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Are Aliens Defenceless?

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posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:17 AM
Aliens definitely have some means to both defend themselves and to attack others if necessary.

When lifeforms in any planet advance in the evolutional ladder,they all have to continuously fight against other lifeforms to survive.
And when lifeforms reach the "alien" level,and no longer have any serious enemies on their home planet thanks to their advanced technology and/or spirituality,there still exists the possibility that some new enemy might appear from "outer space".
Since all "alien level" lifeforms must be very intelligent,they realize this,and therefore they must have weapons or some other means to fight.

Being spiritually developed doesn't have to mean that you would be a pacifist.
Consider some alien race that is "highly spiritual" and doesn't even know the concept of war anymore.
Then some other "non-spiritual" alien race comes and easily puts half of them to death and the other half to slavery.
What good was that "spirituality" then?
It only caused them to become slaves.
Was that even real spirituality at all?
Or was it just an exuse to be lazy,and not to spend any resources or time to defend yourself?

100% pacifism is stupidity and aliens aren't stupid.

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:25 AM
Yes well ! Maybe we are in the midst of a galatic war... Maybe our governments conspire with "them"... "Them" is the question ? Good or Bad ? What side are "we" on ? There are always friend and foe ! No different with Aliens...

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 06:26 AM
Even if they didn't have any purpose built weapons I would have thought that any species that had technology could improvise on pretty quickly.

If you have the ability to mine minerals (i.e.cut through rocks) then I would assume you could cut through a soft squishy human quite easily. Any device that can send a large amount of focused energy in a specified direction can be improvised into being a weapon

posted on Sep, 14 2010 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
The search for alien life in this galaxy should be undertaken only by those whose minds are sharp, those who seek truth, not those who have found the light and are blinded by it. In short the question are we alone in the universe is not for deities and spiritualists to answer. They have NO place in an endevour of this importance, save perhaps for in the kitchen, making all the people who do real research some lunch.

I really do not think that just because someone suggests dimensions and vibration rate, they should be categorised as being part of the hippy culture and a new age freak. I have an interest in quantum mechanics because I think that science as such is too limiting and needs to embrace the less abstract. In Quantum mechanics science meets magic so to speak.

The need to explore more abstract possibilities is important. What if we could teleport by using our Will ? Wouldn't that be cheaper than a 10 billion dollar rocket and associated fuel. What is so wrong with exploring the powers of the mind to explore space or even as a weapon. The russian and chinese are at it. There was even a film "The Men Who Stare at Goats" suggesting the americans are at it too. If we are to conquer space we have to use both sides of our brain - not just the left as scienists do. I still subscribe to the idea that ETs have a subtle body and travel at the speed of thought.

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by crowdedskies

Originally posted by TrueBrit
The search for alien life in this galaxy should be undertaken only by those whose minds are sharp, those who seek truth, not those who have found the light and are blinded by it. In short the question are we alone in the universe is not for deities and spiritualists to answer. They have NO place in an endevour of this importance, save perhaps for in the kitchen, making all the people who do real research some lunch.

I really do not think that just because someone suggests dimensions and vibration rate, they should be categorised as being part of the hippy culture and a new age freak. I have an interest in quantum mechanics because I think that science as such is too limiting and needs to embrace the less abstract. In Quantum mechanics science meets magic so to speak.

The need to explore more abstract possibilities is important. What if we could teleport by using our Will ? Wouldn't that be cheaper than a 10 billion dollar rocket and associated fuel. What is so wrong with exploring the powers of the mind to explore space or even as a weapon. The russian and chinese are at it. There was even a film "The Men Who Stare at Goats" suggesting the americans are at it too. If we are to conquer space we have to use both sides of our brain - not just the left as scienists do. I still subscribe to the idea that ETs have a subtle body and travel at the speed of thought.

Sorry , typing error. I meant scientists must learn to embrace the 'more' abstract concepts (not l'ess' ) as per above.

Too late to edit

posted on Sep, 15 2010 @ 08:30 AM
If we just look at the case files of alleged encounters, sightings, etc., there are numerous examples of our weapons being disabled, the craft disappearing from radar, instrument interference, etc. There are even accounts of beam-like weaponry.

I doubt they are defenseless.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by crowdedskies

While interesting, your theory about aliens having a subtle form is superfluous at this time. I say that because what is needed now is an explanation of the clearly physical and material nature of some of the contact had between humanity and the vehicles, or devices of what may have been alien construction down the years.
There are countless examples of fully physical and not at all subtle contact between the alien machine ,and mankind , and it is those examples, those cases as yet unexplained, which must be the focus of thinking at this time, if only because in logical process you solve the simple problems first. Getting into energy beings, vibration rates , different realities, and general multidimensionality cannot for one moment assist us in explaining these most basic cases, and while absolutely engaging and interesting to the extreme, is something to come to much much later.
When the purely mechanical potential contacts have been sifted , sorted, catalogued and identified, that would be the time to start thinking in terms of instantaneous thought to action capable creatures!

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

Yes, I said a while ago that aliens do not want to land here because they know we are murderers.

But if they have the knowledge to build space travelling machines they also have the knowledge to have far superior weapons than ours.

So maybe they are kind? And are observing our planet, which we are doing our best to ruin, with concern?

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

I don't know would you consider a device that can destroy or move a planet a weapon, or a cleaning tool....So much stuff out there in the universe, and a tool/way that can get some of those pesky moon sized asteroids out of your way for any number of reasons, could come in handy, its a big universe out there and sometimes things collide, and sometimes things live on such things that collide.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
reply to post by crowdedskies

While interesting, your theory about aliens having a subtle form is superfluous at this time. I say that because what is needed now is an explanation of the clearly physical and material nature of some of the contact had between humanity and the vehicles, or devices of what may have been alien construction down the years.
There are countless examples of fully physical and not at all subtle contact between the alien machine ,and mankind , and it is those examples, those cases as yet unexplained, which must be the focus of thinking at this time, if only because in logical process you solve the simple problems first. Getting into energy beings, vibration rates , different realities, and general multidimensionality cannot for one moment assist us in explaining these most basic cases, and while absolutely engaging and interesting to the extreme, is something to come to much much later.
When the purely mechanical potential contacts have been sifted , sorted, catalogued and identified, that would be the time to start thinking in terms of instantaneous thought to action capable creatures!

I have to say that you have a point here. Approaching it from the material point may well be the first step. However if it should be observed that that a material craft or being can vaporise or vanish , then we will need to look at the physics , metaphysics and quantum physics of it.This may involve delving into the unknown and even the occult for that matter because we are possibly dealing with planes and levels of existence.

It is perhaps my gut feeling that chasing aliens is like chasing a shadow or rainbow and I don't want to play hide and seek with them.

posted on Sep, 16 2010 @ 02:23 PM
I was just going to say.. if they were defenseless, that may explain why we have not made real contact.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 03:06 PM
They aren't so helpless. Bullets and cannon shells bounce off their ships like they're shielded with something. They can outrun the fastest jets. They can dodge the fastest missiles, all of which frustrated those pilots who tried to fire on them. I mean, what can you do with some thing can fly faster than bullets and rockets, and can just go anywhere it wants at will.

This is why the US government has been trying to back-engineer them for fifty or sixty years, figuring that only a UFO will ever be able to catch a UFO.

I've seen how a real UFO moves and it's unbelievable. They can go from zero to lightning fast almost instantly. I couldn't believe me eyes. Still can't, but that's what it did.

Military and intelligence officers have blown a fuse when they got some of these reports and wondered what kind of power they must be using. I mean, I have heard of officers, normally calm, cool and collected, who were just absolutely beside themselves when they saw what these things could do. There have been times when they have been seen on radar, not just once or twice but on dozens and hundreds of radars all over the place, just darting around from here to there in a very short time, with the military calling up interceptors after them from all over the place--not just one or two interceptors but dozens from every direction.

What usually happens is that the UFOs seem to get tired of playing and putting on a show and just fly off into space or wherever it is they go when they are not playing games with us earthlings. I have often wondered if they just do it for laughs.

posted on Sep, 17 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by davespanners
Even if they didn't have any purpose built weapons I would have thought that any species that had technology could improvise on pretty quickly.

If you have the ability to mine minerals (i.e.cut through rocks) then I would assume you could cut through a soft squishy human quite easily. Any device that can send a large amount of focused energy in a specified direction can be improvised into being a weapon

I've heard of cases in which the "occupants" have used some kind of stun weapon on humans who got too close, and of aircraft going down if they got too close, but not of intentional, lethal use of force. They do take defensive measures, but try to avoid aggressive or offensive behavior, and the aircraft chases often seem to be like they are just playing games or putting on a display.

Of course, there may well be that one group doing the abductions and mulitations, but the majority of them are not aggressive. Then there are these cases where the military already seems to know that some are friendlies and does not react to them at all as they come and go from space: so those should be considered indenified UFOs. Other times, the react by calling out interceptors and chasing them around, so it seems to me that we really are dealing with a number of different alien groups, some of which are just unknown and others very well known.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:12 PM
Rule of Strategy: Never deactivate what you can program. Perhaps they have the capability to enslave via coercion and mind control. Perhaps they do this by infiltrating the elite within the hierarchies that be. One good method might be to study our communications systems and then to use that as a source of propaganda so that they are viewed as a good and wise leader.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:25 PM
the Aliens most certainly have weapons and do not scruple to us them

The Sumerians wrote of fearful weapons possessed by their 'Gods' and the Hindu Vedas and Upanishads describe wars with weapons of mass destruction

I believe that Earth was invaded in ancient times by two races of Aliens that had a war so terrifying that it scared the hell out of both these races and the result was that they both left our planet

the Sumerian tablets and the Bible both testify that a least the Annunaki that inhabited Mesopotamia ,are afraid of us and when you are afraid of something you never go near it without weapons .... unless you're a damned fool

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by FOXMULDER147

you spelled defenseless wrong...

but it is a theory i have often pondered also..

nice thread..

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