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Atlantis found - world disaster

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posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by sign00

Pole shifts do not happen. The closest scientific concept is the TPW or true polar wander. Those types of events move at a geologically rapid pace, maybe a meter a year.

The notion that Antarctica was warmer was based on Hapgood in the 1950s who was trying to figure out where a civilization of great expertise could be 'hidden'. He came up with the idea of an ECD which was reincarnated by Hancock as a pole shift. It is well established that no 'pole shifts' have happened in the last 200My.

posted on Mar, 27 2011 @ 04:47 AM
I say we should just wait and see what the professor's team digs up. If they do find something, then it just adds to another piece of history. Like the Nat Geo special implies, this city had many names and probably because it was a major port city during its existence. Maybe the memorial cities in Spain show that the society was very proud of the city they lived in.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:08 AM
I seen this special on Nat Geo as well. I thought it was quite intriguing. Edgar Casey did say that part of Atlantis would be found, but part of it would be found in 1967 or 1969 i think??.. part of something that is believed to be a port was found in the year he said it would be. It does confuse me though that now Atlantis is said to might have been found in Spain. who knows how far this civilization could have reached in its day? maybe both place are part of Atlantis... the mystery lives on. that is what keeps our interest in this subject i think, The Unknown.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by dethduck
"Atlantis" has never been proven to be anything more than just a story made up by Plato. Not even by Plato himself. There are no other records or references to such a place having existed outside of Plato's story..
While I highly doubt Atlantis to every have existed I do believe that there are innumerable lost and forgotten cities and civilizations hidden beneath the seas and sands. This is an interesting find to say the least.

Atlantis is a romanticized story that was passed down to the point of obscurity of knowledge of the existence of the Americas and the peoples that lived there who were also building amazing pyramids and megaliths using old world tech.

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