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Bernanke's worst nightmare: Ron Paul

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posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 11:03 AM
As you have all reiterated this is incredibly good news and I feel we are on the right path for 2012. Ron Paul holds some very important ideals concerning the injustices within America especially concerning your financial system.

However, we must assume that the forces of evil will not go down without a fight, we need to keep a VERY close eye on this. They will try everything, from bribery to assasination. Furthermore, we can also help Mr. Ron Paul by reiterating to him the injustices within the financial system from the best of topics on above top secret.

While Mr. Ron Paul has certainly done his homework, by ensuring that the injustices of the financial system are revealed, can we ensure that they are revealed for the injustices that they are. Not only that but we will be able to thank ourselves and Mr Ron Paul for our freedom and liberation from the suble financial slavery of the fractional reserve banking system and the world cabal of international bankers that regard you as "wasters of air", their personal slaves.

Seriously guys, we need to connect all the dots of how the current global financial system is against society. The financial elite for thousands of years have funded both sides of wars causing death, they have created a financial system through the fractional reserve banking system that bankrupts and controls governments and people alike. This is the slavery and we need to say NO MORE

Its going to start with Ron Paul overlooking the federal reserve, and it will end with the great people of the world and the united states awakening to these facts, knocking down the doors of their political leaders demanding change and I promise you Ron Paul will be there for you guys.

I know that a good lot of you will reiterate the injustices of the financial system we have talked about for so long on ATS to Ron Paul through email, and so will I.

Godspeed America.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 11:36 AM
I really enjoy seeing Ron Paul confront Bernanke. I'm not Republican, but I like Ron Paul. I would vote for him. He realizes certain key things that top my list of political beliefs like 1) we waste money fighting the war on drugs, which can never be won 2) we waste money fighting wars in the Middle East 3) the Federal Reserve as an institution is dominated by private interests and must be dismantled.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by antonia
The system is busted, play in as much as you want, you will fix nothing.

The motto of the conspiracy-theorist sounds less like a war cry and more like the conclusion of the clinically depressed.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 12:26 PM
You`ll notice how Ron Paul threads normally go up to 20 or even 40 pages and this one pretty much stopped on page three.

The reason for this is in the psychology of a conspiracy-theorist who is no longer interested in siding with a person who is in a position of authority.

Same with Obama...before he got voted this Board went wild about it, proclaiming him the Messiah. The moment he is in power, they hate him.

Same with Bush btw.

Same pattern over and over.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies

With the Republicans coming to power, Paul, who would like to abolish the Fed and the nation's current monetary system, will become the chairman of the House Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy.

(visit the link for the full news article)

So the countdown to his assassination begins.

The bigger question is, what will we do when TPTB kill him?
Just shake our heads?
Or will we string them up this time?
How many people are they going to get away with murdering before we hold them accountable?

Edit: Oh, and yes, I am speaking as if he's already dead. You did read my post correctly. When Ron Paul tries to abolish the Fed, TPTB will try to kill him just as they (or the central bankers) did Lincoln, Kennedy, (and several attempts against, but all ending in failure) Andrew Jackson.
edit on 13-11-2010 by warequalsmurder because: .

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 01:17 PM
Ron Paul will succeed in abolishing the Fed. This will happen because the elite WANT it to happen. Getting rid of the Fed will get rid of the USD, paving the way for global currency. The only way to keep the USD is to make the Fed a part of the govt and eliminating the US from accumulating anymore debt to the Fed. If we kept the USD and got rid of the Fed, we would undoubtedly have to print up new money without the words Federal Reserve Note. This would cost the Govt even more money collecting the old notes and more to print the new money. Printing new money would only be worth it if its a new system of money that the entire world would be using. So really, global currency is where I see us going within the next few years, like it or not.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by OptimistPrime
Ron Paul will succeed in abolishing the Fed. This will happen because the elite WANT it to happen. Getting rid of the Fed will get rid of the USD, paving the way for global currency. The only way to keep the USD is to make the Fed a part of the govt and eliminating the US from accumulating anymore debt to the Fed. If we kept the USD and got rid of the Fed, we would undoubtedly have to print up new money without the words Federal Reserve Note. This would cost the Govt even more money collecting the old notes and more to print the new money. Printing new money would only be worth it if its a new system of money that the entire world would be using. So really, global currency is where I see us going within the next few years, like it or not.

i agree with you, but i dont think it will be a Global currency. More likely something like the Euro and as they have mentioned it a couple of times in the Media the Amero with Canada and Mexico.
edit on 13-11-2010 by TrueFalse because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:14 PM
Ø If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. - President Thomas Jefferson

Yup,someone saw this coming a long time ago.

Go Ron go!.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by TrueFalse

Ah yes, The Amero. That will be the next step on the way to global currency. Thank you for reminding me! That would help prevent illegal immigration to the united states if our money is the same value as mexico. That part kinda strays off topic, sorry guys.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 03:01 PM
Those who have studied history will tell you an assassination is now likely. Of course, these days it won't be by gun, instead a unexpected heart attack (while out hill walking) or a car crash in a tunnel

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
If only he had the power to do anything about it... But I don't think he will. No single person has any power in Washington today. Least of all Ron Paul. It's nice to think about but I'm cynical about anything actually getting changed.

Sidebar: I had the same kind of hopes when I heard last year of Obama's fundraising trip to Las Veas for Harry Reid and his visit to Nellis AFB. I was hoping his actual reason for going there was to be briefed on what actually goes on at Area 51. He seemed, at the time, a "regular joe" kind of new president who might have jumped on the oportunity to finally find out first hand what goes on out there, and clue us in. How naive of me.

On topic: Back then, I was hoping Ron Paul would win the election. He seems like a straight shooter, as it were. Perhaps there is hope regarding the Fed. I may be naive in this matter as well, but he seems like the type to push the issue till the bitter end.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by warequalsmurder

I hope Ron Paul can spark significant amounts of other people to have his resolve about the government following the path laid out by the Constitution. If so, then his probable assassination won't prevent the return of common sense if they whack him and maybe it has already reached a tipping point. I hope it has. It is sad that the people who espouse the Constitution as the guide on how to run our government are considered the enemy of Government! I see now why Jefferson, Franklin and the others made their remarks about how to hold onto the Republic.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 04:22 PM
Well I see that some of you say that the powers that be might kill Ron Paul, but if that happens, the efforts of Andrew Joseph Stack and Marvin John Heemeyer will seem like child's play.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I think you're right about the conspiracy theorists on this one, most will soon have doubts about Ron Paul, even if they honestly liked him, believed him before hand.

But, the fact is, we SHOULD have doubts, if not about the particular person, then certainly about the interesting circumstances.

Here's what OptimistPrime said:

Ron Paul will succeed in abolishing the Fed. This will happen because the elite WANT it to happen.

Yeah, that doesn't actually sound terribly "optimistic", (despite the name!) but I personally tend to believe that this is more or less what is in the process of happening.

To each elite scheme there is a season, and then it is time to turn. And turn it will, on to the next phase, as our masters present us with THEIR solutions, that we often imagine are our salvation. And so it is with "our" heroes, who we imagine are so noble, and yet, history shows that these many heroes we are given, mostly turn out to be wittingly, or unwittingly, marching in-step with the elite plan, in spite of appearances to the contrary.

Case in point is the "gold standard". Here is something that Ron Paul might certainly get behind. Killing the Fed, again, something Paul could even lead the charge on.

However, if both these things are in the cards, are already planned by our masters, to further benefit THEM, and their goals, then Paul has simply played his role.

I personally don't think that Ron Paul is insincere, he probably is a real "believer" in much of what he says. Of course, he would be perfect for his role in that case, since no one need worry about a guy honestly following his heart. The only problem is that he doesn't realize that much of what is in his heart (our hearts) has been put there by our masters.

The elite have already signaled that their plans are to take the world to some kind of gold standard. Tea Party folk, Ron Paul supporters, etc. they will all be on the bandwagon that simply follows the script already determined.

Of course, it has already happened before, read your history folks. The banksters use fiat money to destroy, and when that hand has been played, they then present the "solution" to the problem (that they created). Their solution is to go back to gold. Oh, it all sounds wonderful, until you stop to think about the fact that the banksters control all the gold! What exactly will change in the long run?

I hate to take what looks like "good" news, and rain on such a seemingly nice parade, but in this case, it's fairly clear what they are doing, and sadly, Ron Paul appears to be selected to play his role in the affair.

Based on the responses I'm seeing in threads like this, our masters have pretty much already won this one.


posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 05:35 PM
Congress may have the power to investigate the Fed, but by law the Fed is pretty independent of machinations of Congress. Ron Paul may have to limit himself to some great sound bytes.

In 1992 I talked with a man who had been in the graduate school for economics at Princeton, and he had some interesting things to say about the Fed, and the government policies of money.

He said that when he was getting his BS in Economics, nearly all of his fellow classmates wanted to earn a million dollars before they were thirty. The people who made the A's in the classes were the only ones who went on to Graduate School, none of them expected to be rich. They were mathematically orientated types who expected to be middle class and work all their lives in Economics. These were the individuals who would go on to work for the Federal Reserve or the different major organizations that manipulate financial policy. He, and some of select fellow students, had gone to lunch with a previous head of the Fed (while the guy still was head of the Fed) at the mans personal residence. The then sitting head of the Fed told him that he would go to a meeting with a Congressman, who would tell the head of the Fed, face to face, in private, that it was a good thing they could not control Fed policy. They would use it create a boom in months before an election to help re-elect themselves, and damn the consequences of inflation after the election cycle. The goal of the Fed being to create sustained economic growth, with as low unemployment as possible, as little inflation as possible. Then the Congressman would go down to the floor of the Congress and give a speech about the evil of the existence of the Fed. As US students at Princeton they met economic students from other countries, and sometimes even important leaders of other countries. Some of the South American political leaders were in awe of the US Federal Reserve system. Their countries did not have a real national bank system like the Fed, and they admitted their country would not create one that was independent of the politicians, which would render it useless. A description of the government policy in one South American country went like this. When their representatives met they would decide how big the budget was to be, then spend all the rest of the time arguing about how it would be split up amongst the groups vying to get the money. Then they simply printed off the money. Just printing the money and spending it created, as they knew it would, huge amounts of inflation, that was very hurtful of the poor. Ordinary people could not know how much the basic food stuffs of life, rice, beans, bread would cost versus their pay at the end of the week. The problem also being that nothing solid backed the countries national currency. Their own national currency was always free floating. The really rich in their country were large extended families who owned nearly everything worth owning and brought in other nation's currency by export. They could, then buy anything with what looked like real money. The nations currency was like Monopoly money, the result of these South American countries not having anything like our Federal Reserve.

That fellow left graduate school, and the future he could see within a few years, to help out a family member who whose life was in turmoil. His value system put family above his own future.

I see the Fed as less the problem than a symptom of the issue of class warfare that goes on constantly. Seems to me that those seeking to be rich, claiming to make decisions that would benefit all, which in some earlier years did benefit the rich, but not the ordinary people (who are the working class, even rising as high as the lower rich as white collar workers), that have destroyed the US economy. Now I think they look out of the windows of the mansions, with their listings of bank accounts and holdings, and damn us all for being poor. Worrying about pushing policies that are not in their best interest, although the rich do not understand the consequences of the policies they advocate are not in their best interest either.

Ron Paul may expose some very crooked dealings in the Fed, but he will not kill the Fed.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by rectangle

I agree with some of what you say. If you think it's bad now wait and see what it would be like if our government was in control of the Federal Reserve. Monetary policy would be determined by dirty politics and the bribery of special interest groups.

The main problem we have now is the government spends more money than it has. Give them yet more ability to do damage? The Federal Reserve has told Washington to control spending since Allen Greenspan.

It's a good thing that Ron Paul is getting attention on our fiscal problems and he probably means well. He's nothing like your typical Democrat or Republican. Not sure he has all the answers though.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Justoneman
reply to post by Phenomium

Probably right, only now we have an awakened public. The lying liars and their lies are biting them right in the ass. Logic is being abdicated for expediency's sake and that means they are on the run. We may not have the latest tech like the goon sqauds but we truly outnumber them and even if they sadly do manage to kill 3/4 of the planet we will still beat them. In the end our current world leadership will have to live with people unable to believe their bs ever again. As long as they can fool most of the people some of the time they will and have thrived. We are currently seeing less and less of the citizens of this earth that are willing to go along with them padding their nest at every ones expense with no consequence for their violation of carefully crafted anti trust laws. That will have to end one way or another real soon because the people starving in the streets will hunt them like the rabid skunks many feel these people have become. If it is not made right, if the dollar goes to hell and fuel is too expensinve for the truckers to even think about driving food to your store, the # will hit the fan alright.

They will be needing to hide in those undergroung bunkers. The ones I suspect the trillions of lost Military $'s were probably spent building just to keep their very lives safe. Once the shell of our government is purged of the sychophants sent and bought by the lobby's, then the legal system will be able to handle them like the Nuremburg trials. Because these perps of some major amounts of untold death, IMHO, should face a trial so that we can teach them how civilized people handle the power hungry fools who forget humanity in their drive to gain power. They have created this mess and they shall have to answer for it too.

They take us for idiots and it is time to straighten them out with the likes of RON PAUL! Keep electing his type to Congress and we will be able to run them out like Jesus at the temple with the money changers. I say no to Despotic leadership and yes to the American Republic by supporting people like Ron Paul.

I am in 100% acquiescence with your statement but, I have read alot on the history of these international bankers and how hard they work, how much they invest in their work and how vainglorious they are by nature. These guys fund military and government and even shadow organizations to kill on any given day just to further agenda. To them, death is an acceptable cause to and agenda of them being the "parents" of the world. True we have a more enlightened public, but the elites are probably 100 times more enlightened the populace because they design the secrecy of the nation to keep blinders on us. Usually, what we think "IS" is exactly what they want us to think....we find out later it was something totally in another direction and we are always amazed at the audacity of the action. Take 911, for instance. We now, for the most part, know the truth, but who can really prove it? Even those who can prove it, are not listened to. Yet, in retrospect, we all know who generally did it. The real problem lies with your very statement. That we have them outnumbered and we are now more intelligent. Knowing this, they will never stop, never give up and the more you back them into a corner, the more fierce they will become. They are not human, they are like calculating, mad wolves/demons.They have focused, well designed agenda and when cornered, will kill millions if they have to, to get all to submit. I have no reservation of thought when it comes to them nuking our own country to bring it to it's knees in submission. I believe something like this will happen if the international bankers start to feel like they are losing ground. They have been working on this since before 1913 when the Federal Reserve was established. They are vigorous, and ruthless and with still a majority of Americans/World still skeptical of conspiracies despite the tsunami of evidence over history (propaganda/lies work well), the likelyhood of a country rebelling, as a whole, is highly unlikely. They have divided and conquered us by means of Feminists splitting up families, cell phones and gadgets that allow you to communicate yet still be separated. In the states we have a 2 party system which is literally the divide and conquer concept embodied. The ol' Dems against repubs.This literally separates the whole country, male or female, into 2 separate political factions and they argue about things that the international bankers don't care about. See here: Bankers manifest 1892 - Revealed By Charles Lindberg.
The likelyhood of a revolution to stop these guys is not in the positive odds, as we are split as a world and as a people.........something that was not happening in the other revolutions regarding government corruptions that needed new government heads.
edit on 13-11-2010 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 06:47 PM
Wow i'm shocked that the Republicans gave him this power, maybe it's because of the Tea party and there members that more Republicans are taking this issue serious because we all know that Ron Paul isn't your typical Republican.....chalk one up for the good guys.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by King Seesar
Wow i'm shocked that the Republicans gave him this power, maybe it's because of the Tea party and there members that more Republicans are taking this issue serious because we all know that Ron Paul isn't your typical Republican.....chalk one up for the good guys.

I think some of the guys on up the line in this forum may be onto something. They gave him this title way to fast. Why had they not considered this years ago before the inevitable collapse? Ron Paul may not know it, but he might be being used as a "willing pawn" in their sick game. He is in it for the good of the people, but leave it to the International bankers and the NWO elites to squirt lemon on a wedding cake and bitter the taste for everyone. They're right, they may be using Ron Paul to crash the system, so the good guys will look like they are to blame, and then they can globalize or at least partition a currency for the tri-western world of America, Canada and Mexico. Metallica said it best "you know it's sad but true."

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Doctor Smith

All of our ideas about economic policy should go out the window in face of the type of economic disaster we have going. At one time I would have abhorrent the idea that the government should just hand out money to every adult as a Stimulus. At the moment they did it, I agreed. I would have found it abhorrent that the government (or is it the Fed?) hand out money in the TARP Fund (under George W.) to private corporations, even worse, the same ones whose greed and stupidity lead to this disaster.

Which leads to a side issue. How was all these really bright people, with degrees in Business and Economics not see this crises coming?

Yet, TARP seemed like the necessary answer. The real question of the Obama stimulus is not that whether it should be spent, but whether it was enough. Now we face the point, has it all been spent yet. Early after the announcement of the Obama Stimulus someone said 800 Billion can make the dead sit up. A friend, who knows something about economics, said it is difficult to even spent 800 Billion, let alone wisely spent it without fraud. To all of which I must add the questions, What good is the Obama Stimulus if we end up sending it overseas to buy goods from Asia and Oil from the Middle East?

I hear stories of those who bought homes on the first time home owners program, and are still waiting over six months for payment. The US government had no problem with handing TARP Billions to individuals they knew were cheats, but is worried so much about fraud when it comes to ordinary people. Yes, I know they have already found two hundred million from applications for First Time Home Owners which were fraudulently, from people who are in Prison and who could not possibly be eligible. Then the government should have hired enough people to review the applications and pay those eligible in a timely way. I mean ordinary people are really hurting out here. People who took the government a their word, and now find themselves in an enormous bind.

Beyond that we have changed millions into renters and homeless. What would have been the harm in finding some way to perpetuate some of the mortgages so families would have a roof over their head. Surely the big corporations who originally held the mortgages that have gone under do not benefit from making people homeless. Just those whose new business is selling these underwater mortgages. Then we find out that banks, holders of those mortgages are foreclosing mortgages which are not delinquent, as well as those without any real regard for the law, or the consequences to families. I am really angry about how the average people, the workers, the poor are getting a dirty deal.

Back to my mine point. Calling Democrats Tax and Spend liberals is not a valid label given the Economic Calamity we are in. While perpetuating the tax cuts for the rich while the government has huge deficits seems contradictory to ordinary economic policy, it is very wrong to increase taxes during a recession. I would like us try to enact some means for the whereby Tax Cuts for the rich are likely to create jobs in the US, rather than jobs overseas, which will also likely make products to ship over here, sell here and ship more of our dollars over there.

If you hang around the funeral homes and listen to those on Social Security, some of them actually worry that they will get up one day and it will be announced that Social Security is being canceled. I think it more likely we are headed into a time of inflation where those who do have jobs will earn a lot more dollars, things will cost more. Someday we will see Grandma wandering the streets, living in someones back room, because her Social Security check will taken up by health care, which she will largely avoid, because of the cost. The idea of Social Security being canceled used to be unbelievable.

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