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Ongoing Iran War Preparations? Arabian Sea: Center Of West's 21st Century War

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posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:17 PM

Ongoing Iran War Preparations? Arabian Sea: Center Of West's 21st Century War

The monumental expansion of arms sales and the buildup of naval and air power in the Arabian Sea region are unprecedented. They are also alarming to the highest degree.

A quarter of the world's nuclear aircraft carriers will soon be in the Arabian Sea.

The Nimitz class nuclear-powered supercarrier USS Abraham Lincoln arrived in the region on October 17 to join the USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, which in turn had arrived there on June 18 as part of a regular rotation...
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 06:17 PM
"Follow the movement of carriers", wisdom whitch doesnt fail in this century, if you really want to know where possible war will happen next - US war agenda... Now we are again highly warned!

In political level there is a stand down. UN confrence was Iranian show and US was very much alone with its puppets against them. Now there are some IAEA talks without any real goals going on... And momentum is builded.

Middle east peace progress in Israel is burried under those new settlements constructions and I think Arabic countries - now Saudis in the lead - are making final preparations for wars.

Iranian president warn us in august, that there will be two wars in november this year... and clock is ticking... and carriers are moving... Lets see where the Usraels hell will break loose!
(visit the link for the full news article)
edit on 25-10-2010 by JanusFIN because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:19 PM
It almost makes the Somali Pirate attacks look like an elaborate ruse to pull Naval forces from varied allied sources within the same region to "combat pirates" all the while stacking the deck even further against Iran or towards whatever alternate agenda without ever showing their actual hand. Beautiful in a nefarious way if true.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:29 PM
Just look at this picture and "anybody" can guess what would be the next
logical move for the US..? right? or am i off base here

each flag is military base, and not all of them
edit on 25-10-2010 by paradiselost333 because: to add desrciption of photo

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by paradiselost333

Well, If I were playin RISK back in the 70s and somebody was stacked like that next to one of my territories Id have to assume they were trying to take out Siam to Own Australia
can ya dig the reference?

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by Shadowfoot

.i digg it.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by paradiselost333

I don't think US is in any position economically or morally, or militarily to go after Iran. Even bombardment of Iran will backlash and kill thousands of US soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Iran has put itself in a perfect position, US is stuck in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Both countries with their puppet regimes have failed miserably, which has boosted Iranian influence instead.

The question is, will this be a bombardment, or will this be a full invasion/occupation.

If it is bombardment, then you will see Iranian weapons in Iraq, not small fire arms, but sophisticated weapons which will give the insurgency a boost, which in result will cause the death of thousands of American soldiers. Not to mention Afghanistan, all they need is stingers, and US will be doomed within a year.

If it is a full invasion/occupation, well, that is weird, even if Russia joins them it will fail. There is a huge army within Iran which would cause the most devastating insurgency ever known in history.

It is great that Iran is fully prepared for an occupation, not to mention fully prepared for a bombardment, hence positioning itself at the heard of US empire, which is Israel.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by paradiselost333
Gee, i wonder, would that bee IRAN. The swarm is comming to sting and make a new hive here. get ready for phase 3 in the NWO plan and idoctrinization.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 08:48 PM
well the foreclosuregate bomb is no longer something that can be stopped from going off... Now all we can do is enjoy the calm before the storm... because after elections... It's ON people!!

My guess would be ohhh somewhere between november eight and twelfth...

that gives obama time to touch down settle in and his protection detail time to dig in before whatever happens goes down...

Gee funny Webbot's been saying those dates for how long?

As this comes closer and closer and I see the way the factors are lining up I fear more and more that my American Dunkirk theory is about to manifest itself...

And if it does all I can say folks is THIS IS NOT ACCIDENTAL... the DECK is being STACKED to take the US out of the number one spot real early on in whatever is coming... (funny thing when you play the bully and the rest of the kids on the school yard get a chance... they're going to hit you from behind!! and it's not just gonna be one of the other kids it's going to be as many of them as can pile on!!)

Now the interesting thing is the US is at a historic low point of war stocks in place in the Continental US.. as well as the forces most likely to defend the american public are either bottled up in penny packets in HOW MANY COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD?

And the forces in the States are disarmed and ringed in by armed Private Contractors that control their armory's and etc and like I pointed out in another post,,,, SOme bases now forbid private firearms on base! The rest of bases require any and all privately held firearms to be registered with security and able to be accounted for.

The potential Blood Bath that I feel could be brewing is EPIC and the world may be a very different place by the first of the year! And NOT FOR THE BETTER

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by oozyism

No but the US could easily gain the moral authority by luring them into a provocation

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 08:51 PM

looks to me like containment and then agian just exactly what does each flag represent?

what are the asset available to each flags? troop strength?weapon systems available? logisitical support and so on and so forth.

carrier battle groups are nothing new to the area hello still fighting a war.

preparation is the key to winning any war and that itself is a deterrent to war you build up enough assets to call down the thunder and well you can ensure peace.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 08:58 PM
I am certain that a war with Iran is only a matter of time, whether this is the real deal is something else. I believe that if anything, this is a show of force and a statement of intent. Obviously the preferred option is to force Iran to back down but as long as their nuclear facilities remain the only target, this will not happen.

The idea is now to put across that their nuclear facilities will not be the first or only casualty of a war on Iran, but as a first strike is crucial, over-the-top posturing is not an option. They plan on blocking the Strait of Hormuz in retaliation, or if we're extremely unfortunate they will do this to pre-empt an invasion. If successful this will be absolutely catastrophic. To remove this capability will require everything that can possibly be thrown at them, no-one is even sure of whether it can be pulled off at all.

Their ports and surrounding infrastructure must be destroyed first to prevent mine-laying boats from swarming across the Strait of Hormuz. Remember the Ghadir mini-subs they aquired in 2008? The Zulfikar fast patrol boats unveiled in August and the oh-so useless Bavar 2? All perfect for the job, the Bavar 2 especially was designed predominantly for this purpose and that was their statement of intent. Losing a nuclear reactor is not such a great loss but to lose their conventional warfare capability will destroy their standing in the Middle East and the rest of the world, it’s just not worth whatever they are playing at right now. Well we can only hope that it isn't.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
reply to post by oozyism

No but the US could easily gain the moral authority by luring them into a provocation

Pakistan is provoking the US by directly supporting the Afghan insurgency, what can the US do? Nothing, except kill innocent Pakistani civilians using drones.

The US is stuck, you have to remember that, whether the US have the moral authority or not doesn't mean they will win.

Winning has an objective, what will the objective of the war, or bombardment be? Regime change, or attack on nuclear sites?

Both will have 10X negative consequences on the US empire. US will loose Iraq, Afghanistan, UAE, probably Japan and South Korea.

Do you think China will sit back and do nothing?

China has already made a fuss about the Islands, that means if the US attacks Iran, China will use the Islands as an excuse to attack Japan and push US back to where it came from.

North Korea will go for South Korea with the help of China. Russia will go for Europe, blablabla..

Read the thread in my signature, "Asia getting ready for US collapse", has all the sources, and I have connected the dots for you.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
reply to post by oozyism

No but the US could easily gain the moral authority by luring them into a provocation

Pakistan is provoking the US by directly supporting the Afghan insurgency, what can the US do? Nothing, except kill innocent Pakistani civilians using drones.

The US is stuck, you have to remember that, whether the US have the moral authority or not doesn't mean they will win.

Winning has an objective, what will the objective of the war, or bombardment be? Regime change, or attack on nuclear sites?

Both will have 10X negative consequences on the US empire. US will loose Iraq, Afghanistan, UAE, probably Japan and South Korea.

Do you think China will sit back and do nothing?

China has already made a fuss about the Islands, that means if the US attacks Iran, China will use the Islands as an excuse to attack Japan and push US back to where it came from.

North Korea will go for South Korea with the help of China. Russia will go for Europe, blablabla..

Read the thread in my signature, "Asia getting ready for US collapse", has all the sources, and I have connected the dots for you.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by JanusFIN

Ongoing Iran War Preparations? Arabian Sea: Center Of West's 21st Century War

The monumental expansion of arms sales and the buildup of naval and air power in the Arabian Sea region are unprecedented. They are also alarming to the highest degree.

A quarter of the world's nuclear aircraft carriers will soon be in the Arabian Sea.

The Nimitz class nuclear-powered supercarrier USS Abraham Lincoln arrived in the region on October 17 to join the USS Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group, which in turn had arrived there on June 18 as part of a regular rotation...
(visit the link for the full news article)

And so it begins, finally world war 3 lol... the suspense was killing me so what is a nuke or two.... or a couple of hundred detonated above strategic positions to EMP countries into surrender... one rogue nation hoping to drum up support through intimidation is about to be annihilated.... dont even bother with the bunker crap trust me.... this will be extinction level event if it goes through.... Illuminati plot the new Adam and Eve scenario so in the 5th world they can get it right.... pray to God he exists because hey its GAME OVER.... although this could be a distraction for more legislation to pass through congress undetected and bolster the effort for a New World Order.... LOL I love it lets GO

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Soshh
I am certain that a war with Iran is only a matter of time, whether this is the real deal is something else. I believe that if anything, this is a show of force and a statement of intent. Obviously the preferred option is to force Iran to back down but as long as their nuclear facilities remain the only target, this will not happen.

The idea is now to put across that their nuclear facilities will not be the first or only casualty of a war on Iran, but as a first strike is crucial, over-the-top posturing is not an option. They plan on blocking the Strait of Hormuz in retaliation, or if we're extremely unfortunate they will do this to pre-empt an invasion. If successful this will be absolutely catastrophic. To remove this capability will require everything that can possibly be thrown at them, no-one is even sure of whether it can be pulled off at all.

Their ports and surrounding infrastructure must be destroyed first to prevent mine-laying boats from swarming across the Strait of Hormuz. Remember the Ghadir mini-subs they aquired in 2008? The Zulfikar fast patrol boats unveiled in August and the oh-so useless Bavar 2? All perfect for the job, the Bavar 2 especially was designed predominantly for this purpose and that was their statement of intent. Losing a nuclear reactor is not such a great loss but to lose their conventional warfare capability will destroy their standing in the Middle East and the rest of the world, it’s just not worth whatever they are playing at right now. Well we can only hope that it isn't.

Hmmn a brilliant strategist you are.... diplomacy vs military a thin line between war and campaign.... what do you expect to be the outcome of this crap?

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by paradiselost333

I don't think US is in any position economically or morally, or militarily to go after Iran. Even bombardment of Iran will backlash and kill thousands of US soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Iran has put itself in a perfect position, US is stuck in Afghanistan and in Iraq. Both countries with their puppet regimes have failed miserably, which has boosted Iranian influence instead.

The question is, will this be a bombardment, or will this be a full invasion/occupation.

If it is bombardment, then you will see Iranian weapons in Iraq, not small fire arms, but sophisticated weapons which will give the insurgency a boost, which in result will cause the death of thousands of American soldiers. Not to mention Afghanistan, all they need is stingers, and US will be doomed within a year.

If it is a full invasion/occupation, well, that is weird, even if Russia joins them it will fail. There is a huge army within Iran which would cause the most devastating insurgency ever known in history.

It is great that Iran is fully prepared for an occupation, not to mention fully prepared for a bombardment, hence positioning itself at the heard of US empire, which is Israel.

without an ace up the sleeve, quote unquote, I dont see the United States leaving with its tail between its legs.... something must come of this situation... death HA like the bureaucrats in Washington ever cared.... they will sacrifice all those young boys to intimidate everyone into a end game scenarion.... its a bluff thingy going on... but the US has the big joker.... all these earth quakes? Haarp tech? something is definitely about to be revealed as far as intentions go.... I feel, there will be blood

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
reply to post by oozyism

No but the US could easily gain the moral authority by luring them into a provocation

I seriously doubt it.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:34 PM
I predict this to happen. Around nov. 23 a warning will be issued to IRAN about their nuke programs. This will cause u.s. to take more action against Iran. Iran will not listen, and isreal will warn Iran again, about the impending doom they will cause apon Iran. A leader will die and his brother will take his place. Cholera outbreak in haiti capital. A mountain errupts, killing thousands. A pursian gulf blockade occurrs. More trouble at bottom of sea floor, BP. Gas goes crazy and drops then rises drastically. What about the bubble, stock market plummits.

posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by nite owl
I predict this to happen. Around nov. 23 a warning will be issued to IRAN about their nuke programs. This will cause u.s. to take more action against Iran. Iran will not listen, and isreal will warn Iran again, about the impending doom they will cause apon Iran. A leader will die and his brother will take his place. Cholera outbreak in haiti capital. A mountain errupts, killing thousands. A pursian gulf blockade occurrs. More trouble at bottom of sea floor, BP. Gas goes crazy and drops then rises drastically. What about the bubble, stock market plummits.

if Illuminati is behind this then it will be November 11th that the climax reaches its zenith.... then afterwards we will know the fate of our world and thee intent of our leaders... ah man life is a comic book right now.... maybe it is ATS and what it encourages in ppl of like minds... imagination lol F it

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