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Caller of the Alex Jones Show...Found and Documents in Question

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posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by King Seesar
There was a site on google saying she had been arrested, but I am going back to my original asumption that David and his pole shift comments was just a smoke screen so no one would pay any attention to what she said about the PDF. The rumors that David was arrested just a poly, Face Book' March 15 just a poly. Everything that anyone has done on ATS about trying to get people to read this PDF has just been shoot down comming out the gate. She never even said anything about a pole shift at all, just about a comet impact. The PDF was removed from a lot of sites online and no one could even link the site. All of this just lets me know that this PDF evidently is true.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Hello I've never done Rapture on the Air and it's not truth in the Lord anyway. Also although I authored the document to theCFTC for its public due process on that matter, i was not the caller into Alex's show.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:34 PM
Hi audio is not working.....will someone please have mercy upon me and tell me exactly what is going on?

Thanks ahead of time.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:48 PM
hello, I didnt call into Alex's show. Apparently the caller was misidentified as me, however although the caller talked about my comment to the CFTC, it wasnt me who called Alex's show.

Weather OPs however and event driven over the counter derivatives contracts are a hot and somewhat dangerous subject, so anyone with public profile condeming it is going to have to endure the heat the cia,the nsa the defense contractors and the bigfinancials which write these things are going to meat out punishment to those exposing the truth and/or asking about what is really the case.

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