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In all seriousness would they really? Would the government really keep a shtf situation from the peo

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posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by kevinunknown

I don't think I've ever see you agree with anybody. 98% on this site is crap huh? Then I guess what you just posted is 100% rubbish.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 02:32 AM
Since about 1980 they have been building DUMBs and stocking them with provisions which we have paid for. then they finished off with a seed bank. Plus the international space station. These are places for the elite, to escape from what evers going to happen. We wont be told anything. I can see them starting a war and then heading for the bunkers and before we realise it. Some incoming what ever, will hit us.

posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by slackerpower

reply to post by coyotepoet

Why am I here?

ATS needs people like me the challenge the commonly accepted collective view of the ATS community. ATS is full of people making the most outrageous claims on the internet that are being presented as being “fact” when they are actually words of fiction, hypothesises or the result of a deluded mind. It is very rare that anything on ATS is biased in fact, but in spite of this the collective membership of ATS betray the motto of this excellent website and themselves actively seek out ignorance.

I am here to balance the scale in favour of the facts, the real facts, the facts you won’t find in your conspiracy books, documentaries, blogs and even on most of ATS. Without me and the other members like me, any member could make any claim and nobody would be around to deny it and deny ignorance. If there were not people like me on ATS every NWO thread and every UFO video would be accepted at truth and before long you would all be claiming to be the star child or son of God. Think of me as the other side of the coin, if you only look at the arguments supporting the existence of the NWO, 9/11 or moon hoax conspiracies you are only going to believe the conspiracy version of events that is ultimately the manifestation of ignorance.

Simply put I am here to deny ignorance.

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