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Catholic Exorcists in U.S. and Europe Holding Conferences to Discuss Surge in Demonic Activity.

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posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by antar

and the devil has nothing to do with it.

The devil has everything to do with it.


posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Siren

Can you prove your statement?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by antar

If your lucky you'll get some bible quotes!
That should prove it!

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by antar

Can you prove yours?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by midicon

I'll say it!

The world is crazy and full of consumption addicts and could care less about humans as long as they have a warm place to sleep, a car and a beer.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Siren

I'll give you a star for that.
The first sensible thing you've said.
And you never know Siren,
I could be the voice of god!

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by harryhaller
Autowrench, some of what you say i agree entirely with, other not so much. Your input is appreciated

Could i ask your thoughts on the increase? The reasons? Implications perhaps? For my own part, i wish they never existed, but they will not be wished away either. How to discourage their presence? There has to be a "neutral" way, as in christians claim the cross is protection, pagans claim the pentagram, and i doubt either would use the other?


Alright, I will answer an intelligent question, well thought out. The reason? The reason is that human beings, whether they know it or not, are getting constant, shall we say, upgrades to our DNA, and to our brains and the universal mindset of humanity. What every human being need to realize, and fully accept is that you are the Creators.
Your thought forms create matter, atoms vibrating at a certain rate to make them a solid thing, or being, as the case may be. For a great many years the Church, and I mean that in an inclusive way, has pounded it into the heads of millions of people that demons are real, and are "out to get them." See, if you are running a religion, you need to keep people coming, first, and keep them from leaving, second. The way to do that is with an enemy. A destructor as powerful as God, the leader, Lord, Master of them, and able to whip up on the leader in fine fashion if the faithful are not so faithful, or worse yet, fornicate, somehow the biggest sin, instead of cursing God, which is a no no. The best con ever perpetrated on humanity is religion.

So, to sum up, human beings are creating these creatures, and their strong, undying belief in them is haunting their very souls. They are calling it down upon their own heads, as the religions will no doubt do when the Event happens. You know the event I am talking about, so no questions on that. None of us, nor those who are above me know exactly what, or when the event will come down. We have like 13 months left to think about what we will do when we suddenly find ourselves in Spirit form, and are unable to die. Some will be taken off, some will wilfully ascend. Most will be recycled. That is, if outside forces do not interfere, as they have so been shown to do, especially in the past few years.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 03:09 PM
Demons are hostile to people who do not understand their nature and used outdated, biased, and offensive christian rituals to summon, banish and attempt to control them.

Demons, much like any other creature natural or supernatural, will be angry at the prospect of being insulted and disrespected, and react accordingly. Given proper treatment, however, they can be very helpful and generous so long as they are given the same.

Do not confine them to a circle. Do not command them in the "name of adonai" or any other such deity. Do not "permit them to leave." Do not make a request without offering something in return. Do not offer something you cannot or will not give.

Follow these simple rules, and you may very well find that these demons are not the evil hellish creatures described by the church.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by Siren

I cannot, or will not hold blame or anger at you Siren, I have called you out, I deserve whatever you can fire at me. do your worst. I am not here to make friends, but allies, and not here to make a name for myself, but to teach a few the things I know. Kinda like Tahuti, or Thoth did, remember him? You said aliens in the sky. What do you know of this?
I know no aliens, save for a few illegal Mexicans. I do however, know a few Extra Terrestrials. The universe is full of life, Siren, and most look like you do, humanoid in appearance. Even the ones who are not humanoid can at will look like one. You also mentioned the Reptilians. These beings, of the Saurian Race, have been here way longer than humans have. They live below the surface, where it is cool. Also, there is something about our yellow Sun that bothers them. They are not all bad, in fact, some of them like us, and some have mixed DNA with us, and are a lot like us. Some do not like us at all. Their Royal line is the Draco, these are the Dragons of ancient lore and myths, which are always based on facts. The little Grays work for these, and are biological and mechanical at the same time. Biomechanical, is that even a word?
The Draco care not for anyone but themselves, and mean to conquer this world and use it as a forward base in a push to control this sector. The Pleiads have been fighting with these creatures for many thousands of years now, and even humans fight them on a sub concious level, anyway. How many of you have freaked out at the sight of a snake, and killed it immediately? And what do you do? Right, cut off the head.
Same with Draco and Reptiods, you can shoot them and take them down, but they can regenerate. the only way to kill them is to remove the head from the body. And be careful at this, some of their blood is acidic in nature, and can eat through metal.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by midicon

Upgrades, I would say downgrades, considering the state of the world. So one could ask, what was forgotten that “they” (the perpetuators of wickedness) do not want you to remember.

Demons are evil entities created by evil minds, that is dust that has been energized, which as far as I am concerned, they can return to. If the world was as you claimed more people would demonstrate the qualities of Jesus and more.

It is not the belief in them that is haunting it is the poisonous venom that has confused the mind (that causes a disconnect from self). So, again, there is a physical aspect to it, but, one would have to be peering into the underworld for it to be effective. Where people get caught is, if gifted, they can see, and therein is the trap. People have to get to a point of knowing without seeing and the little bastards would burn up in flight. They pull you down, you pull yourself up, but, that would be too easy, so they get you when you are a babe and raise to believe that they (the bastards) are closer to God than a rightful heir.

It is harder to unlearn than to learn.

All I have said, and you for that matter is in the Bible. Except for you thinking/joking about being God's voice.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by Vilkata

No wonder, for even the devil disguies hisself as an angel of light. Where do I post my likes and dislikes so as to inform these creatures of who I am.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Siren

Was that post meant for me?
I haven't talked about upgrades and all of that stuff.
Just a little line about god.
I haven't even said what I think about god.
I think you have me mixed up with someone else.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by Siren

Sorry, I do not understand your question. Could you please rephrase?

Second Line.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Siren
reply to post by midicon

Upgrades, I would say downgrades, considering the state of the world. So one could ask, what was forgotten that “they” (the perpetuators of wickedness) do not want you to remember.

I know this reply is directed at me, but if midicon thinks it is for him/her, then I apologise in advance. I do not see how you can call 300 years of evolution a downgrade, Siren. And I happen to agree with you about the state of world affairs, I have a finger on that particular pulse myself. I'll be happy to tell you what was forgotten....the pure, unadulterated love of the Mother and Father for their children. They ask not for any worship, or sacrifice, they don't even care if you do not know them, or swear allegiance to others, made up Gods, and Godmen, such as Jesus and Mohammed. they did not create any religions, nor did they write down anything, save for the beauty of nature, the warmth of the Sun, Fire, and coolness of Earth and dampness of Water, the sweet smell of Air. these four elements make up everything on the planet. Add Spirit, and you have a living, breathing planet that is home to many millions of people. You, and I, for that matter, have wholly forgotten what it is like to be, "in the presence," as it were. We all live in a material world, ripe with electronics and radio/microwave/x-ray/elf waves and the only thing humans care about is one or two things, and this can easily be discovered with one or two questions.

Question: who are you? Answers: policeman, preacher, postman, factory worker, computer tech, salesman, tramp.
Never the right answer, which is "I am Spirit." I am spirit, I inhabit this container, and when finished with it, I shall gain another, or form same about myself.

Demons are evil entities created by evil minds, that is dust that has been energized, which as far as I am concerned, they can return to. If the world was as you claimed more people would demonstrate the qualities of Jesus and more.

You know this as a fact, provable and with evidence, or is it an opinion?
Minds are not evil, per se, human beings are, and let's face it, we have all had dark thoughts. There is no individual mind, all are connected to a universal mind, and we call it loosely God, but that is wrong, it is rather US. All of us. The collective. The mind is a force, a most powerful one too, I know of nothing stronger other than Love, which is an A-Bomb to creatures like Demons and Devils. Do you know of the Merkaba? Look that word up.
Anyway, a demon only has power if you give it to him. They cannot have power over: those who do not believe in them, those who have gained power over them, anyone who knows their name, number, or sigil. Try this, write down the names of all 72 of the Goeta Demons, along with their sigils, names, numbers, and planetary association. Place this document in you shoe. Wear the shoe. Now you have power over them.

It is not the belief in them that is haunting it is the poisonous venom that has confused the mind (that causes a disconnect from self). So, again, there is a physical aspect to it, but, one would have to be peering into the underworld for it to be effective. Where people get caught is, if gifted, they can see, and therein is the trap. People have to get to a point of knowing without seeing and the little bastards would burn up in flight. They pull you down, you pull yourself up, but, that would be too easy, so they get you when you are a babe and raise to believe that they (the bastards) are closer to God than a rightful heir.

So you are saying that because one can see with open eyes, he is trapped, but one with closed eyes is saved? And who is, pray tell, the "rightful heir" of your God? I say "yours" because you have yet to define your Gods, you just continue to use the job description and leave it to the imagination of which God you are taking about here. I already pointed out the Gods/Goddesses in the Bible to you earlier in this thread.
I say Mother and Father because that is who my divine personage is. As for a description or human personality, or any other human trait, all I could possible do is shrug.

It is harder to unlearn than to learn.

Friend, it is impossible for me to forget anything that I have learned over the many years of research and study on most every topic you can think of. I was made to be very curious, and this has played very well for me in every way possible. My knowledge of the Law had gotten me out of many would be scrapes with law enforcement, and my knowledge of the Occult has protected me from the many things you seem to fear, but bother me not at all. True that I am not subject to any of your laws, be they statutory, or religious in nature. In other words, I do now take the Holy bible or the Holy Koran or the Holy Torah as the gospel that will "wash me in the blood," "enter my heart and soul," or is even close to the real truth of the matter.

All I have said, and you for that matter is in the Bible. Except for you thinking/joking about being God's voice.

I too have said a lot of things that are in the Bible, and believe me, there are a great many things in there you do not want to know.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by ShadowScholar
I think I understand where you're coming from &, in many ways, I agree. However, consider this:
If I describe how I jumped a 4m chasm, you may well consider that any healthy adult could do the same. How about a youngster, the unfit &/or overweight, the injured or old?
Now, what about a 6m chasm, or a 7m, or an Olympic Record long jump?
If this were a real chasm, you could look into it, gauge what will happen if you try but fail, consider yourself & your chances, then, thinking of what you can see on the other side, or what's coming up behind that you want to escape, make a risk assessment. How do you gauge the unintended consequences of a spiritual/magical leap? How do you assess your mental & spiritual condition to know if you are capable of such a leap? How do you know what is on the other side? You say:

I've come to my own place regarding where I'm at spiritually and I also know what my purpose here is
Good. I hope thats true. Still, if it is, its your place & your purpose. On the other side of that chasm will still be you, if you make it. It will not be the same for you as it is for anyone else (& truthfully, you wont be quite the same either). Hey, perhaps that chasm wasn't on your path, but you got there following somebody else's? Perhaps it is, but then maybe your path is to turn 1 way & head down into the valley, or turn the other, up into the mountains... perhaps there's a pass there that'll take you somewhere completely different than the other side of the chasm?
I agree that the catholic church has kept secrets for no other reason than to keep people ignorant of ideas that could undermine its authority, but, some knowledge is "occult" b/c, if you need it, you will find it, with diligence, but, if you dont need it, having it may harm you &, probably unintentionally, others.
There are better places to discuss this stuff than a popular open forum.

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Know this, I am here to serve. Not to preach, or to convert, but to Learn, and to Teach. To SERVE.
Ok. So you know then that you cant tell anybody anything, right? If they ask you, they may genuinely want your opinion, rather than the usual seeking to encapsulate your answer into a preformed idea, in which case, you can give them your honest opinion, but the words you use are not the concepts within your mind which you intend to communicate, they are simply the names of concepts which we have agreed enough common ground within that they make some sense. The more tenuous the concepts become, the less reliable the words to describe them are.
Honestly, there's not much that I consider to be a sin, but, whether intentionally or not, leading others off their own spiritual path is a big one.
See through your eyes? See, with what else you've said, I'm sure I cant be getting what you actually mean by that, b/c prima facae, it sounds like "if people saw life as I do, they/we would be better off", which is exactly the kind of thing a self proclaimed messiah would say, eh?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by Bedlam
Well, I do believe that there are what I'm only prepared to call "non-corporeal" entities, based on some personal experiences. Its just that I'm not prepared to make any value judgements about their motives. I dont like spiders. I sleep on a futon thats low to the ground. If I see a spider in my place, I know there's a reasonable chance that little bastard will find me, in my bed, a nice warm environment. If I discover it on me, its going to get squashed - its happened before. I expect that, within its limited ability to experience fear, it probably doesn't much like being captured under a glass & ejected from my house. Still, the way I look @it is, some inconvenience now, or you piss me off & die later. For all I know, frightening entities, that people call demons, may be just the same.

Is that what you were talking about?
Sounds like it, yeah. I think some of us are, for what ever reason, living a bit more in, for want of a phrase that I can wholeheartedly believe in, "other planes of existance". Since we generally dont even know it, have little way of controlling it &, even if we do become aware of it, are still groping about in the dark, then it wouldn't surprise me if we inadvertantly piss the ordinary denizens of such "planes" off.
Hey, its just a hypothesis. Still, it does throw up the possibility that a religious person may be more of a nuisance, since their attitude is likely to be that anything which doesn't appear to fit their pantheon is wrong/bad/evil etc. So their "bad vibes" may require more concerted effort to get rid of.
Where I live now, its extremely unlikely that an evicted spider could get back in, but in the past, that hasn't always been so. Eventually, I do lose my temper & tread on them.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 02:20 AM
reply to post by Bunken Drum

An injured spirit can be repaired, an elderly spirit is stronger than in it's youth and a young spirit can grow

You can assess your spiritual condition in terms of making a leap the same way as preparing for a physical leap, with lots of practice. Someone who doesn't perform training in the art of spirit cannot make such a leap, the same as someone in the physical world cannot leap far if they haven't been putting the yards in. It's like anything, if you practice, you can be clear in your own abilities.

While it will have it's own little differences and everyones path is different in life, sometimes we have to pass the same hurdles. Even if we don't have to pass them, it doesn't mean we shouldn't. A lot of people learn things like say karate, and never have to use it, but it is beneficial to their life if not directly affecting it.

Some knowledge is occult only so that you must practise first and not jump straight into the good stuff, with anything of this nature it's like a sport or a skill, got to practice practice practice!

It wont harm as long as you're taught properly, I'm not talking about giving someone who's never heard of a gun a loaded gun and saying have a play. Not saying it's easy, it's long and arduous and you have to start from the beginning

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by mother1138

Getting back on topic, the reasoning might be because of an increased population, or because the catholic church has stepped away from it's traditional exorcist role and now others have to fill in for them.

posted on Nov, 19 2010 @ 12:48 PM
Yes my opinion on the topic is the population is larger and more allowing of demons in todays world. We give them openings in our behaviors and lifestyles which allow for their possession.

Not only are we scared little sheep wondering around in the dark, but we have forsaken our shepherds who kept us save from the wolves. The human race has forgotten god, forgotten themselves and seeks comfort in drugs, sex, alchohol and music.

Virtue is sorely missed in this world, it is there as a strong force to be reckoned with rivaling the negativity that can so easily take root in our new world,

but we must remember.

Its so important that we remember.

edit on 19-11-2010 by Gradius Maximus because: (no reason given)

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