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Who will take over America? The Mexicans or the Muslims?

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posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:46 PM
All I'll say on the matter regards the impact that Muslims are currently having on Europe.

An interesting article with plenty of graphs and stats.

Europe's Shifting Immigration Dynamic

We must learn from the mistakes of others. Lessons that we should have learned decades ago in the US. The problem is now exponential in scope and growth. Just look at the US in the past 10 years as the face of America is has rapidly changed.

I have to suggest that the problem is not just about immigration, it is also being compounded by collapsing birthrates in the US and in Europe. So, as our birthrates plummet, other parts of the world have been experiencing population explosions and the tipping point in America in Europe has already been reached. The immigration waves are here....and our govt. could really care less.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by jibeho]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:46 PM
WOW what a question, from what I have been researching throughout the last few years, the people in positions of power have already taken charge.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Let me give you the upside. Storms can knock down your home but cant take your freedom away. Global warming is just propaganda for the demoralization of the United put us into a state of mind ripe for surrendering our sovereignty out of fear. Fortunately, the mexicans and muslims have arrived. Let me explain. To be reactive, we must have a stimuli.
A tornado has no mind, no motive, it's just natures way of disapating opposing air masses. Global warming isn't real. Illegals and Jihadists are here to threaten sovereignty, therefore we react. It seems no matter how hard the gummint tries to force feed us a steady diet of islam and mexican annexation, it still pisses us off. It's the threat we needed to rally around. To make the population realize that if we sit back and "tolerate", we'll lose our stuff. Nothing pisses off an angry white guy like a muslim from Kenya surrendering a big chunk of Arizona to drug smugglers, and trotting our wives through a body scanner to see if they're real. So we react. The reaction is just now getting underway. Gun sales are setting records, guys that arent with either party are getting elected, Obama is going on the view to plead his case to unemployed liberal women (what's a muslim?) and Sherrif Joe is telling them where to stick it.
The gummint has to be seeing this, and getting nervous. Can't have rebellion, you know. How far they will push this agenda is anyone's guess, but I do beleive people are beginning to wake up and show some spine.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by astrogolf]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by SinkingSun
Haha, you should see Europe. If you're concerned about certain groups of people with different religious views and skin color taking over the United States, just know that you've got it quite nice.

After the Fall of the US the Chinese will take over.

every group from blacks to illegal mexicans has caused civil disobedience in mine and your streets and still you sit back and let it happen. and they get what they want. they screw you and you keep on taking it. when are you taxpaying amerikan citizens going to stand up straight and tall and take to the streets? it needs to happen. i'm telling you right now that white amerika, in particular, needs to get fired up and get off that couch, stop watching your porn, put down the fork at chile's, and march on your government to reverse course. if you don't, your land and your way of life, especially for your children, will be taken from you forever. now, i mention "white amerika" in specific because you are the enemy of all the folks you see in the streets marching since the 1960's. you are the target and have been without you ever noticing it. most don't notice, some do. gays march. they get their way. blacks march. get their way. illegals march. get their way. and you sit back and say, "oh my, where's the police when you need 'em?"'s time, my friends, it is high noon. i'm watching all these illegal mexicans in phoenix march up and down the streets, dancing around in my amerika. and there's nothing the authorities are doing to stop it. is this what you envisioned your amerika to be? is this what your sons and daughters died for in war...for this? your parents suffered...for this? it's going to take a major white effort to do something whites, quite honestly, aren't comfortable counted in open forum. it's going to take a monster effort to leave work, march with signs and clog up major arteries of every major city in amerika. you must be heard. if you don't do this, you will lose. and i mean everything. ......... and the white birth rate is plummeting dramatically. the combination of black and hispanic birth rates skyrocketing only leads to impending societal disaster in as little as 50 years time. i'll be dead and buried...thankfully. an amerika built upon those two cultures won't go too far. just look at africa, just look at mexico for your future. it is just that simple to predict. their skin colors could be green for all i care, their societies, culture, education, inventions, cures, etc. would lead any intelligent human being to suggest Amerika is doomed if those two groups are your majority. my kid will be an old man living out his final days of "traditional" amerika but his kids will live as the new minority. around 2075 no one here on curezone would be able to recognize their country, i'm sad to foresee. but, as you state...don't blame dummies for voting like dummies.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by RRokkyy]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by RRokkyy

Absolutely. We can eventually grab the reins and take care of the illegals and the infiltration of muslims, but the Chinese are a whole other kettle of fish. They can put up an army of 200 million (same strength as the kings of the east in revelations). Given their ongoing build up, that's problematic, particularly since neither they or the Russians have any fear of Obama. Be worried.
A nation is defined by borders, language and culture. Lose the culture (already badly dilluted) lose the country. Lose the borders...........
We are at a turning point.

[edit on 30-7-2010 by astrogolf]

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by astrogolf

Very well put. Why fear something we can't control when we can focus on something we can, even if the fear mongering is bogus. My problem is why does it have to be "outsiders" we blame? Wouldn't it be so much easier for us to fight back against the corruption in our government. It's much worse to be torn down from the inside. Wasn't it Abe Lincoln who said America will only ever be taken down from the inside, never the outside?

Why are people more enraged and apt to take action against "outsiders" rather than their own government. Does the latter seem more daunting a task?

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:53 PM
It's to late it's all over,
two lines

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by SpectreDC

I almost did the same until I came to your post and then decided to go ahead and speak ... Its hard to get into misunderstanding and correcting what I say let alone what someone else might have said.
I am with the Mexican said .any group from Turtle Island will work for me . Hey we have our Magnacarta from 1763 . I wonder if its possible for us to have people from other countrys join us and live, amongst us .peace

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by nunya13

Wouldn't it be so much easier for us to fight back against the corruption in our government. It's much worse to be torn down from the inside.

it has already been torn down from the inside, they are not our representatives and haven't been for a long time.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:57 PM
Neither. The "Christian" theocrats, who will then start WWIII in the hunt for being Taken Home to their white-bearded old guy in the sky. The Bushes have started the process. These people are the actual basis of the Tea Party, which is not a secular movement but a drive to a Christian theocracy.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
WOW what a question, from what I have been researching throughout the last few years, the people in positions of power have already taken charge.

This is the facts. Maybe some of the boardroom assholes are Mexican or Muslim, maybe not. Neither will have an ants worth of purchase without the say so from the REAL power makers and that isn't the President or Congress.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

I sadly have to agree with you on that one. So maybe the task is too daunting. Maybe that is why some feel the focus needs to be shifted to "outsiders". I guess its easier to believe someone came into your house and robbed you rather than believe it was someone you live with everyday.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by nunya13

I beleive this government has grown beyond it's intended size and scope, and become it's own self-ruling mega-corporation. The constitution has been tossed in the trash, and they don't seem to be willing to obey the consent of the governed, for example, healthcare bill. I don't really beleive Obama will go peacefully upon losing. In fact, he'd like to add about 12 million illegals to the voter rolls.
Ironically, when all is said and done, Obama and Lincoln will be the only two US presidents to have created a civil war.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 04:59 PM
Will be absent for awhile. Can't wait to come back to see how the dialogue is going. It's turned out better than I hoped.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 05:14 PM
I'm sure the Jews who already are in just about major position of power (banking, media, white house, congress AIPAC, supreme court) are glad the sheeple are worried that the muslims are coming to get them.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by astrogolf
Ironically, when all is said and done, Obama and Lincoln will be the only two US presidents to have created a civil war.

You said that as if it were a bad thing. Lincoln's war was one of economics. The coming one, hopefully, will be the people taking the nation back. That's a GOOD thing. The people are tired of being screwed, it's going to happen. Read history. The Russian Revolution was due to the establishment pissing on the people. Same with the French. Learn from history or be doomed to repeat it.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 05:32 PM
Who will take over America?
America has been taken over.
Didn`t it used to belong to the Red Indians?
But if you`re talking about the present day....which i know you are.
I just hope that the American people can take it back from the ones who have manipulated it from under your noses and are now using it as a war machine in the name of what was once a great nation.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 05:44 PM
Forget race and religious ideologies and look at the real problem, Corporations, lobbyists and greedy politicians...mainly corporate influence on government.

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 06:14 PM
I have to say neither ... The socialist beat them to it.

A nation divided will fall.

So strap in and hang on cause its going to be a bumpy ride

posted on Jul, 30 2010 @ 06:46 PM
I was just reading the july/aug issue of Smithsonian magazine and their predicted numbers for 2050 are 47%-White non-hispanic, 29%-Hispanic, 13%-Black, 9%-asian, and 1%-Native.

obviously this doesnt include religious affiliation but I dont see most muslim americans being white or hispanic.

so my vote is the mexicans (hispanic), but not for another 100 years or so.

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