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Ignoring the Prophecies of Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah & John

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posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by adjensen

Originally posted by DISRAELI

"Gnostic"= "someone who claims Knowledge [GNOSIS]"

Well, technically, no. In that sense it would be someone who seeks divine knowledge.

I stand by my definition;
My authorities;
Concise Oxford Dictionary- "early Christian heretic(s) claiming GNOSIS"
Henry Chadwick, "the Early Church", ch2,- "The second century sects claimed to possess a special "knowledge" which transcended the simple faith of the church"
Irenaeus, "Against all heresies", Preface- "They also overthrow the faith of many, by drawing them away, under a pretence of [superior] knowledge, from him who founded and adorned the universe".
I believe it was the claiming, rather than the seeking, which earned them that nickname.

"I have received the Revelation of the Son of Man and you haven't" is right at home in that category.
edit on 27-11-2010 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by DISRAELI

Originally posted by adjensen

Originally posted by DISRAELI

"Gnostic"= "someone who claims Knowledge [GNOSIS]"

Well, technically, no. In that sense it would be someone who seeks divine knowledge.

I stand by my definition;
My authorities;
Concise Oxford Dictionary- "early Christian heretic(s) claiming GNOSIS"
Henry Chadwick, "the Early Church", ch2,- "The second century sects claimed to possess a special "knowledge" which transcended the simple faith of the church"
Irenaeus, "Against all heresies", Preface- "They also overthrow the faith of many, by drawing them away, under a pretence of [superior] knowledge, from him who founded and adorned the universe".
I believe it was the claiming, rather than the seeking, which earned them that nickname.

Far be it for me to argue with the OED, but Gnosticism existed prior to Christ, so it cannot solely refer to the Christian Gnostics (which is how I define them.) Problem is that there are different instances that are all kind of lumped in with that label -- pre-Christian Hellenistic Platonic derived philosophy; the Christian Gnostics, who were converted Greeks that didn't want to give up their existing philosophical perspective; and latter day Gnostics, who reinterpret the Gnostic texts for yet another perspective.

"I have received the Revelation of the Son of Man and you haven't" is right at home in that category.

I suppose so, but adherents to other beliefs like Hinduism and Buddhism make similar claims without being labelled such, so it's not necessarily the most appropriate tag.

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 10:55 AM
I think your thoughts on these prophecies would be well recieved by some ... a glimpse into what you have forseen would verymuch be well recieved by me ... I have looked into many prophecies on the web and looked for truth behind them ... i have found that my own ideas have lead me to 2012 time frame even before noticing that there was such a thing as the timewave zero and alot of time frames circled about this year... I noticed that I used the Jewish calander and my time frame moved to where it should be so we can look to 2011-2014 end around sep for something to happen .. this from my own time wave calculations by using info I have gotten off the net... mine refers to the electric universe and the large electrical current that streams across the galaxy .. mine is estimated to reach us in 1-2 yrs given which calander but for me it is a 3 time event meaning it crossed us just this year and will again the main will soon and after that another small ripple effect from past waves they are small and not as noticable... is only a thought of mine I can't prove any of this from just my computer but I have linkes to all my info in my past posts...which is to lead us into another possible mini-ice age was the final conclusion... as far as war and human problems there are events to occur and these I can only speculate upon... i am no fourtune teller ...I do know I have had a strange life and seen things that make me beilieve in a God... the age of 13 I was drafted into a gang called the 4 Horsemen ... me and my brother there where 7 at the time 12 in all silly I know but it had an effect on me mentally for I am scizo-affective and an x-marine and even at the time the leader weared a Marine Corp T-shirt when I met him... I don't know why events have been like this but I ..learned of the Devil Dog and stories abou the marines ... Do or Die ...adapt and overcome ... semperfi all the hype and now I wearan upside down cross on the left forearm and a sword up right like a cross on the right... I claim to be aka Thinker aka The False Prophet aka Son of Man aka Sane-In-Sane... whom knows these days ... Not I ... but like I said before your thoughts on these Prophecies are wildly appreciated and would deffentily be read by me and scores of others as crazy as thet may be... some may reach to believe...

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 11:12 AM
What do you think makes you so special that you would receive visions and others would not? If the visions were true why would you "throw your pearls to swine" by sending the info to the likes of Pat Roberson and his ilk?

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Vonour I think your thoughts on these prophecies would be well recieved by some ... a glimpse into what you have forseen would verymuch be well recieved by me ...

Perhaps so.

But, unfortunately, such people were as scarce as hen's teeth when it would have made any difference. And now it wouldn't make any difference. (How many tools for human sacrifice do you 'think' have been constructed over the past 34 years? And now they are all in place or moving into place for the coming horrors.)

In any case, just read the Prophecies mentioned in the title of this thread with regards to the current political and military alignments rippling outward from the Middle East.The substance, if not the details, of the Prophecies I have received can be found in those Prophecies.

And I am fairly certain that there are a certain number of quite hateful people on this group who, were I to specify the Prophecies I have received, would then want me to be prosecuted for yelling "fire" in a crowded theater when those Prophecies are fulfilled. And their argument would be eminently reasonable. Hey, I probably would not disagree myself.

In any case, from the other comments you have made, it is best to separate oneself from events over which you have no control whatsoever anyway. Being obsessed with such things leads to a volatilization of the personality. Focus, instead, on the things that you can control.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Alethea What do you think makes you so special that you would receive visions and others would not?

That is not my concern. I don't 'think' about such things. They are not in any way relevant to the Knowledge I have received or the responsibility I have with regards to that Knowledge. All of that is a mere distraction.

If the visions were true why would you "throw your pearls to swine" by sending the info to the likes of Pat Roberson and his ilk?

It has to do with responsibility.

Read the opening few chapters of the Book of Ezekiel for an answer to that. They explain the responsibilities of those who have received Prophecies.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by Michael Cecil

And two of the fundamental Revelations of the Quran are that the Doctrine of "resurrection" is a Doctrine of 'Rebirth' and that Jesus was the messiah, but not 'God'.

"Then they asked him, 'Where is your father?' 'You do not know me or my Father,' Jesus replied. 'If you knew me, you would know my Father also'" (John 8:19)

Does this statement not elude to the idea of salvation?

"I and the Father are one" - John 10:30

Interestingly enough, how often does Jesus use "I Am" throughout the book of John?

Moses knows "I Am"...

posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by Michael Cecil

Originally posted by kallisti36 But Michael, if you are a true messenger, why have you not been able to create a following?

First of all, it is not my responsibility to 'create a following'. That was specifically not a part of the 'instructions' I received.

Secondly, does someone warning people to get out of a burning building desire followers?

Of course not. All he wants is for the people to get out of the burning building.

His only responsibility is to convey information and warning.

And, if they ignore that warning, he can then try to explain to them why the building is burning.

Will that save any lives?

Of course not.

But what choice does he have?

But your question is based upon an unwarranted assumption: that either Jesus or Mohammed actually succeeded in the first place.

They didn't.

Christians don't believe the Teaching of Jesus on the "resurrection". Hundreds of millions of them follow, instead, the teaching of the Pharisee Paul.

And two of the fundamental Revelations of the Quran are that the Doctrine of "resurrection" is a Doctrine of 'Rebirth' and that Jesus was the messiah, but not 'God'.

So, how many Jews today believe that Jesus was the messiah but not 'God'? How many Christians believe that Jesus was the messiah but not 'God'? And how many Christians or Jews or Muslims believe that the Doctrine of "resurrection" is a Doctrine of 'Rebirth'?

So it cannot actually be said that Mohammed succeeded in convincing others of the Revelations he received.

There are hundreds of millions of people who read the Gospels, just as there are hundreds of millions of people who read the Quran; but that does not mean that those Revelations are understood.

John had a personal revelation, but was able to convince billions of people of the validity of it.

Nonsense. He was not able to convince anyone of its validity. No one had any understanding whatsoever of what that Revelation meant. Just as the theologians STILL don't know what it means, never having received either the Vision of the "Son of man" or the Revelation of the "resurrection".

That it was not immediately destroyed is a consequence of the Will of God rather than John's 'powers of persuasion'.

And I am not any 'Gnostic'.

Mi cha el

There are Christians and Jews who believe Yeshuah is the Messiah, but not God. They are called Messianic Jews and they have a significant following. There are also a number of Christians, Muslims, and Jews who believe in reincarnation and other such heterodox and arguably pagan ideas. They are called Kabbalists, Ishmaelian Muslims, and Gnostics

Again I say to you: if Yeshuah and/or Muhammed failed in their work then they do not have God on their side or God is impotent. You cannot have your doctrine and renowned religious figures without them contradicting you.

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by kallisti36 There are also a number of Christians, Muslims, and Jews who believe in reincarnation and other such heterodox and arguably pagan ideas.

Reincarnation IS a pagan idea. It is, in fact, a flagrant contradiction of the Doctrine of "resurrection" and the Doctrine of 'Rebirth' in a way that you would probably not understand. This is one of the things that is also explained in The Treatise On the Resurrection.

...if Yeshuah and/or Muhammed failed in their work then they do not have God on their side or God is impotent. You cannot have your doctrine and renowned religious figures without them contradicting you.

You have created and worship a 'God' in the image of the 'thinker'; just like, if given the chance, a donkey would fall down in worship of 'God' as a donkey.

And this consciousness has an image of "failure" based upon the fact that it has never received the Revelation of the "resurrection".

The Revelations of the Quran were written down. That is the first responsibility of a prophet: to convey the Revelations he has received. Whether or not anyone believes those Revelations is neither his responsibility nor anything under his control.

The argument of Jesus with the Sadducees has been written down, although universally misinterpreted and disinterpreted.

And, according to the Book of Daniel, "these words will remain secret and sealed until the time of the End."

Everything is proceeding specifically as it has always been Prophesied.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by darkest4The "fractal prophecies" was the most hilarious bit of rubbish I've probably ever read in regards to "prophecies"....

You may very well rue these words, Sir.

Although I don't have any precise estimate of when this will occur.

For reasons you would not understand, the "king of the South" is a symbol for the consciousness of the 'thinker', which is referred to as the "beast of the earth" in the Revelation of John; whereas there are also manifestations and iterations of the "king of the South" in terms of the current political alignments emanating from the Middle East. And, if you have even so much as two active brain cells, you ought to be able to figure that out for yourself. (And what the "king of the North" refers to is something that you would never believe. It is a "Black Swan".)

Now, as I have previously stated, the only way that the arrogance of the consciousness of the 'thinker' can be annihilated in its categorical repudiation of the fact that people live more than one life, is through the actual revelation of the memories of previous lives. That is symbolized in the Revelation of John as the "kings of the East".

The fractal nature of these Prophecies has to do with the fact that "as above, so below". In other words, occurrences in the 3-dimensional 'curved' space reality are manifestations of conflicts at the level of consciousness. The shape of the fractal is quite definite--the "seahorse valley", for example--it is only the details of the individual iterations which change.

But, being as Omniscient as the 'thinker' claims to be, that is really all the information that you need to figure out what is going to happen next.

I'm thinking about dreaming up some derivative prophecies myself.

Well, there is a multi-billion dollar cottage industry which does such things.

It's called theology; or, perhaps, television evangelism.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 07:42 AM
If one were to go to his blog you could see just whom he contacted about his 'prophecy'
one might also learn his teaching on who/what is the Dragon, False Prophet, etc
here's just a sample:

*The Prophecy of August, 1979 was sent by certified mail, return receipts requested and received, to President Theodore Hesburgh, and Chairman of the Theology Department, David Burrell, at the University of Notre Dame, in early September, 1979.
Subsequently, it was faxed to the Washington, D.C. embassies of Egypt, Syria and the Israel in December, 2007.

**The Vision-Prophecy of the coming “time of trouble”—which, as all Revelation, occurs only in the context of the cessation of time and thought—was so utterly and completely horrifying as to be beyond human comprehension. There is simply no intellectual category of meaning into which such ‘information’ can be placed. Thus, the response I have for those theologians who excuse themselves by saying that they did not believe the Prophecies that I sent them: Neither did I. Disbelief does not transform Truth into falsehood

the OP author has tried to warn the principal parties in 2007
and previously warned or alerted academia in 1979
according to his testimony

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by St Udio*The Prophecy of August, 1979 was sent by certified mail, return receipts requested and received, to President Theodore Hesburgh, and Chairman of the Theology Department, David Burrell, at the University of Notre Dame, in early September, 1979.

As a matter of fact, this was quite early. During the first few years, my exclusive focus was on conveying the Prophecies that I had received. (In fact, the first few dozen religious 'authorities' and media officials I contacted in mid 1976 were contacted even before I had read the 12th chapter of the Book of Daniel at all.) Because of the number of lives that were involved, I considered that to be my principal responsibility. At that time, I had only a very general impression of the Knowledge that had been Revealed through both the Vision of the "Son of man" and the Revelation of the "resurrection".

For example, in this letter, I even referred to the doctrine of "reincarnation", rather than the Doctrine of 'Rebirth'; a term which, only later, was more completely understood as being a specific contradiction of the Revelation and Doctrine of "resurrection"; with, among other things, the reading of The Treatise On Resurrection found at Nag Hammadi.

Mi cha el

posted on Nov, 28 2010 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by St Udio *The Prophecy of August, 1979 was sent by certified mail, return receipts requested and received, to President Theodore Hesburgh, and Chairman of the Theology Department, David Burrell, at the University of Notre Dame, in early September, 1979. Subsequently, it was faxed to the Washington, D.C. embassies of Egypt, Syria and the Israel in December, 2007.

Notice that there was a 28 year period of time between when I first received the Prophecy of 1979 and the fax to the emabassies. This indicates not only a specific method involved, but also pre-meditation for reasons which are too complicated to explain here. It was mostly during this 28 year period that this Prophecy was mailed to thousands of Jewish and Christian religious 'authorities' and hundreds of media officials in the United States and the Israel.

One and only one letter was sent to each and every member of the United States Congress in late October of 1978, just prior to the election, as I recall; which means that the politicians in the United States have NEVER been informed of the Prophecies which were faxed to these embassies.

There is also a reason for that.

And any one of the thousands of people who were informed of that Prophecy either by mail or by fax knows that it makes reference to an "eagle". Thus, the reason for the note I wrote entitled "Context of the Prophecy of August, 1979".

And these faxes all have confirmation dates and times on them.

Mi cha el

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