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FEMA - Do as you are told!

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posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by SirClem

Sir? Im your NEIGHBOR, and I joined AFTER and BECAUSE OF Katrina. Dont take it out on me, I wasnt there then...

We are CERT Teams, Citizens Corps, State Responders, and are FEMA trained and supported and assist the National Guards under orders of our State Governors in Emergency.


posted on Mar, 13 2011 @ 11:07 PM
Ill just respond once more. We are community responders in all of your areas...because of Katrinas failures...and training has quadrupled in the last few years.

Homeland Security along with FEMA and the Emergency Management Offices in Washington and each state train us...your neighbors and neighborhood watch clubs and associations... so we can help everyone...110% over and above what didnt transpire during Katrinas failure.

But to chastise us now...when it wasnt us who werent there...but now in you neighborhoods we are attempting TO prepare us, you , our famililes and communities and ready to help...I think is wrong.

Ill still pull your daughter or grandma out of a pile of ceiling tiles or from under refridgerators while your house is burning.

I ask one question: Would you do that for me? If so? Training is available in your local community so at can help yourself and your family.


posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by mysterioustranger
reply to post by SirClem

Sir? Im your NEIGHBOR, and I joined AFTER and BECAUSE OF Katrina. Dont take it out on me, I wasnt there then...

We are CERT Teams, Citizens Corps, State Responders, and are FEMA trained and supported and assist the National Guards under orders of our State Governors in Emergency.


Why not use that free training to help loved ones, friends, family, and neighbors..?.. rallying with the Federal Govt?? under a FEMA banner??.. just doesn't sound like good karma.

Think of the benefits.. you could single highhandedly save your whole block from doom and become a local celebrity.. they could name the street after you, 10% off every Hero at Subway... all while being swarmed by wiener seeking local hotties... dude!!

What's FEMA gonna give you?, a government cheese sandwich, a tent-mate who smells like rotten Cabbage and a urine test they hope you fail so they don't have to pay you?

I think it's hilarious someone infamous for not doing what supporters told him to do.. is preaching "do as you are told" I can hear the commercial..."Another case of... do as I say, not as I do.. brought to you by: change you can believe in.. a production of obamacia llc and your friends at Halliburton.. who love you more"

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by GovtFlu
What's FEMA gonna give you?

If Katrina was any indication, it will be a trailer that has so much mold in it, they are not fit for human occupation, a waste of resources that are pissed away because they werent used, and a huge bill.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by mysterioustranger
Ill just respond once more. We are community responders in all of your areas...because of Katrinas failures...and training has quadrupled in the last few years.

Homeland Security along with FEMA and the Emergency Management Offices in Washington and each state train us...your neighbors and neighborhood watch clubs and associations... so we can help everyone...110% over and above what didnt transpire during Katrinas failure.

But to chastise us now...when it wasnt us who werent there...but now in you neighborhoods we are attempting TO prepare us, you , our famililes and communities and ready to help...I think is wrong.

Ill still pull your daughter or grandma out of a pile of ceiling tiles or from under refridgerators while your house is burning.

I ask one question: Would you do that for me? If so? Training is available in your local community so at can help yourself and your family.


Even though your last question is directed at another poster..
Will answer.. I do step in and assist where / when needed providing medical care to those who need.. Its my duty as both a human being and a physician. Over the years have helped people in everything from war zones to natural disasters.. At my own risk and expense often in areas that "aid groups" fear to enter .. Will continue helping those who need as long as I live and do so without being in any kind of government or private organisation. Dont need to be in any group to do what is right. Nor do I or will I heed orders from anyone as I said in my earlier post - its my life I live it on my terms.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by GovtFlu

Sign up to volunteer to help your own family with whatever org you choose. You'll be in that cheese line for water like everyone else when SHTF

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

When Katrina happened MANY countries gave us a helping hand.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Expat888

I agree, and thank you for your service to others. I only hope others can understand that they need to help themselves and others. Waiting on the government can KILL you. And it will. Dont look to them....and I too will still, anyway, anyhow, wherever I can with what I got or can get...will try and help as best I can.

I appreciate your response and contribution here.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 07:54 AM
I agree with your post, you make a good point as in the event was planned.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by mysterioustranger Ill still pull your daughter or grandma out of a pile of ceiling tiles or from under refridgerators while your house is burning.

I ask one question: Would you do that for me? If so? Training is available in your local community so at can help yourself and your family.


I would help my friends and neighbors with their families and with their livestock for sure. If that was you I would do it. Hell, I've been in plenty of #ty situations all over the world 7 total years deployed to combat zones out of 24 years in the service; I'm all about helping people.

However, I would not order you to first them to surrender your lawfully obtained and registered weapons (which the Supreme Court decided was illegal even during a Declared Emergency) just in case. How will you protect your things or family from the not so scrupulous of humans if the means to do so is removed from you?

Further, I would not order you or anyone else to leave their property under threat of force to "protect" them.

I read mandatory evacuation as “let’s cover our asses in case someone stays” and “let’s make our job easier “ in the case of FEMA . Not having to determine who wanted to be left alone from those who are (to use another metaphor) in over their heads sure does make the rescue effort easier.

However, in America I have the freedom to do as a please as long as I don’t hurt anyone else or infringe upon their rights.

I cannot be arrested, which is what making me leave my property under threat of force is, without probable cause. Some catch all Emergency Declaration may indded grant a Governor or the President even uber dictatorial powers but that does not mean my civil rights go out the window… Such declarations may have some force of law; however, the purpose of such laws is to protect others not one from himself/herself. It certainly has basis in morality or basis in our freedom to seek life, liberty or happiness. I have a Mother if I need advice on prudence; I don’t need a Nanny at 44 years old.

Adults have a choice to "go down with the ship" to use a nautical metaphor – it is no business of the government or its agents to interfere with that choice

I will go down with my dairy farm - I will swim the cows to higher ground put my chickens on roofs and the second floor, I will feed them what I can salvage etc.. My working girls are loyal to me and I owe them more than to run...

My wife and dogs may be evacuated - maybe not depending on the disaster and our contingency plans (we certainly have them) I will help my neighbors do the same.

When it comes down to it my stock and house/tractors and other things - it's insured, I even (not on a flood plain) pay for flood insurance for the possible freak flood for a relatively inexpensive amount along with a special EQ rider which is pretty expensive even though I'm nowhere near any real fault lines. Beter safe than sorry in that situation.

I guess all of those things can be replaced but the question in the back of my mind is by whom and under what kind of timetable?

If it's the big one (whatever that may be EQ, Flood Comet. war...) everything I save is income and food insurance for my family.

If I don't leave it's by choice - go away move on - I'll be fine...I’ll put out my signs “FEMA GTFO my property” “I don’t need anything” “Go away!” Paint it on the barn roof if necessary. .

All I ask is for the "heroes" of FEMA to leave me alone; I ask nothing from them nor do I hold them or anyone else responsible (liable) for my safety and or well being/feeding/income/etc.

Trust me I'm not some "refuse to leave then blame George Bush welfare recipient". They will have other type signs…

“Help me!”

“I chose not to evacuate but have nothing to eat or drink.”

Best sign for a roof in post Katrina would have been “Help - I am a lazy dumb ass; now where’s my entitlements….!”

My personal favorite - "Where can a get one of them debit cards so I can buy some new $500.00 shoes then apply for more welfare."

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by TribeOfManyColours

Alex Jones and Jesse Venture, made sure I would never trust FEMA. But if I am wrong, kudos for you for providing great work for your country in times of National Emergency.

If you learned anything from Alex and Jesse... it should have been that you should BE PREPARED to take care of your own needs for as long as possible. For obvious reasons... a FEMA camp is the last place you want to end up. The idea that FEMA is capable of taking care of everyone's needs is delusional. It's a last resort for all the idiots who didn't attempt to prepare in advance.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 08:26 AM
FEMA, no thanks.
Obama, stick it.

I can live without the all knowing Govt telling me what to do.

edit on 14-3-2011 by macman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 15 2011 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by macman

I understand...but when youre looking for water and blankets then and transportation maybe out-of-the area like all those Japanese...which line are you going to stand in? The "all-knowing-government-telling-you-what-to-do-no-thanks" water, food, blanket distribution line? Or the "F---You FEMA!" my kids n family can make it without ya" line?

We all know which ones you'll be in just like everyone else...or you'll freeze, die of hunger or thirst...or walk off down the road to some-where while the trucks with relocated civilians pass you be waving.

Honestly, your displeasure with the Government is noted and I share it too....but we all know which lines we'll be in.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by mysterioustranger
reply to post by macman

I understand...but when youre looking for water and blankets then and transportation maybe out-of-the area like all those Japanese...which line are you going to stand in? The "all-knowing-government-telling-you-what-to-do-no-thanks" water, food, blanket distribution line? Or the "F---You FEMA!" my kids n family can make it without ya" line?

We all know which ones you'll be in just like everyone else...or you'll freeze, die of hunger or thirst...or walk off down the road to some-where while the trucks with relocated civilians pass you be waving.

Honestly, your displeasure with the Government is noted and I share it too....but we all know which lines we'll be in.

I have my supplies and my plan. I have my contingencies.
Fend for myself and my family or a FEMA camp? Not even a choice, fend for myself.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 10:22 AM
I started reading this thread....until I realized it was pissing me off. Not the thread itself but for those who are bashing these folks who are training to risk their lives for others. Yes Katrina was not very well planned. How can we plan for something we never really experienced before hand. They realized the mistakes and learned better strategies....even now it will not be perfect. Mother Nature is perfect, how the hell can we prepare for her. The Fema coffins....yes they are scary but they are there not to prepare for a staged premeditated act from the Government. Just in case because sh*t does happen and we are all knowing that now. If there is a large radiation leak here in the US and thousands die do we bury the bodies in wooden boxes and put them in the ground. Would you like to pile them up and have a good Bonfire. To these folks it does not matter who or what did it.. it is not their job..their job is to help after the fact. That is all the consintrate on. Not the big Fema itself I do not know much about that part but I do know about the individual good hearted people that work for them FOR US. FEMA and all the other Emergency crews got the #ed up end of the stick. So they looked at all the mistakes and do what they can now to be better prepared for ANY type of disaster, probably some that are unimaginable to most of us. Now by doing that you are bashing these poor individuals who are taking their own lives and putting it at risk for you. These people Know the horrible tragedy of it all....seen it first hand and still are willing to do it again. So for those whom did not walk around picking up bodies in Katrina seeing first hand what it did...not through the television but right there right in front of you touching smelling seeing the horrible mess of bodies not only humans but animals also you all have the nerve to say more could be done but then turn around and blame them for being too sickens me to the core. These people are us. Compassionate enough to do the dirty work that most here on ATS could not for the life of us do. Sit around on the damm computer and argue back and forth about what needs to be done or what has been done or no body is doing anything...Crap crap crap. Stop #ing whining and get off your ass and do something...or leave it up to someone else and thank god for that someone else.

I did not reread this post left it as it is so if any problems with mispelling or grammer oh well because I am sure you could still read it.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 10:39 AM
By the way 1st Responders GET no pay in the Citizens Corp/Emergency Response Teame etc...we get fed and transported and if our State Governor calls us out...we replace the State National Guard and only then get their pay rate.

Sure, we are FEMA and Department of Homeland Security sponsored, trained and supplied....but are you gonna help YOUR neighbors with the real chance of while we are searching, and rescuing you..we stand a real chance of being separated from our own families for you?.

I didnt think you'd understand that. The greater good, for the most people...not for $$$ or glory...but because someone has too...and as you aint gonna be you.......

Just send us your address and your family members names...and we'll just skip you
edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: be-cause

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

The high and mighty attitude does very little for your argument.
I have been a first responder, and will be back in shortly, in the Air Guard.
Spare me the whole "we do this for you". There is no need to submit my address, as i will be as far away from the masses as possible.

Thanks and keep moving.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:09 AM
I live on the Mississippi coast and a family member still has a FEMA trailer and I know and have to talked with pretty much everyone that is associated with FEMA and MEMA..... Fact.

From most of the people I have confronted they are diverse and just working people. Only one of them has been rude and I was rude back and layed it on the line and that was the way that ended.

These stupid conspiracies are ridiculous. And even if there was one, there is no one thats going to tell me or mine what to do, I tell them, if they want to fight, we can fight, but no one is going to make me go anywhere, and if they try aggression they would lose, regardless if you believe it or not.

Some people have been on here too long.

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by JAGx1981

Thank you for your input and support. All Ive ever tried to do here is inform. Thats it. So many just want to debate and argue. Makes me want to just sit back, say nothing, and let them fend for themselves with whatever info they get from wherever they get it.

Just trying to pass it along...then maybe I just shouldnt you know? But, thats not me...

posted on Mar, 16 2011 @ 03:34 PM
Yeah it does become pointless jabbery in the end, because some people just think they are right under any circumstance. I was asked many time to go to a FEMA park, I simply said HELL NO, why own 15 acres of land to leave it for a park?

I told them I would rebuild myself and that was that.

Trust their is no conspiracy to move us into camps. And the city even wants my land. It's prime natural spring, the highest point where i live and a road cut through my woods would make a ideal route. Even the city themselves have tried to bribe me.

Still I live here in harmony and still I meet with FEMA 2 times a month to counsel my family and still just regular working class people that usually sit back and talk about life in general by the time our convos are finished.

Just try to trust in what I tell you guys, I don't even trust the government, but not trusting and beliveing in odd conspiracies is another thing.

I think FEMA is just mislead from the brass, not the actual staff.

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