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If M Theory is accurate, there may be aliens walking around us, all the time.

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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by SaosinEngaged

This is evident as antimatter when the dimensions collide and or dark matter,I see what you mean but antimatter has a lot of punch of energy in its short lifespan and could be the entry way to another dimension but that is speculation on my part,we know what antimatter is but not its full dynamic potential.Otherwise hot air but I think a future civilization will have figured out how to harness its potential,however seen as gamma ray bursts are involved it would`nt be very safe from a radioactive standpoint,howeverr a robot or nanobot could be deployed in such a experiment..
Heres an old rehash thats closer to
edit on 30-1-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 11:15 AM
This is going to seem a little off topic, but I remember years ago reading about a substance called '___' which was being used as a recreational drug. Excuse my ignorance if any of this is wrong, maybe someone else can elaborate. But what I read at the time said that '___' is a substance that your brain releases when you die and people were taking a synthesized form of it. People described hearing a tearing sound and being transported somewhere else, but unlike hallucinatory drugs, they swore it was real, that they were really there, that it did not feel like a halucination. On top of that, they described encountering entities which sometimes reacted negatively to their presence and the person often felt like they were visiting somewhere that they shoudn't be. Also, people would take this same drug together at the same time and have the same experience, even encountering the same entities. So this implies that the chemcial was causing their brains to shift into other dimensions, just as "real" as our own and that sometimes the inhabitants on the other side weren't too pleased about it. It makes me wonder what might happen to the first astralnauts that volunteer for the job when we finally do create the technology to travel dimensions.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by SaosinEngaged

.....At this very moment, we have brilliant scientists blasting protons at near the speed of light into one another in an attempt to find a graviton, the particle that carries gravity. What they're actually looking for is a trace that the graviton has moved to a different membrane (dimension) as a result of the high energy collision.


I certainly hope those brilliant scientists know just what the protons / gravitons do when they supposedly enter another possibly-inhabited dimension. If the resultant gravitons create negative effects in some other dimension, it may only be a matter of time before those inhabitants start bombarding us back with hell knows what! ......or perhaps they already are......
edit on 30-1-2011 by eNaR because: Corrected grammar

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by oblivionous

Haha, yes, '___' has been said to occur in your body naturally, another guess they have for it is that it is the idea that it is used when we dream. If you look at all the stories of people who have "waking dreams" or practice control over their dreams, many speak of such instances. But on the other side of that coin it seems that even subconsciously we seem to desire to leave our surroundings to journey somewhere else seeking information.
Unfortunately, '___' can't be grown out of the ground like marijuana (edit: my bad, it is common in some plants that have been known for their hallucinogenic properties for quite some time, however concentrated forms would require an advanced understanding of chemistry to produce) so it is very difficult to come by illegally.
On one hand, those groups may have indeed shared the same "journey" together, or perhaps they're immediate influence on one another led them to build their "journey" collectively. Some people talk about the human spirit being one and perhaps this was the "journey" of their collective "spirit." Of course this is just hypothetical ideas based on other peoples assumptions as to the way things work. For all I know they may have indeed traveled by chemically empowering their mind to transport themselves through space and maybe even time.
Hallucinogens have been used throughout human history to contact the "spirit world," something that begins to fit into scientific theories even more as our ignorant understanding of the universe advances.
Personally though, I want some and have wanted some '___' for a while now. I don't really partake of hallucinogens because I am often frightened by the illusions the human mind can create but something about '___' makes me extremely interested in it.
Thanks for making such an insightful connection, It makes me want to try '___' even more.
edit on 30-1-2011 by TheFuzzMonster because: When I say something that I later learn is wrong I admit it, in order to learn.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by oblivionous
I am reading a book by Graham Hancock called Supernatural that my son got me for xmas. He starts the book by trying obigaine, a natural root that native tribal shamans used to reach the other side. He scientifically records his experience with doctors attending to check his heartbeat etc.... He says he went to a jungle type place (everyone who has tried these types of hallucinogenics say they all go there as well) and meets past shamans and people he knew who have died plus people he does not know.
He says before this experience he developed depression which became so low that he was going to give up his investigations. But afterwards his depression lifted and he had a new zest for life as he then realised there is more than this 3 dimensional world we live in.
I am only at the start of this book and already it is too good to put down. Any books my him are very readable.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 08:27 PM
The ancient people have developed Hindu spiritual theories based on the sciences, including quantum mechanics. People, in the not so distant past may have thought that the earth was flat but if one looks at all the things that have been written in the Hindu scriptures, it is obvious that people who wrote these Hindu scriptures knew that the earth was spherical and that it was not flat. It is also obvious that they knew of the galaxies and a lot more about astronomy etc which only now modern day researchers are discovering. In Hinduism there are provisions for subtle regions or parallel universes. Through the researches in Quantum Mechanics, the modern scientists might be able to use instruments to detect the lowest subtle region which is connected to the corporeal world through quantum mechanics. Thus, scientists seem to become aware of the various possibilities for subtle regions which they refer to as Parallel Universes. I do not think that they will be able to use instruments to detect the soul that is within the corporeal body because the soul is metaphysical in nature. I also do not think that they will be able to detect God because God is also metaphysical in nature.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by jatsc
This would explain Djinn which are mentioned in the Qur'an. They are were we get Genies from supposedly they are invisible to humans and are made of smokeless fire. They can see humans but humans cant see them unless the Djinn wants to be made known to the human.

Iblis (Satan) is believed to be of this race. 'The son of fireless smoke'. In the Qu'ran Allah created three intelligent races- Angels, Humans and the Jinn with the latter two granted the freedom to choose between good and evil.

Just a bit of extra information

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by jatsc
This would explain Djinn which are mentioned in the Qur'an. They are were we get Genies from supposedly they are invisible to humans and are made of smokeless fire. They can see humans but humans cant see them unless the Djinn wants to be made known to the human.

In fact, the Djinn are Babylonian Apkallu:

The concept of the Apkallu (seven sages), originating in Sumer (Akkadia) evolved into the Djinn as well as the Angels mentioned in the Torah, Bible and Qur'an. It was also used in the Lord of the Rings (Gandalf was one.)


posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by SaosinEngaged

so, the first person we send to that other dimension will be "the monster" that scares everyone else?

Im for this theory though! good thinking. When we look back on our lives and look at alllll the choices we have made, its crazy to think just how different the world could be today.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 09:41 PM
Brings to mind the book "Flatland" by Edwin Abbott Abbott.
Highly recommended:

...the novella's more enduring contribution is its examination of dimensions; in a foreword to one of the many publications of the novella, noted science writer Isaac Asimov described Flatland as "The best introduction one can find into the manner of perceiving dimensions."[2] As such, the novella is still popular amongst mathematics, physics, and computer science students.

The story is about a two-dimensional world referred to as Flatland which is occupied by geometric figures, line-segments (females) and regular polygons with various numbers of sides. The narrator is a humble square, a member of the social caste of gentlemen and professionals in a society of geometric figures, who guides us through some of the implications of life in two dimensions. The square has a dream about a visit to a one-dimensional world (Lineland) which is inhabited by "lustrous points." He attempts to convince the realm's ignorant monarch of a second dimension but finds that it is essentially impossible to make him see outside of his eternally straight line. He is then visited by a three-dimensional sphere, which he cannot comprehend until he sees Spaceland for himself. This sphere, who remains nameless, visits Flatland at the turn of each millennium to introduce a new apostle to the idea of a third dimension in the hopes of eventually educating the population of Flatland of the existence of Spaceland. From the safety of Spaceland, they are able to observe the leaders of Flatland secretly acknowledging the existence of the sphere and prescribing the silencing of anyone found preaching the truth of Spaceland and the third dimension. After this proclamation is made, many witnesses are massacred or imprisoned (according to caste).

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 09:46 PM


posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by CDN King
reply to post by SaosinEngaged

Yeah, I've always thought that the universe and beyond is just a giant fractal and it never ends. I believe the same can be said with even the smallest particles in the universe. As long as you expect something to be there, there always will. I think I've heard this statement in the holographic universe theory which is also a head-scratcher once you fully understand what it is proposing.

I like working with perlin noise. I love the idea of a fractal universe. I've always wondered whether 'space' is an illusion and that all the differences we see in things are just pseudo-random. Like perlin noise. Everything overlaps. So everything is interconnected and difference is an illusion. You can do this on a computer with pseudo-random numbers and perlin noise. You can get huge numbers of variations by processing. Or can you use lots of space to get huge numbers of variations. But, for landscapes at least, it's more effective to produce them with perlin noise. For example, to reproduce something on the scale of a planet would require too much disk space (millions of Gibibytes). I estimated 70% the size of earth (50 feet/90 pixels) that I'd need 29 million gibibytes to store the height values. It doesn't look real, but it runs a heck of a lot better than if i actually needed to store it on harddrives! I'd need a supercomputer or a network of computers all across the world.

The reason I initially got attracted to this idea of the universe overlapping was an article in Astronomy magazine. They referenced Benoit Mandelbrot in a section named Self-Similar cosmos? Mandelbrot summed it up well by saying, "There are laws of nature that apply under extremely differetn conditions. Nature is ruled by the big equations of mathematical physics. Things that seem to be completely irregular are, in fact, very regular. So, there is some big principle of organization in our universe from one scientific discipline to another." Why is this comment he made for the article interesting? Because it reminded me of perlin noise. For example, lets say I have an integer that represents 4 billion different values. I use these values to produce perlin noise that I use to generate clouds and landscapes for art. Now, to any observer the clouds or landscapes will look perfectly varied and different and unique. Yet, upon close inspection, you see that some of them overlap. Another words, parts of them using the same number! Of course, you wouldn't know this by looking at them, but if you could detect it and you knew the range of values (if you knew the routine) then you would see that multiple 'places' use the same value! It's like seeing the same coin but through different mediums or through different eyes. It looks different, but it's the same coin.

So the implication is that 'space' is not as prohibitive as we're led to believe. Somehow patterns repeat themselves at many different scales in our universe. How do we explain this? We can assume that there's an underlying physics at all levels that is expressed in the shapes we see. But then again, we haven't married quantum physics and classical, and we haven't proven that these repeated patterns are seen at infinitely small or infitely large scales. So what kind of underlying physics causes this? We can alternatively assume that space itself is not limiting and that something connects all of these different things to produce these repeated patterns. In other words, some kind of holograph.
edit on 30-1-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

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posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:02 PM
My problem of understanding of this is the chicken and the egg senario.

If the string theory is true where did they come from and if we sandwidged between membranes where in the hell did they come from. Neither the chicken or the egg fit the conundrum.

Im hungry now

Finally do you think one day we will understand the origins of everything as to make logical apple-falling-on-your-head sence or do you think that our brains are just not clever enough to comprehend the whole thing.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:05 PM
Very possible.

Some people would like to see a new world order. But for what?

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
Very possible.

Some people would like to see a new world order. But for what?
This is off-topic! But google PlanetHood.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by greyer

It is all connected... you should see that by now. Is that a pic of the MIB? Nice. I think I saw that pic on a UFO Hunters episode. Good episode.

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 11:03 PM
i always visioned it that way.

we keep microorganisms in little petri dishes for study, do you think they have any idea there's a huge human in charge or their environment?

watch this..

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 11:19 PM
Just found a quote from Cosmic Trigger by Anton Wilson that reminded me of this, took a while to find it, but here :

An old Arizona joke asks, "How many Apaches are hiding in this room?" The answer is, "As many as want to." Advanced communication technologies would be far more subtle than the stalking techniques of the Apaches. If Clarke is right, even on a materialistic level, the only answer to "How many advanced civilizations are monitoring the events in this room?" must be "As many as want to."

posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by SaosinEngaged

At this very moment, we have brilliant scientists blasting protons at near the speed of light into one another in an attempt to find a graviton, the particle that carries gravity. What they're actually looking for is a trace that the graviton has moved to a different membrane (dimension) as a result of the high energy collision.

I'm puzzled so if you can clarify further....

By what means do we trace the theoretical graviton moving into a theoretical membrane or extra dimension when we have no proof of either? Math alone can prove neither of the above. While one person can proclaim that if the math adds up, then extra dimensions must exist, another person can just as easily say that it proves that the universe rides on the back of a giant celestial squid called Trevor. It's completely subjective... if you know what I mean.


posted on Jan, 31 2011 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by mr-lizard
Even from a young age, I often thought this to be true. Before any knowledge of science.

Not sure why, but since reading some of this stuff, it all seems familiar.

Edit: i don't necessarily mean aliens. But what I mean is the unexplored paths of conscious decisions that never were.. Parallel lives, time jumps, etc.

edit on 29-1-2011 by mr-lizard because: (no reason given)

Believe in what you feel natural, like that. I have always thought there was life outside Earth just because it felt natural. That is 'past knowledge', this here is not our first lives, we come with knowledge acquired in previous experiences. There's so much more to existence than we imagine possible. If you showed the internet to people 100 years ago you would be called a witch and burned. Imagine in 500 years from now, technology will seem like utter magic. Now imagine that there are other races in other planets that are that much more advanced than us. How can they come here and show us their toys and share their knowledge. Are we ready? As ready as people who were burning witches hundreds of years ago - try reasoning with them with our modern thinking - they will not get It, they were not ready. And guess what? To this day there's still people who burn witches in Africa, and people who hate and do harm to other people. We Are Not Ready.
edit on 31-1-2011 by Soulshock because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-1-2011 by Soulshock because: (no reason given)

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