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usa riots will not be like europes

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posted on Oct, 26 2010 @ 01:16 AM
It will be a truly sad day when American kills another American over their ways of thinking only.Politics always gets in the way of progress and common sense.But having been around this planet recently i have noticed that a bad day in America is still better than a good day in lets say Mexico, North Korea, China, or any middle eastern nation. Europe is a place we left to get away from,the Kings and Queens and Preists, we as Americans should never compare ourselves to Europeans.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 01:09 AM
I am just one old lady (and THAT has been debated lol, the lady part) I grew up in a home of a WWII Vet, raised by a single dad and heard old war stories, hypothetical war stories and on and on for many yrs. I know many Vets and have heard such said stories from them as well.

When I ponder the topic if this thread I feel and think an entire assortment of things, but the ones that stand out the most to me are these:

I would fear a civil war more than a revolution, what frightens me more than the thought of civil war is how many peeps don't see a difference between that and revolution. Just in case any such peeps are reading a revolution is when people UNITE to overthrow a corrupt government. Civil war is when TPTB get The People to buy into politics and rise up to fight each other while TPTB get richer.

I think, like Mel Gibson said in The Patriot, most people don't stop to consider that war, revolution....isn't something fought on some foreign land, it is in YOUR backyard and your children would learn of it with their own two eyes.

I feel very unsettled when I hear so many of the young adults wanting such conflict and glorifying the massive death of innocent people.

Mob rule, home invasion, gang looting, yes there would be ALL of the above, and should that happen each INDIVIDUAL will have that all important choice to make and personal belief to stand on...

Revolutions are fought by the young, not the old.... however what I don't think most of the younger generation consider is that old people may not be able to out run or out fight you, they are however FAR more likely to kill you stone dead without warning, in a SHTF scenario, I will be thinking of my grand children and you have NO IDEA what I would instantly become capable of-- in order to protect them.... I would not wait for it to come to THEIR door.... I would go look up the local punks I already KNOW would harm them without a second thought....perhaps while THEY are sleeping

Also, while most of the US population has become very urbanized and soft from all the citified lifestyle...don't discount the farmers and those who live out of the metro areas....they have loads of common sense, are use to trouble shooting and improvising.... America's strong suit has always been our innovation.

Most peeps are followers, leaders are always going to rise up when there is need of them....the followers will follow, at least for a while... During the first American Revolution only 30% or less became involved... The passion they possessed is what carried them through. Passion and principle are sorely lacking in the current generation.

What concerns me the most is either scenario kills off the older generation or locks them up in massive numbers, and like it or not WE are the only ones alive that know when the current history books are wrong. When we are gone, the history your children read about will be far more off base than it is today. THIS fact scares me most of all. History is written by the victors.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:51 AM
All a revolution would do is get people killed, then set us right back to where we are now but with a whole lot more regulations.

Wed kick the idiots out just so all of us idiots can elect another bank loving idiot.

Great job!

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:18 AM
I will fear the day this happens and I hope it will never be.

Yes it will be different.

1- Like you said, most Europeans aren't armed, therefore it will probably not be necessary to use deadly force on a massive scale.

2- Europe isn't like the US. Europeans are divided in nations which will accordingly start to rebel... The nations rebels will most likely not join forces ( at first ) neither will they set up a collaborative rebellion. Rebel faction will thus be divided and easier to control and more importantly will be there goals as they differ among regional and national boundaries.

3- Europeans will not stand up and aide their fellow Europeans in other parts of the EU. Look at Greece now and WW1 and 2, Spanish civil war, ETA, IRA, Former Yugoslavia, former Eastern Soviet territories are all examples of how much European people care about our fellow European citizens.

4- People are to comfortable looking the other way to actually take part of or stand up and raise their voice for some regions... Where others fail to see the importance and just take the opportunity to riot with only their personal interests in account. Some will fight for their ideas, and some because they are scared and empty their intestines from fear of who will rule them next if they remain silent...

The US is a whole other story.

A nation with proud people, feeling pride for being American, pride for being able to carry weapons, pride for what they all as a single nation have achieved, and they will fight for their country, and their neighbors from the East to the West coast and back. They will all stand up and fight for what their beloved four fathers have reached , and what they got written and signed in some documents what they call constitution. Cause that is the only thing where they will find any reason to even rebel about... And when they do they do it together.

Because the nation has made patriotism so big that only an attack on what Americans hold precious will be worth defending and they will defend their country together.

But..... This is just what my thoughts just told me... It could be very different.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by snowen20
reply to post by spy66

Now your speaking my language.
Like I said in my original post, Special warfare guys typically have very pliable mentalities when it comes to being a soldier. That's what makes them good at what they do.

Your regular GI however may be as pliable to some extent but typically has the freedom to be complacent with ideals and mentalities. This means that if something does seem to go against the grain he or she may lack the discipline to carry out the task which in this case is a good thing.

I don't know if you ever served, but my memories of spec ops gentlemen were not too great. This was in 2006 by the way, I can tell you the average soldier who doesn't spend quite as much time training in the field and other aspects of combat is a far more reasonable creature. I know many guys while in the Army that were very well aware of the nefarious activities of the government and what it may mean in the future.
You could say they were awakened, not all of course but many to be sure.
The best part of this is that if you have one person who is conscientiously objecting it will make others question the acts as well.....Perfect example of one apple spoiling them all, accept this one works in the favor of the people.

edit on 23-10-2010 by snowen20 because: (no reason given)

To become a infiltrator you have to have other qualities then just fighting skills. You need to have the skill to adapt to a new environment, have natural diplomatic skills and a posture that resembles the objective(s), the people you have to interact with.
But a person who has been trained/shaped usually gets spotted, do to mistakes which they can't handle and have problems with improvising on.

The best and most successful infiltrator(s) are usually people who dont know that they are infiltrators. They act most natural to their new environment. And make natural small mistakes that don't create a unnatural seen. A natural mistake is easier to explain, because the person can be truthful about their mistakes.

Spacial forces, spec-ops or other diplomats will be used to track this person(s), and later brought in for questioning.

The way it is done, is much like how businesses use other businesses to sell a product without being spotted. If you want to use a truck driver, you can go to a employer and sett up a transport rout that will guide the truck driver to the destination through many different businesses. The truck driver will think he is just doing his job.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

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