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Magnetic pole shift means new shift in consciousness?

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posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 05:46 AM
Me too, but then Ive always felt like I was born in the wrong century. But in the past few months, Ive really gotten to the point that I hate clutter. Things that I used to consider decorative, now bother me. Ive cleaned out the guest bedroom (which was a junk room, basically), closets, pantry etc.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by ka0s69

You're not the same guy in that other thread who's feeling like crap I hope.. you're avatar reminds me of another I guess.. if so, sorry, but I like to be humorous, that's also a big part of this, wouldn't you agree?

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:36 AM
NewAgeMan, that's almost exactly how I feel! It's a really strange and uplifting energy! Happy new year!

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 05:25 PM
Sorry I didnt reply earlier.

My strange experience I had on December 21st was weird. I was sitting at home with my TV on and decided to go on my laptop. It started up as normal and I was working on it for a while. I was looking through my emails when all of a sudden the screen went weird, exactly like interference, wavy, zigzaggy etc. At that exact same time my TV screen froze and a loud interference noise started coming out of it, and also at that same time I got an almighty pain in my right hand and forearm, just like I'd imagine it would feel like if someone was sticking a knife into it. This all lasted for around 30 seconds. then everything was back to normal.

I kind of freaked me out and I just sat there for a few minutes thinking what the hell just happened. Since then I started searching the internet to see what could have caused it, radio waves or anything, but I havent found anything about what it could have been or anyone that has had a similar experience.

That night though a few hours after this happened we had an earth quake about 60 miles away from where I live. Im from the UK and earthquakes are very rare, plus it was the day of the lunar eclipse. It was a strange day altogether.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 11:01 AM
Yea theres a guy on yahoo groups 'Tiempe' i believe that forecasts earthquakes by email 4 days or so ahead of time, does this so he cant be debunked. Claims to keep track of when and where you feel those pains/pulses and you will see it correlates to earthquakes. Each body part is a differnt location.

Everyone has spasms, but i think myself more then other people i know, left bicep, left eye, shoulder, finger. Sometimes strong, sometimes soft, but last no longer then the 30 seconds then go away. No real explanations for it. Try finding his group or lmk if anyone needs the info i'll find it, too creepy for me to look at all the time. I have back checked a few emails and they add up to locations and magnitude specified. Claims the energy transfers through everyone since we are all just energy arranged in a pattern that we have come accustomed to.

Dec 20/21 is the mayan new year, beginning of the 12th year i believe, last year was to gain the knowledge, this year is to put it into effect. Im sure someone is more familiar with this, but i believe that is why people are feeling different the last 2 weeks, as it is time for people to do something about it, unfortunately not always in the best perceived ways. Add that to the mass ufo citings lately online and over my house lol Time is getting interesting between deaths of humans and animals, and the larger scale earth issues.

As i swear the sun is getting brighter and some guy was on Colbert report saying how its 52 degress at the north pole and now were loosing penguins. #ed up man, what did penguins do to anyone..

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Over140

Are you suggesting that there's a correspondance between the human body and the Earth as a body, and that some people, when they feel a twitch in a certain area, are feeling an impending earthquake in the world body? That's just craziest enough to sound plausible..!

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by Over140

Are you suggesting that there's a correspondance between the human body and the Earth as a body, and that some people, when they feel a twitch in a certain area, are feeling an impending earthquake in the world body? That's just craziest enough to sound plausible..!

If humans are made of energy, and the earth is made of energy (string theory) then we are made of earth and are able to feel disturbances. Anyone who wants can send me a pm and i'll forward a weeks worth of the guys forecasts for you to check yourselves.

I get a spasm randomly every day, or every other day, different body parts, then repeats in some. Ive been having some new ones twitch lately, (in good health) its just really wierd. I checked this guy out and a lot of it made sense, and was validated with the quake a few days later. Actually im impressed enough with the idea and how crazy it is. This is his intro email, i forget where i found him, but nothing in it for him except to save lives. This is what it said in email one, also have instructions for yourself in another email:

To All who read my lists:

I guess I should explain my postings to those who aren't used to me and my particulars.

I get symptoms for upcoming quakes and volcanoes sometimes through pains or twitches or bubbles in the muscles on my body. Sometimes I hear tones or blocks in my ears.

Usually they are 3 to 5 days ahead of a quake. Therefore I post my lists for 4 days after symptoms (giving myself and Earth 1 day on either side).

In other words, what I feel today on the 19th I will transfer from my log to my computer as what will possibly happen on the 23d.

I try to make it as simple as possible. I do not post magnitudes. I may never do that because it seemed to be a competitive thing happening on the Jim Berkland Board (Syzygy) where I first learned this stuff.


When I post the name of the place with nothing in parentheses it means that I had only one small tweak for that place. (Probably not very much of a quake.)

When I post Medium to Strong it means I got a symptom more than once or 2 different symptoms for the same place. (Probably a stronger quake or more than one small one.)

======I will be posting for probable magnitudes now in 2010.======

When I post STRONG to EXTREMELY STRONG it means the symptoms continued all day or more than a day or symptoms were so strong that it was debilitating. Meaning I had to sit down and do nothing until the pain stopped.
Also when I post STRONG to EXTREMELY STRONG, the usual 3 to 5 days will not apply. It sometimes takes 9 or more days from the onset of the symptom to the quake. (REALLY strong quake or big swarm.)

One example of EXTREMELY STRONG was a Parkfield quake that was only about a 5 magnitude that felt lke someone had hit me with a sledgehammer in the right side side ribs. This was before I knew that area was Parkfield, California for me.

I post my lists 2 places on the internet. I only post correlations on 1 place.
I have been on my blog for months now:

I put pictures and extra information and relevant web links on my blog. On the right side menu are the days...when there is an asterisk in front of the day, it means I have listed correlations that I have found for my predicted areas.

The forum I most frequent now is:

Sometimes I will post to a few other forum boards if I get an EXTREME symptom. But I am trying to keep this simple for me and any users. It takes a lot to keep track of what I do already. It IS my job.

If anyone is interested in helping out by learning their own body symptoms, I have a tutorial on this Yahoo site. It can be found in the menu on the left under files.


Peace to all.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 09:23 PM
Hmm 1/11/11 today.....time for some more 'input'

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 09:25 PM
I don't feel a thing.
edit on 11-1-2011 by PoorFool because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by ka0s69

I hope this next age brings about sustainable and free living. Where all rich and poor are equal. Where we all become enlightened in a sense and realize money does not bring happiness.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by dreamseeker
reply to post by ka0s69

I hope this next age brings about sustainable and free living. Where all rich and poor are equal. Where we all become enlightened in a sense and realize money does not bring happiness.

Ahh couldn't agree with you more.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by ka0s69

I echo your sentiments. I intuit that the pole shift's speed is variable, that it is subject to completely shift instantly if this fits into the Divine plan. It will shift quickly to such a point as to allow the influx of a very powerful and very specific energy at the precise time dictated by the will of the Creator. When this occurs, I feel I will move up in frequency or ascend to a higher level or evolve. This will be a wonderous event. I will be thrilled with the result. It will exceed my wildest expectations. I have nothing to worry about. I have nothing to do to achieve this except WILL it so. So my question to each of you is, what will you WILL to happen?

Peace, Love & Light

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 06:43 AM
All I feel is a strong feeling to start embracing people. Naturally, I'm resistant to it but lately, I've tried to make a small effort to be more courteous.

That and I'm starting to really lose interest in politics and the like. It's pointless to even bother arguing and more useful to embrace life as much as you can, every day.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 04:00 PM
Interesting thread. There's another one with a similar topic I've posted on, but will repeat some of the info here.

I, too, have been feeling the "something's coming" thing. For me, it started Jan 1, but my community and I have had inklings of it since Dec. 2010. It's gotten much stronger since the new calendar year.

When my logic side takes over, I go toward gloom and doom and destruction. When I stay in my sensitive side, it feels more like natural change, balance, an emphasis on energy and the earth.

I've had strange sleep patterns (waking up at 3 am for no reason) and incredible aches and pains, especially in my back. Today (Jan 13) is a mess - just been a cluster # from the moment I woke up, for so reason whatsoever.

I am a sensitive, but still very green and learning to read the signs and symbols. I did have a picture of NYC fall off my wall, nothing broke and other pics stayed put - 3 hours later a huge storm hit the city. Stuff like that.

Anyway, yes, I feel the change. Just not sure what shape it will take....

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by ka0s69

Oh man, oh man am I with you and it sure feels good to share this! It started, inexplicably, just over 2 weeks ago. I have not changed anything about my routines or diet, nothing - everything's the same in that respect but I am now, suddenly having much less sleep than normal but not needing naps like I used to if I'd gone without sleep - and with a family to take care of ! Waking up like clockwork at roughly 5.45am no matter how late I go to bed. I feel 'alive'...That's the only way I can explain it. Really present and with the sense that 'something' is going to happen; is coming - something momentous. I feel excited and energised and am suddenly more productive than I've been in years. It's like a veil has been lifted. I feel the energy of....what... I dunno... the atmosphere? (for want of a better word) thrumming through me!
Whatever it is, BRING IT ON! I'm ready!

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