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10 Year Old Girl Gives Birth!! What is the World Coming to?!

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posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:25 AM
I found this while brousing the papers online this morning at work. Im shocked and pretty disgusted. We have clearly got some major issues in todays society if 10 year old CHILDREN are having sexual relationships.

Here is the link:

The worst part about this article is that they also state that this is not the youngest child to ever have a baby. I did a little research and found this story:

You won't believe this!

+27 more 
posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:51 AM
Your repulsion is unwarranted. If the physical body is ready to reproduce, the hormones are influencing everything there. You have a fertile couple and offspring will result. It has always been, it is true still, and it will always be. This doesn't mean that anything unfortunate has happened. That newborn may have the most wonderful life ever lived. Give things a chance.

It's not as though the child is going to raise her infant on her own. Her own parents will be there too. It's very hard having a baby at any age. There should always be help for new parents. I know -- I've had three myself. They are all adults now and I hope to give my children help when they need it. But that would be true whether my child were 5 or 35.

You know, I have advised all my kids to have their kids while they're young. I live in Northern Europe where a substantial portion of the population have their kids when they're over 30 and I must say that the kids here are ill-behaved at best. Very few acknowledge the feelings or situations of others. This is because they are raised with zero discomfort. They have everything handed to them. Things are too easy. They have too much. Many of them are the only child so they never even learn to share. Basic social skills don't exist up here and it shows right into the workplace.

Maybe being raised with lots of people to care for you and love you and help you along is just the thing. You know, have extended families living together, caring for each other. Maybe if there were more situations like this where people were again put in situations where working it out is the only way forward, we might get somewhere. Did you read about the 22-yr-old woman in FL who shook her toddler to death because he interrupted her Farmville session? Age didn't do her any favors.

Don't condemn this kid before she gets a chance to even get started raising her baby. She may be a natural.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 05:55 AM

Originally posted by jexmo
I found this while brousing the papers online this morning at work. Im shocked and pretty disgusted. We have clearly got some major issues in todays society if 10 year old CHILDREN are having sexual relationships.

Here is the link:

The worst part about this article is that they also state that this is not the youngest child to ever have a baby. I did a little research and found this story:

You won't believe this!

Pick up a few history books, as hard as it might be to believe in some
ways the world is a better place.

In other areas we have lost ground to be sure.

The predatory instinct of animals is alive and well in humans,
and a myriad of neurosis.

+16 more 
posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:01 AM
I take both of your commenst on board but i'll admit i'm a little shocked that you are both so blase about the subject. This is a 10 year old girl. Having 3 kids yourself I would have thought it would have maybe shocked you a little more.

Clearly I am in a minority for finding this shocking and disgusting. 10 year olds should not be having sex. One thing i can say is somone had to have sex with this 10year old girl and the 5 year old girl in the other article.

I don't deny for a minute that the little girl will get help from her family to raise the child but the family who will help her are the same family that had a 10 year daughter who is pregant. My neice is 9 and still says, 'errgh' when you mention boys. Where did this take place and why was nobody keeping an eye on the daughter who was alone with a boy long enough to commit the deed.

I do understand people have different views on different things but the fact this made national news means its a pretty big story. Im not for one minute naive enough to believe underage sex doesn't happen but 10 years old? I think people should be a little more disturbed about it because it is not right that 10 year olds are having sex whether you think its natural or not.
edit on 3/11/2010 by jexmo because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by jexmo

Who says it's not right? Who exactly has the right to determine who can have sex and when? Who gave this person the right to assert their views on the lives of others? Why is it not possible to let others live their lives without judgment? Why not worry about your own community rather than jumping up and down about a kid living a life you know nothing about in a place you have nothing to do with? Worry about your own surroundings. Take care of those in need in your own neighborhood and leave other people to their own affairs.

None of us know anything of the situation other than she now has a baby. Good for her! Lots of people spend lots of time and money trying to have babies. Lots of people have babies who really shouldn't. I'll bet there are those people near you too. Just live and let live. Wish this girl well in your heart and be done with the thing.

+1 more 
posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

ya, ok. wait till she shakes her baby when it's interrupting her 7th grade home work.

i guess she will just be a mom the rest of her life, barefoot and pregnant, as they say.

but grandma and grand dad can raise it as a sister.

i guess we are talking about rape? who and how old is the dad.

edit: she's frakin 10!!

what the hell you talkin about? concentual sex?

edit on 3-11-2010 by fooks because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
reply to post by jexmo

Who says it's not right?

I know I wouldn't want my little girl having a baby at 10 and im pretty sure there are a lot of people who would agree with me, as there are people who would agree with you no doubt.

So all 10 year old girls should be having sex/kids? Wow, certainly not my little girl. Clearly you have a different view on child sex than I have. Lets leave it there. Im actually disturbed that its ok to you but thats what the forums for, different opinions.

None of us know anything of the situation other than she now has a baby. Good for her! Lots of people spend lots of time and money trying to have babies. Lots of people have babies who really shouldn't. I'll bet there are those people near you too. Just live and let live. Wish this girl well in your heart and be done with the thing.

I have not condemned the girl to anything, nor insulted her and so I don't believe your agression on the subject is warranted. Its disgusting and morally wrong IN MY VIEW. Perhaps when your 10 year old daughter comes home after something she knows very little about and doesn't understand and is pregnant it will change your mind. Now her parents have another child to look after. She will be 15 when her child is 5. It's another child brought into a broken family. I'm sure she won't be marrying the father anytime soon.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:44 AM
unless you are mohammed, i'm pretty sure it's just about illegal everywhere to have sex with a 10yo.

everyone involved should be slapped and the dad should be jailed.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 06:54 AM
Im glad you joined us fooks, for a minute there I thought I had become a 23 year old dinosaur for suggesting a 10 year old having baby is wrong.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by CosmicEgg
Why not worry about your own community rather than jumping up and down about a kid living a life you know nothing about in a place you have nothing to do with? Worry about your own surroundings. Take care of those in need in your own neighborhood and leave other people to their own affairs.

I would love to do just this. It would save me so much time and heartache if I wasn't painfully aware of the injustice in the world. But if we stick to our 'own neighborhood and leave other people to their own affairs' then who will fight for the children in certain African countries who are raped because it is their belief that it cures HiV? Who will stand up for Chinese women being forced to abort babies at 8 months old because it is their belief 1 child is enough? Who will stand up for you when something happens to you or your children and the people in YOUR neighbourhood don't want to know?

What gives YOU the right to say this 10 year old doesn't need protecting from something? Just because it is 'normalised' in Roma culture to sell of virgin girls for money doesn't make it a Romeo and Juliet scenario or a 'natural state'.

Too many people 'leave other people to their own affairs' ..... More of us need to stick our noses in ESPECIALLY where they are not wanted.

As a mother of 7 [three girls] I feel sad that you think a 10 year old child who has been exploited and sold should be left to get on with it.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:00 AM
The world hasn't come to anything. In all likeliness it's improved. We just never heard of this stuff before mass media. This and probably worse were going on since caveman times to pre paper world and so on...

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:01 AM
s+f bro.

wtf? she was living with her boyfriend?!

man, no excuse for that stuff. i guess cosmicegg is from romania or there bouts.

i guess the "it's perfectly normal for us" excuse can be used for anything today.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:05 AM
sorry op but i find your view offensive.. It is young to be having a child. But who knows she might end up being the best mother ever. Her biology says its ok to have a child, are social conditioning says its not. If one of my children was pregnate at the age of 10 i would offer her the love and support she needs. What is the use of looking on in disgust. How is that going to help. This is a new life we are talking about.
Life give unto life... and always will...
how quick to judge we are, how sure we are of what is wrong and right....

best wishes


posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by purplemer

That is your opinion and that is fine, you are entitled to it, but offensive? I don't agree that a child of 10 that has hardly lived should be having children. I can't see why some people can't understand my shock at that reaction. It isn't ok. You have a positive way of looking at it, but lets be honest now, is a 10 year old girl who will want to play with her dolls going to be the best mum in the world? I think we can all agree not. The fact this girl has had a baby tells us of the upbringing she has already had. I know we shouldn't assume but it doesn't happen often so its obviously not normal.

The word disgusted was meant to the whole situation not the child herself. The fact a 10 year old girl has gone through a pregnancy and then labour and then child birth. No child should have to go through that. That is disgusting.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
What is the use of looking on in disgust. How is that going to help. This is a new life we are talking about.
Life give unto life... and always will...
how quick to judge we are, how sure we are of what is wrong and right....

best wishes


Should I be looking at her with happiness? Should we be telling young children its ok that it has happened? Its ok to have sexual relationships at any age? If she isn't old or responsible enough to understand contraception and the fact she could have a baby at the end of all this, she isn't old enough or responsible enough to have sex, or a child!

In your opinion it isn't wrong for a 10 year old girl to have sex and as a result a child in your opinion, is it right? They didn't make an age of consent for no reason i assume.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by jexmo
I take both of your commenst on board but i'll admit i'm a little shocked that you are both so blase about the subject. This is a 10 year old girl. Having 3 kids yourself I would have thought it would have maybe shocked you a little more.

Clearly I am in a minority for finding this shocking and disgusting. 10 year olds should not be having sex. One thing i can say is somone had to have sex with this 10year old girl and the 5 year old girl in the other article.

I don't deny for a minute that the little girl will get help from her family to raise the child but the family who will help her are the same family that had a 10 year daughter who is pregant. My neice is 9 and still says, 'errgh' when you mention boys. Where did this take place and why was nobody keeping an eye on the daughter who was alone with a boy long enough to commit the deed.

I do understand people have different views on different things but the fact this made national news means its a pretty big story. Im not for one minute naive enough to believe underage sex doesn't happen but 10 years old? I think people should be a little more disturbed about it because it is not right that 10 year olds are having sex whether you think its natural or not.
edit on 3/11/2010 by jexmo because: (no reason given)
I for one am disturbed I was still playing with dolls at that age.As a mother though its is appalling to say the least,I have one girl and at the age of 15, which is still young in my viewpoint,put her on contraceptives and made sure she didn't get pregnant.I wasn't condoning for her to have sex,but wasn't going to take a chance either.My question is where are the parents of this child?How do they not know where their children are at all times?Children do not need to be having children,this is one of the biggest social issues we have in the u.s. and we all need to step up to the plate and take responsibility for our children.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:23 AM
I meant to offense to you. I Just wish we were not so quick to judge different people. I would like to see children experience childhood before they experience adulthood. But that is just me. My mum had me when she was 16. No its not the same i know. But she was a good mother and gave me all the love i needed in life....
This is still a gift of life... Not death.. there are far worse things in the world to get upset with..

best wishes

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:25 AM
reply to post by TWILITE22

Definitely. Its a shame that it has come to this. The culture of todays children is so different. I was an explorer, a tree climber. Obviously I knew of sex but nowhere near enough to actually go through with it. Nor would I have wanted to at that age. I am going to sound old now but internet porn is so easily accessible to children and I think it is half the problem.

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:26 AM
Indeed due to current social and societal "norms" We have in the past few hundred years become more disgusted and abhorred to our very own history. Not to long ago 10-16 was a normal age to be married and having children, simply due to the fact life expectancy wasn't very high lowest ranging from late 20's to early 30's and highest ranging into the late 50's possibly further in certain instances. It's sad the human condition allows us to ignore the facts of our own existence and past. But unless there is a huge societal change for the better acceptance of "abnormal" behavior wont be tolerated. Mostly due to how society views it's own actions is flawed. That is why it wont advance until that little problem is fixed.

In my opinion the most disgusting thing we do as humans is feel and act self righteously towards others, indignant in our minds towards their actions. Based on a flawed view of our own world and a selfish attitude to be unaccpeting of other cultures. Or the fact cultures don't mix better due to this issue. If we tolerated more and became accepting we wouldn't have a need for "cultural boundaries" it truly is holding us back as a species.
edit on 3-11-2010 by LurkingSleipner because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by yzzyUK
I would love to do just this. It would save me so much time and heartache if I wasn't painfully aware of the injustice in the world. But if we stick to our 'own neighborhood and leave other people to their own affairs' then who will fight for the children in certain African countries who are raped because it is their belief that it cures HiV? Who will stand up for Chinese women being forced to abort babies at 8 months old because it is their belief 1 child is enough? Who will stand up for you when something happens to you or your children and the people in YOUR neighbourhood don't want to know?

Yes, these things are terrible, but people (adults) DO have the ability to defend themselves. It is a matter of if they will or not.

What gives YOU the right to say this 10 year old doesn't need protecting from something? Just because it is 'normalised' in Roma culture to sell of virgin girls for money doesn't make it a Romeo and Juliet scenario or a 'natural state'. Too many people 'leave other people to their own affairs' ..... More of us need to stick our noses in ESPECIALLY where they are not wanted.

What gives you the right to say who needs protecting from what? Seems like a small case of hubris to me...

As a mother of 7 [three girls] I feel sad that you think a 10 year old child who has been exploited and sold should be left to get on with it.

Where, exactly, in the article does it say that she was "exploited" or "sold"?
edit on 3-11-2010 by cwt8466 because: Because I was told to....

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