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Riot police tackle missiles at English Defence League protest in Bradford

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posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by solidshot

I've watched that clip half a dozen times and I would be very cautious about basing any claims on it. With regard to the smoke bomb, I can see a little coloured smoke but I can't see it being thrown, flying through the air, or hitting the ground. All of which makes it difficult to say from which direction it was thrown or who threw it.

I can see a lot of people inadvertently mixed up in the protest, who clearly look as though they want to be somewhere else.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:27 PM
You may have missed my take on the laughable UAF, I firmly believe that without the police presence they would provoke a scrap with the edl then get the crab kicked outa themselves. I don't count the black or brown locals in that mix as whenever they have fought the edl they edl has lost badly cos they ain't that hard just confused boys from the white estates being led by people who wana be a bigger fish no matter how big the pond is.

'laughable UAF'? With a long legacy of confronting racists and idiots, they are hardly laughable. Sure, they probably would get the crab, as you so wonderfully put it, kicked out of them, but they will still protest and support equality and fairness - denying ignorance!

Your point about the EDL members is, I think, quite accurate. See my other post on this thread - they are easily manipulated from many sources into following these idiots into 'battle' as if they are Richard Lionheart or St George... and before you say owt, I know this because I am from that background, but managed to open my eyes and look at the world around me for myself, not for the media and the idiots I was surrounded by!

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Parallex

Jews? There's a recruitment drive for Jews?

Talk about guilty conscience!

Why don't you show me some of these members of all colours and creeds? Can you produce any evidence? Mmost likely not. Typical EDL supporter.


There was no need to actively recruit Jewish members when they wanted to join of their own free will. Would they want to do this if the EDL was a neo Nazi group?

And here's a couple of edl members, one was their spokesman iirc?

Link 1

Link 2

Not sure about at the moment as i haven't followed to closely, but at one point at least the youth division was led by a half caste bloke as well. Would they let someone have power if they were racist?

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by Laurauk

This post was utter, complete nonsense. If you protest with the EDL, regardless of what you do or what your son does, you are expressing a prejudiced view of the world. Not racist, as Islam is a religion. It is still a nasty, small minded and ignorant view to hold, and one that has been created by the manipulation of the tabloid media in the UK in the last decade.

Not all groups have racist members as you bizarrely claim. I would doubt that UAF does, seeing as they are there to counter ignorance. Kind of like this site is meant to...

When you consider the number of Muslims in this country, and the relative lack of terrorist attacks since we decided to follow the Americans into attacking large swathes of the Muslim world to grab oil etc, it says a lot for the general tolerance and open-mindedness of British citizens, whatever their religion and background.

This country has been right wing, has been prejudiced, but has never been and will never be fascist.


posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by solidshot

Didn't some black kids join the skinheads and go "Paki" bashing in the 70s. Didn't skin heads also like ska??? If you don't know what is going on then do try to find out!

Nothing is that simple.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by solidshot

They are a group based on religious prejudice, not outright racism, unlike the NF and BNP.

Therefore your comment about their 'half-caste' youth leader is illogical and misleading.

Interesting that you believe 'half-caste', with its negative connotations of not being whole and relation to the Indian caste system which oppresses millions, to be an acceptable term to describe mixed race or dual heritage individuals.

Interesting too that he would join the EDL - often living an intersticial existence where one does not fit the 'mould' can lead to the adoption of views violently opposed to the 'unrecognised' or unacknowledged part of your existence. I imagine this is where the EDL recruit many of their members from ethnic minorities, who are extremely useful propaganda tools for this fascist group.

[edit on 29-8-2010 by anarchosyndicalist]

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Tiger5

If you had bothered to do any research into them you would have known there were at least a couple of members who were of Pakistani decent. (although i believe they have converted away from the Muslim faith?)

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by anarchosyndicalist

They are a group based on religious prejudice,

And yet again where is the proof that they are prejudiced against anyone other than the nutters who are a threat to our freedoms and safety? They have stated on many occasions they have no problems with the average Muslim person, only with the extremist's. The leader of the edl in the past has even stated he has Muslim friends he has know since childhood... So yet again where is this proof? people here keep spouting claims of prejudice yet never deliver the proof...

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by solidshot

Again, a misleading post as by leaving Islam they have no disagreement with the EDL. The BNP still wouldn't let them in, but a group based on religious prejudice such as the EDL would.

Race or skin colour is not an issue here. I am white and if I was a radical islamist who propounded a fundamentalist world view and wanted Sharia law in the UK, the EDL would want me bombed or battered by some hooligans in stone island jumpers who haven't left the 1980s yet.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Parallex
Oh, and there is no such word as "hypocrititism". It's spelt Hipocrisy my linguistically challenged comrade.


Brilliant. I hope you did that on purpose, it's bloody funny either way.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by solidshot

How about the well documented chants about Allah etc, seen on the Channel 4 documentary in recent months and reported again this weekend? Remember that film, where the spokesman said 'We're not racist, prejudiced etc' and then the people out fighting proved him wrong?

What about the people I grew up with, the people I am related to, who support them and their nonsense, and are prejudiced against all Muslims, 'cos they took are jobs and they make them areas no go areas for white people innit and they all sell smack to teenage white girls'.

Nothing to do with religion, all to do with prejudice based on being disenfranchised and kept ignorant and divided by TPTB.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by anarchosyndicalist

What about the people I grew up with, the people I am related to, who support them and their nonsense, and are prejudiced against all Muslims, 'cos they took are jobs and they make them areas no go areas for white people innit and they all sell smack to teenage white girls'.

Just because an individual has prejudiced views against a whole group of people doesn't mean that the whole organisation does. If this was the case all Muslim people would be attacking non believers around now wouldn't they?

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by anarchosyndicalist

I had a poke around their forum for a while. A lot of their members do seem to be quite well educated folks, not your average chav racist thug. Of course, with any organisation such as this one you will have a large scetion who are the chav racist thugs just looking for a fight and the chance to stick one on anyone different from them.

The problem the EDL faces is that while the intentions of a minority of their members might be as stated and not in any way sinister, they will inevitably be drowned out by the idiots who have defected from the National Front or the BNP.

Doing something like this in Bradford or other areas with majority muslim populations is just stupid though, they're quite obviously just looking for a confrontation.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by solidshot
The smoke bomb and other objects were thrown at the edl by the UAF as shown by this vid

Sorry, but thats a lie.

The UAF were not present in that area. The crowd there were non-aligned members of the public and locals.

You Video doesn't even show the smoke bomb that was set off. It was much denser white smoke. - What it does show is the Police moving the public out of the area after missiles were thrown towards them

Is it any surprise that the edl members were pushing against police lines after being kettled into an ever smaller area? And the uaf weren't subjected to even a fraction of this treatment.

The UAF demonstration was held elsewhere. It passed off peacefully.

The EDL had plenty of space in their demonstration area, and were only pushed back after they started throwing missiles into the crowd on the opposite side. They were not crushed in at all, and the violence against the police lines was intentional to try and break out of the area

There are also reports of EDL coaches having their windows bricked by Muslim gangs whilst driving away down the motorway, and an edl woman supporter being smashed in the face by a police riot shield.

The only damage to the coaches was caused by the EDL themselves. They did not even come on the motorway for the main part of the route into the city.

As for someone getting hit in the face with a riot shield, the only circumstance that this would have happened in was if she was part of the intentional violence against the police lines.

[edit on 29/8/10 by neformore]

[edit on 29/8/10 by neformore]

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by solidshot
There was no need to actively recruit Jewish members when they wanted to join of their own free will. Would they want to do this if the EDL was a neo Nazi group?

I watched yesterday as two EDL members got off a minibus, unfurled an Israeli flag, pointed it towards a group of local youths and gave a Hitler salute.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by solidshot

Thanks for the ignoring the fact that I provided the evidence and examples to prove you wrong.

And where do I mention individuals? I mention a large group of people I know, all over the North of England and London, who regularly express such views.

Good luck with your career as an ineffective propagandist for prejudice...


posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by neformore

Sorry, but thats a lie.

The UAF were not present in that area. The crowd there were non-aligned members of the public and locals.

So you are saying that Bradford is made up of shaven headed white student looking people carrying cameras? If this had been local people it would have had a reasonable number of Asians within the group, seemed to me to be few there.

The UAF demonstration was held elsewhere. It passed off peacefully.

This was a small group of UAF that the police had let into the area for some reason (most likely total incompetence?)

The only damage to the coaches was caused by the EDL themselves. They did not even come on the motorway for the main part of the route into the city.

I was talking about when they left the protest, also wheres the proof that the damage was caused by the EDL? Link please.

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by neformore

I watched yesterday as two EDL members got off a minibus, unfurled an Israeli flag, pointed it towards a group of local youths and gave a Hitler salute.

And how do you know they were genuine edl members? You do realise edl marches have been infiltrated by uaf members in the past doing this very thing to project a bad image? And you do know that edl stewards had a small amount of help ejecting a couple of C18 members from the protest who were trying to cause problems and lay the blame at the feet of others?

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by anarchosyndicalist

Good luck with your career as an ineffective propagandist

Means i could get work at just about any mainstream media outlet in this country then..

posted on Aug, 29 2010 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by solidshot
So you are saying that Bradford is made up of shaven headed white student looking people carrying cameras? If this had been local people it would have had a reasonable number of Asians within the group, seemed to me to be few there.

Bradford is a University town, and suprisingly it seems for you - all kinds of people live there.

This was a small group of UAF that the police had let into the area for some reason (most likely total incompetence?)

I'm telling you now, that the UAF demonstration was held elsewhere, and that there was nobody from that demonstration in the crowd there.

I was talking about when they left the protest, also wheres the proof that the damage was caused by the EDL? Link please.

There was no damage to the coaches when the EDL left the protest. They did not leave Bradford via the motorway

As I stated, I am uniquely qualified to tell you that the EDL caused the damage to the coaches. I cannot give you links, because I have none, but I can give you my personal word that it is the case.

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