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Human Genocide: Cover-up Operations for ALIEN HARVESTING ? ! ?

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posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 09:18 AM

Mind you, I am not concluding that this is necessarily the case, but you will be forced to note that such heinous and disproportionate crimes are called "Crimes Against Humanity". Yet Humans Against Humanity doesn't sound nearly as plausible as the obvious alternative interpretation: Aliens Against Humanity.

Furthermore, this idea didn't come to me out of the blue, without a reference background. I have worked as a Journalist in Geopolitics and Military Strategy and know a lot about quite of few events in contemporary history as well as behind the scenes of combat in various "theaters of operation" in remote locations.

While I am not claiming to hold insider information as to this proposition, it has dawned on me after decades of exposure to critical issues and professional analysis that something is amiss when it comes to the official explanations of human genocide during the 20th century, and perhaps even before.

What came to mind was during a read of Branton's CosCon Files which were recommended by John Lear. Whether you like him or not, whether you find him to be a highly praiseworthy truth seeker and whistle blower or deem him susceptible to flights of fancy (no pun intended) is your affair. However, it cannot be emphasized strongly enough that he has greatly contributed to opening our minds to a number of issues ahead of the times and may well have fallen victim to knowing too much too soon before the rest of us.

Here is the reference which compelled me to wonder if I had not accidentally stumbled upon the real reason for such discrepancies in the usual official stories surrounding human genocide, was are quite contrived and often in direct contradiction with known facts.

Peter A. Bostrom, in his article 'A DEADLY CLOSE ENCOUNTER IN CAMBODIA' (which appeared in the No. 1, 1993 issue of 'UNSOLVED UFO SIGHTINGS' magazine., Charlotte Magazine Corp., 1700 Broadway, New York, NY 10019), refers to the officer of a Special Forces team who was 'interrogated' by a representative of "MJ - Majestic 12" after stumbling upon a landed UFO in a clearing in the jungles of Cambodia. From what this officer and others 'recalled', there were a couple dozen grayish non-human like alien beings near the craft, and in the excitement of the moment there was a short exchange of fire in which (supposedly) no one was killed. This is according to the 'recollection' of this particular officer. The beings then left the scene, and that was presumably the end of the incident.

This Special Forces officer, known only as 'Joe', described one method of information extraction (and memory suppression?) that was used. This officer ('Joe') headed up a special forces team based in Thailand near the border of Cambodia, and was at the time of the incident -- September of 1971 -- on a top secret search and destroy mission against the Communist dictator Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge forces south of Angkor Wat, who were in the process of committing mass-genocide against the largely non-Communist indigenous population (several hundred thousand, if not over a million, Cambodians have been slaughtered by the this Hitler-like dictator since the Khmer Rouge came to power).

There were, however, certain indications suggesting that there was much more to the incident than the surviving soldiers were allowed to remember. If not for the fact that the incident in one form or another was reported to have actually occured, the following account might be mistaken for a scene right out of the movie PREDATOR. If what 'Joe' and others are saying is true, then there is a possibility that the actual incident may have been much more intense than the events portrayed in the motion picture. 'Joe' tells Bostrom what happened when they returned from their 'mission':

SOURCE: The CosCon Files part 3

What this seems to point to is that a number of "Holocausts" in which millions of people reportedly died, may have been not the totally insane, inexplicable and pointless massive destruction of human lives for implausible if not preposterous reasons by undetectable criminally insane leaders gone potty? They would have instead fallen victim to a far more logical scenario, in which Aliens would have come to Earth for a "Tribute" with our current Illuminati leaders preparing for their HARVESTING a large population of sacrificial victims.

Is this what happened which better explains Pol Pot's alleged "Killing Fields"? Could this explain the Rwanda Genocide orchestrated apparently from behind the scenes by French politician Hubert Vedrine? Is this what really happened to most of the victims of the Nazi holocaust? We are entitled to wonder when the official stories are so propaganda laden and stitch together indiscriminately unlikely assumptions with conflicting facts.

If ALIEN HARVESTING has been going on for some time, we must figure out where this leaves us in the event of a larger such scenario in the wake of the trumped up predictions of Armageddon or prophecies of an extinction crisis? Is there a huge Alien Feast scheduled for the change of Era from Pisces to Aquarius, calling for massive supply of foodstuffs - meaning us? Does this finds its corollary in the Illuminati's Depopulation Agenda under the auspices of Agenda 21?

Has human society become little more than the slaughterhouse for a dominant species of Alien predators? Do we deliver on order specific quantities of slaughtered humans to supply in food a breed of Aliens living underground in a hollow Earth or elsewhere in the solar system if not in more distant outer space? Is this why they are dumbing us down with Mass Propaganda through their Mind Control Media Empire?

Is this why they plan to park the surviving hundreds of millions in intensive housing alongside railways? To ensure rapid shipping if further supplies are needed? Here's a map of the USA once the UN has brought to completion Agenda 21 with all areas in Red or in Yellow being off limits, and the residual population being housed exclusively in a few isolated cities represented as black blots on the map.

So it is my contention in this thread to expose that for a very long time, at least since we have traces of human sacrifices to the "Serpent Gods" being made a part of socially accepted religious practice on multiple continents, the ruling class have 'pactized with the Devil' and have traded in human flesh against power and dominance over their fellow human cattle, raised in the great Animal Farm called planet Earth. They are our shepherds hence we are their sheeple, fattened and stupefied so that we may be processed for later consumption. Do you really think we are at the top of the food chain? Those who do would be well advised to assess my Reptilian sighting and configure their hypothesis adding that small additional factor.


edit on 22-12-2010 by Getsmart because: those Reptiles are really cantankerous when they get hungry!


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edit on January 13th 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 10:03 AM
the map you show, I was lead to this map about 18 months ago, I do believe it is a depopulation map. Part of the nephew who serves in one of the military branchesion as he remembers when growing up I had always spoke of one world government and depopulation secrets after reading your thread I will personally t consider your analys as it being a alien genocide, illuminatti scarifce. This seems an odd idea, You confused me with this. I believe in ufo unearthy contact,
When i was 23, (many years ago) an uncle thew a thought into my mind ,he said, have you ever considered we are a speck in the eye of an higher creator and with a mere blink we are gone, then he said, or maybe we are like cattle to an unknown force...
This thread makes me think a little deeper

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

S&F -Seems POSSIBLE. If you consider Wars and natural disasters then there is much room to comment. I think it would be a smart way to harvest more intelligent species w/o them even detecting it. SAD Wonders what eats them?

Wierd thing is imagine if the REAL leaders of nations were given the orders and had to carry out the harvesting on their own Countries, SMH
Like different beef taste different from what its grown on may apply to humans and what is ingested as well.
DEEP thread
edit on 12/22/10 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:21 AM
what an absurd concept. killing our own is part of the human condition. Homo-sapians killed out the Neanderthals. not aliens.

quit projecting the ills of humanity on other people, wake up and smell the blood.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Starred your insightful post.

I do suspect (just suspect not believe or accept as fact yet) that there is the possiblity of a alien presence, and that maybe we have never been alone. I also suspect if "they" are here, some are benevolent while some are malevolent.

Your post concerning genocide, mass sacrifices, war(s) and genocide" in connection with harvesting really gives one food for thought.

I found a 60 page e-book on the coscon files here: and will give this a read.

Very interesting premise.

I still state that while a lot of people blast John Lear, while believing he might be a tab bite arrogant and might stretch the truth, much of what he says is probably accurate.

The guy was born and grew up around people that were privy to more classified information than the average poster here on ATS, the grocery store cashier, the office drone, the school teacher, the claims adjuster, the unemployed house person, the local policeman or even a low ranking military service person.

I don't imagine many really people in the know visit or post on ATS, they have much more vital things to keep track of.

Again, usually, at my age, I rarely come across a post on ATS that I haven't heard or thought of before, but your post gave me something new to think about.

I seem to remember a quote but can't remember who said it, "When they go to war, we dine" - Reptilian/Alien.

Your post reminded me of that quote.

Would like to see this thread continue minus crass remarks............just a genuine mature, intellegent discussion vs people trolling.

I did grow up on a dairy farm and when it came time for the cows to go to slaughter
I asked grandpa why he never told me what was in store for them..............he answered, "because I knew you would have either shown them through your actions or told them what was in store, you didn't need to know. It's not good frightening the livestock, makes their meat less tender and bitter".

I think we're property.

I should say we belong to something:

That once upon a time, this earth was No-man's Land, that other worlds explored and colonized here, and fought among themselves for possession, but that now it's owned by something:

That something owns this earth—all others warned off.

Nothing in our own times—perhaps—because I am thinking of certain notes I have—has ever appeared upon this earth, from somewhere else, so openly as Columbus landed upon San Salvador, or as Hudson sailed up his river. But as to surreptitious visits to this earth, in recent times, or as to emissaries, perhaps, from other worlds, or voyagers who have shown every indication of intent to evade and avoid, we shall have data as convincing as our data of oil or coal-burning aerial super-constructions.

But, in this vast subject, I shall have to do considerable neglecting or disregarding, myself. I don't see how I can, in this book, take up at all the subject of possible use of humanity to some other mode of existence, or the flattering notion that we can possibly be worth something.

Pigs, geese, and cattle.

First find out that they are owned.

Then find out the whyness of it.

I suspect that, after all, we're useful—that among contesting claimants, adjustment has occurred, or that something now has a legal right to us, by force, or by having paid out analogues of beads for us to former, more primitive, owners of us—all others warned off—that all this has been known, perhaps for ages, to certain ones upon this earth, a cult or order, members of which function like bellwethers to the rest of us, or as superior slaves or overseers, directing us in accordance with instructions received—from Somewhere else—in our mysterious usefulness.

But I accept that, in the past, before proprietorship was established,

p. 164

inhabitants of a host of other worlds have—dropped here, hopped here, wafted, sailed, flown, motored—walked here, for all I know—been pulled here, been pushed; have come singly, have come in enormous numbers; have visited occasionally, have visited periodically for hunting, trading, replenishing harems, mining: have been unable to stay here, have established colonies here, have been lost here; far-advanced peoples, or things, and primitive peoples or whatever they were: white ones, black ones, yellow ones—

I have a very convincing datum that the ancient Britons were blue ones.

Of course we are told by conventional anthropologists that they only painted themselves blue, but in our own advanced anthropology, they were veritable blue ones—

From The Book of the Damned, by Charles Fort, [1919]


posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:36 AM
It's an interesting theory that isn't outside the realm of possibility. Excuse the pun, but it is food for thought.Thanks for bringing it up.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:46 AM
when i was in my early twenties i hypothesized that we were food for the gods, now i'm in my late 40s and everyone still thinks i'm nuts

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

So youre having problems accepting human nature and blaming aliens for genocide.

This is as bad and absurd as blaming the devil for when bad things happen or people do evil.

The truth is humans are the most violent and destructive species on this planet. From serial killers to dictators they commit crimes of such horror to not only other species on the planet, but to themselves and at times even their own offspring, that the only word that truly describes their nature is monstrous. Humans are monsters. They are the bogeyman for most life on this planet.

If they get treated like unclean vermin, they have no one to blame but themselves.

Sure there are decent humans out there, but studies and history have shown you can take almost any "decent" civilized/domesticated human and turn them into a monster. The instincts are there just waiting to be awakened.

edit on 22/12/10 by MikeboydUS because: Fnord!

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 11:56 AM
With all the crap we put in our bodies, I can't imagine that we taste very good

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 12:11 PM
quote by CG Jung:

"We need more understanding of human nature, because the only real danger that exists is man himself . . . We know nothing of man, far too little. His psyche should be studied because we are the origin of all coming evil."

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by spacekc929

Mabey its crap tasting to humans but seasoning to others.
My 1 cent.
Humans can behave as demonic its just not in the nature of humanity to figure out how to drain other planes and beings from other planes. Your human body may be food for their 3d selves but their 4d selves and higher are game for human energy consumption I learned this

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 12:56 PM

Thanks for starting this thread. S & F

I agree w/ you on your premise. I believe "demons" are real. I believe that they are extra-terrestrial/extra-dimensional beings popularly known as "Reptilians." I believe that they do eat flesh - including human. I believe that blood sacrifices are made to these beings in the form of wars, "terror attacks" such as 9/11, etc. Leo Zagami, Arizona Wilder, and Svali all talked about how the Illuminati make sacrifices to get into the good graces of these powerful but evil beings.

I think there are some white hats out there who try to inform us of what is going on, and use fiction as a vehicle to get the info out. "V," for ex, is about an invasion of human-eating Reptilians. The mini-series came out in 1984 & has since been remade, which seems to indicate *someone* thinks it's significant enough to remake. Another one is "They Live," which is also about an invasion of aliens. This one is also being remade (or so I heard).

This whole concept of a Reptilian invasion is really nothing new, since it's been a theme in religions for centuries. It seems that more and more people are waking up to it as a *reality,* though. I recently read that the Catholic Church is training more exorcists b/c of the growing demand. This is recognition that these entities can use a human body as an avatar - possessing & hi-jacking it to serve their own agenda. I'm not Catholic, but I think it's wonderful that there is a rite that can help people who have been thus afflicted.

Anyway, do you want to post a link to your encounter w/ one of those creatures on this thread?

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 02:30 PM
I never actually felt that they were eating our flesh or drinking blood, per say, but more in line with the energy or essence that we all have within. our soul energy. hell they might even collect it as Lear had mentioned, but for powering up their devises and starships. maybe just maybe? our special energy allows them access to other dimensions and only through us can they pass within like the bile from the baby worms of Arrakis

the only way we pass within is at the moment of our death, which i see more as a metamorphosis, a birth, than a death.

so you go and figure how many deaths take place within a 24 hour period, a million or more? then multiply that by a year. thats a lot of power

i never was into religion, but it could almost make scene, that only through the power of god, could we pass through into heaven. it might seem that if we spiritually don't have the strength, the aliens grab us as our souls rise towards the heavens
.........rotten opportunists.....scavengers

edit on 22-12-2010 by aliengenes because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 07:36 PM
Genocides? Perhaps. You must factor in mass disappearances as well.

You guys are pretty close, allow me to share what information I have. Bare in mind what I'm sharing is reality, people like Cobra soldier slave are still clinging to falsified establishments.

Thousands of children and people go missing every year in this country, even more around the world. The lower casts of 'rulers' sometimes called Draconians or reptilians, physically consume these subjects. There are many deep underground bases (DUMBs) around the world, that act as meat processing plants. Besides just eating the victims, who are usually sliced open while alive and eaten fresh, there are a number of genetic experiments taking place. Shadow elements of our governments and the black military are in joint operation of these DUMBs. You can research Dulce base, nightmare halll, DUMBS, reptilian agenda, etc. I may even throw in some links of my own. Information is out there, regardless.

As for energetics... Above these Draconians, you have the real ring leaders. These are tall blonde Nordics, very similar to humans. Still relying heavily on technology, they seem very advanced and you could say spiritual. These are actually reptilians who have stolen DNA from the Plaedies star system and modified themselves. These beings work mostly behind the scenes, although religion has been their forte'. They consume the prana, chi, energy, emotions of victims and the masses. When people pray to Jesus, Allah, etc, they are actually boosting the energy of these overlords. The New Age movement goes along the same lines.

Greys are thrown in the mix, but mostly as servants. Some are even technological or android-like in nature. They are mostly delivery boys if you know what I mean. Conducting research and samples is another big job of theirs. No doubt they are behind countless cattle mutilations...

That's where most of the missing people go. Are all genocides related to this? No.

edit on 22-12-2010 by Mayura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by aliengenes

Your right, they can even manipulate people after death. Even maintaining energy from groups of captured souls. Many people of the New Age movement and other occult groups are experiencing profound 'soul journeys' and 'ascensions'. This is usually the Nordics just pulling out the astral body of a person. They are that powerful.

The black military is able, with technology, to remove the soul and place it in containers, or even transport it into a drone for specific operations and later retrieve the soul... Putting a ghost in a machine you could say.

Still, we humans are the most powerful of all, just under some spiritual amnesia. You have to wonder, why such a vast empire is spending untold resources and effort trying to contain and bring down our spirit.

The Earth and US are about to take a major step in universal evolution. No wonder they are so jealous.

You can learn a little about the human potential and our purpose here from George Kavasilass, he's one of the few speaking truth these days. Deception runs thick.
edit on 22-12-2010 by Mayura because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

I do suspect (just suspect not believe or accept as fact yet) that there is the possiblity of a alien presence, and that maybe we have never been alone. I also suspect if "they" are here, some are benevolent while some are malevolent.

Your post concerning genocide, mass sacrifices, war(s) and genocide" in connection with harvesting really gives one food for thought.

I found a 60 page e-book on the coscon files here: and will give this a read.

Hi Of Human Descent,

Thanks for your lengthy reply. I also downloaded that CosCon file you located and am linking to it here for others to download directly in a single step.

Right Click Here to Download CosConFiles.pdf

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

Very interesting premise.

I still state that while a lot of people blast John Lear, while believing he might be a tab bite arrogant and might stretch the truth, much of what he says is probably accurate.

The guy was born and grew up around people that were privy to more classified information than the average poster here on ATS, the grocery store cashier, the office drone, the school teacher, the claims adjuster, the unemployed house person, the local policeman or even a low ranking military service person.

I don't imagine many really people in the know visit or post on ATS, they have much more vital things to keep track of.

Point well taken. I put a link to John Lear's absence from ATS in my signature, because I can't figure why he was invited to not remain a member here. Over the years I have found his frank talk to shock me yet at the same time shake me up and make me wonder. With time much of what he says pans out to be more truthful than first met the eye. So he's gained increased esteem from me and today I even wonder what he might know or suspect but not dare reveal. It is great having somebody so dedicated to disclosure of what he knows they way he sees it.

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

I seem to remember a quote but can't remember who said it, "When they go to war, we dine" - Reptilian/Alien.

Your post reminded me of that quote.

I had read that saying a while back, but it was before I had cause to believe that such a thing as Reptilians might really exist. Of course, now, it takes on an entirely different meaning especially in the light of what the implications of their presence may be. For example it might explain why we can see this when glancing at a Google Map image of Baghdad which, despite reports of peace, is still in a state of endemic warfare.

CLICK to see Baghdad's Lake of Blood

Originally posted by ofhumandescent

I did grow up on a dairy farm and when it came time for the cows to go to slaughter
I asked grandpa why he never told me what was in store for them..............he answered, "because I knew you would have either shown them through your actions or told them what was in store, you didn't need to know. It's not good frightening the livestock, makes their meat less tender and bitter".

This points out clearly that there is a twofold problem confronting humanity. First there is the plausible existence of a predatory species which has elected to place itself above us on the food chain, therefore using human beings as a food staple. And maybe keeping us in the dark so we don't pump toxins into our meat?

Secondly there is significant evidence that humanity has been led by the leash for most of our history and farmed like cattle by successive rulers. Various religions even refer to us as sheep needing a shepherd, or to heretics as mere cattle. Rulers have 'owned' their subjects as serfs, and slavery has been prevalent up until quite recently. Even today States pretty much 'own' their citizens whom they dominate and regulate, coaxing them into being productive economic milk cows. We are effectively being farmed for our labor, and maybe also for... our meat? John Lear would add also for our souls!

More annoying yet is the betrayal of a fraction of our brethren who have taken sides with the farmers, much in the same manner as the Capos who were prisoners helping the guards in Nazi Concentration Camps. To gain better treatment, wealth, power and pleasure for themselves our leaders better known as the Illuminati Elite, have sold out the rest of humanity and serve as Farm Hands, herding us with propaganda and taxation and defusing all resistance by pitting us against one another in fictitious factions they design and control. They are, for all intents and purposes, those who are serving us up like so many hot meals to their masters, our Farmers.

]From The Book of the Damned, by Charles Fort [1919]

I suspect that, after all, we're useful—that among contesting claimants, adjustment has occurred, or that something now has a legal right to us, by force, or by having paid out analogues of beads for us to former, more primitive, owners of us—all others warned off—that all this has been known, perhaps for ages, to certain ones upon this earth, a cult or order, members of which function like bellwethers to the rest of us, or as superior slaves or overseers, directing us in accordance with instructions received—from Somewhere else—in our mysterious usefulness.

inhabitants of a host of other worlds have—dropped here, hopped here, wafted, sailed, flown, motored—walked here, for all I know—been pulled here, been pushed; have come singly, have come in enormous numbers; have visited occasionally, have visited periodically for hunting, trading, replenishing harems, mining: have been unable to stay here, have established colonies here, have been lost here; far-advanced peoples, or things, and primitive peoples or whatever they were: white ones, black ones, yellow ones—


It was almost a full century ago that Charles Fort wrote that book. He mentions that a cult of overseers or 'superior slaves' have kept us in the dark to maintain their position, much like today's members of the Bilderberg or the Club of Rome, the Committee of 300 or the 1001 Club, Le Cercle or Skull & Bones. We still have these same mechanisms along with their cult followings such as those filmed live in Bohemian Grove or evoked in Eyes Wide Shut. It is time we open them wide while closing our fists?

Thanks for the quote.

edit on 22-12-2010 by Getsmart because: we have to defeat them no matter what it takes.

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Electric Crown
what an absurd concept. killing our own is part of the human condition. Homo-sapians killed out the Neanderthals. not aliens.

quit projecting the ills of humanity on other people, wake up and smell the blood.

he not saying that is forsure true,
he saying just maybe,
thats all

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Mayura
reply to post by aliengenes

Your right, they can even manipulate people after death. Even maintaining energy from groups of captured souls. Many people of the New Age movement and other occult groups are experiencing profound 'soul journeys' and 'ascensions'. This is usually the Nordics just pulling out the astral body of a person. They are that powerful.

The black military is able, with technology, to remove the soul and place it in containers, or even transport it into a drone for specific operations and later retrieve the soul... Putting a ghost in a machine you could say.

Still, we humans are the most powerful of all, just under some spiritual amnesia. You have to wonder, why such a vast empire is spending untold resources and effort trying to contain and bring down our spirit.

The Earth and US are about to take a major step in universal evolution. No wonder they are so jealous.

You can learn a little about the human potential and our purpose here from George Kavasilass, he's one of the few speaking truth these days. Deception runs thick.
edit on 22-12-2010 by Mayura because: (no reason given)


posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Mayura

The best part was DUMBs.

Why would a species that flies light years from another star system build bases on earth?

If a civilization had that kind of technology and power, they would stay in space. They would never build anything on earth or in the earth. Even if they harvested resources, they would take it back to ships or orbitals to process.

They sure as heck would not hide from pissant humans. When you have that kind of power, you don't sneak around insects. It would be like you hiding from ants or roaches.

This stuff is bad sci.

Bad sci fi writers have no sense of scale and no vision of far future technology.

For example, so called Nordics, Greys, and Saurians ( I refuse to call them Reptoids, it sounds like Dr. Who), often fail to display far future technology, and function more like Star Trek or Star Wars civilizations.

A type II civilization should be able to utilize the entire energy ouput of a star. It should be a Post-Singularity civilization, well beyond the era of genetic engineering or biological bodies. I'm talking about civilizations whose member's minds would exist purely as information.

At some point after they reached the Singularity, the survivors would have uploaded their minds on to a hypernet and transcended their bodies. They would be entities that would think on a scale about 2 million times faster than any human, possessed digital immortality, and whose physical civilization would be dominated by the use of claytronic programmable matter.

If they needed gold they would transmute it using nanotechnology. If they needed organic matter they would do the same. If they needed energy they would convert matter. If they wanted a human they could assemble one with nanotechnology from nothing more than dirt and it would be as easy as a human making a pie.

They wouldn't ride in ships. They would use Von Neumann probes to explore the galaxy. They would literally have the power to build worlds...or destroy them. If they ever consumed anything at all, it would be entire planets, especially gas giants.

Instead of this though we get Dr. Who and occasionally Alice in Wonderland.
edit on 22/12/10 by MikeboydUS because: .

posted on Dec, 22 2010 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by JayXBraun

Yeah dude, you can bet its real.

Some movie makers have amazing connections.

I've heard, there are even some blue lion creatures, Avatar style, out there... life in the universe is incredibly diverse.

edit on 22-12-2010 by Mayura because: (no reason given)

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