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1.000 years old Inca artifact proven to be a replica of an ancient aircraft.

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posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by gandalphthegrey
OMG . They are just trinkets . Get a life people . I can't believe this topic is even being discussed . Is your life so empty that you need to believe in this rubbish ? Get a grip . Santa is on his way

Made in China for .50 cents.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 10:01 PM
Heehee . Great find . Looks suspiciously like an ancient peruvian artifact . lol . Now can we please move on , people ?
edit on 19-12-2010 by gandalphthegrey because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by bhornbuckle75

I'd go with the flying fish thing - but the tail is the wrong way.

I'm not sure what you mean....the tail fits perfectly. A fish's tail is vertical just like the "fish" golden artifact. Only mammals have horizontal tales...such as Dolphins and Whales.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 08:26 AM
Why does it have to be aliens? Maybe its an ancient very human civilisation, whos history is burried under the ocean who kept to themselves and did not share their tech much. Maybe its time travellers.

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 09:28 AM
Yeah I have a much better explanation for those aircraft type golden replicas.

They're that civilizations version of our paper airplanes. They made different ones in wood that actually flew (like in the video), then made replicas of those in gold, so that it could be passed around and be recreated in wood over and over again, like a blueprint.

It's Not that difficult to believe that another civilization than ours discovered "paper" airplanes before "we" did. They were a technologically advanced people, which could tell time, count days and years and they could even build pyramid like structures.

What's more likely? Toys or aliens?

posted on Jan, 5 2011 @ 09:38 AM
Hi guys and gals. New to the site, but am very interested in this topic. Yes, I do believe we were visited sometime in our past by beings of greater technology. Yes, I think they helped our evolution along, thus the reason science can not find a "missing link". I also feel that there was more than one type or faction of beings on the planet in our past. I can not "prove" these things beyond all doubt, I guess the same way millions of Christians can not "prove" God exists, yet still believe. I've followed the ancient aliens show on the History channel, and while some of the stuff is compelling evidence, at other times I feel embarrassed by what the "experts" list as their reasoning behind certain ideas. I take into account the biggest thing, no pun intended, but the megaliths. These 200 ton structures that we are supposed to believe were built with vine ropes, wooden pulleys, and brute strength. I feel there has to be some type of technology behind their creation. I look at the advance in our evolutionary history, how we went from spears and cave paintings to building advanced structures and carving ornate designs. The fact science can follow the genetic footprint of our ancestors to a point on the evolutionary chart, then poof we become more advanced. I look at the symbolism used in the many carvings that do depict flying vehicles, people in "spacesuits", alienesque humanoids, the books of ancient texts speaking of "gods" flying, fighting, flying battles, crafts. I even look at the ancient artifacts that have been brought to our attantion in this thread and through out our civilized search for answers from the past "archaeology". While, the fact that the model builders took the artifact that most resembled a modern day aircraft to replicate to prove areodynamics doesn't prove much as i also feel that areodynamics wasn't a major factor on alien crafts, but that the design was used by them merely for planetary travel "on world". I also hear a lot of people mentioning anti-gravity, which is really a hard thing to follow based on physics. However, an anti-gravity like effect can be duplicated through the use of electro magnetism. By using the natural magnetism found on our planet and a bit of advanced technology, I'm sure traveling via this method would not be very hard. Also, by exploiting the electric part to create charged particles one can create a field that can either attract or repel. This might explain why ancient pottery batteries have been discovered. If the aliens were here to, most likely harvest the earth of important minerals, these large stone structures were probably holding areas where the workers delivered the materials. Once the "aliens" left with their minerals stating they would return "supposedly" The people of the day tried to continue building and working as they had been taught. Over generations as the oral history became slightly skewed, these places became temples and the people brought gifts or offerings to the temples, because they knew this is where their ancestors brought the items the "gods" wanted. Over time as with anything the memories faded and the reality distorted, but these carvings and relics remained. Stories, based on the history, still passed on, but with less understanding. The skills of the people to use technology, erased through bloodshed, conquering, disease, etc.. take your pic. The aliens when they returned to their ships most likely would have taken all their original equipment. I do construction and when I'm done building something I take my tools. Maybe, they were going to another "planet" to mine further. Maybe there is a "galactic federation of planets" that states no interferences and limited use of other world resources, I do not know. Some theories are very far fetched. Almost I would say to the ridiculous or ludicrous. However, there is evidence, that can be looked at both way. I'm not saying I'm right or that you are wrong, I'm saying there is evidence that can support both sides of the argument. I believe my grass is greener, but who knows. Sorry, this is a bit long, but I just wanted to be heard in a forum of my peers. Thanks for your time.

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 06:05 PM

posted on Jul, 18 2012 @ 06:05 PM

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