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FERMILAB Experiments Show Hints of NEW PARTICLE !!!

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posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:25 PM
Ahhh exciting times to be sure... I've been anticipating some major scientific paradigm shifts for some time now, to the point that I'm getting mroe and more stressed as I age (I'm only 20 haha) out of fear of not witnessing them. Keep these threads coming

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:32 PM
If it werent handle with upmost carefulness, this could be one step closer to the extinction of our species.

Good post.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:38 PM
I want to get involved with these threads and understand it but If you talk using bg scientific words it alienates the wider community.

Can we just pretend for a minute that I know nothing about what your talking about, the implications for me and some sort of timescale to what could happen that would be great. Thanks.

And if you could do that without using words more than eight letters long or has a "p", "y", or "z" in the same word that would also be great.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 06:47 PM
Why is so much "funding" going to such silly endeavours in the UsA? We missed out on our opportunity to build a new LHC here and now everyone is in Geneva and the excellent new wave of discoveries and knowledge will not be a part of this countries history. Such a shame. Science used to be considered important here. Now not only are we way behind, but you have large movements of people who wish to discredit science and destroy it. Yes they will tell you 1+1 does not equal 2. This is my attempt to be political.

But yes, this discovery is remarkable. Very exciting.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by kalisdad
reply to post by predator0187

I can't wait until they replace the standard model with whatever theories come after it...

mostly so I can throw it in the face of all the people on ATS that go on(and off) and on about how things work based on something(the standard model) that is entirely just our perception of the way things are...

these same people would have fought hard to make us believe that the sun revolved around a flat Earth in the past, and I am a bit sick of hearing their rhetoric...

looking forward to further revelations from Fermilab

What an ironic comment.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:19 PM
woohoo, go science! time to break through the conventional way of thinking and plow boldly ahead into the future!!!

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:38 PM
Incredible post, maybe THE most important one ever made on this board. This is the equivalent of relativity, gravity, electricity! This is a game changer on so many levels, and if this does bode to be the missing variable for some quantum calc's then we just entered into a whole new world for everyone. I would like to believe that although many may not be able to grasp the entire importance of this discovery this forum is filled with inquisitive and intelligent posters that are her because they want to LEARN more about the unexplained, and because a lot of this info is unavailable from the main stream media the fact that they sourced out this website and are here means that this post of yours will be appreciated. Sure its more fun to read about green martians stealing cows but this kind of discovery can have the same implications and change life as we know it.

Awesome !

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:40 PM
reply to post by FalselyFlagged

Probably the same people who's only response was "lol" when they recently announced the "100 year starship" program. It's just a starship, right? Will it get me more Facebook friends? Who cares then?

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by FalselyFlagged
reply to post by stirling

Wow. Big news. Immune to the weak force... I want to know more.

Too bad nobody on ATS will care. They all like to think they're nerds, and ufologists, but only when the term "ufologist" means watching 20 second youtube clips of blurry airplanes, and only when the term nerd means being awkward with the ladies.

Watch as the biggest news in physics since the discovery of dark energy in the late 20th century gets washed down the board to the bone yard of dead threads.

And then watch how all the involved scientists at Fermi-labs lose their grants and get blacklisted in the industry for going against the grain. The science police can't put up with these terrorist acts on their beloved, impeccable theories.. The same theories which can't even explain why an electron doesn't crash into the nucleus...
edit on 17-11-2010 by FalselyFlagged because: (no reason given)

Don't forget Israel! ATS is craaazy about Israel...

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:20 PM
Good post. I also like reading these types of articles.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by stirling
fermilab is engaged in neutrino research.A side shoot of this endeavor is showing promise of revealing a brand new particle.
not only a new particle, but perhaps the answer to the darkmatter theory and other breakthroughs as well?
This just may be the one that puts us into the heart of quantum reality folks.....

I honestly believe dark matter is already being created using the hadron collider - they explain it's function is to make a mini-black hole, and from that I think comes dark matter.

The issue was collecting and containing such matter before it dispersed but I'm sure through advanced physics that are not published [yet] they have found ways to contain such matter (I believe I saw a thread about the US having a patent on a container which could hold/store such matter, correct me if I'm wrong though).

Anyway, if this is something completely different, then that would be awesome. I'll be waiting to see what they come up with.


posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by hey1212
I want to get involved with these threads and understand it but If you talk using bg scientific words it alienates the wider community.

Can we just pretend for a minute that I know nothing about what your talking about, the implications for me and some sort of timescale to what could happen that would be great. Thanks.

And if you could do that without using words more than eight letters long or has a "p", "y", or "z" in the same word that would also be great.

I am far from an authority on the matter but I'll give it a shot.

Physicists' use what is called the standard model to describe the behavior and interactions of the raw ingredients that make up everything around you, these are called sub atomic particles.The search for such theoretical particles is one mission of another favorite subject here on ATS, the large hadron collider.

The standard model is a rulebook that does a very good job explaining and predicting the behavior of matter and energy in the world of the very small but fails when it comes to gravity and general relativity, the world of the very big.

The ultimate goal is to combine the rules which govern the very small and the very large into one unified theory of everything, however as the standard model and relativity often contradict one another, it is obvious that there are fundamental flaws in both.

One possibility is that there are still undiscovered kinds of subatomic particles whose properties would effect the universe around them in a way that is consistent with our observations, such as the universe not only expanding but accelerating.

Why the universe seems to be accelerating in its expansion is the million dollar question and thus far has thrown the best minds in theoretical physics a curve ball. This is where the possibility of dark matter comes in. You cant see it, touch it or feel it but if real it accounts for the bulk of the mass in the universe.

The implication is that this possible new type of neutrino only interacts with the world around it through gravity which is what dark matter, if true, does as well.

As far as how this discovery will impact the everyday person, it probably wont at all in this lifetime. If it turns out to be true its another piece of a very complicated puzzle coming together and another step towards understanding the mechanics of the universe.

I hope this helps.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by highlyoriginal

Dark matter and black holes are entirely separate.

I believe you may be confusing dark matter with antimatter ( which doesn't have anything to do with black holes either).

Antimatter was first synthesized in the form of antihydrogen in 1995 by the low energy antiproton ring at CERN.

The antimatter is contained in a device called a penning trap which uses electromagnetism for containment.

Penning Trap

This is all freely available information, no conspiracy here...

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by Drunkenparrot

Ah, thanks for correcting me.

My bad there, I was writing up a thread and had my head in a different place at the time I posted that.

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 10:44 PM
No need to apologise for not being up on your quantum physics....i doubt if theres a physicist alive who can say they know for fact........The theories are still ebing formulated as we speak.
Sure we can make a giant bomb. but that is a mere beginning on the road to mastery of the universe.....
It is the other more subtle and less dangerous uses we seek for the atom.
Alchemy and science vie in the ring of the LHC,as far as most of us understand it.
The zero point energy theory could get a boost,but more esoteric goals stand just out of our theoretical reach......Teleportation by electromagnetic means,radio assisted telepathy,time travel or maybe at least the ability to manipulate the continuum in a small way......(say enough to escape the light barrier?)How about wormholes which do not require such massive energy to create....perhaps antimatter could be manufactured eventually, and used for power
ah but now im just spinning out a litttle.....

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:10 PM
I'm no physicist but could someone tell me, could it by that the laws of physics are constantly evolving,meaning that we will never have a definitive theory of anything for very long?

posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 11:35 PM
Linky Linky

I believe the link above runs a bit different description of this. This is truly stunning--mastering things like anti-gravity would be a speeding up our tech process by decades, opening up windows to FTL travel, and a deeper understanding of our universe.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 01:36 AM
the OP link is down does anybody have the new link?

second line

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Zesko Whirligan
Well, look at where physics has taken us in just the last 100 years, compared to the entire previous recorded history of Mankind. In a single century, we have leapt to heights of technical sophistication that would leave our predecessors gawking, speechless.

My favorite author, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, once observed that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. I would only amend to add "depending on the audience."

To any audience from the late 19th Century back to prehistoric times, the scientific advances of the 20th Century would seem as magical as anything described in the tales of King Arthur.

Well, as sophisticated as we think we are at the moment, we're actually on the threshold of technological advances that will leave us gaping in disbelief, within just a few years. The magic is nearly upon us. As we move into the fantastic area of gravity manipulation, whole new vistas of travel and communications and, well, everything will open up before us.

I mean, with gravity manipulation — which may yield breakthroughs in other areas, such as manipulation of molecular attraction — we're talking about technological advances that could, conceivably, make Star Trek look like yesterday's news.

Think of building entire cities at ground level and then levitating them effortlessly into earth orbit.

Think of artificial gravity in space ships, eliminating the deadly atrophy that afflicts long-term space travelers.

Think of gravity-wave propulsion and anti-friction components, not only for starships, but for earthly vehicles, as well. We're talking about machines that run forever on no fuel and that may never wear out.

Within our lifetimes?


— Zesko Whirligan

edit on 11/17/2010 by Zesko Whirligan because: typo

As much as I love your enthusiasm and I'm all for the above I really can't see the big Oil companies etc standing for this, also I think the military will have a big big say on how/why/where this technology is used/released if ever in our lifetimes. I'm a great believer in that Cold Fusion when it was first shown by Fleischmann and Pons way back in 89 was deliberately sabotaged/debunked etc call it what you like by big Oil etc. They will lose billions if this ever happens

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by FalselyFlagged
reply to post by stirling

Wow. Big news. Immune to the weak force... I want to know more.

Too bad nobody on ATS will care. They all like to think they're nerds, and ufologists, but only when the term "ufologist" means watching 20 second youtube clips of blurry airplanes, and only when the term nerd means being awkward with the ladies.

Watch as the biggest news in physics since the discovery of dark energy in the late 20th century gets washed down the board to the bone yard of dead threads.

And then watch how all the involved scientists at Fermi-labs lose their grants and get blacklisted in the industry for going against the grain. The science police can't put up with these terrorist acts on their beloved, impeccable theories.. The same theories which can't even explain why an electron doesn't crash into the nucleus...
edit on 17-11-2010 by FalselyFlagged because: (no reason given)

Maybe we are tired of this archaic particle physics and the go-nowhere theories that only suck money for experiments that never really prove anything neither they offer practical solutions to a world that is on the bring of collapse.

Hints of a new particle? Hints?
So if they find A particle, how long until they tell us how it connects with a practical idea? Oh..they will make some more theories about it.

How many more million dollars down the drains and still no practical outcome?

This is an big ego race, fermi lab versus CERN.

Who cares..

Originally posted by Tenaciousd
Incredible post, maybe THE most important one ever made on this board. This is the equivalent of relativity, gravity, electricity! This is a game changer on so many levels, and if this does bode to be the missing variable for some quantum calc's then we just entered into a whole new world for everyone. I would like to believe that although many may not be able to grasp the entire importance of this discovery this forum is filled with inquisitive and intelligent posters that are her because they want to LEARN more about the unexplained, and because a lot of this info is unavailable from the main stream media the fact that they sourced out this website and are here means that this post of yours will be appreciated. Sure its more fun to read about green martians stealing cows but this kind of discovery can have the same implications and change life as we know it.

Awesome !

Super expensive science for the Elites.
The road to nowhere, siphoning money away with huge requirements for infrastructure to produce minor results that are not addressing pressing issues. No practical use for now whatsoever. Maybe in 2020..oh wait maybe in 2030..oh wait.. etc
edit on 18-11-2010 by spacebot because: (no reason given)

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