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So What about the Rights of the POLICE!?!?!?

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posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 09:59 PM
If you would like to know, Officer Rivieri was fired from his job because of that encounter with the kid. He also confronted an art student as well. Not in the same manner (thank goodness).

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Magnum007

Magnum007: I think the name pretty much establishes your mind set. May I call you minimag? Anyway I think the "civilians" share the same streets as you and see the same *snip* as you only their hands are tied in most casses. They do not for some reason have the "authority" to keep there streets safe, even though by law they do. You and you "superiors" do not like that idea. But like any government organization it has to justify it's existence. Let me ask why in most city council meeting records of minutes for every ordinance past is there a section that has how much projected revenue can be collected from tickets or citations bassed on it's passing? There are LAWS and there are laws. In oregon they are trying to pass a law you have to drive with your headlights on during the day. I know... safety. I say control and revenue. What you people don't seem to understand is most of us are sick of it! If you put yourself in that job you really can't gripe about it. Study up on the history of organized "law inforcement". I believe you all started scooping up horse sh** off the streets in the early 19th century of this country. I'll say it again.... I'll go for an ELLECTED Sheriff and Deputies that who has to answer to the people. Than a "peace officer" that works for the city and a union.
edit on 2-4-2011 by gallopinghordes because: please don't circumvent our censors.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:40 PM
Police do not have any rights any more than military personnel. By taking the job they are relinquishing their rights to the will of the machine. As part of the machine, they lose the rights of the society, but gain the benefits of being the machine. They cannot speak freely or openly protest, but they can hold themselves above the laws which keep the machine functioning, until too much light is shone on the machine, then an example is made to lull society back to sleep.

If you become part of the machine, expect to suffer the pain of disassembly when the machine comes undone. The majority of the police force is devoted to enforcing victimless crimes against innocent people simply using their free will as they see fit without actually doing any harm to anyone else. You cannot expect these innocent victims to simply take the usurpation of their free will in stride and NOT have any negative feelings towards you.

Some will say if you do not like the laws, use politics to change them. To that I say only a fool asks another Man through a political process for his freedom. You either are free or you are not.

If police officers are not bright enough to realise the position they are putting themselves in by taking a job enforcing slavery upon their fellow man, then perhaps a time in shackles themselves will make them understand.

I pity them because they are deluded into thinking they are doing an honorable job for society. I would not like to see any harm come to them or anyone else. However, I do know it is coming, and when it does, there will be alot of getting even when the whirl wind blows. As another poster said, you reap what you sow.

A wise police officer would keep their finger in the wind, that they may feel when the wind shifts, and leave the profession.

Let Egypt be a lesson to all.

With Love,

Your Brother
edit on 2-4-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by IAMIAM
Police do not have any rights any more than military personnel. By taking the job they are relinquishing their rights to the will of the machine. As part of the machine, they lose the rights of the society, but gain the benefits of being the machine. They cannot speak freely or openly protest, but they can hold themselves above the laws which keep the machine functioning, until too much light is shone on the machine, then an example is made to lull society back to sleep.

If you become part of the machine, expect to suffer the pain of disassembly when the machine comes undone. The majority of the police force is devoted to enforcing victimless crimes against innocent people simply using their free will as they see fit without actually doing any harm to anyone else. You cannot expect these innocent victims to simply take the usurpation of their free will in stride and NOT have any negative feelings towards you.

Some will say if you do not like the laws, use politics to change them. To that I say only a fool asks another Man through a political process for his freedom. You either are free or you are not.

If police officers are not bright enough to realise the position they are putting themselves in by taking a job enforcing slavery upon their fellow man, then perhaps a time in shackles themselves will make them understand.

I pity them because they are deluded into thinking they are doing an honorable job for society. I would not like to see any harm come to them or anyone else. However, I do know it is coming, and when it does, there will be alot of getting even when whirl wind blows. As another poster said, you reap what you sow.

A wise police officer would keep their finger in the wind, that they may feel when the wind shifts, and leave the profession.

Let Egypt be a lesson to all.

With Love,

Your Brother

Well said.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:21 PM
words and actions are too completely different things. the police have damaged their own reputation by their actions and unfortuantely thats leads to sweeping generalizations. how ever its no longer protect and serve the very constitution they swore to uphold many disregard daily. do not get me wrong however not all are bad i know many officers and am very good friends with one. just sadly the few spoil it for the many
edit on 2-4-2011 by Respectisearned08 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by Deja`Vu
The only Police that can be trusted are the ones who are associated with the oath-keepers (Police that respect the constitution and wont follow unjust orders).

Oath-Keepers Sounds nice and all, but...

Exactly where is the line over the constitution before they will keep their oaths?

Do they keep it when they arrest marijuana growers and users?

Do they keep it when they are sent to wars unauthorised by congress?

Do they keep it when they arrest people for not possessing a drivers license?

Do they keep it when they arrest people for assembling without a protest permit?

Do they keep it when they ticket people for jay walking?

Do they keep it when they arrest a man for fishing without a license?

Do they keep it when they arrest a man for hunting without a license?

Do they keep it when they raid organic milk producers?

When? When do they keep their oaths?

Oath Keepers is setup to make YOU feel good.

If it was about keeping their oaths to uphold the constitution, well there would already have been a mass exodus.

With Love,

Your Brother

edit on 2-4-2011 by IAMIAM because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:18 AM
NWA said it best...

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:18 AM
I think we all know someone who had a cop or cops go on a power trip and break their face for being drunk. They are all the same, do nothing about real crimes and criminals and hit the little guy as hard as possible, cause then they feel good.

sorry but i know more than one person who had to get reconstructive surgery and now have a face full of metal plates because cops are straight up picks...

1. cop picked a fight in a club while undercover, then when he got punched they arrested the guy and beat him in a jail cell

2. Kid is incoherently drunk and apparently dried to knee a cop, cop beats him till his face is shattered

these are NOT necessary procedure, this is typical cop power trips
yes there is the ODD good cop but that like saying not all old people are bad drivers, might be one or two

no remorse for those pigs
edit on 3-4-2011 by GummB because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:24 AM
What????? The Police is protecting us????? I haven’t laugh so hard for a long time, hahahahahahahahahahaha

The police is protecting only the Government, not the people!!!! You have to be blind not to see that!!!!

I rally wonder if the Government wasn't staying behind their actions how brave would they really be?!?!?!
I hate the police, I hate the military and any other security way of forcing law or whatever the Government wants as to me this is the way of showing us how imperfect the economical system we live in is, so if they can't logically or naturally make the people do this or that, it should be enforced with their police or military powers. This is a totalitarianism and tyranny! So do not make any of these low life people heroes as this what they are - low intelligent and coming from a poor families people that the only way to realize themselves is to join a force. And then "Hey, I am somebody...." No, you are still low life, just this time the Government is behind your back!!!
(BTW I’m proud of these policemen and solders that realize they’ve been used to protect few fat asses upstairs and resign or start making others aware of that as from poor families many intelligent people are born that have no other choice but to join… )

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

I can't say too much about this since I am American, and you (I believe) are giving examples from Europe. I have little knowledge of what the police force is like over there. As for an opinion from America, however....the Police are a mixed bag, as any section of society would be...good, bad, and in between. However there is some legitimacy to the negative feelings towards them I believe, at least here in America. America has by far the largest percentage of its population in prison when compared to any other country of the world. This is mainly due to, a corrupt legal system where many laws are not even supported by a great majority of the people. I could never become a police officer in the United States, for the simple reason that it would necessitate that I enforce laws that I do not believe in. I think many if not most U.S. Americans would agree with me....therefore there is indeed a huge moral gap between those who choose to become police officers and those who are citizens. A police officer must uphold the rule of law whether that rule is just or not, and this is simply not something which many people I know could bear to live with.

As one other note.....and this is simply a minor distinction which I have noticed. In my personal dealings with the police, I can say that in larger cities the cops are often much more level headed, and not as cruel. This might seem counter-intuitive to some, but it really isn't if you think about it. In larger cities police officers really DO risk their lives on a regular basis, and because of this, they often develop a better sense of what is really important. Police officers in smaller towns, and cities are far more likely to blow small crimes out of proportion, and are more likely to simply harass people for no reason, if for no other reason than they feel bored, with little to do but find crimes where there are none.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 12:43 AM

Police should be subject to termination for the abuse they get away with. There should be a citizens commission in every city and every case of brutality investigated by citizens, not fellow police. There should be a psychiatric investigation before hiring and every year for the rest of their career.

People everywhere are beginning to feel the same way. We just hate the fact that criminals get to carry guns and BULLY the people who pay their excessive salaries. They are BULLIES -- that's why people can't stand them and that's why the level of hatred is growing. They've created this for themselves, not the people. I've worked on cases of police brutality that no one would believe.

I see it all the time, over and over and over. They lie under oath and the only real pleasure I get out of these cases is where they are caught lying and then watching them scamper under the nearest rock. They are the one of the sickest, mentally, part of society that exists, especially in the U.S. What these waste--of-space creatures never seem to get is that they are PUBLIC SERVANTS. They don't have the right to abuse the people they are supposed to serve. They have proven themselves to be cowards countless times and should be looked upon as no better than a common thug. Except they have the right to carry and use a gun.
edit on 3-4-2011 by Visiting ESB because: create new paragraph

edit on 3-4-2011 by Visiting ESB because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

I know plenty of cops and they ALL think they are God walking the streets. It is so sickening that I no longer speak to them. One works for the US/UN in Afghanistan and he is so brainwashed it is not funny. The police you love are arresting people for everything these days. Just saw where they arrested an elderly homeowner because the Gov wanted her out eventhough she was paying her bill. Fannie Mae was involved and since the Banks and Gov are king they will abuse the elderly, kill the citizens, Kill people in any country they wish including you when they finish killing the rest of the world. Wise up and start to wake up. The police and military are nothing but hired Killers. Let people deal with their own lives. Arm everyone and dare someone to steal or harm them. The police do not even know the laws they are arresting people for. Sorry if I sound like I dispise the police but until they wake up and stop supporting the Royal Families that run this world then I have no respect for any of them. BTW the police and military will be the first to be done away with when the Royal families decide the get rid of the citizens. The Elite do not want trained police or military to get in their way. If the police in the US wake up and leave the force I would have much more respect for them. Right now they are sheep.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by IAMIAM

This is one of the best posts I've seen on this site.

Well said.

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by Deja`Vu

Quite incredible video, a quiet student demo and the cops come out so heavy handed. What they dont understand (cop's are no the brightest folk's) is that an attack on the people's freedom's are an attack on their own freedom, i mean cops are people right? It look's so Big Brotherish it's unbelieveable. Was that a computerised voice that was telling the crowd to disperse?

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by Magnum007

Magnum do you feel important when you arrest people for drinking alcohol that the exact same Government that you are part of supplies to people. You should think about what you are doing in this world and you will realize why so many distrust the police these days. Go arrest someone for smoking a joint which causes zero harm to anyone. Go kick some old person out of their homes when the banks foreclose because they got sick and could not pay their taxes. Go arrest a herion addict that got his herion by the US military from Afghanistan. Go arrest a mother and father for homeschooling their children. Go arrest an organic milk producer because the Gov you work for wants to sell them milk with chemicals. Hopefully you get the point. You are arresting people for crimes the government set up for people. If you dont realize that then your a brainwashed sheep.

One last thing. How does it feel knowing you work for Royal bloodlines who control YOU, Me and every other human on this planet. You are nothing to the Gov you work for. You are a pawn in the game just like the rest of us. I would quite my police job tomorrow if you had any real common sense. You are being used and you do not even realize it. The people hate your occupation not you as a human. When you put that badge on that once held respect it is know tarnished with death.
edit on 3-4-2011 by Buford2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

I don't know who you are, but I don't think you are an average citizen. Go get arrested for something... see how inhumane you are treated and come back and start another thread. Cops are the kids in high school who got picked on. They are ENFORCEMENT of laws that were created by political powers who do not represent the majority of citizens. they mean well, but they are on the WRONG side.

So much more t say on this...


posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:36 AM
OPlease you praise police so much im inclined to believe you are a fool! EPIC DISS . cop lover you. why not go to leo forum and provide commentary lol

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

I imagine you also support this murdering cop. Wake up man. Stop supporting the NWO storm troopers. The cops are know a disgrace and should be jailed while the innocent people they arrested for nothing more than not following the man made laws to enrich the royal families. The court systems are so corrupt they are worthless and until this country stands up and takes the country back then we have no hope. I can only hope that enough good Cops and Military members wake up and stop supporting the Fourth Reich.
Cop killed deaf man carving on wood. How pathetic you would support these evil bastards.
edit on 3-4-2011 by Buford2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:45 AM
All I heard was - BLAH! Blah! Blah! You're a dirty whore...

Police Meaning and Definition
(n.) The organized body of civil officers in a city, town, or district, whose particular duties are the preservation of good order, the prevention and detection of crime, and the enforcement of the laws.
(v. t.) To make clean; as, to police a camp.
(n.) A judicial and executive system, for the government of a city, town, or district, for the preservation of rights, order, cleanliness, health, etc., and for the enforcement of the laws and prevention of crime; the administration of the laws and regulations of a city, incorporated town, or borough.
(n.) That which concerns the order of the community; the internal regulation of a state.
(n.) Military police, the body of soldiers detailed to preserve civil order and attend to sanitary arrangements in a camp or garrison.
(n.) The cleaning of a camp or garrison, or the state / a camp as to cleanliness.
(v. t.) To keep in order by police.

As an upstanding, law abiding citizen, I have witnessed first hand when police power have stretched farther than what the community thought they would be allowed to do...

Bring on 2012 as this is one area of our community that I would like to see wiped out for good...

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown
You have hit the nail on the head. Most law enforcement officiers are very professional about their jobs. They are trained to protect the average citizen and yet expected to uphold and respect the rights of those that are commiting a crime and only use deadly force as a last resort.

People forget that these officiers have lives off duty and maybe their having a bad day cause the wife is nagging them ofr their son/daughter just had an accident with the family car or got suspended from school or a thousand other things besides the stress that goes with the job.

And the news media being what is, the viewer doesn't get the whole story of what was going on when an officier has to use force to subdue or protect someone. It often amazes me that anyone retires from law enforcement considering the stress and the effect it must have on family life.

One last rant, think where we'd be without them.

edit on 3-4-2011 by yrwehere1 because: (no reason given)

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