies on this example. It's the best example to make a point.
What you see mostly are police arresting a family man or a teen; who had no previous criminal record for simple possession of cannabis.

What frustrates people especially those who are aware and awake, is that a murderer gets less sentence than those who were convicted of simple possession of what they consider a harmless plant. That AND the fact, people feel, that arresting someone for possession is wasted resources when they can be used for other greater purposes.

edit on 3-4-2011 by RisenAngel77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 07:26 AM
I have been a long time reader of ATS and am grateful to you all for opening my eyes on many issues. I have took the plunge to make comment as the subject is dear to my heart, i am a Policeman in England.

I joined straight from school and had no real experience of life. Like most institutions, they are set up with honourable intent and get corrupted by people. I have done nearly 25 years now and can honestly say i have never 'beaten' anyone up. I have been on the receiving end a fair few times, ending up in hospital and having surgery. I am not asking for sympathy by the if i would get it !! I know the job i joined and it goes with the territory.

The last gentlemen who put me in hospital.....well i now buy sandwiches from his shop and there is no ill will between us....he was just very drunk on the night and we have all made mistakes. I answer to my local community by attending and organising local meetings. They set the agenda for what they want me to deal with and i report back to them, often with the remarks made by people who oppose the mainstream view.

There has always been a vociferous anti-police community and i respect's healthy and i don't want 'fascism' any more than the next person. I am sure that if i were to be murdered in the line of duty there would be alot of comments saying i was a police state thug or similar and deserved everything i got. I can live with that, i know in my heart i am a reasonable and fair person who does his best to help the local community...and there are a lot of us like that...not the minority.

I appreciate there is a difference and it would appear that USA style of policing is more aggresssive, we have been heading that way. Our bosses and courts seem to think it is our fault if we get injured, so a lot more bobbies are getting aggressive as they don't want to end up injured.

Am i just a 'pawn' for the NWO? No more so than a teacher, plumber, admin assistant or whoever. I think it has already been said, but the police come from the public and off-duty, the police are the public. I am sorry there appears to be so much hate towards the police, it saddens me that people have let down what i believe to be a great institution.

We seem to have a few occurrences in england where murderers have been from the taxi profession, i see no headlines calling all taxi drivers dangerous violent so and so's. Because i share the same uniform as 140,000 others, i am responsible for all their actions? There will always be good and bad, we are human.

To those who are anti-police, i am sorry for the experience that made it that way and i can appreciate your feelings. My regards to you all.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 08:48 AM
Firstly I have to thank all the beat bobbies that have taken the time to respond to this thread, thank you and thank you for the work you are doing to keep your communities safe. I am sorry I cannot reply to each thread individually but I will do my best to cover most of the issues raised in this post.

The first think I have noticed is that some users are continuing with the comparison to the military, that is to say implying that police officers are not civilians. That is not true, the police are civilian, just civilians who do a sometimes extraordinary job they should be subject to the same rights and laws as the rest of us. Now yes I do accept that there are some bad apples in the basket however I think the generalising some 140,000 police officers based on a hand full of YouTube videos and a few accounts in the press is entirely unfair on the majority of police officers who go into the job with good intentions and maintain high standards of professional conduct throughout their career, sometimes they are a victim of the system, that is the fault of the CPS, not the individual police officers. You don’t ever see people on ATS posting the videos of the police raiding the drug dealers homes, catching the paedophiles or bearing the mighty fist of justice down onto the murdering gangster scum that plague our cities. We should be celebrating these heroes of society not branding them with the same brush based on the actions of a few bad cops.

Then there are those who call the police “pawns of the NWO or government”, notwithstanding the fact that the police in the UK is independent of government, the notion that the NWO is pulling the strings of every police officers is laughable. Not only do you have to prove the existence of the NWO but you must also prove that the police are directly under their control, something none has yet achieved on ATS, ever.

I also noticed that one poster mentioned unions, police have their unions, its just that they can’t go on strike, I believe that makes a union impotent. Almost another professional union has the ability to go on strike if there members see it fit do to so and it is legal. The police can’t, just another example of their rights being subservient to those of others. Which brings me onto a interesting question of all you police haters, what would you replace the police with, if you had the power what would make you hate the police less, and trust the police or would you just abolish the police as a institution.

Also worth pointing out that jurisprudence is not my strong point, I noticed a few users pick me up on technicalities.

Thanks for your thaughts!

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:13 AM
It sounds like the OP is a police officer.
"people are envious of the power a police officer has over them"
I for one am not envious of anything the police have. I don't want power or authority over anybody. All I want is to be left alone, but the government can't do that can they? Why do you (OP) think people are 'envious' of police officers?

There are 2 main types of people in this world. People that just want to be left alone, and people that make it there business to tell other people how to live. Which are you?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by theseeker26

I am not a police officer and I am probably the later type of person, but i think there are more than two types.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 09:53 AM
Police officers must be held accountable for their crimes. The old 'I'm just doing my job' thing is pretty lame.

For example: I have a job working for a large corporation. The corporation makes money by going out and clubbing little baby seals. But I don't do that. I'm a paper pusher sitting behind a desk. So I can justify my work by saying that 'I don't club the little baby seals myself, somebody else does that'. Or 'If I wasn't working here somebody else would have my job and be doing the same thing'. These arguments are ridiculous. I am still responsible for what is carried out in my name. So my paper pushing job is just as bad as if I were clubbing the little baby seals myself.

In the same way police officers must be held accountable. They work for a corrupt system. A system which takes away freedoms from the citizens. The war on terrorism, the drug war, the war on 'crime' all fraudulent to the core. Anybody that works for such a system is just as guilty as the one actually doing the act. Doesn't matter if you have 'good intent'. Every single police officer is doing their part to bring about the downfall of America and what it once was. The best thing any police officer could do is resign asap. The machine doesn't work if it doesn't have mindless cogs to spin and turn other mindless cogs.

When a cop wrongfully kills somebody they might get a slap on the wrist. Maybe a paid vacation. If things go really bad the 'might' lose their job. But if an average citizen does the same thing you can be sure the book will be thrown at them. The double standard is just ridiculous.

Don't really know why I felt it necessary to rant off like this. So many other posters have already bashed on the cops for me already. (thanks everybody)

Really there is no point in me posting at all. This society is already on the downward slope. No amount of typing or debating is going to bring it back up.
edit on 3-4-2011 by theseeker26 because: grammer

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Some of you describe the police as out of control Gestapo issuing beatings to random people and are above the law.

Guys, every police department has an Internal Affairs Division and a separate squad that investigates criminal allegations by police officers and if all else fails, the FBI can intervene. We ARE held accountable and I have seen many policemen indicted, fired, suspended, and eve arrested for what they do. We continue to police ourselves effectively. Cameras are EVERYWHERE and no longer can an officer get away with much. Every traffic stop is videotaped and some departments even require their officers to wear body cameras with ANY interaction amongst the public.

There are bad apples out there. There is so much temptation and unfortunately a few do fall. Every single corrupt cop will make the news and be crucified but the good guys that throw the pedophile in jail and help push grandma off the road because her car broke down do not get any recognition because THATS OUR JOB. I promise you that there are far many more good deeds that we the police do on a daily basis that you not hear about.

My department has cut my pay, given me furlough days, taken away my overtime, my raises, and even cuts to my pension (yes, I did know that the job included low pay, dangerous conditions, and being the bottom of the totem pole, i'm not complaining). The one thing they cannot take away from me is my INTEGRITY. Taking money off a traffic stop or getting an extra "lick" in on a suspect is not worth me going to prison, embarrassing my family and most importantly losing my integrity.

You all should funnel your dissent against the New World Order and TPTB that create the laws benefiting the Elite and kick off the peaceful revolution this country so desperately needs!!!
edit on 3-4-2011 by Prowler33 because: classified

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:37 AM
One more thing, I did not become a police man to beat people up or write tickets or to abuse people. I was a social worker before a cop and I worked with abused children. I swore that I would devote my life to protect children. As a cop, I have caught child rapists IN THE ACT and while I have to deal with low pay and crappy conditions, throwing that one pedophile in jail has made up for all the negative aspects of this job including posters on ATS that show such rage towards the peace keepers.

And you know what? That pedophile did not get the tar kicked out of him by us, he did not "slip and fall" and he did not experience any force whatsoever even though he is the lowest form of scum on this earth. While he likes to have sex with 9 year old little boys, he was MY prisoner and still had rights.

You hate me for wearing the uniform and badge. But I promise you that if you pick up that phone and dial 911, I'll come running to help you because that is my JOB and what I swore to do.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Prowler33

Thank you, that is all I can say.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:42 AM
The problems everyone has with the police stem not from the police themselves as a collective entitiy but from the type of flawed individual that actively seeks out such a career.

Some but not all police have this power hungry gung-ho unstoppable infantile mentality, they come out of training with the mentality that they can now lord it over anyone in any situation. They often steam in heavy handed with no tact or compassion, knock folk to the ground and ask questions later. God help you if you talk back to one of these hooligans.

It's not so much the training but the little 'clans' that form within forces where basically they operate above the law and cover each others asses when they steam-roll over someones rights.

There is and always has been, a bad thuggish element lurking below the surface of the police.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:48 AM
My dislike for authority stems back to a childhood incident.
I remember being about 9 years old and we could hear a lot of screaming and crying. We looked out the window to see the neighbor across the street LITERALLY kicking a woman down the porch steps. She was helpless, in a ball, and he kicked her over and over, then punched her in the back, screaming the entire time. Someone called 911.
The man came back and threw all these papers out the back door on top of the woman..I recall her crying aloud, trying to gather them.
As we waited for cops to show up, she came limping and screaming to our house begging for help. We let her in and locked the doors and waited. She was hysterical, of course and telling us that she was trying to leave her abusive boyfriend and he beat her up. She told us that she was working on her PhD and all of her papers were all over the yard.
The cops showed up and what I saw from thereon shocked me to my core. We watched from the window as the abuser walked calmly out of his house, shook hands in a weird manner with the cop that approached him and very calmly told the story, denying any physical action on his part. It was that odd handshake that always got me.
The woman was very scared..she told us her boyfriend was a cop. The cops came to her house and in the most hideous manner I can describe, berated her, talked down to her, told her to "CALM DOWN!" (obviously she was bleeding and covered in bruises and understandably upset!) and basically said she had started it. She cried, begged them to please call an ambulance and to this day I can still recall the REVOLTING nasty laugh of the cop saying "You aren't that hurt." They told her if she wanted to leave, to go get her stuff now while they were there so they could write their report.

ANYWAY, I do not know what became of that poor woman but I will never forget the image of those cops calmly chatting with the man who had just beaten a woman black and blue..himself standing there calmly with his arms crossed and completely unworried.

Yes, I know that not all cops are this way. I am very big on not judging a group of people by a few small examples. But sadly most of my observations of cops have not given me any reason to feel much different. Thankfully, I have never been on the receiving end of an incident. I think there are crooked cops and there are those who actually do their job. Unfortunately, any position of authority will open up opportunities to commit unsavory acts. The whole "brotherhood" thing creeps me out.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by kevinunknown
reply to post by Tnewguy

Well under international law the only people who are not civilians are those who serve in the armed forces, therefore technically the police are still civilians.

and if its a drug raid they can’t exactly knock at the door because by the time you’ve waited for them to open the door the other guy in the house has the drugs down the toilet. And if you think there is a gun in the house, when the door opens there is very good change the police officer is going to get shot

edit on 2-4-2011 by kevinunknown because: (no reason given)

Ummm.....Until, swat gets the address wrong and goes in guns blazing, shooting up the wrong houseful.
But that never happens............right?


posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 10:57 AM
As i have stated, i'm an open minded police officer and appreciate the views stated, especially those that challenge my own.

As far as the police having power over people, i have never really felt that. People who act criminally...yes. But in what kind of society would you abdicate control over people who act in 'criminal ways'? A large part of my work is working alongside people from various 'support services' and i am held to account, i am happy for that.

One case i have dealt with recently was a mother with young children and she had personality issues as opposed to mental illness. They are not classed the same over here. Lack of control over her children resulted in one of them lighting fires. The subsequent house fire nearly cost them their lives. Social services held extensive meetings with her and it was agreed she would not keep lighters or matches in the house. I went round on an unrelated job a few months later and their were 15 lighters on the floor of her living room. For their safety, i felt i had to inform social services. I did not feel like it was having power over them, i felt that if i did not act and they were killed in another fire i would be hung drawn and quartered by the 'hindsight brigade'. I don't feel it as a power, but a burden of reposnsibility which i have taken on to do to the best of my ability.

As far as possible, i do leave people alone, my job is to let the law-abiding go about their business in peace. If i stop someone suspicious and it subsequently turns out it was innocent, i apologise and wish them well. Most people are happy and thank me as they appreciate i am out looking for those who would harm them.

I can't accept that good intention is insufficient and we should all resign asap. I strongly suspect that the way the current UK govt. is going that is exactly what they want. We would be replaced by private and corporate security firms, as a citizen i find that frightening....and more in tune with what a NWO would want. We have had mass murders committed by a nurse and a Doctor. I don't think we should get rd of the Health Servce and say the good intention of doctor's and nurses is not enough.....don't throw the baby out with the bath water!!!

Iin the UK you will find that police officers get a harsher sentence than anyone else. Again, i accept that as being right.

With the rise in technology, everyone these days seems to have camera phones and rogue officers are easier to catch. My attitude to the public has changed down the years. Because i was immersed in dealing with a lot of bad people i began to despair of the human race. Fortunately, i hace seen the light, the public aren't our enemies as i think some police would believe. Out of a town of 40,000 people where i work, if i could get rid of 200 nasty violent people, you wouldn't need me and i could go straight into retirement. Until such a system comes into being, a police service will be needed.

Again, i appreciate a lot of people on here can look after themselves and don't need anyone to protect them, but there are a lot of elderly and disabled, vulnerable people who get preyed upon. Devise a system to protect them from the low-lifes who rob and assault them without a police force or similar?

In 5 years time i will be retired and i will have no 'power' over anyone....i'm a citizen like everyone else. I am more than happy to be policed as i am in Britain. If you feel that your country and police service is on a downward spiral i hope you can do something about. I wouldn't tolerate working with a dishonest colleague and hope that there are still brave souls out there who will fight against the corruption of all our institutions. It is your country, your institutions, hold them to account, celebrate what is good and change what is wrong.

For those who have had bad experiences with the police and will never accept or appreciate my viewpoint, i do understand. Best wishes.

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