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To China and the world - my apoligies to your countries on behalf of our US criminal govt. PLEASE DO

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posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 06:31 AM
I agree with the host of this thread. I for one, wish for peace for our people and all Americans along with the rest of the world. We the citizens, cannot be held to account for our rouge governments actions and inactions throughout the entire world, especially when it comes to monetary policy. When it does concern monetary policy, our Federal Reserve keeps doing what they do best: They crank up the press' with little regard to it's destructive outcome not only to us, but to the rest of the world.
Where our government has failed, the Chinese have been able to improve on given their work and savings ethics they have as a country. How can the U.S. keep pumping money out, in sheer madness and in record amounts and expect the rest of the civilized world to follow suit and not appear concerned? Our way of life and our future for our children continue to be held hostage to the the glutinous Federal Reserve? Yes.
My appeal to the Chinese and the governments of the rest of the world, is to put pressure on our government to get our house of cards built on a more concrete foundation and seek a full independent audit and accounting of our defunct Federal Reserve. Peace and safety to all people of the world.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by masqua

So are we know apologizing for things that have not been done yet.

In the words of Charlie Brown. Good Greif

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by russ212
reply to post by masqua

So are we know apologizing for things that have not been done yet.

In the words of Charlie Brown. Good Greif


No... I am providing a scenario where China may retaliate militarily and bring about the nuclear conflagration the OP is concerned about. It's got nothing to do with apologies. It's about prevention.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:15 AM
Did i fall under a rock for a week, what did i miss lol, why would americans appologize to china, seriously, there the bad guys lol. Its getting embarasing to see all these friggen post, way out off nowhere and everybody flags them lol. Ok the us dosent have a good record, but your kidding me right, china is a dictatorship, they sell weapons to countrys that are againts nato, they have a horrible track record with tibet, free speech, tianamin square, putting peace nobel prize winenrs in prison, and is wife, help north korea stay in power, to unstabalize japan and south korea. SO much lol, i cant remember how many died for the cause of socialism ehheeh, sell kids toyz with lead and chemicals that kill lol,

Oh and if somebody wants to reply that im racist, or anti chines lol, go ahead there a good chance i wont read it eheheh

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by masqua

Like I said in my original response, I can see war on the horizon, but acting like we are the only ones to blame is silly. Look at the way China has been acting about Taiwan. I get the impression that people are starting to believe that everything that is bad that happens in the world is America's fault.

I want to make this very clear. China is just as agressive as the US, and they have been threating war over Taiwan for over 50 years.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:22 AM
Ya, you know all of the things that ATS thinks are comming to the U.S.? They have them in China. Re-Education camps, work camps, black prisons for nationals, brute squads, you name it. Ever wonder why the people who go on about the evil US government still manage to post here? What, they have the internet in the G-14 classified prisons in South Dakota? Or where ever they are today.

Look, China has a rich history. They have had some good times, and some really bad times. Right now they are in transition from one form of government to another. In a hundred years or so they will be more free, just as they are more free now then in 1955.

OP Dont speak for me, or most of the people of the United States. We have our own voices thank you.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by russ212
reply to [url=
I want to make this very clear. China is just as agressive as the US, and they have been threating war over Taiwan for over 50 years.


The PRC has been naughty. Iran has been naughty, America has been naughty. Hell, EVERYBODY has and is being naughty. That's what has to change.

Being confrontational in respect to governments worldwide has led to a continual series of localized dogfights over economic/religious/political bones and the snarling pack needs to calm down before it gets out of hand.

By 'out-of-hand, I mean a Third World War. That's the point I'm making. Finger pointing everywhere but ourselves doesn't help because we (the west) are just as culpable.
edit on 16/11/10 by masqua because: bb code

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by masqua

But my question still has not been answered. Why are we the ones that has to roll over on our backs exposing our bellies in submission? This act of apologizing for things that have not been done, and things that may not happen is weak. Our president did it, our congress did it, and now we are doing it. It is time to stand up, do what we think is right and take ownership of it.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 07:46 AM
Buy yourself a one way ticket to China and apologize yourself in person. Go live in China and see how great the country is.

It is sad how brainwashed people are.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by poet1b

Buy yourself a one way ticket to China and apologize yourself in person. Go live in China and see how great the country is.

It is sad how brainwashed people are.

Do you know how many western people are living in China. In Beijing alone there are thousands. I suggest you go visit there, so you can see for yourself, instead of believing all the BS you read about China.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

BUT LET ME STATE. I am proud to be an American and am embarrased, ashamed and disgusted with our government and the people that represent our country.... So I AGAIN APOLIGIZE to the world... for the crimes USA is committing against humanity..

You don't seem to understand that this is the same thing. Our government IS "For the People and By the People." I don't agree with every piece of legislation that gets written, but somebody does! Right now a large piece of the country is thrilled at the Healthcare Bill. Right now a large piece of the country is thrilled at the results in Iraq.

If you are ashamed of the government, then you are ashamed of the people that elect and support the government, and that includes you and me.

As for "crimes against humanity" you are entirely mistaken. Every American life lost in Iraq and Afghanistan is lost in the pursuit of protecting the innocents there. Our war machine could easily plow through without a single loss of life, but instead we choose to put men and women on the ground in front of the hardware, attempting to identify enemies and friendlies. Then, we choose to use the most expensive and precise weapons the world has ever known to pinpoint our strikes with as little collateral damage as possible. Then our troops hang around at their own peril to patch up the wounded and help rebuild the structures for the community.

"Crimes against humanity?" Tell that to the Tallahassee soldier that came home in a box just last night. He died while on a mission to extract some enemies from some little village, when we could have much more easily just blown away 3 or 4 buildings from the air! He died while attending to a fallen comrade and was sniped by some coward hiding among civilians! Our troops wear their uniforms proudly, they don't hide behind civilians. Our troops take every possible precaution to protect the very people that are shooting at us!

I'm sorry you feel offended by my response, but your attempt to apologize for non-existent crimes was appalling to me! Even though I plan to vote this Administration out of office, I still respect the office! Even though my political views are sometimes outvoted and I disagree with the direction of the country, I still support the country, and the process that created it! I am not sorry for anything!

Now, if you don't believe this is the greatest country on earth, then the best thing about it is that you are free to leave! Not only that, but you are free to use your God-given abilities to work hard, and make enough money here in the land of milk and honey, that you can save up a nice stash and take it to whatever country you feel is better than ours, and stay there comfortably on the money that our country helped you earn! We won't miss you.
edit on 16-11-2010 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:28 AM
apologize for what? To who China?? Ya because their government is so just and fair right? Do you see what they do to the ppl of Tebet? the way they manipulate their currency illegaly? The way they are building up their nuclear arsenal? Their human right violations on a daily basis? Please!

Im not saying the US governement is perfect, far from it, they do a lot of F'd up things around the world and here at home but why apologize to other governments who are just as corrupt or worst? I don't see how that is logical! The whole world organizational system is messed up, its not the US's fault, the US plays the game just like all the other corrupt governments do.
edit on 16-11-2010 by Cydonia2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:29 AM
Ok so I don’t get this one, since China is not even better than any other of the nations on this little planet of ours. In case you are not aware, all the countries of the world are in it together right now. I would be well surprised that any governement gives a rats arse about their population. It simply doesn’t work like that for people of power.

You want peace, and the simple person wants peace. But the powers of the world they do not want any peace. They want war. They want our population to be overcome by death, plagues etc. Read the iron mountain report. Other nations have come to the same conclusion.

There is a lot of information out there that proves without a doubt, that the governements of the world all are influenced by the same 6 famillies since well, long before the time of Jesus Christ. It so happens that everything in history is connected.

Now you and me, we are the dummies that fight wars against ennemies that do not really exist. We fight amongst ourselves “for the greater good”. And that being said is not happenning now is it?

Our economic structure cannot work without us being conquerors. Some studies even show that we will need to conquer other astral bodies in order to continue the economy the way it is. Do you realise how our ressources will have have hit rock bottom? It is just a question of time.

The earth is overpopulated and our ressources are limited.

This is the only reason they want us to pit each other against ourselves. And with all the weapons at our disposal, we can easilly make life on earth a living hell. I sure hope that you realise that the ennemy is our ego. That which broozes so easilly. And because of it, they are using it against us.

Yeah ….. the arab nation is the ennemy, china is the ennemy, “whatever flavor of the week insert name of group, people, person, activist or terrorist here”. Of course it would never be the power structure that the people support. Of course not, they have only our best wishes at heart.

Yeah, income tax, housing tax, gaz tax, food tax, car tax, electricity that you have no choice but to buy from them. And in certain countries you have further deductions. Now that is a money system that really gives you a helping chance at life. They slash your pay everywhere so that you have little choice but to get loans to buy anything you want. Encourage you to use this system to get a house, a car, a stereo, a tv and all. Once you fit under that model, they have you trapped under a debt system that never stops.

They feed you with information about a stock market, that was started by shady people that crushed their competition, and created oligopoles, black market trading, casino’s , drugs, weapons and others. And they used the system to make it all possible to maintain. The money injected in the financial system, kept everything going. That’s why the banks that had been baught or started by the Rockefellers, were bailed out, and others were not. That is why some of the financial data dissapeared on september 11th. (and gold was found under the wreckage at ground zero)

Now even If I respect your plead for peace for humanity OP, I believe that the problem does not reside in our shady governement, but resides in the problem that comes with power. With absolute power, comes absolute corruption. And those willing to get power, will always help those in power. The system we support is the system that does not work. And the people do not need a president. They need inner peace and knowledge.

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by seagull

Ditto. Very well said.

Originally posted by bluestar.ranch
I speak for most Americans..

No you don't. And don't apologize for America to China. China is up to it's eyeballs in corruption and death. Don't apologize to the rest of the world. They have their own corruptions and blood soaked back room deals going on. :shk:

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:34 AM

Screw That!

America is the best country in the world, if its in our best interest to take over countries than we should!

Everyone knows the only way for america to prolonge their reign as the worlds super power is to teach china a lesson like they did to russia. If they dont then china will be to powerful to stop.

I support my country and my troopsss!!! KICK THERE ASS AMERICA!

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:51 AM
This is a foolish thread. Every government on this earth has dirty hands. Why dont you apologize for all the governments of the world.

In any case
edit on 16-11-2010 by ker2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

The number of F&Ss indicates to me that this site has been taken over by a few organized anti-American groups (not individuals) that are simply trying to spread disinformation for their own purposes. Couple that with all of the ridiculous and unsubstantiated wild-eyed speculation it has left me with little interest in further following the site. If that was the purpose of the organized anti-American groups then they have succeeded. Because most Americans love their country and would never consider cowing down to China or anyone else, soon the anti-American groups will be left to respond to each other. Congrats!!

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 09:55 AM
This is kinda like apologizing to someone for your drunk friend who is acting stupid. Its admirable, but they will still hate your friend and your friend will still do stupid things while drunk so why bother....

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by bluestar.ranch

your plees, though noble, will go unheard.
espically if your talking to china
and the chinese government is just as guilty of human rights violations, war crimes, treaty violations, etc etc

we humans all need a wake up call
we make up our governments
we control the direction of our country
and we are all sitting on our asses

posted on Nov, 16 2010 @ 10:10 AM
I applaud the OP's expression of peace, but he is wrong for putting the focus on the US and China. It is more than that.

Is there any place in the world where "the people" are happy with their government? Maybe Estonia, lol, but its a safe bet that most disapprove of alot of what their governments do.

Whether it is the alleged evil PTB behind the scenes, the nasty five or six families ruling the world, or just human nature (which is what I suspect the culprit to be) it is time that we took a real hard look at what is causing this eternal issue and stopped trying to pit one country against another or one nationality over another.

They are all both bad and good, just like individual people are. Somehow we have to get a grip on that and do something about it. Patriotism may have some value, but it is irrelevant to this discussion.

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