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What has made YOU personally certain that UFO's are unconventional - ie, not Chinese lanterns

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posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 03:47 AM
I havent seen a UFO myself but two of my friends, who i trust, have.

They were out driving along a country lane one night and they stopped to investigate a strange glow coming from a field.

The glow was coming from a UFO that had landed in the field, it was bright orange and pretty big. They told me it was just how you'd imagine a UFO to look like.

Understandably, due to being petrified, they got back in their car and raced off back home - where they were dismayed to see that the UFO was now in the sky outside their flat.

It was a good 9 or 10 miles from where they first saw the thing to where they lived so they assumed that the UFO had followed them home.

Neither of the witnesses were interested in the subject and they gave me such a detailed and honest account of it all that i believed them 100%. How i wish i'd been with them!

For me, this sort of information is worth a thousand of the dubious photo's and videos's plastered all over the internet.

[edit on 11-7-2010 by Silver Star]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Silver Star

Neither of the witnesses were interested in the subject and they gave me such a detailed and honest account of it all that i believed them 100%. How i wish i'd been with them!

For me, this sort of information is worth a thousand of the dubious photo's and videos's plastered all over the internet.

[edit on 11-7-2010 by Silver Star]

I absolutely agree. Thanks!!

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by spacekc929

Dear spacekc929

What made me believe that there was something to be answered is the one I saw with my own eyes. Yes it is hard to believe what others say, but it doesn’t mean they are not telling the truth.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by spacekc929

Cool. lol

No never touched one of those things, nor, if there was some sort of creature on board, did I meet them. Pop, though, did. And, the only thing he said about it all was it was "weird". But, that's my pop, Doesn't talk alot about anything in his life. He doesn't speak well. What can I say? Maybe one day he will write it down. That woud be cool. If I press him about anything, he will talk a bit. It's just the way he is. Man, though, if you put too much pressure on him, he just stops talking. He's a smart guy, but never left the 6th grade, and feels, I guess, inadequate. And he has experienced a whole lot of strange events. You know, most people don't believe this stuff, and so he is so tired of the naysayers. He's 86 years old and I hope to get more information out of him,.

I think, though, he just believes his experiences are his. And everyone needs to find their own way. At least in his mind.

Then, again, that was always my pop's way. Find your way just like I found my way. heh. I find no fault with that idea.b

That is, isn't it, what we all must do? Find our own way to get to wherever we think we must get to?

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by kyred

Yeah. It would definitely be a better idea to let him talk at his own pace than force him!

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by spacekc929
So, what about you? Which UFO case, video, picture, or personal experience has made you certain that, although we may not know all the answers, there is SOMETHING going on that cannot be easily explained away?

For me personally there is already evidence enough that proofs that we are being visited by very intelligent and technological advanced non human beings.

I have no doubts about that whatsoever.

I have had one personal sighting myself and my grandpa had a major sighting in WWII at sea.

Here are some cases.

The Roswell case.

The case InfaRedMan mentioned, Rendlesham/Bentwaters incident in 1980.

The Varginha case.

The information mentioned in these sites.

But there is so much more.

Here is for more of those very interesting cases the magnificent thread of our too early lost ATS friend jkrog08.

And one cannot ignore the abduction and cattle mutilation phenomenon, which is in my opinion no doubt also connected with it.

[edit on 11/7/10 by spacevisitor]

[edit on 11/7/10 by spacevisitor]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:02 AM

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:08 AM
reply to post by MAC269

For sure. These things, whatever they are, are there.
Don't allow anyone who has never experienced this, tell you, you are misguided. No1 YOU were guided. The others, they had no guidance, and they can't believe you had something that they never experienced themselves. So it must have not happened. lol

You hear this crap all the time. Were you drunk? Were you doing drugs? Were you having a particually difficult time in your life? Surely that was the reason for this, because, well, I haven't seen this. so it must be psycholigical, or drug induced, or trauma related, or you want attention, for suire., becaise I am normal and never experienced this before. lol

You know it's all about me and, well, it all must adhere to my reality. lol

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:23 AM
1992 march flamborough head southlanding, me and a few of my friends were lied on our backs chillingout on the cliff top - we
all saw three orange dots appear at a large distance apart very very very hi up - they looked like orange stars they were that hi, they appeared in a very large trinagle and then proceeded to dart about the sky all in different directions for a few minutes, they then reformed in the original formation and vanished, it was amazing - nothing back then or now can do that!!, this is reinforced by all 3 of us seeing it!!. never seen anything like it since.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by spacekc929

You are definitely correct. IMHO.

I don't force him. But I bring it up when I have the opportunity.
But I go with his flow. Sadly, he is not long for this world, and I don't get to visit with him often. However, he loves to talk about God and the universe and all sorts of things in between. What a great source of ideas from him, ideas about love, life, and the Cincinnati Reds. lol

He's lived much more than I could hope to live. But there's one thing that is the thread that holds his years together. Contacts with others, beings, whether from this world or others, and he doesn't want to really talk about it all very much, It's way more personal to him than I can even imagine.

But I try to get out of him, what I can, when he is in the mood.Because, well, I think he has knowledge I should know.. Heh. But usually, he says, get your own knowledge in your own time, lol This is the guy who told me when I was 6, learn to swim,. Here ya go.And tossed me into water and then told me how to swim. lol Of course he would have saved me if I was about to drown. lol But he KNEW I would learn to survive on my own.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by Paradigm2012

That was very bizarre never seen anything like that in a video before. I would be willing to watch that entire duration of video for that May 2009 sighting, is it available?

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:29 AM

Originally posted by The Endtime Warrior
reply to post by Paradigm2012

That was very bizarre never seen anything like that in a video before. I would be willing to watch that entire duration of video for that May 2009 sighting, is it available?

Its widely available on the internet, but in raw form. All I did was take that footage from 06, 07, 08 and cut it then put together in one. In that one I think it was from 06 and 08.

its online if you search turkey ufo

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
For me it's the Rendlesham/Bentwaters incident in 1980. I still haven't seen a satisfactory answer for what they experienced over the 3 nights. The Lighthouse excuse was pathetic.

Best evidence for alien/advanced craft thus far IMHO.


i remember watching a show about that case. Pretty compelling stuff.

for personal reasons, i'm not going to share my personal story of why i believe there are sentient beings besides us here,

but i will say this . . .

i am 100% certain that flying saucers are real and i doubt they are ours . . .

i'll leave it at that.

PS: i'm liking the banner in your signature.

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 04:45 AM
I'm honestly not sure.

I've been obsessed with UFO's since first or second grade. There were four books on the subject in the school library at the time and I read all of them over and over throughout elementary school (among other books, of course).

Then, a few years ago, I saw (and have seen a few times since) some lights in the sky near my house that just didn't move like lights in the sky should.

After all these years of research and the above incidents, the conclusion I've come to is that I just don't know.

I don't know what I and others have seen. It could be black project aircraft, it could be aliens, it could be misidentifications, it could be natural phenomena. I don't know.

What I do know is that the subject fascinates and entertains me, so I keep reading and looking up at the sky.


posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by spacekc929


Here’s a case I find very interesting.

In my opinion, it is one of the extremely rare videos that withstands some level of scrutiny.

Revisiting The 1994 Nellis Air Force Base UFO Video

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

[edit on 11-7-2010 by Maybe...maybe not]

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by spacekc929


Here is another case I find very interesting, albeit I think the explanation (if forthcoming) will almost certainly be terrestrial military.

UFO in In Night Vision Video

What is the Identity of the Delta-Shaped Craft in this Video?

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not
I'll second that one. I'll admit to being very cautious about supporting video evidence...who wants to back a hoax or celebrate aircraft landing lights?

In the Nellis AFB video, it's just so peculiar and nothing similar has shown up since. I've read how it may have been hoaxed using a fabricated set and small model. The idea was plausible. At the same time, the video remains fascinating and hasn't effectively been debunked...that I know of.

The 1984 footage of a UFO from the Hudson Valley UFO flap is also interesting to watch. Whatever is in the video is an apparently solid object. There's no way it's a group of wacky microlight pilots as debunkers still claim...

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
For me it's the Rendlesham/Bentwaters incident in 1980. I still haven't seen a satisfactory answer for what they experienced over the 3 nights. The Lighthouse excuse was pathetic.
Best evidence for alien/advanced craft thus far IMHO.


I agree.....

Rendlesham is compelling.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
Colares 1977 and Project Prato.
The weight of evidence (photos, video, official reports, eye-witnesses and victims) from these incidents doesn't support a conventional explanation. I've considered a CIA exercise in mass hysteria, but the military investigators' reports seem to rule out conventional aircraft.


I agree.....

Colares was a bizarre, large scale event that it is very difficult to explain away in prosaic terms.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Jul, 11 2010 @ 06:14 AM
My way of thinking?

To say that the only life is here on earth is like saying that the only place of life on earth is in my city.

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