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Conspiracy Delusions from Left and Right

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posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:55 PM
Delusion arises from anger. The mind is bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. - from the Bhagavad Gita

The premise of this article is that society is controlled by the left/right paradigm that creates widespread delusion and madness. We are shown political maneuvering in the guise of "education" and "journalism".

Disclaimer: The conclusions presented here are my own private opinions. Because I am only human, some of these observations may be inaccurate or distorted. However, they do come from watching this site carefully for 7 years, i.e. they are based on experience.

In The Dark Side of Conspiracy Theory I argued that 75% of conspiracy-thinking, when emphasized too strongly, becomes a cause of fear/hatred. Conspiracies really do happen, but emphasizing them as the basis of all reality is a distortion. Not all actions performed by humanity are driven by malice. In Tyrants who love conspiracy theories I showed that the mass-murderers of History, such as Hitler and Stalin, based their actions on conspiracy-theories. Why is this relevant? Because it proves that Anger leads to Delusion and ultimately to suffering, as the ancient Vedas so aptly note.

This is my third thread on conspiracy-theories themselves being a Conspiracy. This one shows how the
left/right paradigm plays into this. When the fake conspiracies dissolve and one can see the conspiracies behind that. And even if you cant see it, you can see its effects every day. We can see the effects of something even if the source remains hidden.

Important note: This article is no criticism of normal folks liberalism and conservativism. It is meant to expose extremists whos sole intent is to cause damage to the minds and hearts of the world.


* The political left and right have been spinning ill-intended, paranoid ideas about each other since centuries

* Most conspiracy-theories are results of the covert mudslining between these two sides.

* These two sides employ agents who poise as "the other side" in order to make that side look stupid.

* The left and right are hogging all of the attention in the media and that this is a diversion from deeper issues.

These two sides have their own distinct conspiracy-mythology, which generally looks something like this...

Right-Wing Conspiracy-Thinking

The paranoid far-right sees Tyranny, Globalization, NWO, Illuminati, Jewish-Bankers, Marxists, Socialism, Totalitarianism, Atheism everywhere. Additionally,the UN, Gun Control, Hollywood, Paying Taxes, Bureacracy are some of the symptoms of this "Totalitarian NWO". Some in this mindset also see the world as governed by demonic forces. More recently Western Right-Wingers have added "Islamization" into the mix. Far-right muslims on the other hand see "The Great Satan", "Freemasons" and "Zionist Bankers" as the enemy. This is how they see the world...


Left-Wing Conspiracy Thinking

The paranoid far-left will use words such as "The Military Industrial Complex", to describe a vast conspiracy of Corporations, Military, Nazis, The Ruling Class, The Vatican, Christians,The Elite, The Powers that Be, "The Fourth Reich", the Oligarchs, Capitalism, "Big Business", Fascists, Wall Street, The Establishment, The Old White Man and "Ruling Bloodlines and Families". The far-left will go on about Oppression, Exploitation, Revolution. More recently the far-left has included words such as "Messianic Zionism" and "Fascist America/Israel" into the conspiracy mix. This is how they see the world...



You recognize an far-leftie because he sees "fascists" everywhere, including the inncocent Catholic family who drops their children off at Sunday School. You recognize an far-rightie because he sees "Communists" everywhere, including the innocent hippie who just wants to meditate at the beach sans oil spill.

A small step closer to the truth, imo, is the conspiracy-theorist that ulilitzes both left and right wing information to uncover a "grand conspiracy" in which these two sides are played out against each other.

There are crossover-points between right/left conspiracy-literature. Some go so far to to one side that they "pop up on the other side" so to speak. This explains why the far-left and far-right often cooperate with each other, why the most extreme ones have good vibes with each other.

In my thread Tyrants who love conspiracy theories you can see some of the crossover points such as when the fascistoid woman-hater Ahmadenijad becomes best buddies with the marxist Chavez. Except that Chavez and II-Sung are fighting against the "Imperialist Agressors who are taking over the world" and Hamas and Ahmedenijad are fighting against "The Jewish Bankers, Americans and Zionists who control the whole world".

As shown in previous threads, extreme paranoia is often a psychological projection to divert attention from ones own evils. Kim Ill-Sung let millions of people starve before weaving his conspiracy-theories about it being the Wests fault. Ahmedenijad publicly hangs women who show too much leg and then goes on stage ranting about America being "The Great Satan" and 9/11 having been done by "them evil Jews".

In the thread Fear, Hate and the Power of Love it was my contention that both sides have in common that they spread anger and that that is never productive. Hence you have people rambling on about the evils of the supposed "enemy" since centuries, but it doesnt change a thing. It only aggravates the potential for war and more war and then more war. If you look at the History of war of the last 100 years you will see that it always involved either Communists or Fascists.

An example of far-right conspiracy are the "Protocols of the Wise Elders of Zion" which, as I have shown in my thread Zionist Conspiracy Theory = Black Propaganda was first plagarized from a fictional book by the Russian Czars Secret Police, then used by Hitler to justify WWII and is currently being used by the Hamas and Iran to justify denying peace talks with Israel. And once again, the far-left joins the far-right in their anti-Israeli sentiment, but for entirely different reasons than Iran/Hamas. Irans attitude is based on the real belief that Jews run the world. This is why Iran sponsors Holocaust-Denial Conventions. The far-left oppose Israel because they perceive them as warmongers, as part of the "military-industrial complex" of "fascist Israel/America". Hence, when Oliver Stone says "Jews Rule Hollywood" he is coming from a different philosophy than when Marlon Brando says "Jews Rule Hollywood". One is coming from the left, the other from the right. But at the end of the day they are both saying the same thing.

The mainstream-ization of conspiracy-theories is the root-cause of the political divide in the U.S.A. Today. Europe is comparitavely healthy because politics is carried out with Moderation with left-center and right-center taking turns at best-practice governing. Mutual respect abounds. Current day America, on the other hand, has been overtaken by a mindset of violent extremism and dumbed down journalism. You can see this all over the mass media and the "alternative" media.

On the one side you have supposed "Republicans" hijackaed by homophobes and racists, on the other side you have supposed "Democrats" hijacked by "revolutionary" America-haters. The extremism is artifically created as follows:

The media zooms in on some pathetic looser, such as the preacher who wanted to burn the Koran. In aggrandizing some nobody in this way, a storm of outrage is created that was not there before. Ripples in the water = revenue for newspapers. Then comes the burning anger of the lefist: "Those dumb Christian Bigots!". And the burning anger of the Rightist: "We aint that way! Muslims are!" And the burning anger of the Muslim: "We will show them not to burn our Holy Book!!!". This type of manipulation happens every day with hundreds of different topics around the world.

All over the Internet and on this very Board, why, do we have to read hundreds of times that this Florida Preacher who wanted to burn the Koran is "representative" of Christians? Why do we have to read hundreds of times that Stalin is "representative" of Atheists? The reason is: The left and right are peddling their agenda again. Two sides being played against each other, based on completely hollow and predictable doctrines.

Why are they played against each other? Because the media wants blood and guts. Why does it want blood and guts? Yes, also for revenue, but not only. They also want blood and guts because YOU click on it. The audience demands it. Like they demanded it in the years before Rome fell. You can say that its the medias fault, but you're the one paying money to enter a movie-theatre where you can enjoy the doom and gloom displayed on big-screen. Happy movies dont sell. We are all secretly entertained by evil.

Apologists say its a coincidence that far left/right regimes eventually apply terror. But it is no coincidence. As I will show in future thread on this subject, the seed of hatred is inherent in their doctrines. Ive been reading their distortions here since 7 years. "European nations are socialist!" is only one of thousands of pieces of disinformation you will read on these boards from leftists. All European countries are pretty much centrist with social democracts and conservatives taking their turns. "Muslims are evil and have to be fought before they attack!" is only one of thousands of pieces of disinformation you will read on these boards from rightists. The majority of muslims are actually normal folks, just like you. Most arabic youth listen to American music and watch American movies. Leftists will come in here and say about this OP: "What is left and right is not clear-cut" in order to obfuscate what is being shown. Rightists will come in here and say about the OP: "Both the left and the right are Creations of Communism" in order to obfuscate what is being shown. This is how they fight their obnoxious thought-war on the Internet.

So you can see that the Delusions are based on Misproportion. 1% of Christianity being racist quickly becomes "Christians are racist". 1% of Mulsims being Extreme quickly becomes "Muslims are extreme". 1% of Business being exploitative quickly becomes "Capitalism exploits people". 1% of Tree-Huggers being extreme quickly becomes "Tree-Huggers are dangerous". Im not kidding folks, this is how severely stupid these people are.

If you dont believe that this is a conspiracy, look at how the left/right paradigm and its variations (Atheism/Christianity is one of them) have taken hold of every single topic on this Board alone. One loves conspiracy-theories because they help him feel like an oppressed victim (leftie) of uncontrollable circumstances, the other loves conspiracy-theories because they help him express his sadistic drive (rightie) to "punish evil".

You won't see this if you're not intimately familiar with both sides and how they think and see the world. If you've only read literature from one side, you wont see it. Read both sides for an amount of time and you`ll totally see through all of this.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 03:59 PM

The paranoid far-left will use words such as "The Military Industrial Complex",

Eisenhower was a Republican, not a far-left conspiracy theorist.

When the CIA brought Nazis over and used them to create their intelligence network, when Nazi scientists were used to create the space program, can you explain how this is not a bad thing? Or how it would be totally impossible for their ideology to be passed down?

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

I knew the Eisenhower point would come up. I KNOW that Eisenhower coined that.
Today its being used all across leftist literature. Noam Chomsky comes to mind.

As for Operation Paperclip: That was one of the REAL conspiracies.

edit on 24-9-2010 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

It's used by right-wingers too. And the MIC is a fact.

Yes, Paperclip is indeed one of the real conspiracies. I personally find it hard to believe that their twisted beliefs were not carried on. However it is very stupid to say "Bush is a Nazi" or "Obama is a Nazi." The fact is, fascism is an ideology held by both Left and Right.

edit on 24-9-2010 by InvisibleAlbatross because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

There are crossover-points betweent the c-theories held by left and right, but there are also very obvious distinctions, stuff that is typical for either a left or right bias.I realize MI has been used by both. But generally, its been picked up more by the New Left in the 60s to "prove" that the USA is being "run by Nazis".

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:22 PM
And Paperclip, as tasteless as it is , was essentially an effort to recruit scientists. It doesnt justify weaving a theory on America being run by Nazis. If it were run by Nazis it would look a little different today.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:42 PM
I just finished reading the whole OP and all I have to say is; I'm not a far-leftist!?

Just kidding, good job! S+F

I'm never apolitical, it's non-stop politics with me but I don't run around screaming Fascist at every Christian or Conservative. I don't delve too far into most conspiracies because I see most conspiracies as crazy anyway. The world is run by wealthy bankers secreting plotting how to kill us all, come on that's just crazy!

A skeptic of the news and of conspiracies is a good way of keeping yourself in reality. Anyone with a brain knows that pastor in Florida just represented himself, not Christianity. Al-Qaeda represents pseudo-Muslims and speak only for their own hate filled person. Communism is not good and Fascism is not good, that is what the 20th century was based around, the fighting between extremes.

This was an excellent thread, congratulations! I really enjoyed it.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:47 PM
I don't even understand the purpose of this thread. Is it to somehow suggest that most conspiracies are "delusions?" If so, that's a ridiculous premise.

Let's take the JFK assassination as a prime example. The only "delusion" was the government's impossible and ridiculous Magic Bullet Theory. 40 years later, infamous CIA operative E. Howard Hunt made a deathbed confession to his son(s) that the CIA did indeed kill Kennedy. His son suspected as much because he recognized his father as one of the "three tramps" photographed on the grassy knoll and he distinctly remembers his father being on a "business trip" to Dallas the day JFK was assassinated.

The MSM totally ignored this article when it was originally published in Rolling Stone (no surprise), and since then it's disappeared, but thanks to, it's been archived:

The Last Confessions of E. Howard Hunt

If the CIA can clandestinely murder a president while the rest of the government and the entire MSM do nothing except act as accomplices, then anything is possible.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:57 PM
Star & Flag.

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Delusion arises from anger.

I speak only from personal observations concerning myself, and the experiences I garner.

"Anger" the verb and "Anger" the noun to me are the actions and behaviors performed that are rooted in "Hate" the verb and "Hate" the noun.

Psyops and neural linguistically charged propaganda exploit the intentionality of others to embed collective ideologies into others for the benefit of their agendas, in my professional opinion.

Delusion is a premise with strong ties to biological obligations, instinctual objectives, and generations of conditioning, through many aspects of societal structures, beliefs, and organized institutions.

How, I ask myself, can I justify my hate without first being afraid that the object of that hate has the intentions and/or percieved potentials of hurting, diminishing, and/or taking something away from me that I love?

Delusion may arise from anger, but delusion may be actually seeded in fear, and perhaps a side effect of the biological prime directive of Self Preservation.

The mind is bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. - from the Bhagavad Gita

Some, if not all, Schizoaffective Disorders and related delusionary related mood altering internal mechanisms may come from a mixture of "wild" imaginations coupled with over stimulation of fears. This may be due to what is happening at the intracellular communications. And those who manipulate these possible flaws of consciousness at a subconscious level of internal thoughts.

I like this thread, and thank you for authoring it. I will read the opening a few more times and ponder things before commenting further. I just wanted to interject the possibility that fear itself, or aspects of it, may participate in aspects of delusional disorders, or simply misinterpreting data, like anger and hate do. Perhaps anger and hate are nothing without fear

Thanks again for the thread & subject content,

edit on 24-9-2010 by Esoteric Teacher because: fix links

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

(Forgive my citing Wikipedia, I'm in a rush)

National Interest/Project 63: Job placement assistance for Nazi engineers at Lockheed, Martin Marietta, North American Aviation, and other aeroplane companies, whilst American aerospace engineers were being laid off work.

Operation Lusty: US efforts to capture German aeronautical equipment, technology, and personnel.

Target Intelligence Committee: US project to exploit German cryptographers.

Field Information Agency; Technical (FIAT): US Army agency for securing the “major, and perhaps only, material reward of victory, namely, the advancement of science and the improvement of production and standards of living in the United Nations, by proper exploitation of German methods in these fields”; FIAT ended in 1947, when Operation Paperclip began functioning.

There was more than just bringing rocket scientists over. There was Reinhard Gehlen, used to spy on the Nazis although he went rogue very quickly and nothing was done about it.

There was the US using and protecting Klaus Barbie, the "Butcher of Lyon."

There was nasty business like the American corporations who dealt with Nazi Germany and, when they were actually punished, got off lightly. To my knowledge all the executives of American IG got off scot-free.

There was the now declassified Red House Report (though this was a plan to create a Fourth Reich in Europe, it would not be out of the realm of possibility that the plan was expanded.

Again I say; I do not believe that the influence of Nazis and Nazi sympathizers in the US, and elsewhere, was resisted by all. It is easy to see that nowadays certain aspects of the fascist ideology is indeed in play.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
I don't even understand the purpose of this thread. Is it to somehow suggest that most conspiracies are "delusions?" If so, that's a ridiculous premise.

You may have noticed that the OP is itself a conspiracy-theory. But in this case it happens to put the spotlight on the agenda behind conspiracy-theories. No doubt JFK is one of the valid CTs. No doubt those investigating it are driven more by curiosity than by agenda.

You're 9/11 thing on the other hand (Ive noticed you like hanging around in 9/11) is rife with political agenda from all sides. Thats why its so difficult to make sense of.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
Anyone with a brain knows that pastor in Florida just represented himself, not Christianity. Al-Qaeda represents pseudo-Muslims and speak only for their own hate filled person.

I figured you'd get the threads purpose. You`re a big thinker on the left/right paradigm ever since you joined the site. One thread after another trying to figure out just what the agendas at play are. It all seems so confusing until one notices that where there is hatred there is usually also Delusion.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:27 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

I can kind of see that before there was hate there was fear and before that projection of evil. And I can definetely see that its all somehow also body chemistry and brain chemistry. When I sit here, in front of the screen, and get angry at some poster, Im feeling the chemistry. And I also notice how my emotions make me unable to give a rational response.

Nice post.

edit on 24-9-2010 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross

Again I say; I do not believe that the influence of Nazis and Nazi sympathizers in the US, and elsewhere, was resisted by all. It is easy to see that nowadays certain aspects of the fascist ideology is indeed in play.

Sure, that was never eradicated. Exactly my point in the OP.

What I dont believe however, is that the U.S. is the most evil force is the world. The last 50 years dont really show that.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 05:46 PM
This subject always fascinates me as, insofar as I can determine, these ideologies become a sort of perpetual motion machine for division. An illusion that comes in multiple flavors and allows us all to choose which flavor, or combination thereof, that we prefer. And since we have received what we prefer we fail to analyze the reality of what we've chosen. We just know it tastes good to us.

Take the real world example that people who like chocolate ice cream tend to not be able to comprehend how anyone else might prefer vanilla over chocolate. We can actually feel offense over this simple difference in personal taste. Now apply this to issues which incite strong emotional reaction, such as politics, conspiracy, etc, and you've got a recipe for division.

And, of course, anyone who seeks power is aware of this inherent quality of our personal perceptions and would seek to exploit it to some degree or another.

This instinctual polarization towards opinion is, in my opinion, possibly our greatest weakness as a society as it opens us up to the potential for being manipulated far more easily than any other mechanism. All a politician, party, or any other entity has to do is to suggest to us that "they" want to violate what "we" believe, and then they lock the cage door and watch as we tear ourselves apart.

The most obscene form of dog fighting, as it where, with the most important wagers at stake.

Or at least those are my (probably convoluted) thoughts on the topic!

S&F with my thanks Skyfloating, for posting such an interesting read!

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
No doubt JFK is one of the valid CTs. No doubt those investigating it are driven more by curiosity than by agenda.

You're 9/11 thing on the other hand (Ive noticed you like hanging around in 9/11) is rife with political agenda from all sides. Thats why its so difficult to make sense of.

I see, so the JFK assassination conspiracy is legitimate, driven more by curiosity than agenda. Especially now that for all practical purposes, it's been proven to be true.

But the 9/11 conspiracy theories -- which Reuters reports more than one-third of Americans believe (I personally think it's more) -- is somehow "rife with political agenda?"

Care to tell us what "political agenda" 100 million Americans subscribe to, other than questioning an official story with so many holes in it that even the 9/11 Commission stooges didn't believe the stories they were being told?

P.S. The left/right paradigm is as phony as a three dollar bill. It's just another example of the oldest trick in the book -- divide and conquer.

edit on 9/24/2010 by GoldenFleece because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:37 PM
Oh man, this is awesome. We have to start somewhere, don't we? I can perhaps see a little of myself here and there among the OP's words. It's a beginning to the realization that we all have blinders on to a degree, and cling to indoctrination from habit and comfort. Surely our minds are big enough to entertain someone else's thoughts once in a while, without rejecting them because at first glance they appear to be the antithesis of our own. Perhaps they aren't, and we just don't take time to see.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Nice thread with some good points but I think you are attacking some points that are really not a conspiracy anymore as there are facts to prove them..
It stops being a conspiracy when proven..

It also seems like you have a pro-Israel approach which doesn't fit ijn with your "unbiased " view..

An example of far-right conspiracy are the "Protocols of the Wise Elders of Zion" which, as I have shown in my thread Zionist Conspiracy Theory = Black Propaganda was first plagarized from a fictional book by the Russian Czars Secret Police, then used by Hitler to justify WWII and is currently being used by the Hamas and Iran to justify denying peace talks with Israel. And once again, the far-left joins the far-right in their anti-Israeli sentiment, but for entirely different reasons than Iran/Hamas. Irans attitude is based on the real belief that Jews run the world. This is why Iran sponsors Holocaust-Denial Conventions. The far-left oppose Israel because they perceive them as warmongers, as part of the "military-industrial complex" of "fascist Israel/America". Hence, when Oliver Stone says "Jews Rule Hollywood" he is coming from a different philosophy than when Marlon Brando says "Jews Rule Hollywood". One is coming from the left, the other from the right. But at the end of the day they are both saying the same thing.

That is a very onesided view of the Israelis...

For the rest, S&F

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:17 PM
The Fabian Society is not a delusion. You can yourself go to wikipedia and check out their plan for world socialism. Check out the bottom links.

edit on 24-9-2010 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Bravo Skyfloating, bravo indeed, well said and well represented.

The paradigm of "left-wing" verses "right-wing" has always troubled me.


I have said it many times, and I will reiterate it here, for everyone.

There are actually no secrets within Government.

If you know how a "government" works.

By my above statement, I am not stating people within Government do not have agendas, or secrets.

They do.

In fact though it is usually individuals, certain people who will do anything to gain power, and sometimes their political party.

The same happens within the conspiracy theory community due to people not having a firm grasp on reality.

Nor are they grounded in reality.

A "government" is just a system of control, a system of predetermined policies, procedures, and protocols.

These are in a constant state of flux due to events like the Oklahoma City Bombing or 9/11.

In those words, a "government", is nothing but like a car or a house, without a driver, or inhabitant, it means nothing.

Without the President inhabiting the White House, "government" is nothing.

Without 50 states having Governors, that office means nothing.

Without soldiers occupying positions within a military, that military means nothing.

I am sure you get my point.

But the partisan bickering, a smokescreen, often infects people to extreme points of view and action.

I do not support the "left-wing" nor the "right-wing" because I know without both wings we are turkeys.

I support the country as a whole.

Being a centrist walking along the middle I support the entire country, a land of people.

The Government, is a physical embodiment, of our country.

It is however not our country, it is a system, which can be easily manipulated by experienced people.

Remember, a car, can go 35MPH, on the Interstate, with the turn signal on, in a 70 MPH zone.

Or that same car can go 70MPH, in a school zone, with a 15MPH speed limit, putting innocent lives in danger.

That is the same as our Government, an office of a certain politician, and as well our own community.

The conspiracy theory community.

Knowing policy, procedure, and protocol like I do, when speaking of conspiracies, I go with those where relevant.

Remember, there are no secrets, within Government, if you intelligently follow the policy, procedure, and protocol.

You can see any Government secret, through watching the strings pulled, the policies used, the procedures followed, and the protocols of a "government", because this is how you interpret a true Government function, from an alleged conspiracy.

The Government tells on itself through everything they do, all actions, all non-actions, all functions are obvious.

If you're paying attention, are grounded in reality, and have both feet planted firmly on the planet we all live on.

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