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posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

I'm (kind of) sure it was meant for me, though, and as said - I don't know wtf you're talking about either. As Scarlet was trying to say, it is unclear, confusing, and essentially pointless to anyone trying to decipher it. No one attacked your post. What happened was, you were asked for clarification rather politely...and certainly didn't respond in such a manner. And another layer is peeled away.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by thektotheg

True - Are you saying, also, that there isn't enough "genuine" material appearing in certain forums? I agree completely if so - you don't always need a video or a link to start a thread. You can ask a question, have a idea that you haven't found a lot of evidence for, or simply want to start a discussion. Seems to me that many, many people will post something from a third party source just to get stars and flags, with a lot of "that is so right!" or "That is so wrong!" posts.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by ScarletNyx

I understand you were not talking to me, but you are posting in a public forum where anyone and everyone can and will respond to different people's posts. You seem very passionate about your topics, and that is good! I was simply trying to offer you advice to help get your point across to 1. Whomever you are talking to and 2. Everyone else reading the thread.

You wouldn't want to be one of those chattering fools who posts in run on sentences, who everyone groans and shakes their head when they post in a thread because we cannot understand you, do you? Yes, everyone has different posting styles, but even the guidelines of the webSITE suggest you post in a coherent manner.

I hope to see you in other threads in the future!

ok u win!
I don’t believe in this process on how 'Thoth' taught u humans in writing and language because certain words just should not have been processed on earth in the thinking of humans.

I am not programmed and i don’t wait until the light turns green to walk across the street and i don’t drive with both hands. But will do for u.
have a good night.

edit on 9-11-2010 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by ScarletNyx

You've got it 100% on that. The example that's been easiest to use, is the type of post happening where the OP basically states they are an ET here to save us from the coming disaster...which oddly enough, usually occurs according to the I guess their planet uses the bible, too. haha. The point, though, is that this is very clearly not a genuine post.

I honestly feel like there are a lot of posts that aren't legit from the beginning. Unfortunately, much as this post was, they're taken seriously and bumped to the top constantly. As I've mentioned, I don't really think there's a real sense of accountability. Even more disturbing, though, are the legions of people showing up to agree with the OP that he is a reptilian from Sirius or a prophet beset from the lord him/herself. It's incredibly troubling, to say the least.

As the late Mr. Hicks might've described it, these types of posts are being created by fevered egoes whose only purpose is to lower the standard for the rest of us.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

See, THIS for example...

" humans..."

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by thektotheg

I'm (kind of) sure it was meant for me, though, and as said - I don't know wtf you're talking about either. As Scarlet was trying to say, it is unclear, confusing, and essentially pointless to anyone trying to decipher it. No one attacked your post. What happened was, you were asked for clarification rather politely...and certainly didn't respond in such a manner. And another layer is peeled away.

U do not have to worry,it wasnt meant for u.
but in the future when u see reply to ScarletNyx.
Then thats when u reply.

I Really don’t know how nice i could of said it or responded to some ones post being critical on a valued point. Simple in the understanding of the 'op' view upon reading what he/she had to say ,as the 'op' said.."ON A PUBLIC FORUM", in which because i AM capable of knowing that everyone in this world is different in all shapes forms and fashion the clarity was clearly in the ops favor of understanding in a clear affirmative change in the matrix of basic common sense and alleviated common structure of excepting one for who they are.
Just like u should!

edit on 9-11-2010 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

I'm really sorry, friend. I just can't follow. Can we agree to disagree? I honestly don't know what we're disagreeing about, though. haha

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

If there’s any thread that should be getting high ratings is this one 'The Search For Life. Part 1 - Earths Extraterrestrial Past...
But for some reason these and good threads alike don’t get the higher chatting rating as would the 3 that u mentioned, forget the stars and flags just a basic good discussion.
I understood what u was saying but u went over bored and clearly have a problem as it so seems with the new members but now it was a joke and u didn’t mean to say it and we took it out of proportion. So I will leave it there and good night.

posted on Nov, 9 2010 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by thektotheg

In the matrix of life magnets seem to atract each other in a common way not seen.

I just try to debate on a debatable level and in some cases might not have pictured as u was drawing but pictured as i was drawing.

But as the magnets draw away from each other it shares a common energy that is used by both,
the energy of understanding whats real and whats not real.

Its like things are backwards on this forum when it comes to the basic logic of awhats good and whats considered bad so i understand EXCATLY what your saying.

I cant agree to disagree but i can agree to agree.i gave it a star for valid points and a flag for invalid points.
have a good night my friend.

edit on 9-11-2010 by Immortalgemini527 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by thektotheg
reply to post by AlternateEnding

I wish people would stop trying to argue with me about members being able to ban other members and other bits from the OP. Christ, as has been said 93284983943 times since the OP, that is a joke. You can disagree with it all you want, but you aren't disagreeing with me. I don't support that. haha. And as to plenty of others who didn't bother to read what was said throughout...I'm not going to rehash it. You missed the quality of the discussion, you also missed having any sort of point by skipping to the end and acting as though what you're saying is relevant. I just don't have the willpower to explain this all again to the folks still trying to argue with me about the OP's message, because the message wasn't THE MESSAGE.

Lastly, it is increasingly clear that many people here are taking themselves entirely too seriously. It's a shame. But, the thread is what it is. If you aren't one of the members who appreciated it, that's really beyond my scope of control. I don't try to be some star/flag whore (I didn't expect to still have to respond on this post), whether you want to lie to yourselves about it or not. I prefer to chime in on topics when necessary. If you can't understand this all, it's likely because you haven't read it all. If you do understand it and don't approve, well that's just another layer of the point being made, now isn't it?

For those who enjoyed the ride, I appreciate your words. I picked up a lot from your posts, which in the end, is what matters. I definitely have a higher level of clarity pertaining to the real message, than I did coming in. Thanks for reading. Cheers.

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